Godsend Field

Chapter 264 The Night Visit

Chapter 264 The Night Visit
Lying on the bed, Tianci couldn't calm down for a long time, and a feeling of uneasiness was always lingering in his heart.

The eldest prince can be pulled down with a backhand. Why are the three princes so confident?Or those purple gold coins, no less than 3000 million purple gold coins were raised. . .

The next day, Duke Kate and Nero went out early, and Tianci came to the Marquis's mansion, and now even the morning fog was a little confused. "My lord, now the eldest prince controls most of the government and military departments. The other departments are basically doing what the Elder Prince wants, if there are no major mistakes, I don't think even His Majesty has any reason to abolish the Eldest Prince, so why does the Third Prince say so?"

"I just couldn't figure it out, so I asked you to discuss it! But what if the eldest prince makes a serious mistake?" Tianci asked

"What went wrong? What could go wrong?" Chen Wu paced back and forth in the hall.

"It seems that you can't figure it out either. It would be great if His Majesty was here. Knowing a son is like a father, not to mention His Majesty is still so wise and wise!" Tianci sighed softly. It seems that the third prince must be setting up something to wait for the eldest prince to enter. Well, once something happens to the eldest prince, it will inevitably cause turmoil in the ruling and opposition parties.

But that was just a hypothesis, Tianci walked out of the living room helplessly and looked at the front lawn.

On the lawn, Roland sat cross-legged on the ground with all the fire-type seats, just like in the college villa, Roland sat in the middle and explained the fire-type magic to everyone.Although Roland's affinity talent has completely disappeared, it is impossible to eliminate the existing experience and perception.

Except for Ayaka and Lan Xier who are great magicians, everyone else here has been at the peak of the fourth level for a while, and these people are all talented people selected from the whole empire. Heart of Flame is what happened in these years.

"Okay, I've said everything I can say!" Roland stood up, and took out a small notebook from the interspatial ring, "These are all what I was taught by Pavel in Genoa, except for magic. In addition to the application, there are many special trainings for you to comprehend the esoteric meaning. In fact, you can feel it when you reach the sixth level, but you can try it in advance, it should not be harmful to you! I discredited the fire element, and we Whether the fire element can return to glory depends on you!"

Lan Xi'er took the small book, "Don't say that, others don't understand your nonsense, but we all know you very well, and we know what you must have in mind!"

All the seats nodded. They really have nothing to say about Roland.

"Hehe, after you return to the academy, you can take the time to organize those third-level magicians to come to your villa to listen to lectures, just like we did before. Don't think that this will waste your time, it will actually deepen your understanding of magic. , and you will discover many things that you have never noticed before," Roland said.

"Not only that, but it can also improve the overall strength of the fire department!" Tianci stepped forward and interjected, "Roland, you really think about the leader of the Weiss department. Don't you blame him for scolding you that day?"

"Calling me can only show that Master cares about me. How dare I hold grudges? Hehe, Godsend, do you still remember how the teacher treated you?" Roland laughed.

Tianci curled his lips, "Fend for itself..."

When Lan Xi'er and the others returned to the academy, Roland returned to his attic to continue training.

Tianci walked back to her study, Lier was worried that Qiner would be alone, so she followed everyone back to Imperial College.

"My lord, what are you looking at?" Gru and Chen Wu walked in.

"I found the topographic map of the palace from my grandfather's study yesterday!"

"Topographic map, my lord, what do you want to do?" Chen Wu was surprised.

Tianci looked at the two of them, smiled slightly, and continued to look down at the map.The densely packed various palaces and gardens on the map, as well as the time of various patrol routes, Godsend memorized them one by one in my heart.

"My lord, are you sure?" Chen Wu asked worriedly.

"There should be no problem. You don't have to worry so much. Even if they are found out, I believe they will not do anything to me! And I am very worried about this matter. If I don't figure it out, I will be uneasy. Dean Rafal I can’t disturb the retreat, and my grandfather’s current condition is not good, so I want to ask His Majesty. What’s more, I also want to visit His Majesty! But don’t tell anyone about this. Chen Wu, you go and tell my mother Just say that I won't go back today!"

As night fell, Tianci took Yu'er out of the gate and disappeared into the darkness not long after.

The guard of the palace is extremely strict. Tianci remembered that Yuning Garden should be at the back of the palace, surrounding the back of the palace from the outside.The patrolling Imperial Guards had a total of eight strongholds around the palace, and they would send out a team to patrol every half an hour. The entire patrol process lasted more than half an hour, and there were only nearly a hundred breaths in between when no one was there.

Tianci took advantage of the patrolling Imperial Guards to approach the wall quietly. The height of the wall is five meters, and the tiles on the wall are loose and not fixed. If someone climbs over, it will definitely cause the tiles to fall and make a sound .Tianci frowned slightly, and a thick branch protruded from the wall, protruding down like a staircase.

Although the roads of the palace are winding, and the various buildings are similar, if you don't live in it for a long time, you really can't tell the east, west, south, north.However, Tianci has been here once before, and with the knowledge of God, all the nearby terrains clearly correspond to the map.In addition to standing guard in fixed places, the imperial guards in the palace also patrolled closely, with almost no breakpoints.

Tianci walked from the outside, avoiding all the patrolling guards.

Soon Tianci came to the outskirts of Yuning Garden.

With a sweep of consciousness, there are thousands of people around Yu Ning Garden, and there are many experts, even masters among them.All the guards stood still, their eyes fixed on the surroundings, not daring to be careless in the slightest.After careful identification, quite a few of them are the personal guards of the eldest prince and the third prince, and only a few of them are the sixth prince's people.

After walking a small circle around Yu Ning Garden, Tianci finally found a dark place in the corner, which was far away from the guards, and the guards only looked at it occasionally.God-given consciousness swept across, and there was a lake on the opposite side of the wall.Tianci quietly climbed over the wall while the guards were not paying attention, and a lot of vines grew on the wall, blocking the wall in pieces.Tianci walked to the edge of the lake by sticking to the wall.

Although there are many guards outside, there are no people inside, only a few servants at the door of the attic in the middle.His Majesty lay haggard in a room on the third floor, and several servants stood by the door.It may have been ordered, but there is no one else around the attic.

The third floor is nothing to me.

However, when Tianci was about to go around quietly, he suddenly found a figure swaying into the Royal Ning Garden from the other end two or 300 meters away. The movement is average, but it is three points faster than the eighth-level great swordsman Brigitte.The black shadow entered the other courtyard, his figure flashed again, and he ran towards the attic.

"Not good!" Tianci yelled secretly.In his consciousness, this person was wearing a strong black suit, and even his face was covered with a black cloth.

"Assassin!" Godsend's first reaction, it must be an assassin sent by someone!

Tianci quickly took out the long sword from the space ring.

"Purgatory Fire Dragon!"

The sky was reddish, and a five-meter-long purgatory dragon flew out of the long sword, and quickly flew towards the shadow.The five-meter-long fire dragon is really not powerful, but it is enough to alarm the assassin and the guards outside.If the fire dragon is too big, it will be troublesome if it hurts His Majesty!

Hei Ying was about to jump up to the attic when he suddenly found a fire dragon flying towards him.Heiying was taken aback, he didn't expect that there was an ambush around him, he stretched out his hand and knocked down the fire dragon with a slap.During this pause, the speed immediately slowed down. Tianci was worried about His Majesty, and rushed up immediately while releasing the fire dragon's non-stop attacks.

The black shadow didn't react for a while, and retreated one after another, and all the attacking fire dragons fell to the ground.

"Boom!" The fire dragon hit the ground and burst open.

"Assassins! There are assassins!!"

The guards outside the courtyard were shocked and rushed in hastily.Even the servants at the door of the attic panicked, and started shouting "Assassins, there are assassins!"

Heiying suddenly saw a lot of guards rushing in from all around, he was furious, a long sword appeared in a flash of cold light, and came straight towards Tianci.It has the taste of getting rid of God's gift and making it fast.

"Dang!" Tianci's long sword crossed, blocking the opponent's inevitable blow, and his arm suddenly became numb.Tianci looked at the man in black in surprise, the other party did not use fighting spirit to make his arm numb, and he seemed to have knocked down all his fire dragons with his fist just now, but there was not even a trace of scar on his arm.

Could it be that the other party also has the source of life?
Tianci frowned slightly, but the other party didn't give him extra time to think. The long sword followed one after another, fierce and domineering, and each sword was nothing special, but these ordinary straight stabs and horizontal cuts made Tianci For a while, he could only passively parry, and the sword intent had no chance to unfold.

It wasn't that the sword didn't intend, but that the opponent's sword was too fast and too powerful.Every time I touch it, it seems that the other party has ten thousand catties of strength. Tianci's arm is trembling constantly. If it is not for the recovery of the blue light, I am afraid that I will not be able to hold the long sword in a few moments!
Tianci gritted his teeth, the guards from all around had rushed in and surrounded the attic, presumably the assassin had no chance to assassinate His Majesty.

"Kill!" The guards rushed up, surrounded Tianci and Heiying, their fighting spirit instantly unfolded, and Yu Ning Garden was illuminated like daytime.

The man in black seemed a little anxious, and a momentum suddenly erupted from the long sword.


Lightning splashes everywhere!

Tianci was knocked back two or three meters.

Before the surrounding guards surrounded him, the man in black approached straight up, piercing Tianci's heart with his long sword.

Tianci's foothold was not stable, and he was a little powerless to parry. Suddenly, Tianci suddenly stood firm on the back of his sword.The man in black's long sword directly pierced Tianci's heart.

With a muffled sound, Tianci's body was in severe pain and suddenly turned left rapidly. Just as Tianci was facing the man in black, a red light suddenly shot out from behind Tianci, and went straight to the man in black in a short distance.Yu'er's half-meter-long flaming nails instantly raised the surrounding temperature.

The man in black was terrified and quickly avoided.


Yu'er's sharp nails slashed straight down from the man in black's chest, and three big gashs appeared in the black suit.A faint bright yellow glow glowed from within, then dimmed.

The hand that Yu'er struck quickly jumped back onto Tianci's shoulder.Tianci had already turned around, covering his heart with one hand.

The man in black frowned, "It's you!!"

Tianci was taken aback, could it be that the other party knew him?
"Hmph!" The man in black snorted coldly, turned around and left.The surrounding guards had already surrounded him, and when they saw the man in black was about to leave, they all came up to stop him.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!..."

The man in black swung his long sword, and instantly swung all the long swords that were attacking him away. He jumped ten meters away.

"Don't let him run away!"

The guards shouted and quickly surrounded them.In the fighting spirit, there are actually three eighth-level great sword masters.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" the man in black roared, and his fighting spirit suddenly burst out. Under the dark purple fighting spirit, he swung his long sword, and the weapons in the hands of the senior swordsmen broke off one after another.Even the several great sword masters couldn't resist backing back again and again.

"Puff puff!"

The long swords of several warriors pierced into the body of the man in black from behind, but there was no reaction, and there was no trace of blood on the long swords!The man in black swung his long sword back, leaving a bloodstain on the warrior's wrist.Blood splashed out immediately, and the martial artist quickly retreated to treat the wound.

No one can stop it!

Soon the man in black rushed to the corner of the wall, his figure flickered, and disappeared outside the wall.

In the god-given consciousness, the man in black was extremely fast and did not stop, obviously he knew the terrain in the palace like the back of his hand!
"Stop chasing! Leave the rest to the imperial guards!" The leading guards shouted, and the guards who ran in from all around exited Yu Ning Garden one after another, leaving only a few leaders who looked like leaders.

After a while, the whole palace was in commotion!

"Report to the commander, apart from a lot of broken swords and injuries to a few brothers, there were no casualties!" A guard stepped forward to report.

Tianci was still in place at this time, covering his heart with one hand.Just now, the man in black's long sword made him unable to dodge. If Ao Zhen hadn't given him a piece of inverse scales and kept it close to his heart, he might have died on the spot today.Martial arts has always been his strong point, but today he couldn't perform at all under the pressure of the opponent.Even if I meet an eighth-level great swordsman, although I can't win, I can at least use it. Could it be that the man in black is. . .Tianci vaguely remembered that the clothes of the man in black were cut open by Yu'er, and there seemed to be a bright yellow light inside.

"Regent, Assistant Regent!!"

All the guards saluted.

Only then did Tianci recover from his surprise, and saw the eldest prince, the third prince and the sixth prince walking in eagerly, glanced at Tianci, and walked straight to the attic without saying a word.

Just as Tianci wanted to follow up, the waiters around immediately drew out their long swords and pointed at Tianci, "Marquis Tianci, please don't move until the matter is clear!"

Godsend was dumbfounded, in their eyes, he was actually an assassin!

Not long after, the three princes came out of the attic and came to Tianci.The three commander-like figures whispered in his ears what happened just now.

After listening to the report, the three princes nodded, "Tianci, why are you here?"

"I..." Tianci was speechless, did he want to say that he came to secretly visit His Majesty?If he really answered that way, he could be positioned as an assassin immediately.Tianci looked at the three princes, the eldest prince waited for his answer with a serious face, the third prince sneered, and the sixth prince still looked like he had nothing to do with him.

His Majesty once said that as long as he is with him, he is still the Marquis of the Empire, the actual controller of the Northwest.But if he became an assassin, then he would no longer be able to forgive, and the Northwest would inevitably be vacant, and the three princes would probably fight for the Northwest again.

Tianci felt a little regretful.

"Duke Kate is here!" A voice suddenly came from the door.

Duke Kate walked in slowly with Nero's support, walked up to the three princes, and bowed slightly, "Regent, Co-Regent, how is Your Majesty now?"

The three princes returned the salute, "Thank you Duke for your concern, father is sleeping peacefully now! You came just in time, we are going to interrogate the assassin now!"

Tianci frowned, they really positioned themselves as assassins.

"Well, it should be, it should be! Tianci, did the assassin get it?" Duke Kate looked at Tianci and asked.

Godsent was taken aback.

"Let the assassin run away?" Duke Kate's face suddenly turned ugly. "How did I tell you before you came that you let the assassin run away? If I knew you were incapable, I would have sent Gauss here!"

Tianci was even more confused. Looking at Grandpa and Nero, Nero actually looked at himself with a smile.

"Three princes, I got a secret report a few days ago that someone might sneak into the palace to harm His Majesty. I wanted to report it, but because the evidence in hand is really unconvincing and I don't want to cause panic in the palace, so I didn't report it. But I was worried, and secretly sent Tianci to monitor, hoping to protect His Majesty at the critical moment. Who knew that Tianci was not good at doing things, so he alerted the enemy early, not only failed to catch the assassin, but also let him escape. Fortunately Your Majesty is all right, please punish the three princes for the crime of being unfavorable in handling affairs!"

The eldest prince was secretly angry, and the great opportunity was lost in a few words by Duke Kate, "Forget it this time, but Duke Kate, if there is such news next time, I hope you can inform us in advance. Take precautions!"

"It's the regent! I did something wrong, and I hope you will come down!" Duke Kate bowed to plead guilty.

"Brother, I think Duke Kate is also kind, and he is loyal to His Majesty and the empire. You should not punish him!" the third prince said suddenly.

The eldest prince secretly hated, who is Duke Kate, even if he made a mistake, who can convict him?It was just a superficial article just now, but the third prince said so, as if he really wanted to convict Duke Kate.For no reason, he made himself a bad person once, and he became a good person once!
"My lord, you are too serious. You are the pillar of the empire, and you are always thinking of the empire. How can I blame you?" The eldest prince quickly helped Duke Kate up. Godsend, if it weren't for you today, the assassins would really succeed, and then it would be a catastrophe for the empire! I thank you on behalf of my father!"

As he spoke, the eldest prince clasped his fists and saluted sincerely.

Tianci laughed secretly in his heart, just now he wanted to designate himself as an assassin, but in the blink of an eye, he became a hero?

(End of this chapter)

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