Godsend Field

Chapter 261

Chapter 261
Roland took the dustpan and walked towards the stables. The old butler looked at Roland's back and sighed sadly.I have worked hard all my life, and I am old enough to be a child. I put all my thoughts on Roland, and watched him grow from being an accompanying student to the chief of the seat.The head of the fire department personally accepted his apprentice, and was finally appointed by the saint as his successor, respected by others.But now. . .Why! !
"Clang!" The door of the stable was kicked open, and Duke Maxtor walked in quickly with a gloomy expression.

"My lord!" The old butler hurriedly stood up and walked forward to salute. Roland also came out of the stable.

Duke Meister hurriedly lifted the old butler's arms, "Get up, old butler, you have really worked hard during my absence, and it's all my fault."

"My lord, don't say that, we deserve it, don't blame your lord!" The old housekeeper was flattered.

Roland put down the dustpan and walked up to him, "My lord, Godsend, why are you here?"

Tianci showed anger on his face. Looking at Roland's outfit, he didn't even have a decent dress, and he didn't know where the interspatial ring in his hand went. He gritted his teeth, "Master Duke, is this how you treat Roland? ?”

Duke Maxtor was furious in his heart, and sat on the pier while holding the old butler's arm.

"Master Godsend, you can't blame the Duke for these things. The Duke has not come out of the other courtyard for a few months, and the Duke has also specifically ordered me to take care of the old housekeeper and Roland, but..." Mu Stone quickly explained.

"But what? Even if Roland is no longer the successor, he is still my friend. How you treat him is how you treat me!" Tianci couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and was about to explode.

"Tianci, this has nothing to do with the Duke, and the Duke doesn't even know about it when I come back from the academy!" Roland pulled Tianci.

"Muston, tell me, what's going on? If you hide anything, I won't break your leg!" Duke Meister said angrily.

Mustong panicked, knelt down, and lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

"Patriarch, you don't have to kill the chicken to show the monkey. This matter is decided by us. If there is any punishment, you can come to us!" Four elders walked out.

One of them took a step forward, "Patriarch, Roland flinched before the battle, like a deserter. It would only be a shame for us to keep such a person in our Maxtor family. We didn't drive their father and son out, it was already in the past." Therefore, the few of us didn't think there was anything wrong with handling it like this!"

Duke Meister walked up to the elder, staring coldly at him, "All elders are my seniors, and you have seen a wider world than I do. Our Meister family started with business and is based on officials. A businessman is always humble and kind, and an official is magnanimous. Not to mention that the old butler has worked hard in the family for decades, but that Roland grew up under everyone's noses, how can you bear to do this?"

The faces of the four elders were very long.

The other elders around started talking in low voices.

"Patriarch!" At this moment, an elder stood up. "Our elders have been away for a long time. Although we have no relationship with Roland, to be fair, we all think that the four elders did the right thing!"

"Yes, we have also heard all kinds of unfavorable remarks in other places. Roland's behavior can be said to be condemned by thousands of people, and women and children are unremitting. This kind of behavior is simply a deserter, regardless of the interests of the empire, so that the saint does not care about his age. You have to continue to practice in closed doors. The four elders just demoted him to the stables, but didn't throw him out of the house, it's already done his utmost benevolence!"

"I have stayed in the fief for a long time, and the people around me used to admire us, but after this incident, they disdain us, and the people in the family are also very depressed!"

"Many chambers of commerce have already made trouble with Roland, saying that our Mesto Chamber of Commerce condoned deserters, and even said that we instructed them to encourage not to shop in our chamber of commerce. It has already caused a lot of impact!"

. . . . . .

Roland was ashamed, and the old butler was also ashamed.

Duke Meister and Tianci suppressed their anger and listened to the elders complaining one by one.

"Patriarch, apart from trying to find a way to restore your position, we have another thing to do in this gathering, which is to hope that our Meister family can draw a line with Roland and minimize our losses!" The elders said in unison. Said.

Duke Maxtor laughed back in anger, "Hahaha, it is said that businessmen love gold and whores love beauty. You really opened my eyes!"

The faces of all the elders turned purple immediately. Although there were many conflicts with the patriarch in the past, Duke Meister always negotiated patiently.It was the first time to swear. . .

Even Tianci was dumbfounded now.

"Your Excellency, what the elders said is not unreasonable. It is true that my son has dragged down the family, and we have brought losses to the family. I will leave with Roland! We can no longer bring disaster to the family." The old butler He knelt on the ground and said in shame.Roland hurried to help the old butler, but was forced to kneel down by the old butler.

"Nonsense! As long as I'm still the patriarch, I can't do such a ruthless thing!"

"My lord, I caused everything, I will leave!" Roland said.

"Roland, you..." Tianci couldn't help it.

"Heavenly gift!" Roland shook his head, "Isn't everything we expected today? These are what I should bear, so you don't need to persuade me anymore!"

"No!" Duke Meister was extremely firm.

"Patriarch, since Roland said so, we think it's a good idea. The old butler is old, and he has done his best for our Meister family. Let's agree with him to stay! As for Roland , must not stay in the family anymore!" said an elder.

Roland laughed at himself, "Thank you elder for your tolerance!"

Duke Meister was also a little hesitant.

"Roland, why don't you go to my Marquis's mansion. I'm living in my grandfather's house now, and the Marquis's mansion is always vacant. You might as well go and take care of it for me," Tianci suggested.

All the elders looked even more ugly.

"Heavenly gift, I think I don't want it anymore! I am notorious now, and if I live with you, it may cause unnecessary trouble for you!" Roland said.

"Hmph, is my trouble less? Besides, you also need a quiet place. When the time comes, I'll send a thousand guards to guard the Marquis's mansion. I'll see who dares to make trouble!" Tianci said fiercely.

Since these days, the mercenary union has not dared to compete with itself openly, but it has sent a large number of people to monitor its every move every day.It's ridiculous that they think it's perfect, but Tianci, who has divine consciousness, knows it clearly. If it wasn't for avoiding less things, Tianci would have taken action long ago.

Tianci's few words were like a loud slap in the face of the elders of the Meister family.But what can I do?Tianci is now the governor of the provinces of the empire. It is very important at this moment, and with the support of Duke Kate behind him, even if he does something, who would dare to say anything?But the Meister family is different. Now they have no official position and are just businessmen. Businessmen have a lot of status in the mainland, but at the same time they have the least status.

"Big Brother, Big Brother!!" A crisp voice came from outside.

Adela ran in in a hurry, still wearing the strong suit from the competition, with her hair tied back.

"Why are you back? Muston, is it the eldest lady you went to inform!" Duke Meister asked.

Muston lowered his head, looking at the elders and Roland.Miss Adela didn't know what kind of stimulation she had received these months. She had been practicing so hard that she didn't even return to the Duke's mansion. She didn't know the treatment Roland received here.Just taking advantage of this occasion when the elders gathered to question the Duke, the eldest lady was notified, so that Roland could also be helped.

Looking at Roland dressed as a servant next to the old butler kneeling on the ground, and the elders who were complaining and whining, Adela immediately understood.

"Old butler, get up quickly!" Adela helped the old butler stand up, and kicked Roland with his heel, "You don't want to get up soon, do you want me to fuck you?"

Roland stood up quickly as if he had received a pardon from heaven.

"Elders, you are really judging the situation. Why didn't you draw a clear line when Roland was the heir of the saint before, but now you say that you are not afraid that others will say that you are perfunctory and ruthless?" Adela Pointing at the elders, he said angrily.

"Hmph, what do you know, girl! It's because he was the successor of the saint before that our family has been implicated by him until today. Go and check the family accounts, how much has dropped in the past few months!"

"If you are not in charge, you don't know the price of Chai Migui. You spend a lot of time stretching out your hands and opening your mouth. How do you know the hard work of our family elders! How can you blame us here!"

"Wanting knives and guns all day long, find someone to marry as soon as possible!"

The elders' faces became even more ugly, and they poured their anger on Adela's head.

"You..." Adela was speechless angrily.

"Adela, here are all seniors, don't be disrespectful if you work hard for the family!" Duke Mesto reprimanded, holding Adela behind to protect him.

Duke Meister faced all the elders alone, and no one backed down.

Tianci couldn't stand it anymore, and walked to the middle, "Brother Mesto, elders, can you allow me a word?"

The elders dare not be disrespectful to Tianci, especially at this juncture.

"Since everything comes from Roland, and Roland is going to leave with me again, you don't have to quarrel. Now that the Masto Chamber of Commerce is facing a severe situation, the Chamber of Commerce must take this opportunity to weaken you. So you We should work together and discuss how to deal with foreign enemies with Lord Meister, instead of arguing here!"

"Well, what Lord Marquis said is true!"

"Yes, we should unite!"

Tianci nodded, "Isn't that all right, then you can continue to discuss it now, and we will leave! Roland, let's go!"

Roland looked at the old butler.

"Roland, the old butler is getting old, so it's better not to go out! I've been recuperating in another courtyard recently, and the people who serve me are very dissatisfied. Why don't I let the old butler go to another courtyard for training!" Duke Meister said.

Roland looked gratefully at Duke Meister, "Thank you, my lord!"

"Brother, I'll go see his place too, and I'll talk to you when I get back!" Adela said.

"Go, Muston, send me Godsend and Roland!"

"Muston, you'd better stay with elder brother, I'll take them out!" Adela said and walked ahead.After saluting farewell to everyone, Tianci walked out of the Duke's mansion.

Walking on the road, Adela said "God-sent, thank you!"

"Hehe, why are you thanking me for helping my brother, he is not you..." Tianci suddenly felt a murderous aura about to arise, "Hehe, you're welcome, you're welcome!!"

Back in the attic of the other courtyard, Duke Meister sat down, "Muston, how is the situation of the chamber of commerce in the past few months? Has it really fallen so badly?"

"My lord, the chamber of commerce has indeed declined these months, reaching... [-]%!"

Thirty percent!For a large chamber of commerce, especially the top chamber of commerce in the empire, even a drop of [-]% is a big deal, let alone [-]%.No wonder those elders are so heartless.

"Is there any more bad news?"

"My lord, apart from our performance, the reputation of our Master has also been hit like never before. Also, the chamber of commerce below us seems to be a little disturbed, and they have reacted many times."

Duke Maxtor nodded, with a heavy heart, "Muston, what do you think?"

"My lord, at that time the elders drove Roland and his son to the stables, and they had already spread the word through various channels, but they did not receive any effect, and they were still declining. So I personally think that this may not be a good way. In these years The connection between Roland and our Meister family has long been deeply ingrained in people's hearts, and it cannot be eliminated by a stable, so we have to think of other ways, maybe we should be more thorough to achieve results... "

"Muston, go and do something for me! Spread the word about today's events through all channels. The main tone is that a few elders panicked and drew a line with Roland, and as the patriarch, I still have most of the elders They all strongly oppose it. At the same time, I have kept the old housekeeper by my side to take care of them. In addition, I solemnly announce to the outside world that Roland is an indispensable member of our Maxtor family. Whether it was the present or the future, embarrassing Roland is embarrassing us The Meister Family!"

Mustong was taken aback, "My lord, I'm afraid... think twice!"

"Short-sightedness!" Duke Meister reprimanded, "First, we must not offend the Marquis of Heaven, and we must not leave even the slightest annoyance. Second, in people's minds, businessmen are profit-seeking and mercenary. Roland, it may cause some losses in the short term, but after a while, people will think that our Masto Chamber of Commerce is friendly and righteous when their resentment subsides. Both individuals and chambers of commerce will trust us more, so in a century, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages The most important point is that I never believe that anything will appear for no reason, and I don't believe that anything will disappear for no reason! There must be some secret in it! That's why I will keep the old housekeeper. As long as I keep the old housekeeper, I will Keep Roland!"

There is another mansion on the side of Duke Kate's mansion. Although it is not as good as the Duke's mansion, it is considered luxurious compared to others.At the main entrance of the mansion, there are quite a few personal guards guarding it, all of them in high spirits, and a plaque 'Marquis' Mansion' hangs above the lintel of the main entrance.

"Roland, you can practice here with peace of mind from now on!" Tianci pointed to a quiet courtyard nearby.Although the place is a bit remote, it is better than quiet.

Roland smiled wryly, "Now I'm really a street rat and everyone is shouting and beating me. I heard that even the students of the Fire Department of the Imperial College can't hold their heads up now, and people who condemn me can be seen everywhere in the Empire!"

"That's because they don't understand you!" Adela persuaded, "If I see it again, I'll see if I won't slap their mouths in the wrong direction!"

Tianci couldn't help laughing, "Adela, you are still... I heard that you are very powerful in the college now. You have a small battle in three days, and a big battle in five days. You are so busy!"

Adela held her head high and looked heroic, "Why are you going to the academy? I heard from Lier that you haven't seen her for two or three months. She is recovering now, and you don't even look at her." Go and see, what kind of fiance is he! When the time comes, marrying a pig or a dog is better than marrying you!"

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

Gru and Chen Wu ran in, "My lord, why are you coming to our place when you have time, and aren't you going back to the Duke's mansion? It's useless for us to wait for a long time!"

Both Gru and Chenwu knew Roland and had heard about the recent events. Because Roland had an unusual relationship with Tianci, they didn't feel any disgust.

Tianci introduced Adela.

Both Adela and Chen Wu are bold women with similar grudges, and soon they had a common topic, and they found a spacious place to compete.

Adela uses a gun, and her moves are fierce and pressing everywhere, which is obviously a level higher than Chenwu.However, Chen Wu was not afraid of Adela's attack when she was wearing the Ice Dragon Soft Armor.

"My lord, Miss Adela's fighting spirit should have reached the peak of the fifth level! Chen Wu is not her opponent!" Gru looked at it for a while and said, "However, Chen Wu has rich combat experience, and Mr. Gauss usually guides us. , will not be defeated in a short time.”

"It's really a good thing to have Gauss give you advice, but you don't know it yet, Adela got my master's advice for a long time a few months ago, it's a long time! Longer than my father!"

Gru was startled, "No wonder, I think Miss Adela's marksmanship is similar to your boxing technique, my lord!"

"Really?" Tianci looked at their competition seriously.Chenwu uses a sword, Adela uses a gun, and the body of the gun is soft, and the long sword of Chenwu is stuck or pressed between the pricks and bullets. Although it is not very obvious, the effect is very prominent. It seems to be starting to get confused.

"It seems that the master taught Adela the essence of soft boxing, but I don't know how much she has mastered!" Tianci said with certainty.Through using the sword, Tianci understood that the so-called sword intent was just an extension of the fist intent, and there was nothing special about it.Since Adela can use spear intent, he naturally also has a little fist intent.

"Clang!" The spear and sword collided, and the flames splashed everywhere.

Chen Wu took a step back, gasping for breath, "I can't do it, I admit defeat!"

Adela was full of smiles, "Morning Mist has accepted!"

Before Tianci and others stepped forward to congratulate, Adela pointed at Gru, "I want to challenge you!"

Gru smiled, "No problem, but it's getting late today, we have to wait until tomorrow!"

"Cough! Cough!" Tianci coughed twice, "I said, little junior sister, since the ancestor taught you Rouquan, it means that he approves of you. The master taught me Rouquan for half a month at the beginning, it is impossible to do it in half a day. I will teach you everything inside, I guess he must have asked you to ask me if you don’t understand something before he left!”

Roland Gru was dumbfounded in the morning mist, and Godsend was so bold to provoke this outright tigress.You must know that Adela is greater than a gift from God.

Adela was even more angry.But this is also true, I did learn Rouquan, Tianci learned it earlier than myself. . .

The spear was pointed at Tianci, and Tianci looked confident and fearless, walking all over the world with reason, but unable to walk without reason.What I say is well-founded, what are you afraid of?
The spear disappeared out of thin air, and Adela turned to caressing the interspatial ring with a smile, "God sent you to be right, I did learn soft fist, and the Sword Emperor also said before leaving, if there is anything I don't understand, just ask you!"

God-given triumphant.

The three of Roland dropped their eyes.

"However, since the Sword Emperor personally taught me the Soft Fist, it is not an exaggeration for me to call him Master! And I remember that you seem to be called the Sword Emperor Shizu! Captain Chenwu, Captain Gelug, help me count! Now, according to seniority, what should you adults call me? Is Shigu right?"

Chen Wu and Gru remained silent, and Tianci was dumbfounded. . .Halo, I shot myself in the foot with a rock!
(End of this chapter)

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