Godsend Field

Chapter 266

Chapter 266
"Crack! Bang!!"

Ancona's thick gates were tightly closed.Above the city wall, at the gate of the tower, two captains of the guards sat on a low table with a few dishes and two jugs of wine.


The two captains drank the wine happily, picked up a few fried peanuts from the table and threw them into their mouths, "Hey, what do you think this is all about? These are all high-ranking officials, and they are replaced every three days. It's faster than changing clothes. It's not as good as us janitors, at least we are safe and don't have to worry about it!"

"What do you know? This is called party struggle! Everyone knows that the eldest prince is desperately trying to suppress the power of the third prince. I don't think the third prince can last long. When the time comes, our imperial guards don't know who will be replaced. !"

"You mean that Commander Tesker is about to be replaced?"

"It's hard to say, probably not in the near future, but it will definitely be replaced in a few days, just watch this!"

The squad leader said again, "Forget it, let's take care of them for them, let's cheer!"


"Don't drink it, look at what that is?"

The squad leader quickly stood up and looked along his fingers.I saw a mass of soft white rushing over the avenue, hoo! !Jumped from the ground and flew towards the city wall more than 30 meters high.

The two captains were shocked and stunned, watching an extremely tall horse leaping up the city wall from the ground. The city wall more than 30 meters high is too exaggerated. . .

As soon as Bai Ying's four legs touched the city wall, he exerted his strength again and rushed out of the city.

"Clang!" The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and shattered.

There are many hills and jungles around Ancona, and the east and west sides are relatively flat. The Ruifeng Camp and Xiaofeng Camp are stationed about fifty miles away.Nearly a hundred miles to the north, there is an old forest called Luoyubo, and the whole old forest is not long.

There was an open space in the middle of Lao Lin, and Tianci sat quietly in the middle.In the old forest in the middle of the night, the wind passed through the forest, making a terrifying whining sound.

My own magic is still invincible against the powerhouses below the sixth level, but it has no great effect on those great sword masters.If you want to deal with those great sword masters, your only magic means is the advanced application of life magic against the sky.

Tianci's eyes were slightly closed, and with the slight movement of his mind, the trunk of the tree next to him grew rapidly, forming a huge dragon shape.A drop of the source of life was condensed from the left hand, and it flew into the body of the wooden dragon.Thick dark clouds suddenly gathered in midair, and the moon was tightly blocked.Layers of dark clouds are getting thicker and thicker, as if they are about to fall, electric snakes are moving between the clouds, it is very scary!

A dragon's chant resounded across the sky, and the incomparable dragon's might was suppressed instantly.

The wooden giant dragon began to move, looking up at its huge dragon head and roaring.The bark and branches all over his body have receded long ago, revealing pine-colored skin, dense scales, and sharp minions!

This dragon should be the weakest dragon, probably only at level seven.If it is said that the stronger the ability, the more sources of life that can be condensed, then the more sources of life you put in, the stronger the ability of the dragon that will be produced at the same time?

Tianci once again condensed a wooden giant dragon, which was about the same shape and size as the first one.This time, Tianci condensed a drop of a larger source of life, and gradually entered the body of the wooden dragon with the idea, and gradually spread.

There are more dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the electric snakes are sparkling and more active.Many lightning snakes joined together to form a larger lightning snake, moving back and forth along the edge of the dark cloud, devouring other smaller lightning snakes.

Most of the source of life has dispersed, but there is still a small part that cannot be merged with the wooden dragon no matter how to control the diffusion.It may have been saturated, Tianci secretly thought, as soon as he gave up the excess blue light immediately scattered into the space.


Another loud dragon chant shook the woods.

The two identical giant dragons in the consciousness roared at each other, fighting together, with a huge noise, every time they landed, the ground would vibrate and tremble.Countless huge messy footprints were left on the surrounding open space.

The two giant dragons entangled together, their claws biting their teeth, the dragon scales splashed off, and new dragon scales grew soon.


The first giant dragon crashed down, and the trees under it were crushed.

"Oh~~" The giant dragon struggled up and continued to fight together.

Tianci carefully observed the two giant dragons!

"Crack!" The body of the first giant dragon split open and fell to the ground. The incomplete body twitched, and the blue light slowly floated out, dispersed in the consciousness, and entered Tianci's body.The shattered dragon's body has now recovered its woodiness.

The dark clouds in the sky seemed to be a little lighter, and the electric snakes were a little less.

"Boom!" The other giant dragon couldn't hold it anymore and fell down.

I tried it seven or eight times in a row, and it was the same every time.

Tianci looked at the fallen dragon on the ground and thought for a while. The source of life fused by this dragon was more than the first one. Although he was able to win in the end, he was exhausted and unable to fight any more.It seems that the number of fused sources of life has nothing to do with the level, so what determines the level?
Looking at the broken wood on the ground, Tianci's mind flashed, could it be. . .material?
At present, I can only control plants, so the fused dragons are all made of wood. If it is made of other materials, will the level of the dragon be improved?
Tianci recalled the Frost Dragon, Purgatory Fire Dragon, and Wind Phantom Dragon in the Academy of Magic. . .It kept popping up in Tianci's mind.If these elemental dragons can be created and then fused with the source of life, will it be possible to produce higher-level dragons?
"Wood Spear Formation!"

"Boom!!" Countless huge wooden thorns directly divided the dying wooden dragon into several sections, and the blue light drifted out from the wooden dragon and was retracted into Tianci's body.

The dark clouds and electric snakes in the sky miraculously dissipated.

Tianci withdrew his consciousness.Although the life that can be fused by oneself has life, it does not have a little wisdom, and there is nothing other than self-conscious actions.It is not so much life as it is a moving puppet.What's more, the scourge that exists in the sky all the time does not allow them to exist.

Rather than causing huge disturbances and damage caused by the scourge of heaven, it is better to destroy it before taking back the consciousness!
The long-term experiment made Tianci physically and mentally exhausted, so he took out the tent and lay down to rest.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er ran over bouncingly, her two paws were empty, and she looked at Tianci in annoyance.The sound of the dragon chant just now scared away all the birds and beasts in the vicinity, and Yu'er ran all over the surrounding mountains and ridges, but he didn't find a delicious beast.

"Hehe, don't be angry, hurry up and start a fire. Fortunately, we killed a lot of wild animals when we came in, enough for us to eat for a while."

Tianci took out the barbecue props and the cleaned beast meat, put them on skewers and grilled them on the fire, sprinkled with cumin powder, the smell was immediately delicious, Yu'er squatted beside her, her saliva almost flooded the open space.

Tianci was angry, and put the baked goods on the ground, "You are the only one who is greedy!"

Yu'er didn't care, and opened her mouth wide to tear. According to Zhen's words, she is still a minor monster, so she should eat more, so that she can grow her body!
God bless you sweat profusely and grow your body. . .How many years has it been, almost 17 years, Yu'er's body shape has hardly changed, has it changed into Yone Tianko when it is delicious and friendly?
After eating and drinking enough, Tianci lay down in the tent.Although the blue light can restore the body, one must have enough mind to mobilize the blue light, and the mind cannot be recovered by the blue light.

At noon the next day, Tianci woke up, and Yu'er dragged Tianci's clothes to make breakfast.

After Yu'er was satisfied with the food, he ran out to play. Tianci thought about everything he had tried in the past two days.The consciousness spread out, gathering a large amount of fire elements, and gradually condensed the appearance of a dragon in midair.The blue light spread out along with the thought, and began to penetrate into it.There is no trace of resistance, but there is no trace of effect, just like the blue light that usually spreads in the air.

"It's really stupid! The fire element was the fire element before it was materialized, but the concentration was a little denser. How could it be fused with the blue light? It seems that only the materialized purgatory fire dragon can be fused!" Tianci I thought to myself.

It's a pity that I can only control the fire element, but I can't materialize him!

materialization. . .Tianci suddenly remembered his long sword, which was engraved with the magic circle of the Purgatory Fire Dragon and the Wind Phantom Dragon. If you use that, I wonder if it will work!

The God-given long sword slashed horizontally, and a purgatory fire dragon several meters long sprang out of the fiery red.The purgatory fire dragon flew towards the distance in an instant without a single pause.

Tianci was directly discouraged!
Peak level [-] magic like the Purgatory Fire Dragon not only requires a lot of mental power from the caster, but also requires sufficient mental power to maintain control. At least it can make the Purgatory Fire Dragon stop and attack according to its own wishes.The Purgatory Fire Dragon released by Tianci did not rely on spiritual power to materialize, and there is no spiritual connection between Tianci and the Purgatory Fire Dragon, so Tianci can not control the direction of the Purgatory Fire Dragon except for swinging the sword. Purgatory fire dragon.

To put it more vividly, there is no difference between the fire dragon he released and the larger rocket and fireball.

Tianci frowned, and an expression of disgust appeared on his face.

With a whoosh sound, Yu'er ran back and jumped onto Tianci's shoulder, gesticulating with her little paws.

"I already know! They are really haunted!" Tianci said viciously, and put away the tent.

A moment later, eight warrior mages came out from the nearby jungle, and an old man at the head was all smiles, "My lord, Marquis of God, I really don't have a chance to see you alone! It's so easy to wait until you go out alone, or stay here Planted in the deep mountains and old forests, it is really easy for old men to find!"

Tianci gritted his teeth, "Elder Naharu, are you bringing your punishment squad to capture me?"

"It's really an honor for you to recognize this old man!" Elder Naharu said with a smile.

"Your mercenary union is so interested in me, how could I not find out? But don't forget, I am no longer a mercenary!"

"Yes, you are indeed no longer a mercenary, but we have received news that you killed hundreds of our mercenaries on Xilan Mountain, so we have to investigate!" Elder Naharu said naturally .

The members of the punishment group walked around and surrounded Tianci!

"Harrison should have made it clear to you when he went back. On Xilan Mountain, it was your mercenary group who took Roland Adela and Qin'er as hostages for no reason, and used them to threaten me. Imprisoned the saint The successor, the sister of the minister, the disciple of the saint, from this point of view, not only violated your mercenary laws, but also violated the laws of the empire! As the Marquis of the Welsh Empire, I must rescue my people Member, do you think there is anything wrong?" Tianci asked back, after several months in the council hall, he has also learned to speak bureaucratically and put a high hat on himself.

Privately imprisoning the successor of the saint, the sister of the minister, and the apprentice of the saint can be listed as a capital offense!

"Master Marquis is very eloquent. No wonder the regent and co-regent of the empire hate you so much! You are right, they are indeed out of style, but special circumstances are treated in a special way. We are making a contribution to the entire human race!" Elder Haru's smile was half-hearted.

Tianci looked at everyone with disdain, "Elder Naharu, do you still remember what the founder of your mercenary union, Mr. Lei Wenhu Kege, once said when he founded the mercenary union?"

"Hahaha, you actually asked about our mercenary union, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous! But this old man will satisfy you. Mr. Lei Wenhukege once said, 'Tear off the kindness on the outside, and reveal the real person!' Remind us every day A mercenary, the world is dangerous, so be careful during missions!"

"That's right, but I think this sentence is more suitable to remind people on the mainland of the true face of your mercenary union!"

The members of the punishment group around were suddenly annoyed. If it wasn't for the importance of this person, they would have gone up and torn him to pieces.

"To tell you the truth, I don't have what you want, and I have already sworn an oath before the great sword masters of the great empires, I hope you will not bother me again in the future!" Tianci warned.

"Huh! Huh! Swear? Does the oath still have any binding force in your mouth?" Elder Naharu was extremely angry, "You are a majestic marquis, and you are so ruined by the oath that it is not as good as a street rogue. If you pass it on, I will see you How can you gain a foothold on the mainland!"

Tianci frowned, and said angrily, "Elder Naharu, the oath is the bondage of everyone's soul, please show respect and don't indiscriminately wrong people. I, Tianci, have always respected all my oaths and never violated them!"

"Hahaha, what you say is better than what you sing, how can there be such a shameless person like you in this world!" Elder Naharu was even more angry, and even the members of the punishment group around him were furious, "Marquis of Heaven, do you still remember?" Tylerson?"

"Taylorson? Is that the leader of the Tenglong Mercenary Group who is in league with the Killer Alliance and wants to hunt down us?"

"Good memory, then do you still remember that he once pierced you with a sword?"

Tianci recalled that on the empty island, in order to protect Nero, he gave up the long sword that defended Taylorson, and grabbed the sword that Xueku stabbed at Nero with both hands.When Taylorson's long sword was drawn, he used the blue light to recover from his body's injuries.

oops!Tianci was shocked, how could he forget this!No wonder no matter how I explained it, even after I swore an oath, the mercenary union was still pestering me endlessly. So it was because of this!
"What else do you have to say now?" Elder Naharu sneered, "Wounds pierced by vindictiveness can recover instantly. I don't think human beings can have such resilience. Explain that there is only one person. When you come out of Donglan Valley, you must It is the equipment that has been blessed with life magic! If we guessed correctly, it should be the key to Donglan Valley, the crystal ball!"

Tianci really wanted to laugh out loud, watching and listening coldly.

"Marquis of Heaven, although you are an important member of the empire, you are highly regarded by His Majesty, but don't forget that His Majesty is now in a coma, and the throne will be passed on sooner or later. Now I am afraid that the two princes hope that you can disappear from this world. If you No matter how stubborn you are, we don't mind doing the two princes a favor!"

Tianci felt uneasy, the two princes actually colluded with the mercenary union.The mercenary union is ambitious, so colluding with them isn't it seeking skin from a tiger?

"I'll give you another chance, should I hand it over or not?" Elder Naharu sent out an ultimatum, and the surrounding criminal law groups drew their weapons at the same time.

"Elder Naharu's eighth-level sword master, your punishment group is also a seventh-level sword master or mage. If it was the past, I would definitely die today, but now it is unknown who will die!"

"Hahaha, hahahaha!" Everyone looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Tianci Marquis, do you still think this is the Xilan Mountain Peak, allowing you to dispatch tens of thousands of monsters?" Elder Naharu laughed.

"I don't have thousands of monsters, but I still have more than a dozen level-[-] monsters!" Tianci said coldly.


All of a sudden, the sky was covered with dark clouds, pressing down, and the original day instantly dimmed like night.The original electric snakes gathered in large numbers, forming a series of rough electric currents running among the dark clouds.

Snapped!Suddenly there was a loud thunderbolt in midair.


More than a dozen resounding dragon chants resounded through the heaven and earth, oscillating between the dark clouds and the ground.Every dragon chant exudes the unique dragon power of the dragon clan. After more than a dozen dragon powers were accumulated, all the great sword masters felt the pressure and couldn't help shivering.

"Boom!" A huge dragon body appeared behind the great sword masters, with thick scales and sharp minions.

"Dragon Clan!! It turned out to be a Dragon Clan!!"

All the great sword masters became timid, the reputation of the dragon clan resounded across the earth, with a naturally strong body and unique dragon magic, even ordinary adult dragons have at least level [-] strength, and even the most powerful ones have level [-] strength!Fortunately, this kind of advanced creature likes to live on a few misty islands outside the east of the mainland. It has no interest in the human continent, and rarely comes to the human continent.

And in front of them, there are clearly more than a dozen giant dragons. Their body shape, aura and unique dragon power can't be wrong!
The members of the penalty group forcibly suppressed the fear in their hearts, and instantly launched the fighting spirit defense magic.Elder Naharu's face was particularly ugly, and the muscles all over his body trembled, "No wonder you are able to hold your own without any fear. It turns out that you have the dragon clan as your backing!"

"It seems a little late to know now! Since I came back, I have never offended you, you are aggressive. If I don't have these dragons today, I'm afraid I will die in your hands! People don't hurt tigers' hearts, tigers hurt people's hearts!" Tianci The long sword was pointing at Elder Naharu.

Yu'er jumped down, the fire elements quickly gathered, five big tails floated behind, and the six sharp nails on the two front paws exuded terrifying heat.

All the dragons stared at the target in front of them, waiting for orders.


(End of this chapter)

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