Godsend Field

Chapter 262 Use

Chapter 262 Use
We had dinner together, because it was getting late, so Adela stayed in the Marquis's mansion.

"Adela, in fact, you can usually stay in our Marquis's mansion, so you can ask our lord for advice at any time!" Chen Wu suggested on the table.

"It also makes sense. Since the Sword Emperor taught me, I realized that there are such exquisite martial arts, and they seem to be very suitable for us female warriors. It's a pity that the Sword Emperor only taught me for an afternoon and asked me to learn from my nephew. Hey I have no choice but to ask without shame!" Adela sighed softly.

Tianci almost spit out the food in his mouth, he blamed himself for being too talkative, and wanted to take advantage of others, and now he was suppressed for a whole generation.Who told me that I can only be called Master Wei Keli but not Master!
After dinner, Tianci still had to go back to the Duke's mansion, and Gelu personally escorted Tianci.Originally, one only needed to open a door on the wall to reach the Duke's mansion, but Duke Kate insisted on objecting.First of all, this is a matter of official appearance, and secondly, if this is done, it is easy to misunderstand that the Marquis's Mansion is just a separate courtyard of the Duke's Mansion.

"Gru, how do you think about the things I mentioned last time?"

"My lord, I still think it's wrong. My current fighting spirit is really not worthy of a spiritual weapon, and I will be criticized by others. What's more, I am afraid that I will attract a lot of malicious people by then!"

Tianci nodded, "You're right! So you have to hurry up and practice, and reach the Great Sword Master as soon as possible, so that you can use the spirit sword in a legitimate way!" Tianci said, flipping out the spirit sword Heyan and handing it to Gru." You take this first, put it in your place to stimulate you!"

Gru quickly backed off, "My lord, you can use a sword now, so it's better if you use it!"

"A spirit weapon that doesn't match battle qi is a waste! If I really use it, it won't be a spirit weapon anymore, not to mention that I have a long sword that suits me better!" Tianci said, flipping his hand and taking it out on the Xilan Mountain Peak. Master Finchlan made it for himself, and Master Degar carved it for himself. The long sword of mist stone.

"My lord, your sword..." Gru couldn't help but said looking at the thick blade.

"Stop the sword and become the weapon, the meaning of this sword!"

"Stop fighting for martial arts..." Gru murmured, and then took the spirit sword Heyan from Tianci, caressed it lovingly, and put it into the interspatial ring.

More than ten days have passed, and Roland is quite used to living in the Marquis's Mansion. Except for eating, he always stays alone in his yard.Moreover, Tianci specifically explained that no one is allowed to approach Roland's yard without his permission.

Back at the Duke's mansion that day, the lights in Duke Kate's study were still on, and there was an old figure printed on the window.Tianci pushed open the door and walked in, "Grandpa, Nero, you haven't rested yet!"

"Brother, I called you here so late because I have something to tell you!" Nero said, pushing the seat closer.

Tianci sat down, it was something important to ask him to come so late!

"Brother, news came from the palace this afternoon, His Majesty seems to have woken up!"

"Really? That's great!" Tianci suddenly stood up and said excitedly.

"However, brother, although His Majesty is awake, his spirit is very poor, and his body is still unable to move. At most, he listens, and even speaking is very difficult!" Nero said.

That's it!Tianci was a little disappointed, but it was better to wake up than to be in a coma.

"Brother, didn't the third prince and the eldest prince still compete for the command of the southeast province a few days ago? They entered and exited, and none of them took advantage of it. Now that His Majesty is awake, they are starting to worry again. , They even set their sights on our Ministry of Political Affairs."

"Ministry of Government Affairs?" Tianci frowned, and as expected, Chen Wu hit the spot again, "Grandpa, Nero, I remember that the eldest prince in the government affairs department has already taken four? They are going to fight again now, aren't they too anxious?" a little?"

"Hehe, brother, you don't understand now! Grandpa's government affairs department is divided into eight divisions. Officials Division, Criminal Law Division, National Rites Division, Civil Affairs Division, Engineering Division, History Studies Division, Supervision Division and Foreign Affairs Division. Last time The eldest prince suggested that the four departments of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Criminal Law, Department of Civil Affairs, and Department of Engineering have all been replaced by his own people. To be honest, the Division of Rites and the Division of History Studies do not have any substantive powers. But the Division of Officials and the Division of Supervision are very important, especially the Division of Officials, which controls the appointment and dismissal of government officials throughout the empire and the conferment of noble titles. The Division of Supervision supervises hundreds of Officials can impeach and remove officials to His Majesty."

Tianci nodded, he also knew these two positions.

"In the past, because these two officials had important responsibilities, and grandpa was in charge of them personally, they were not so courageous. Now that His Majesty's awakening has stimulated them a lot, so they have to aim at these two positions. I think they will tomorrow It is very possible to propose a proposal to replace the Lord Shang of these two divisions."

"No! They must not be replaced like this again!" Tianci said suddenly, his eyes full of anxiety, "Grandpa, the Bureau of Officials and the Department of Supervision have great responsibilities, and they are the two most important ministers in the empire. If these two ministers let them If you take what you are fighting for, it will inevitably cause panic and affect the stability of the empire. When the dean left, he told me that he must not let the empire be chaotic, so you have to stand up and stop them this time. !"

Duke Kate nodded and did not speak, even Nero remained silent.

"Grandpa, if they take these two Shangsi away again, they will really empty you out! Marshal Lankers is facing the eldest prince, and Saphiroth's time is still short. If you are taken away again, won't you be in the empire?" Will no one be able to stabilize the government?" Tianci said anxiously.

Duke Kate narrowed his eyes, "You're right! Why don't you go discuss politics with us tomorrow!"

Tianci nodded.

On the second day, there was indeed quite a commotion in the council hall.

First, a deputy director of a supervisory department impeached the official Si Shangsi for nepotism. He had accepted bribes and demanded severe punishment.The Department of Officials and Officials accused the Supervision Department of doing nothing on weekdays, and the supervision was not good.

Soon the sound of replacing Shang Si followed the wishes of the two princes in the government hall.But officials from both sides quarreled over the candidate.The majestic council hall is like a market.

"Regent, Assistant Regent!" Tianci stood up, and the voice of the quarrel immediately became much quieter.

"Marquis of Tianci, do you have something to say? Or do you want to propose a new candidate?" The eldest prince looked at Tianci with displeasure.

"Regent, I don't have any good candidates, but I just have something to say!" Tianci said loudly, "Now His Majesty is seriously ill, foreign enemies invaded and I was newly defeated, and the entire empire is in panic. As the capital, as the palace, I I think that the first thing we need to solve is the problem of people's hearts. And at this very time, everyone's eyes are on us, so we must be stable. As long as we stabilize the empire, we will be stable. Then go down. Therefore, my suggestion is to put aside all disputes for the time being, and don't change any Shangsi!"

The officials looked at each other and began to discuss in low voices.

"The words of the Marquis of Heaven are different!" The eldest prince stood up first, "This is not the first time that the French Empire has invaded our country. This prince has fought against the French Empire for more than ten years. I have never heard of people being panicked. ? You exaggerated!"

"Prince Regent, there is a time and a time. In the past, His Majesty was in charge, and the entire empire has great trust in His Majesty, and we have never failed in the past, allowing Fran to occupy the fortress and approach the gate of our country!" Tianci argued.

The eldest prince's face became more and more gloomy.Recently, there is a saying among the officials that in order to establish meritorious service as soon as possible, he gave the southeast governor Marquis Saint La and General Planck a death order to let them take the initiative to create meritorious deeds, only to be hit by the enemy The ambush caused heavy losses to the empire.Although the eldest prince knew in his heart who spread it, but now being touched by Tianci, it is like a thorn in his own scar.

"Brother, what the Marquis of Tianci said is also true!" The third prince said with a smile, "But Marquis of Tianci, I'm afraid you only know one thing and don't know the other. Now the people of the empire are indeed a little uneasy, and they all look at us, but because In this way, we need to use thunderous means to express our determination. Punishing unqualified officials is also responsible for the people of the world!"

"Mr. Fuzheng, even though that's the case, what we need now is stability! The Department of Officials and the Department of Supervision have important responsibilities, and they should not be changed easily!" Tianci was a little anxious.

"We do this for stability!"

Many of the officials in the hall are from the eldest prince and the third prince, so they naturally want to support their side.Many of the remaining neutrals were also silent. No one wanted to offend the two princes at this time. They are the future kings!
Tianci and the two princes took turns arguing.The two princes were eloquent, and Tianci soon felt that he was alone, and looked at the officials around him.The governor of the Northern Province, Marquis Bernard, who had always been neutral, also lowered his head at this time, and the rest of the governors looked at Tianci gloatingly.

Tianci turned his last hope to Duke Kate and Nero at the front. The two turned their backs to Tianci and looked forward.

"Okay! Marquis of Heaven, we have explained everything you said! After all, this matter is a matter for the Ministry of Government Affairs. We should listen to Lord Kate!" The eldest prince said impatiently.

Duke Kate stood up, "Since the regent and the regent rarely agree, I have no objection!"

"Om!!" Tianci's head froze.

"The Marquis of Tianci heard it, this matter is settled like this, let's continue to discuss the issue of candidates, you can sit back!" The eldest prince said, waving his hands.

"Regent, Assistant Regent, you have to be cautious, you should put the overall stability of the empire as the most important thing, instead of seeking your own personal gain and gathering power!" Tianci said angrily.

The officials were stunned and looked at Tianci in surprise.The two princes were even more ashamed and angry.

"Marquis of Heaven, we let you participate in the political discussion because of my father's face. Don't forget that you are not the governor of the Northwest Province yet!" The third prince said coldly.

You are not the governor yet. . .The meaning is clear and I can't understand it anymore!

"Good! Good! I understand!" Tianci laughed at himself, looked at the officials around him, and left angrily.

There was a silence in the council hall.

After walking out of the palace and getting into the carriage, Nero felt a little uneasy, "Grandpa, do you think we took advantage of brother?"

"Yes! We used him! If he doesn't fight hard, how can it appear that we are powerless? How can the eldest prince and the third prince fight and propose candidates without any scruples?"

Nero smiled helplessly, "Grandpa is right! But from today onwards, the eldest prince has an official official Shangsi, and the third prince has an additional inspector Shangsi. We are left with the most powerless National Rites Department and the History Department. Grandpa , you have been framed empty, and you have become a bare minister!"

"Are you afraid that you won't have branches if you have a trunk? You're afraid that you won't have leaves if you have branches without trunks!" Duke Kate sneered. "Have you remembered all the candidates they proposed today?"

"Remember! But Grandpa, if news of today's incident gets out, will it cause any turmoil to the court? Will the empire be in chaos?"

"Hey! In the eyes of others, the duke Mesto, who is silent, is gone. I, the neutral duke, are already toothless tigers, and the eldest prince and the third prince are more powerful. This matter will speed up those who are still on the sidelines. Officials and various forces make the final decision, and the empire has been divided into two levels since then! Turbulence is inevitable!"

Tianci angrily walked out of the Hall of Qinzheng, and within a few steps, he saw a servant, who was the one who brought him to Yuning Garden to meet His Majesty that day.Tianci hurried forward to say hello.

"Heaven-sent Marquis!" The servant hurriedly greeted him.

"Hehe, I don't know how His Majesty is doing now? I want to see His Majesty, but I don't know if I can?" Tianci asked directly.

"My lord, Your Majesty is currently recuperating in the Yu Ning Garden. The imperial doctor and the princes visit him every day. The situation is fine. It's just that the three princes are patrolling and guarding the outside of the Yu Ning Garden. Without the prince's warrant, you can't visit. Your Majesty!" replied the servant.

Tianci forced a smile, because of today's matter, the two princes would not allow him to see His Majesty, and he might not even have the chance to enter the palace to discuss politics in the future.If it was the past, Tianci might still feel very relaxed, but today he can't feel happy at all.What Dean Rafal told him will never be completed!

Arriving in the jungle in the attic of Dean Rafal, Tianci, through his divine sense, was delighted to see that Lier could stand up by herself, and walked slowly with one hand supporting Bai Ying.Qin'er sat in the back and had already entered a state of meditation.

Bai Ying, who was naturally keen, sensed the arrival of God's gift, and seemed extremely excited, and walked towards the woods a little impatiently.

"Shirai, Shirakage! Where are you going!" Lier was a little anxious and wanted to speed up her pace to keep up with Shirai.

Li'er staggered and was not yet familiar with fast walking, and Lier, who was unable to stand still, fell to the ground.

Tianci rushed out in a hurry and helped Lier up from the ground.

"Brother Tianci, it's you, you're finally willing to come and see me!" Lier suddenly couldn't help herself, and cried aggrievedly.

Tianci hugged Lier with both hands, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I should have come to see you earlier!"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er poked out her small head, and scratched Tianci desperately with her little paws. Tianci held Li'er in both hands and was unable to fight back, so he had to turn his head to avoid it.

Jumping from Tianci's shoulder to Li'er's arms, Yu'er showed off her figure.

"Oh, why is Yu'er so hungry..." Li'er wiped away her tears and hugged Yu'er heartbrokenly, "Brother Tianci, are you bullying Yu'er again?"

"How dare I, it's not that I bully it, it's that it's becoming more and more shameless now! You don't know that Yu'er is a picky eater now, and she doesn't like the food cooked at home anymore, so she insists on making trouble for it Xiao Zao. When mother got angry, she forced her to stay at home and lose weight, and she just came out today after serving her sentence!" Tianci said aggrievedly, recovering from the ear injury, "I have already said that those military achievements are only exempted from weight loss by me, but Mom is older than me, if she forces you to lose weight, I can't help it! Why don't you go to Mom and make some military achievements!"

Yu'er even stared at Li'er with big watery eyes, looking at Li'er with aggrieved eyes, Li'er's heart was about to break. . .

Tianci put Lier on the seat, Lier searched for a long time, took out a bag from the interspatial ring, opened it, and there were five purple gold coins in it, "I still have some purple gold coins here, I'll buy you something delicious later." !"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er happily swung her big tail, rubbed against Li'er affectionately, jumped and ran outside with a small cloth bag in her mouth.

Yu'er was already very popular in the college back then, and since the last time she went to Phoenix Restaurant with Qin'er's paperwork in her mouth, her reputation became even more famous, even the owner of the restaurant personally invited Yu'er to eat and drink well.Needless to say, this time with the purple gold coin in his mouth, Yajian must be serving him.

"I dare say the boss must know Yu'er's taste by now!" Tianci said with a smile, took out a small bag of purple gold coins from the interspatial ring and handed it to Li'er, "You take this first, you can buy some small things at ordinary times!"

"No, I don't usually use these!" Lier evaded.

"Why don't you use it? Purple gold coins are always required for eating and drinking!"

"It's really not necessary, my meals are all wrapped by Qin'er, they are so rich!"

Tianci was slightly stunned, and said with a smile, "Looks like Yu'er didn't eat enough for her last time, and there is even a purple gold coin treat!"

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about!" A sudden burst of cold air came from behind.

Tianci hurriedly turned around, only to see that Qin'er had come to her senses, came over and sat next to Lier, "Isn't it just a bag of purple gold coins, pushing and pushing, isn't it all a family, hypocrisy, hum!"

Li'er's face suddenly became hot, and she hurriedly put the bag away.

Tianci smiled and didn't say anything, "Li'er, you can go by yourself now, it seems that you will be back to normal soon!"

"Well, it's all thanks to Qin'er, she is the one who has been helping and encouraging me!" Li'er lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Of course Tianci knew, stood up and was about to thank Qin'er.

"You don't need to thank me, it's Li'er who wants to recover as soon as possible and find you every day, that's why she came so fast!" Qin'er said shyly.

Li'er was ashamed, she lowered her head, and Qianqian's fingers tugged at Qin'er's sleeves, "Where is it!"

"I said brat, did you come to me for something? Or something on your mind?" Qin'er asked suddenly.

Godsent was taken aback.

"There's no need to hide it. If you were fine, you would have jumped up and refuted it if I said so!"

Tianci sighed, "I have something on my mind. I didn't finish the matter that the dean entrusted to me before he left!"

"Your grandfather is also true, he is not..." Qin'er was annoyed for Tianci.

"Grandpa must have his own ideas for doing this. I don't blame him! I'm just angry that I can't stop it! You may not know it, but I heard that the officials are panicking now, and they are starting to look for forces to rely on. Even the daily political discussions There is a clear distinction, and when arguing about things, they always fight against each other, and they are simply wrong to people. I am worried in the long run!"

"What are you afraid of?"

"Internal friction! The decline of all empires began with internal friction!" Tianci stood up, pacing slowly, with a very heavy heart.

"Brother Tianci..." Lier hesitated timidly, and finally plucked up the courage, "Brother Tianci, you are no longer an official, so... so don't do anything wrong with the two princes again, I am afraid that if they continue to bit..."

Qin'er patted Li'er, with a look of disappointment, "Li'er, what are you afraid of, you forgot who your godfather is, but the protector of your empire! As long as you marry the brat, see if that prince dares to marry you!" Move him!"

Looking up to the sky and sighing, Tianci became even more worried, "Married? Then I have to catch up with you first!"

(End of this chapter)

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