Godsend Field

Chapter 265 Going Out

Chapter 265 Going Out
After walking out of the palace and getting into the carriage, Tianci took a deep breath.

It was still very late, the moon was as cool as water, and the leaves around were shivering under the cold wind.

"Grandpa, why are you and Nero here?" Tianci couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, brother, when you borrowed the map from my grandfather yesterday, my grandfather guessed what you wanted to do. Today we learned that you will not come back, and seeing that Chen Wu's face is not very good, so grandpa made a lie about Chen Wu. Sure enough, it proved that you came to the palace secretly!" Nero said with a smile, "My grandfather and I were worried about you, so we followed into the palace, and we saw you!"

Tianci laughed at himself, "Grandpa is brilliant!"

"Tianci, do you know how stupid you are to do this? You almost got into a catastrophe, do you know that?" Duke Kate half-fascinated his eyes.

Godsend was surprised, "Grandpa, please advise!"

"Now all the forces that have a little weight in the downward direction have been divided up. The northern province is of no use. Only your southwestern province is still a big piece of cake. It's just that because of His Majesty's words, they are like mice and can't eat eggs. Come on! It's good that you sent it up yourself!" Duke Kate closed his eyes.

"I sent it up myself?" Tianci frowned.

"Brother, didn't you realize that you came in smoothly? And thousands of people guard a small garden. Logically speaking, even a mouse can't even think about getting in, so how can you get in?" Nero reminded.

"I turned from a corner..." Tianci explained, his face suddenly changed, "Yes, why is there no one guarding that corner? It stands to reason that His Majesty is inside, so he should be fully guarded. Why? Will there be an opening?"

"And brother, you didn't expect why the three princes arrived not long after you went in. They are clearly staring at you!"

Tianci's back suddenly became cold, and a chill came out spontaneously.

"Godsend, Nero! The two of you are no longer in the Imperial Academy, you are now in the circle of right and wrong, every step you take, every word you say must be very careful. This road is rough and difficult, Even if you don't do anything, others will set you up and trip you up, so don't be careless and think twice!"

"We will keep in mind what grandpa taught!" Tianci and Nero said in unison.

"Especially Tianci, your status is extremely special now, and His Majesty and the Saint are not here, so you must not mess around anymore. If you lose the Northwest, they may not be as simple as arguing in the council hall. I am afraid it is true." It's going to be a big fight!" Duke Kate said earnestly.

Godsend is ashamed, "I will keep it in mind! I really didn't expect that they would calculate me like this. In order to get me, they specially invited a peerless master to pretend to be an assassin to lead me to appear. If it wasn't for Ao... I'm afraid I would really died!"

Tianci once again touched the Nilin in his heart. Brother Ao said that there is probably no one in this world who can break his Nilin.

"Brother, is there really an assassin? Isn't you the assassin they are talking about?" Nero asked strangely.

Duke Kate frowned slightly, "Heavenly gift, you said they hired a peerless expert? What's going on?"

Tianci talked about what happened after he entered Yu Ning Garden, "So I personally think that the real strength of this assassin should exceed the level [-] he revealed, but the strength of level [-]. However, he is still a bit weaker than his master. The gap, so I think he is a ninth-level junior. And he knows me!"

"Ninth grade junior..." Duke Kate was contemplating, and suddenly opened his eyes after a while, "Heavenly gift, you are describing the appearance of that person to me!"

Tianci described it again.

"Could it be him..." Duke Kate murmured, "Heavenly gift, maybe you misunderstood this time, maybe the person you met was really not sent by the three princes!"

Tianci was surprised, "No? Is it a real assassin?"

"No, this person is likely to belong to His Majesty! Although I have followed His Majesty for many years, I know and even participate in many things about His Majesty, but there is one thing that His Majesty never allows me, including all officials, to participate in. From the beginning to the end, His Majesty personally Inquiry!"

Tianci and Nero "What's the matter?"

"An organization, this organization should be called Shadow. As far as I know, it is divided into two parts: Sky Shadow and Earth Shadow. Sky Shadow is divided into Qian, Kun and others, and Earth Shadow is divided into more. How is it? I don’t know. I only know that these people have their own characteristics, and they have won His Majesty’s trust. They have been investigating and disappearing for His Majesty, monitoring officials, and of course, they are also responsible for some things that His Majesty wants to do but cannot do.”

Tianci smiled wryly, "If grandpa said so, wouldn't we have the same purpose, but each spoiled the other's good deeds? No wonder he stopped entangled with me after he recognized me!"

Back at the Duke's Mansion, Gelu and Chenwu waited anxiously at the gate, and rushed up to welcome them when they saw the carriage.

"Godsend, you and Jane will not be back until tomorrow, so you'd better go to the Marquis's mansion first, and then go to greet Jane tomorrow, so that she won't worry!" Duke Kate said.

Tianci nodded, and after bidding farewell to Kate Duke Nero, he returned to the Marquis' Mansion with Gru Chen Mist.

Sitting quietly in the study, the magic lamp illuminates the study brightly.

Tianci looked at the worn coat on his body, took it off and threw it aside, and took out the book-sized nilin that Ao Zhen left for him from his underwear.The golden reverse scales are not as hard as other dragon scales, even the dragon scales on the morning fog's soft armor are much harder than this one.Nilin can bend its shape with the body, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable when it sticks to the heart.

Looking at the front of Ni Lin, it was still as smooth and shiny as when it was picked up, and there was no trace of being stabbed by the long sword at all.After receiving a full blow at the beginning of the ninth level, there was no trace. As expected, as Brother Ao said, Nilin was his hardest scale.

"Cluck! Cluck!" A burst of laughter came suddenly.

Tianci was shocked, put away Nilin, and his spiritual consciousness instantly dispersed.On the railing of the door of his study, a beautiful woman giggled, her body was shaking wildly, and her calves were dangling in the air.

"Who!!" Tianci shouted and rushed out.

The beautiful woman looked at Tianci with winking eyes, the corners of her mouth were raised, her body was sitting on the railing like a willow, her fiery red tight skirt was particularly hot, her jade fingers lit Tianci, her body suddenly floated up, and jumped onto the roof.

Tianci rushed out of the yard, "Who, who are you!"

With the sound of mocking footsteps, Gru rushed in with a hundred people.

"grown ups!"

Tianci pointed to the beautiful woman on the roof, "Break into the Marquis's mansion at night, and take her down for me!"

Gelu and the others exchanged faces, and hesitated for a moment, "My lord, there is nothing on the roof!"

"What did you say?" Tianci stared at Gru, "Can't you see such a big living person?"

Gru raised his head, and looked at the surrounding guards again, "My lord, there is really no one!"

Tianci checked again, and the roof was really empty.At the moment when he questioned Gru, Yan Fu was able to leave the scope of his consciousness, so fast!

"My lord, are you tired from working today?" Gelu asked cautiously.

Tianci sighed, "Maybe, you all go to rest too!"

The next day Tianci went to Ningyuan early!Seeing that Tianci was safe and sound, Jane was relieved.Take it out early and eat it with Tianci.

Since Anrui entered the eighth-level realm last time, he has been practicing basic battle qi hard during this period of time.In order to prevent the reckless entry into the seventh-level realm like before, because of the unstable foundation, and the practice of martial arts, he finally walked into confusion.Fortunately, with the reminder of the master, I slowly found a way to practice fighting qi again.This time I don't know why I was able to break through and enter the eighth-level realm again. In order to prevent myself from making previous mistakes again, Anrui concentrated on practicing fighting spirit every day to stabilize the eighth-level realm.

After drinking the last mouthful of porridge, Tianci pulled Yu'er's big tail, "Let's go, let's compete with Dad!"

"噗!" There was a loud sound of drawing the sword, and a gust of sword wind rushed towards him.

An Rui opened his eyes and stretched out his palm.

The Wufeng long sword pierced An Rui's palm, but was blocked by fighting spirit and could not move forward.

"Aw~~" With a roar, Yu'er's fiery long nails slashed straight at An Rui's arm.

The flames splashed and the voice was harsh, and An Rui's fighting spirit was flawless.

Yu'er retracted her nails, and walked back to the attic dejectedly.This nail can be said to be his most powerful attack, even Anrui's grudge defense can't be cracked, so what else can he fight. . .

An Rui smiled, and raised his fist to attack Tianci, the dark purple Dou Qi buzzed, and the agitated weeds were shattered into thousands of pieces by the light of Dou Qi before they approached.

I have seen the attacking godsend of the eighth level grudge.The back sword crossed his chest to block An Rui's long fist.


Anrui hit the long sword given by God with a punch, and leaped back quickly with the help of his fist.

"Stop fighting, I admit defeat!" Tianci shouted.

An Rui put away his fighting spirit and said with a smile, "It's not your style to admit defeat!"

Tianci shrugged, "It's not that I want to admit defeat, it's just that the eighth-level grudge is too domineering, and I really can't stop it!"

"That's right! The eighth-level battle qi is indeed extremely domineering!" An Rui clenched his fists, "Heavenly gift, although your martial arts are very strong, you can even break through other people's battle qi, but those are all low-level battle qi, and the defense they form is not bad. It’s not a real defense. You can’t form a complete defense until you reach the seventh level. It’s even more terrifying when you reach the eighth level. Not only does it have defense, but it also has this autonomous attack. So Godsend, you must not fight with high-level fighters in close quarters. You will suffer. yourself!"

Tianci nodded, "I know Dad!"

An Rui put his arms around Tianci's shoulders, "Go, go have breakfast with me!"

"Father, I have already eaten with my mother!"

"Have you eaten? Have another meal! Eat more, you young man! See how much Yuer can eat!" An Rui looked at Tianci with satisfaction. As a person without any fighting spirit magic, he can kill six-level Fighting Qi fighters can retreat from the hands of a great swordsman, such an achievement bestowed by God is enough to be proud of the mainland.

Thinking of Tianci's hard training since childhood, An Rui felt very sad.With Tianci's diligence and understanding, if Tianci can have fighting spirit, what a perfect thing it would be!
Jane had already prepared breakfast for An Rui, and sat quietly watching the father and son eating breakfast, while Yu'er next to him devoured it.

"Dad, Mom, I want to go out and exercise for a while!" Tianci waited for An Rui to finish eating and said, "Anyway, I don't need to discuss politics now, and I have nothing to do when I stay at home!"

Both Anrui and Jane were surprised, "Go out to exercise? Can't you exercise at home?"

"There are too many trivial things at home, and it's easy to get distracted. You see, I've been back for so long, and I haven't made any progress, so I want to find a quiet place to practice!" Tianci explained.

"Our Duke's Mansion is so big, can't we find a quiet place? Besides, I don't worry about you going out alone!" Zhen said with concern.

"Well, your mother is right! You are actually very strong now. Besides, you can practice with me!" An Rui said.

"Hehe, Dad, you are now a high-level warrior, you will only drag you down with me, and my crime will be serious!" Tianci said with a smile.This is the capital, if you come up with a scourge, don't scare away all the 500 million people in the capital! "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I will take Yu'er and Bai Ying with me, and if something dangerous happens, I can also escape with Bai Ying!"

Jane was still worried, but An Rui let it go, "Well, you must be careful yourself!"

In Imperial College, Qin'er has made rapid progress, which can be said to be a thousand miles a day.

"Boom!" The magic burst.

"How is it? My magic should have been achieved!" Qin'er raised her head and said proudly.

The deputy head of the water department, Mage Kesley, nodded, "Yes, Qin'er, you are a genius! Yes, I recognize your qualification as a sixth-level great magician! Hey, although it is said that the fifth-level and seventh-level are only for us magicians. It's just a transition, but it's the first time I've seen you transition from level five to level six as quickly as you!"

"Hee hee, it's all taught by you and master!" Qin'er was very happy.

"However, Qin'er, you have to remember that all magics below level six are simulated magic, and their characteristic is to simulate attacks. The number and size determine the power of these magics. After comprehending the mystery, the magic will also change accordingly. , often use ideological attacks instead of this kind of simulated attack methods. For example, Condensation Mystery, it often attacks according to the shape of the opponent, with a pre-fixed size and shape!"

"Department Chief, I once met Corneo's wind-type mage in Seville. He used to be so...dissipated my water polo! And Lier has already started practicing, and it feels very useful. Does our water system have any corresponding magic?"

Wizard Kesley listened carefully, "These are the characteristics of the wind element. There must be a reason why the wind element is said to be the strongest attack. It is partial to attack and weak defense, while the earth element is partial to defensive and weak offense. The rest of us are more balanced. .We don’t have the means to defend against magic, but we can do something at the mysterious level. Send a water dragon to attack me!”

"Water dragon technique!" Qin'er whispered, and a huge water dragon twirled its body to attack the wizard Keli.

"The Mystery of Ice—Ning!"

"Soldiers! Soldiers!" The voice sounded.The huge dragon body was suddenly frozen into an ice dragon.The sudden change made Shuilong's whole body out of place, and Qin'er suddenly felt that her mental strength could no longer be maintained.The whole ice dragon fell and shattered.

"Once the water dragon is solidified, the caster's mental power can no longer be controlled, even if it is forcibly controlled, and this kind of ice is usually fragile, and its attack power will be greatly reduced!" explained the magician Kesley. "You release another ice dragon!"

"Ancient dragon!"

A ferocious ice dragon appeared.Qin'er suffered a loss once, and this time she specially released a two-meter-long dragon.

The ice dragon flew towards the wizard Kesli again, and Qin'er was concentrating on it, ready to control the affected ice dragon at any time.Sorcerer Kesley smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand, "The Mystery of Ice—Coagulation!"

"Wow! La la la!"

The whole ice dragon instantly turned into a pile of water. Qin'er was caught off guard and couldn't control it, and a pattering rain suddenly fell next to it.

"Mage Kesley, you..." Qin'er pursed her lips angrily.

"Hahaha! Since the mystery of the water element can condense your ice dragon, how difficult is it to turn your ice dragon into water? Wind magic is a head-to-head attack, and our mystery often attacks the opponent's magic. To affect the spellcaster. People who have to act lightly and lightly can’t defend against it!" Wizard Kirsley smiled proudly, "These are small applications, and our mysterious attack methods are also very sharp, I will give you Let me explain it, and it will open your eyes!"

"Okay!" Qin'er was overjoyed. "Master doesn't usually show me. He always tells me to concentrate on practicing what is in front of me. What a stingy old man!"

Tianci shook his head helplessly, the person who dared to scold the dean so openly, the entire Welsh Empire is still such a number one figure!Turning around and leaving gently, walking towards Phoenix Restaurant, seeing the familiar building ahead, Yu'er couldn't help drooling immediately.

The table was full of delicious delicacies, and Tianci and Qin'erlier were sitting.

"It's nothing to be courteous, not a traitor or a thief. Brat, you must have no good intentions in buying so many things!" Qin'er reached out and opened the box of Feifeng Cake, took out two pieces and tasted it with Lier, "Hehe, Feifeng Cake tastes good, It tastes delicious, and the most important thing is that you won’t get fat no matter how much you eat! You can also eat more in the future!”

Lier tasted it carefully, "It's good, but it's too expensive!"

Qin'er sneered and looked at Tianci, Tianci was very cold, and hurriedly offered all the purple gold coins in the space ring.

"Li'er, Qin'er, I'm going out for a while and find a quiet place to practice! I'm still too weak!" Tianci said.

"Go out? Where are you going and how long will you be there?" Lier asked with concern.

"You are already like this, and you still say you are weak, do you want to say that Li'er and I are weaker!" Qin'er made a rare joke, looked at Tianci and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to practice that. . . ”

Tianci nodded.

Yu'er jumped up and stretched out a small nail towards Qin'er, retracting half of it.Qin'er was immediately annoyed, probably Qin'er was really the weakest, but even so, being pointed out by a little thing in public still made Qin'er furious!
"Brother Tianci, then you must be careful yourself, and Bai Ying, you can take it with you!" Lier said with concern.

"Well, I know, I will be careful! You have to be careful yourself!" Tianci couldn't help holding Lier's little hand.

"Ahem! We are in the academy, not like you are in the officialdom. There is also the mercenary union. Although they have been silent since you came back, I believe they will not just let it go!" Qin Er reminded.

"I think so too, so I never let go of my surveillance on them! But you don't have to worry, with the white shadow, it's not so easy for them to catch me!" Tianci said with a smile, "Let's eat quickly , if you don't do anything, Yu'er will be wiped out!"

(End of this chapter)

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