Godsend Field

Chapter 263 Birthday Banquet

Chapter 263 Birthday Banquet
He does not mean that!
An unintentional remark sent by God shook the hearts of the two girls. . .Qin'er was even more ashamed, and said in a low voice, "That's what Grandpa did, and I didn't want it..."

"Qin'er, do you still have the pill you refined last time? Can you give me a small one!" Tianci asked.

"There are small ones, but what are you going to do?" Qin'er asked.

"I want to give it to His Majesty!"

Qin'er shook her head, "I'm afraid I can't do what you want! You have to know that the Mother Earth Tree represents vitality. If His Majesty is healthy, but he is only injured and his life is dying, then the Mother Earth Tree can save him, but His Majesty's body has long since been worn down. , the vitality is like a candle in the wind, not to mention that this time it was not caused by an injury, so the Mother Earth Tree has no effect on him at all!"

Godsend was disappointed, the Mother Earth Tree could only restore vitality, but not increase it. . .Is there really no other way?
"Li'er, Qin'er, Lan Xi'er's father's birthday will be in two days, let's go together then!"

"No, you have to go by yourself, I won't go anyway!" Qin'er pouted.

Qin'er and Lan Xi'er are well-known enemies in the college, but Li'er and Lan Xi'er still have a three-point friendship, and in Imperial College, Lan Xi'er and Tianci have successively served as chiefs, so they should go there no matter what. .

"Li'er, I'll lend you my Yun Jinxiu dress, you must compare it to Lan Xi'er!" Qin'er said fiercely.

Lil smiled.

"It doesn't matter, this time Lan Xi'er won't be the main character. And if Li'er wears brocade, she'll probably overwhelm the host!" Tianci persuaded.If that's the case, Lan Xi'er won't be mad at her.

The Lazio Chamber of Commerce, the first-class Chamber of Commerce in the Welsh Empire, and the distribution of shops in the goods field are extremely extensive.Although it is not as powerful as the three major chambers of commerce in the empire, it is still ranked among the top in the empire.

The president of Lazio turns sixty today, which is the age of forty.

In a luxurious mansion located in the middle of the empire, everyone was dressed in red and green, and the sound of crackling bamboo rang out from time to time.There are two long tables on both sides of the door, covered with red cloth and filled with cakes with the character of longevity, all civilians passing by can take them and taste them at will.These cakes are specially ordered from the big restaurant, and they are all the best cakes, which are rarely eaten by ordinary people.

At this time, a large group of children had already arrived at the door, scrambling to eat pastries, adding a lot of joy in front of the mansion.

Luxurious carriages pass through the square parked in front of the gate from time to time, and a wealthy noble and wealthy businessman walks out of the carriage, dressed in bright clothes and walking steadily towards the gate.

"Inheim will grow up!!" The waiter at the door shouted loudly.Immediately, a young man in a red robe walked out quickly.

"With Uncle Haim's visit, we are really flourishing!"

President Inheim laughed, "Don't say that, Lange, we are old friends. Your father and I have been together since we were young. Even if you don't invite me, I have to come by myself!" The waiter next to him lowered his head and served a Gift box "Langer, this is a little bit of my heart!"

Lange took it personally with a smile, "Uncle Inheim please come inside, my father is waiting for you!"

President Inheim stretched out his hand and pulled Lange into the room together.

"Guild Dunlingde has arrived!!" The waiter at the door shouted again.

Lange stopped in his tracks, "Uncle Inheim, please come inside, I have to go out for a while!"

"Hehe, I called your family when I was young, and I can find the door with my eyes closed. I don't need you to lead the way! Go and greet other people!"

Lange saluted and ran out the door again.The waiter next to him couldn't help sighing, the majestic young master of the Lazio Chamber of Commerce is now like a servant, running back and forth many times.

"Karan will grow up!!"

. . . . . .

The open space in front of the Lazio Chamber of Commerce mansion was full of carriages at this time, leaving only a passage leading to the roads on both sides.At this time, a carriage appeared from both sides at the same time.One of them was embroidered with the Seat Chamber of Commerce logo, and the other was very strange, without any logo, but a small flag was floating in front of the car, with a strange pattern embroidered on it, looking from a distance like a fox paw print embroidered with gold .

The two carriages stopped at the door almost at the same time, the curtains of the carriages opened, and they got off.

"Seat Chamber of Commerce Mann, Master Mande is here!!"

"God-sent Marquis, Miss Lier is here!!"

The waiter shouted in a hoarse voice, his face distorted.Two figures hurried out from the door.

"Hmph! You can come too!" Mann looked at Tianci, his eyes were red.Since I was defeated by Godsend in Duke Kate’s Mansion last time, almost everyone in the capital knew in less than a day that a fourth-level fighting spirit was defeated by a mediocre person. People now disdain themselves.

The shame of being a warrior!It is also a stain that Mann will never wash away in his life!
Compared with Mann, Tianci became famous because of this!
Li'er hugged Yu'er and gently pulled Tianci, let's go in as soon as possible!

"Cousin, Lil!" Mande also held Mann and greeted him politely.

"What are you yelling about! What cousin, he is no longer a member of the Kate family. I don't know if the bastards there gave birth to the bastard, even the blood is low!" Mann roared and reprimanded Mande.

Mander lowered his head and remained silent.



In the past, Tianci didn't know who his biological parents were, so he could tolerate it in his heart, but after falling down Xilan Mountain and seeing his father with his own eyes, he could no longer tolerate it.My father is kind and has saved me twice. My father first scattered the clear stream that I had condensed in my life so that I could manipulate it, and finally gave it to myself selflessly.Father once owned a domain, he must be the peak of human beings, admired by the world. . .

What's more important is the last sentence that the father said, "Son, mom and dad——love you!"

Tianci was furious and stretched out his right hand.All the leaves around trembled and swayed at the same time, as if they were about to fall off in the next moment.As long as he clenches his fist, Mann can disappear on the mainland immediately, and there is still no bones left.

"When my sister got married and had Mann, she treated Mann as everything to her. The same cover-up and indulgence will become the Mann of today over time. Therefore, Godsend, no matter how wrong Mann is, don't hurt him unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Jane's pleading words and sentimental expression came to Tianci's mind.

Putting down his arms, Tianci glared at Mann, and said very coldly, "Mann, it may take a little longer for me to kill you that day. Time has passed, and today I want to kill you, which is easier than trampling an ant to death. Remember, My god-given parents are not something you can casually insult!"

Mann and Mande felt chills at the same time, and an indescribable fear in their hearts spread throughout their bodies.

"You two young masters, you are here!" Lange walked out of the gate and greeted him.

"Li'er, Tianci, you are finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Lan Xi'er ran out laughing.

The two brothers and sisters stood between Tianci and Mann in a tacit understanding, blocking the sight of the two looking at each other.

"Langer, why did they come!" Mann roared angrily.

"Aren't they my guests?" Lan Xi'er turned around and replied.

Lange accompanied the smiling face, "My father is celebrating his birthday. We children all have friends to congratulate them. These were invited by Xi'er, and there is nothing I can do. Let's invite you two young masters, my father is still waiting for you! "

Mann was half pulled and half dragged by Lange and Mande into the gate.

"Lan Xi'er, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Li'er grinned and took out a brocade box. "This is a gift from God and me. I wish uncle good health and the Lazio family will prosper!"

Lan Xi'er happily took the gift box, "Let's go inside, you guys are the last ones, they've come a long time ago!"

"They?" Tianci asked strangely.

"Of course, all the seats of our original fire department have arrived!" Lan Xi'er reached out and pulled Li'er towards the inside.

The hall was already full of people, and the noise was very lively one after another.

Sitting in the middle are old friends and merchants of the Lazio Chamber of Commerce or famous and promising people in the capital, including some officials and noble families.On both sides are Lange, Lan Xier, friends of other children, and some family relatives.Manen Mande naturally sat in the middle and front, and Tianci followed Lan Xier to the side and back.

Lan Xier's friends are all at the back, there are not many people, more than a dozen, Tianci and Li'er know each other, and they are all the seats of the fire department in the past.Now that everyone has entered the academy, they usually study and practice together.

Ayaka apparently became the new leader and led everyone to stand up to welcome Tianci and Lier.Powan, Huff, Tukas, Jobin, and Sheila were all smiling, and Julia came up and sat down with Lil's arm.

"Hey! If Roland can come, then our ten seats from that year will be gathered!" Ayaka said regretfully.Everyone also put away their smiles. At the beginning, Roland also gave advice to people like himself, and he was also a teacher and a friend.If it was the past, Roland would definitely be invited and be the guest of honor, but now. . .I'm afraid I'm afraid I won't be able to avoid it, so I dare to invite it!

"Godsend, we heard that Roland is now in your mansion. Anyway, we will be very late today. Why don't we go to your mansion at night and see Roland, what do you think?" Ayaka suddenly suggested to.

"Yeah! We all want to see Roland too!" Everyone immediately agreed.

"No problem, we will go together when the time comes!" Tianci said with a smile, "But Roland is not as miserable as you think. Now that he has Adela taking care of him every day, he has long been reluctant to leave!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Roland is not the kind of person you said! If you talk nonsense again, I won't tear your mouth!" Lan Xi'er said angrily, with her hands on her hips.

Tianci stuck out his tongue at Lier, and Lier immediately pulled Lan Xier to sit down.

Lazio deserves to be a big chamber of commerce, and the patriarch's birthday banquet was really luxurious and lively, whether it was singing and dancing or snacks and drinks, it was the best choice in the capital.The entire cuisine is a signature specialty dish carefully selected from each inn restaurant.

In the middle of the birthday banquet, the waiter suddenly shouted loudly, "Gongfu Zheng, the third prince has arrived!!"

Everyone immediately stopped the tableware in their hands and stood up.The fact that the third prince could come in person would give the Lazio Chamber of Commerce great face.

"Hahaha, President, I'm late, so please don't take offense!" The third prince strode in with a proud expression on his face.

Everyone saluted the third prince, and the president of Lazio even hurriedly ran down from his seat, "Prince Counselor, you have a lot of business to do every day, and it is already a great honor for me to take time out to come to my place. I am really flattered. Hurry up!" Please, please!"

The third prince pushed the hand, "President, you are welcome. I just came out of the palace, and now I have to catch up with another matter, but you have to come to the birthday banquet, so I had to show up halfway!"

With a wave of his hand, the waiter presented the third prince with a congratulatory gift.The president of Lazio personally took over.

The third prince toasted the president with a glass of wine, glanced at Mann, and then left.

The birthday banquet returned to normal excitement.

The people who were full of wine and food began to dance in front of the middle.There were quite a few young men and women who came this time, and a beautiful scenery lit up in the middle.The people in the seats of the fire department also went to dance one after another. Lier's legs had just recovered and she was not good at dancing. Tianci sat quietly with Lier, and Yu'er continued her great career.

"Brother Tianci, I want to ask you a question..." Lier suddenly whispered.

"Okay, you can ask!" Tianci indifferently grabbed a pork belly stew from Yu'er's claws and stuffed it into his mouth, which made Yu'er very dissatisfied.

"You... What do you think of Qin'er...?" Li'er lowered her head and her voice was almost inaudible.

"Qin'er, she has too much temper, especially the temper of the eldest lady. She is also more self-willed! And I feel that she is a little narrow-minded and always fights against me. By the way, she is also relatively stupid, and every time she fights against me When I was young, I even forgot basic common sense!" Tianci said without thinking.

"No, it's not like this!" Lier looked up at Tianci and said anxiously.

"Hehe, but, she is quite a good person, at least she will not bully others. Moreover, she can allocate her own purple gold coins to take care of poor students. Regardless of her motives, I still approve of this behavior. In fact, the people who came into contact with her It took a long time before I discovered her..." Tianci recalled the scars on Qin'er's white hands back then, especially the scar in the middle, which was the hands of a young lady who had never touched her hands since she was a child.Tianci couldn't help feeling sad, "She's very strong, very good, very good!"


Yu'er jumped in front of Tianci and pointed to the dining table in the middle.

"Brother Tianci, what's wrong with Yu'er?"

"It wants to eat on the table over there!" Tianci said helplessly.The young people sitting on both sides, especially my side, are all from the academy, and few of them are from prominent backgrounds. Naturally, this kind of banquet is rarely eaten, so the food on the table is naturally clean.The people in the middle over there are either rich or expensive, this kind of feast is nothing to them, and they are more chatting and drinking, many dishes are just a taste, most of the delicacies have not been touched.

"Hee hee, I'll go talk to Lan Xi'er and get some more for Yu'er, but you must not go there!" Li'er hugged Yu'er.This kind of scene, it's all right in my corner, if it's in the middle, don't lose all the face of the host family.

Tianci nodded, "Alright! But Yu'er reminded me of another thing!"

Tianci looked at the empty dining table in the middle, and the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up.

Go out from the banquet living room, pass through the courtyard wall, and bypass a small quiet attic in the garden. It is two stories high and has a magic lamp on it.

More than 30 presidents were sitting around, and Mann stood in the middle, "Presidents, everyone knows that my father has not returned. Everyone is here today. I want to tell you one thing. I hope everyone can prepare in advance. stand up."

"What is it?" Lazio President asked first.

"Hehe, it's really nothing, I just hope that everyone can prepare some purple gold coins at home and wait for them to be used at any time!" Mann said.

"Prepare purple gold coins? How many do you need?" the presidents asked in unison.

"This is optional. We SEAT have prepared 500 million purple gold coins!"

"500 million!!!" the presidents exclaimed.Seat is 500 million. Although these chambers of commerce are not as good as the Seat Chamber of Commerce, they are not a small number in proportion.

"Mann, what are we going to do to prepare so many purple gold coins?" the guild leaders couldn't help asking.

Mann looked around at the presidents, "To tell you the truth, I don't know either! Why do you need to prepare? It was explained by the third prince. As for what to do, I don't think you should ask, and even if you ask, I don't know." .”

Everyone was stunned. It's not that these millions of purple gold coins can't be taken out, but once they are taken out, the chamber of commerce will probably be exhausted.In case these purple gold coins hit the water scoop, his own chamber of commerce will also decline.

"Mann, you are also a businessman, and you should also know how important liquid purple gold coins are. Your Seat family has a big business, and it may not matter if you take out 500 million, but for us, even if you take out two or three million purple gold coins, if you give out some What's wrong with it, we're about to fail!"


"Presidents, please listen to me!" Mann stopped the chattering of the presidents in time.

"Presidents, I'm afraid you've all heard about the affairs of the court. Mesto has been punished by officials, and even my grandfather has been dismissed. The current situation can be said to be clear. We and the eldest prince were not killed by you. It’s just that I have no other way to live. You are all members of the Chamber of Commerce, so naturally you are also members of the Third Prince. If the Third Prince succeeds in the future, are you still afraid that the Chamber of Commerce will collapse? To put it bluntly, even if it collapses now , in a few years, the third prince will be able to help you up!"

Everyone was silent.

"I know, now that you see that the eldest prince is getting more and more powerful, you are afraid and regret it, right? Let me tell you, our Seat has already bet all our property on the third prince. Now it seems that the chance of the third prince is small , but don’t forget that the higher the risk, the higher the reward!”

All the presidents looked at each other, but still couldn't let go of their hearts.

"Guild leaders, since you are so worried, I might as well tell you all about it. The third prince has said that once the time comes, it will be easy to bring down the eldest prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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