Godsend Field

Chapter 267

Chapter 267
Seeing more than a dozen giant dragons around, sharp minions, and dark eyes, everyone couldn't help but shudder!The Mercenary Union Punishment Group is all outstanding figures drawn from among the mercenaries, and their strength is also at the level of a great swordsman or mage. They are responsible for killing bad mercenaries who violate the mercenary rules. The above is the real internal member of the mercenary union.

Before entering the penalty regiment, these people were also the backbone of the major mercenary regiments, and even the regiment leaders had done countless difficult tasks and killed countless monsters, but facing more than ten mercenary regiments like today Only a dragon, this is the first time.

The fear that had been buried deep in his heart for many years seemed to be about to move, the corners of his mouth were dry, the tip of his tongue was wiped, and he tightly held the long sword in his hand.

After catching their small actions, Tianci finally had some confidence in his heart, "People don't hurt tigers, tigers hurt people's hearts!"


"Aw~~Aw~~" All the giant dragons released their dragon power again.

"Boom!" The dust flew up, and the sharp dragon claws grabbed the great swordsman in front of him.

"Here! Here!" The fighting spirit burst out, piercing through the entire top-grade long sword in his hand.

"Bang!" The great sword master blocked the long claws of the giant dragon Wanjun with his horizontal sword. The huge impact force made his body retreat involuntarily, his legs separated back and forth, and he braced himself against the ground, blocking the fierce attack.Years of mercenary career and rich combat experience made the great swordsman discover the weakness of the dragon in one move, that is slowness and dullness!
The body flickered flexibly, and came to the side of the dragon, and the sharp blade roared and pierced the dragon's body.

"Pfft!" The long sword penetrated half a meter into the dragon's body, and with the force of his arm, the long sword cut out horizontally, leaving a shocking wound on the dragon's body.Once the move was successful, the great sword master quickly jumped back.

"En? No blood?" The great swordsman was amazed. He was looking at the giant dragon. The dragon that had turned around stared at the great swordsman with dark eyes, without any expression of pain, as if it wasn't the one who was injured.

Without the slightest pause, the dragon's long claws grabbed the great sword master again.

Except Elder Naharu who is a level [-] swordsman, the rest are level [-].Among them, ten giant dragons dealt with seven great sword masters, and the rest attacked Elder Naharu together with Tianci.

Elder Naharu's eighth-level grudge unfolded, and the long sword in his hand was even more aggressive.Tianci had fought against Brigitte and Neville before, and knew a little bit about the eighth level of grudge.The long sword in his hand moved with Elder Naharu's attack, going with the trend and against his force, close and pressed, far and sticky.After several rounds, Elder Naharu just didn't threaten Godsend.

"Clang!" Elder Naharu's long sword suddenly changed direction, pressing down on Tianci like Mount Tai.Although Tianci is not weak, it is not an opponent after the outbreak of eighth-level grudge.The long sword moved sideways, and pointed at the opponent's hilt three inches away, forcing Elder Naharu's long sword to deflect a little.However, this deviation was not enough to ensure that he would not be threatened. At the same time, with the help of the opponent's pressure, he jumped half a step to the right.

"See how you hide this time? Go to hell!" Elder Naharu roared, his left fist roaring towards him.

The fist wind rushed towards him, Tianci was startled but not flustered, he changed hands with his long sword, his right hand lightning pressed Elder Naharu's left fist, and then retreated, using the strength of his fist to leap back, he swung the long sword with his left hand.

"Wind Phantom Dragon!"

"Hmph!" Elder Naharu smashed the wind phantom dragon with a punch.

Tianci had already stood still ten meters away, his right hand was bloody.Fighting against an eighth-level martial artist is inevitable. Tianci had already prepared for it, and [-]% of his strength was removed. The injury on his hand was not as tragic as the first time, but it was still bloody.

Unfolding the blue light, the injury on the palm recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You shameless person, what else do you have to say now?" Elder Naharu said angrily, "Pursuing the common treasures of mankind, tarnishing the oath, untrustworthy, everyone like you will be punished!"

Fighting vigorously, he straightened his long sword, and Elder Naharu's speed increased sharply, leaving a series of dark purple floating shadows in the air.


The long sword exuding lavender was deeply inserted into the dragon's body.Tianci's close combat at the beginning prevented the giant dragon next to him from being able to get in his hands just now, but now he separated the distance, and the giant dragons all rushed forward, and one of them stood in front of Tianci.

The giant dragon didn't show any expression, and took a picture with its huge dragon claws.



The huge dragon claw shattered, Elder Naharu held a dark purple long sword in his left hand, and his fighting spirit condensed the sword!The sword light flashed, the dragon was chopped off at the waist, and the huge dragon body fell to the ground.Turning around and returning to the sword, the dragon claws coming up from behind fell. . .I saw a mass of deep purple light flashing back and forth, and there was a crackling sound, and all the surrounding dragons were cut into several sections.

Seventh level grudge is not aggressive, but eighth level is different.The seventh-level grudge emitted by the top-grade long sword can only pierce the giant dragon at most, causing wounds, and cannot cause any destructive blows unless it keeps attacking.But the long sword condensed with the eighth-level fighting spirit exudes the eighth-level fighting spirit. The long sword pierces into the dragon's claws, and its powerful attack power is enough to turn the entire dragon into pieces.

In the face of giant dragons, high-grade weapons have become a burden instead, but the fighting spirit condensing sword consumes a lot of fighting spirit.

"Ah!!" a tragic cry.

The only mage in the team threw down his staff, held his face in his hands and howled, with blood flowing from his fingers.

"Aw~~" The wounded giant dragon next to him roared, and slapped it down with its huge dragon claws.

"Boom!!" There was a pool of flesh and blood on the ground. . .

The dragon lost its target and stood there blankly.

Tianci sighed helplessly. Compared with magic, once the dragon has life, it can attack by itself, and there is no need for Tianci to control and consume mental power, but the disadvantage is also obvious. Once the order is completed, it has to wait Follow new orders, otherwise it will stand like this, even if someone kills it, it will not fight back.Simply put, no brains!

Tianci quickly issued a new order, and the giant dragon shook its huge body and attacked the great swordsman next to it.

The great sword masters have rich fighting experience, but the giant dragon is clumsy and monotonous in attack. If it is one-on-one and there is enough time, the great sword masters have enough confidence.But the seven great sword masters here have to face ten giant dragons, which means that there must be three people who must face the attack of two giant dragons.For the great sword masters, if they just avoided You Dou, the two giant dragons could not threaten their lives.

However, all the changes happened in a deadly terror, that is Yu'er!
The lightning-like speed, the sharp and hot claws, everything is the nightmare of great sword masters.Although the defense power of the seventh-level grudge is amazing, it can't block Yu'er's sharp nails. The magic element of the seventh-level monster is mutated, and its power is no less than that of magic, otherwise it would not be so rare. The power of magic is not possessed!
The first unlucky thing is the mage, his skills can be said to be in a mess, and his magic has to defend against the dragon. Just now, he clearly saw a ball of fiery red heading towards the opposite side, and suddenly appeared in front of him.A red light flashed, and there was burning pain. It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. . .

The tragic wail chilled the hearts of the great sword masters, and they were full of fighting spirit. They defended tightly, and those who dealt with a giant dragon also strengthened their attacks.The fall of their teammates let them know that the more they drag, the greater the threat.

Tianci is well aware of the situation, as long as Yu'er is given a little more time, all the great sword masters will stay in this barren mountain!

"Pfft!! Boom!"

Another giant dragon fell, Elder Naharu cleaned up the last giant dragon beside him, his eyes were bloodshot, he stared at Tianci with gritted teeth, everyone in the punishment group was an elite and the backbone of the mercenary union. . .

The left hand dissipated the long sword of fighting spirit, and the right hand held the sword to point at Tianci, and quickly found out the current situation. All the culprits came from that fire fox!Elder Naharu ignored Tianci, his body flickered, and he slashed at Yu'er.

"Wood Spear Formation!"

Countless wooden thorns suddenly appeared around, stabbing towards Elder Naharu.

The sudden change caused Elder Naharu to stop, and the sharp thorn was crushed by the vindictive energy before it got close, and fell down.However, during this pause, Tianci has already stopped in front.


After a pause, another great swordsman fell to the ground.Yu'er screamed, her five big tails swung back and forth, she was extremely excited.The two giant dragons that were free came to Tianci's side and attacked Elder Naharu.

For Elder Naharu, a giant dragon of this level is not a threat at all, but it can cause trouble and delay time.

"Death Coiled!"

Tianci began to delay even more.

Elder Naharu put away the high-grade long sword, and directly condensed a deep purple long sword.If you can't give the opponent a weapon that poses a huge threat, it will be useless at all.

If he can have a spirit sword at this time, then this kid can still be arrogant!

"Boom!!" The two giant dragons crashed down again.

Tianci went forward with a sword, this time he could only rely on himself!
At this time, Elder Naharu was worried about his punishment group, and he just wanted to force Godsend back.But the martial arts bestowed by God is really just right to entangle Elder Naharu.

"Get out of here!!" Elder Naharu slashed across with his sword in a rage, a burst of murderous aura broke out instantly, and he forced the long sword bestowed by God to shake away.

Tianci jumped back and spread his hands, and all the trees around the spacious open space began to tremble.

"Forest Labyrinth!"

"Boom~~" There was a loud noise.

The surrounding trees suddenly grew like crazy, the trunks protruded horizontally, and the branches intertwined and stretched out, like screens separating all the people in the open space, just like the private room in the inn.

Everyone was shocked. . .The trees are actually moving, separating themselves!In the blink of an eye, I was in a closed space, there was no one else, only myself and the dragon, my companions and elders were all invisible, this is. . .what is this?

A scream sounded.

Godsend has everything in his eyes.The sudden loneliness caused every great sword master to fall into fear.People are so strange, a group of people are very bold when facing danger, but once they are left alone to face danger alone, fear and cowardice will emerge.And at this time, that is, the most dangerous time.

"Get lost!" Elder Naharu yelled, and a stream of sword energy radiated out.A row of trees in front of him suddenly fell down.

"Elder!" The great swordsman looked in surprise.

"Go to hell!" Elder Naharu swayed, and came to the dragon. His long sword pierced the dragon's neck against the scales. He was full of fighting spirit. A huge hole burst out at the place where the long sword was inserted, and his entire neck was broken. two thirds.

"Boom!" The dragon fell down.

"Ah!!" The next door screamed again.

The screen of the trees is constantly squirming, and standing in the middle feels as if it is spinning, so it is still possible to distinguish between east, west, north and south?
Unable to see the surrounding situation, Elder Naharu slashed frantically, followed by the great swordsman.

"Boom!" Another row of trees fell, and what appeared in front of them was a lifeless corpse and a giant dragon rushing up.

"Go to hell!" Elder Naharu was very angry and greeted him with a long sword.

"Green strangle!"

As the trees fell, the falling green leaves suddenly became sharp and dazzled. The great swordsman, who thought he was safe behind Elder Naharu, put away his fighting spirit, but suddenly felt a pain in his neck. . .

"Pfft!" A stream of blood sprayed Elder Naharu from behind.Elder Naharu stared wide-eyed at the great swordsman who fell beside him, he actually died beside him, beside him! !


There was a moment of silence, only the sound of the trees growing wildly and wriggling.All seven great sword masters and mages were killed, complete kill!

"Heavenly gift! Go to hell!!" Elder Naharu finally went crazy, and he could no longer sense the life of a companion around him.

With a red shadow, Yu'er jumped onto Tianci's shoulder, and the scorching nails had long since dissipated.Tired from the gods, more than a dozen giant dragons began to merge, which would be a little tiring, and then they acted entirely by themselves, but mobilizing such a large area of ​​woods to form a maze consumed a lot of their own thoughts, and they no longer had enough ability to continue. The fight went on.The most important thing is that Elder Naharu's grudge seems to have not diminished much.

Tianci ran outside, and Baiying stayed not far away, as long as he got on Baiying, Elder Naharu wanted to catch him to dream!Besides, he will be safe when he returns to the capital. Dad is an eighth-level great swordsman with a spirit sword. If it doesn't work, Gauss can protect himself!
"Hmph! When I deepen my understanding of life magic, I don't believe I can't beat you!" Tianci said fiercely, and ran forward without looking back.



Tianci suddenly felt as if he had hit a wall after running two steps, his body bounced out of thin air, and fell heavily on the ground with a dull pain.The space in front suddenly began to blur, red, yellow, blue, white, and cyan multicolored patterns twisted and merged with each other, and the outside scenery was completely blocked.Tianci couldn't take care of the pain and widened his eyes, and the invisible wall in front of him actually materialized. . .

Looking at the sky again, the dark cloud electric snake can't be seen anymore, and it's also the distorted color. . .

Tianci stood up and hit again, but was also bounced back.Yu'er screamed, her sharp nails condensed again, a red light flashed, and her nails scratched towards the colorful wall.There was no reflection, the scorching nails were like a long sword cutting off water.After several times in a row, Tianci and Yu'er finally gave up, the scenery outside was clear under the spiritual consciousness, but they were locked inside, in a square box.

I was proud of being good at caring people just now, but now I am being cared for by others.

"Boom!" A sword energy flashed, and the tree in front of Tianci fell down.

On the opposite side, Elder Naharu was holding a long sword, gasping for breath, staring at Tianci with bloodshot red eyes, gnashing his teeth, "Damn bastard, today I want your dog's life!!"

All the giant dragons in the open space were killed, Tianci smiled wryly, his thoughts were almost exhausted, it seems that today is doomed!

"Giggle, giggle!" A burst of coquettish laughter came from mid-air.

"A majestic domain owner was chased all over the ground by an ant, cluck! If I hadn't stopped you, we would have lost all face! cluck!"

Tianci was shocked and followed the sound, but there was nothing in the sky.

"I'm here! Where do you look?" The charming voice came from the left again.

Tianci turned his head suddenly, and a face appeared in front of him, so close that his noses almost touched.

A scent came, and Tianci woke up with a start, and jumped back in a hurry.I saw a beautiful woman in front of me, wearing a fiery red tight skirt that showed her graceful figure to the fullest, with light veils floating around her, she stretched out her hand gracefully to cover her mouth, the beautiful woman giggled.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Tianci asked vigilantly. This beautiful woman was the one he saw in the attic of the Barr Chamber of Commerce, and the second time she appeared in his marquis' mansion.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er on the shoulder roared angrily, stretching out her sharp and hot nails.

"Hehehe! You really are an impolite child. It's so fun. Come here, sister!" The beautiful woman beckoned, her white jade arms looming in the veil, making her simple movements extremely alluring.

Tianci frowned and stared at the beautiful woman.

"Hehehe, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the little guy on your shoulder!" The beautiful woman's eyes were shining, her red lips parted slightly.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er turned around, pointed her buttocks at the beautiful woman, her tail swung back and forth.

"How naughty!" Yan Fu was not angry, she walked towards Tianci slowly, her arms flashed, she had already grabbed Yu'er from Tianci's shoulder, and she was holding her tail upside down.

"Give it back to me!" Tianci was shocked and attacked the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman raised her arm lightly, pressing Tianci's heart strangely.

"Boom!" Tianci suddenly felt an incomparable force coming from his heart and blasted himself out.Chest tightness and numbness, there is no room for resistance!Yu'er was lifted upside down and slid her tail, but she didn't have any strength to resist.

"Hehehe, the problem of the tip of the tail of your firefox family is really interesting, even if you get to the king beast, you can't overcome it!" The beautiful woman tapped her lips with one hand and laughed.

"Who are you? Why do you have a domain!" Tianci suddenly responded.Dang Ru Ao Zhen used the domain to block the great sword masters coming down from Xilan Mountain, and even blocked their sight.And my current situation is similar, sometimes I can see the outside, and sometimes I can't see the outside.

"Hehehe, you finally realized it! Do you humans have domain experts?"

Tianci thought to himself, Brother Ao said that there are no domain experts among human beings, even if he spread the practice method, it would not be so fast, right? "Aren't you a human? Are you... an imperial beast?" ?”

The beautiful woman's body suddenly floated up, and a phoenix burning with flames appeared below her.Sitting on Phoenix's back with bent legs, holding Yu'er in his arms, "Hehehe, besides our emperor beast, are there any domain experts on the mainland?"

(End of this chapter)

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