Godsend Field

Chapter 268

Chapter 268
The emperor beast has existed since the existence of Warcraft.

Human beings have their own emperors, who set up empires to rule thousands of miles of territory and billions of people.Even the orc tribe has its own royal tribe.For the huge number of monsters, they also have their own king beasts and emperor beasts.

The Allianz Continent is very large, but monsters tend to gather in certain places, such as Xilan Mountain, the gray wetlands, and especially the Yilin Mountains, which is the largest gathering area for monsters.Whether it is the type or quantity, or the level of Warcraft is the highest on the mainland.According to legend, the Emperor Beast lives in the basin in the center of the Yilin Mountains.

It is recorded in human books that there are only two imperial beasts in total, one of which is the five-clawed golden dragon that commands all beasts on the ground, and it is Ao Zhen that Tianci once saw.The other is the colorful phoenix that commands all the beasts in the sky.The lifespan of an imperial beast is extremely long, perhaps exceeding ten thousand years, and only after its death will a new successor accept its inheritance and become a new imperial beast.Its inheritance includes not only power but also memory, so for the emperor beast, even if it has only been inherited for one day, its memory may have been tens of thousands of years old!

"You are the colorful phoenix?" Tianci was shocked.

The beautiful woman giggled, and gently caressed Yu'er with her hands, Yu'er seemed to be enjoying herself, trembling comfortably.

"You've been following me?" Tianci reluctantly sat up and looked around, only to see Elder Naharu fell to the ground at some point, unconscious.

"Don't make it so ugly, I came to see you out of good intentions! Xiaozhen told me that the human beings on the mainland have finally produced a domain expert, and the domain is not complete. If I don't believe it, I came here to see you! No Thinking that your domain is really incomplete! Giggle!" Yan Fu said with a smile.

"You mean Big Brother Ao, so what should I call you?" Tianci also relaxed. As for the Emperor Beast, if he wanted to kill himself, he would have done it long ago, and he didn't have to wait until now.

"Just call me Sister Feng!" The flame phoenix under Sister Feng slowly descended and came to Tianci.

"Sister Feng!" Tianci called affectionately, "You and brother Ao both said that my domain is incomplete, but I don't know how to complete it these days no matter how I think about it, can you teach me?"

"Hehehe, little brother, this elder sister can't help you. Although Xiaozhen and I have millions of years of memory, for the domain, this is a reward given by the rules of heaven and earth after reaching a certain level, just like you humans The territories conferred by nobles are the same. In the domain, we can control the sky and control the earth, and we can exert our power to the fullest, even if we call it a god! But how to complete it, I don’t know, because this is heaven and earth What the rules give is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people!"

Tianci was immediately discouraged, "You and Brother Ao have become so powerful in owning domains, and I can be regarded as owning domains anyway, I can't even defeat a level eight great swordsman, hey!!"

"Hehehe!" Sister Feng laughed and almost fell from the flame phoenix. "Our emperor beasts have experienced the prosperity of ancient times. At that time, there were so many saint-level human masters, and there were many talented people with different handles who could even reach the level of our emperor beasts." The height of the beast, but no one is as incomplete as your domain, giggling!"

Tianci is even more arrogant, and even a little ashamed. He only inherited the seed of his father's domain, not the complete inheritance of his father's domain!
"But don't be so discouraged. Since heaven and earth can allow you to exist in this incomplete domain, there must be a reason for it. Maybe when you find a way to repair the domain, you may be able to surpass us!" The elder sister stretched out her jade arms and stroked Tianci's head, "Your domain makes me feel very familiar, but also terrifying!"

"Sister Feng, don't laugh at me. You see, I can't even deal with a great swordsman. How can I scare you!"

Sister Feng became serious, "You know that human magic and battle qi cultivation are against the sky. Whether it is a wide variety of magic or extremely fierce sword qi, it can be said that it is against the sky, even at the domain level. You can make rivers flow upstream, and all things are suspended in the air, and you have never been punished by heaven, because you can't reach it. And you can attract such punishment from heaven in your domain, how can you not let us be terrified?"

"Brother Ao said that this is because my domain is not complete. When my domain is complete, it will not cause divine punishment!" Tianci replied.

"Since the domain is a reward given to us by heaven and earth, it can naturally resist a certain amount of divine punishment. But you may not know that even in ancient times, no human beings, including us emperor beasts, could do things that were punished by the heavens in the domain, so I say to be terrified!"

Tianci was a little confused now, "Sister Feng, why are you all against the sky, and mine will attract divine punishment?"

"Hehehe, against the heavens, there are big and small ones. What we do is nothing more than insignificant pediatrics to the world. Naturally, it will not be punished by heaven, but you are different. Do you know what you are doing?"

Tianci was shocked. All magic, including forbidden spells, no matter how powerful they are, are short-lived and cannot exist for a long time. What they are doing is creating life. Although they are walking dead without wisdom, as long as the blue light is still there, they will It will exist for a long time, so it will attract the punishment of heaven, and it must be eliminated.

"As far as we know, there are only two kinds of things that will attract divine punishment. The first is to create life forms indiscriminately like you, and the second is... Forget it, anyway, no one can achieve the second. Already! Hehehe! Also, what you create is light without wisdom. If you create an intelligent body that day, I am afraid that even you will not be able to accommodate you in the world. Let alone your brokenness domain, even if you have ten or twenty complete domains, you will not be able to save your life!"

Tianci nodded, his source of life can only create walking corpses, and he has no source of wisdom.

"Also, you have to hurry up and practice. If you leak Xiaozhen's words, I don't think it will be long before you humans will have a real holy level! After all, they are capable, but the previous method was wrong! "Sister Feng rose to mid-air again in the flame phoenix, and lightly grabbed Yu'er's little ears, "How did you become a king beast, little fellow? Quickly move, or my sister will tear your ears apart!"

Yu'er bared her teeth in pain, gesticulating with her front paws, and howled, holding her paws together after a while, she kept begging for mercy for Sister Feng, her thief's eyes rolled around.

Sister Feng was even more overjoyed, "Forget it, you can't tell clearly, and I don't bother to care about it. But your strength is too weak, and it really insults the status of the king beast. Seeing that you are so cute, If you get your sister to like you again, I will help you."

Sister Feng stretched out her right hand, put the fingers of pure white jade onion to her mouth, bit it lightly, and a drop of blood dripped onto Yu'er's forehead.

"Sister Feng..." Tianci was shocked, and suddenly Sister Feng and Yu'er disappeared in mid-air.

A moment later, Sister Feng and Yu'er appeared in front of Tianci, the red spot on Yu'er's forehead was as red as blood, even in the red hair all over Yu'er's body, it was particularly conspicuous.

Yu'er rubbed against Sister Feng affectionately, and swished back to Tianci's shoulder, holding her little paw.

"Don't worry, this is not a contract, it's a drop of my blood essence and some inheritance I gave it, lest it be killed by that unknown junior of you humans that day, and the face of our king beast emperor beast will be completely lost." Already!"

The flame phoenix disappeared, and Sister Feng walked up to Tianci, stretched out her hand to caress Tianci's little face, "Little brother, you have to hurry up and complete the domain, we are looking forward to what your domain is, come to Yilin Mountains when you are free Come play with us!"

Tianci couldn't dodge it, so he had to smile awkwardly, and was about to reply when suddenly Miss Feng disappeared into the air, everything around her returned to normal, even the opposite side could be walked across, the domain disappeared, it seemed that Sister Feng really left.

There are only two imperial beasts on the mainland, and I let myself touch them. Tianci shook his head helplessly. Fortunately, they didn't have any malice towards him, otherwise he would have to wait to die.

"Yu'er, let's get rid of Elder Naharu as soon as possible, we will be doomed when he wakes up!" Tianci suddenly remembered the lying mercenary union punishment elder.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er yelled and jumped off Tianci's shoulder, waving her little claws at Tianci.Tianci frowned, but still retreated.After retreating to 400 meters, Yu'er jumped to Elder Naharu's side, turned around, and her red tail kept stirring in front of Elder Naharu's nostrils.

"Ahhh! Ah~hhh!" Elder Naharu woke up, Tianci was startled, what is Yu'er doing?
Yu'er backed away, stopped at 50 meters, and watched Elder Naharu suddenly raised his head and roared. The howling sound oscillated in the woods. Even Tianci felt this faint pressure.

The coercion of the king beast!
Among the monsters, only the dragon clan has the dragon power.Moreover, the King Beast surpasses the Dragon Clan, so it naturally has coercion, and its power and effect are far superior to those of the Dragon Clan.From the feeling, Yu'er's coercion surpassed dozens of dragon power blessings, faintly approaching the coercion of the Frost Dragon.

Yu'er was very proud, back then in the village of Santa La Luca in the Spanish Empire, his mighty fox was not afraid of even children, now he finally has the pressure.The tail danced happily, and the surrounding fire elements came densely.Tianci was shocked when he opened his consciousness. The fire element gathered around Yu'er had a frightening density that he could not reach. This is not only the fire element within 800 meters, even 8000 meters is not an exaggeration.

Four big fiery red tails swung back and forth, a large amount of red energy gathered, and the fifth tail appeared. . .Article VI. . .

Although Yu'er's coercion is different, for the elder Naharu, the eighth-level great sword master, although it has some influence, it is not big after all.Looking at Yu'er in front, Elder Naharu was furious, swiped his long sword, and ran towards Yu'er.

Just when Yu'er's whistling stopped, a terrifying fire element gathered behind him, floating behind him like a liquid.


The fire element behind it suddenly changed drastically. . .

"Boom~~" With Yu'er as the center, a huge fire fox suddenly appeared out of nowhere, nearly 40 meters high, burning hot flames all over its body, and seven huge tails dangling behind it, each with a More than 30 meters long, one of them hangs down and is connected to Yu'er's own big tail.

The surrounding temperature rose suddenly, and Tianci, who was 400 meters away, felt waves of heat rushing towards his face, and his face was hot and uncomfortable.

With the tail of the huge fire fox swinging, the surrounding trees were instantly reduced to ashes without even burning.Within [-] meters around suddenly became a wasteland.Tianci looked at the flame fox like a hill from a distance, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

In the consciousness, the huge flame fox and the tiny Yu'er on the ground are exactly the same except that one tail is connected and remains still.Yu'er swayed the other six tails, and the giant flame fox swayed in the same way.Yu'er bowed her hind legs ready to go, and the huge flame fox also bowed her hind legs. . .This huge fox is definitely not Yu'er's magic, could it be its elemental incarnation?
Elder Naharu hadn't taken two steps, when his eyes suddenly became red, and a scorching wave swept over, and the surrounding trees were instantly reduced to ashes. If he hadn't been protected by fighting spirit, this wave of air would burn his body skin, and burn their own clothes.Elder Naharu looked up in shock, and saw a huge flaming fox more than 40 meters in front of him, with sharp teeth and claws, half-open mouth, heaving chest as if breathing.The scorching flames burning all over his body caused the surrounding temperature to rise sharply, and the space trembled slightly, and the light was bent. He couldn't see the clear face of the flame fox at all, but he could see the huge black eyes constantly turning.

As an eighth-level great swordsman, Elder Naharu has fought countless duels with great magicians and even mages, and he has seen countless magic spells, but this flame fox has a completely different feeling. It's a normal life.

As Yu'er raised his head, the huge flaming fox also raised his head and howled loudly, raised its extremely huge claws, and stretched out its sharp nails from the palms, smashing fiercely towards Elder Naharu.

Elder Naharu was full of vindictiveness, and he swung his long sword horizontally, followed by a menacing blow.


Elder Naharu's figure was pushed and slid out two steps to stand firm, the long sword blocked the giant claws like a wall, and the flames splashed and attacked Elder Naharu, but he was blocked by the fighting spirit all over his body.

Yu'er bowed her body and roared in a low voice, suddenly clenched her lowered little paw.

The giant claws were also clenched violently, and the sharp nails scratched the ground and stabbed at Elder Naharu from all around.

Elder Naharu frowned, and thrust the long sword in his hand hard, his figure flashed rapidly.The gap between the giant claws is big enough for two people to get in and out side by side.


It was still a step too late, piercing through the grudge defense sharply, leaving a shallow burn on Elder Naharu's stomach.

"Boom!" The dust flew up.

The giant claw smashed a huge hole in the ground.

As soon as Elder Naharu's toes touched the ground, his body rushed forward quickly, and a dark purple giant sword condensed in his hand, slashing towards the giant claw's wrist.


The sharp vindictive sword cut off the wrist of the flame fox's front paw.The huge front paws lost contact with the body, instantly turned into sparks and scattered on the ground.The hand of Elder Naharu's strike quickly jumped back.

The flame fox didn't suffer the slightest pain. He raised his clawless forearm, and the flames all over his body screamed. New sharp claws emerged from the fracture, and the long sharp nails stretched out, exactly the same as before.

Not afraid of attack, not afraid of injury!
Elder Naharu was horrified, his fighting spirit began to dim, and he was panting.

The sky was filled with flames, and the huge sharp claws slammed down again. The difference was that this time the two front claws attacked at the same time, and the sharp nails fell from the sky like huge spears.

Elder Naharu dodged to the left and right, and the fighting spirit sword in his hand flew, cutting off the nails and claws one by one, and the fire splattered, and the broken nails had fully recovered within a short breath, and the attack was not affected at all.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." The huge nails pierced the ground, stirring up dust, and there were huge pits on the ground. Elder Naharu dodged to dodge, and the opponent was not afraid of his attack at all. . .In a blink of an eye, he suddenly saw Yu'er on the ground in the distance doing the same movement. . .

"It's it! Could it be it!" Elder Naharu instantly understood, and at the same time felt unprecedented fear.

It's useless to attack the flame fox, the only way to do it is to knock down that little beast!
Elder Naharu dodged the sharp claws sideways, concentrated all his battle energy and erupted again, the light burst out, the speed increased, and his body jumped towards Yu'er.There was a fiery red in the air, covering everything.Six huge tails fell side by side towards Elder Naharu.

"No!" Elder Naharu yelled, how could he forget that it still had a tail.Not to mention that I can't disguise myself in the air, even on the ground, facing the overwhelming tails, I may not be able to hide.

"Boom!" The six huge tails fell to the ground.

Tianci was horrified, seeing the tiny Yu'er squatting on the ground, gesturing back and forth with her tiny claws, she could play with an eighth-level great swordsman in the palm of her hand, is this the King Beast?

The tail was raised, and six huge marks appeared on the ground.

"Huh~~huh~~" Elder Naharu panted heavily, the fighting spirit had already dissipated, and the high-grade long sword in his hand was supporting his body on the ground, his clothes were torn, and he looked embarrassed.

The light dimmed, and the grudge had dropped to lavender.

Yu'er stretched out her head, and the huge flame fox opened its mouth wide, as if it wanted to swallow Elder Naharu in one gulp.

run!Elder Naharu's first thought, regardless of fatigue, ran away!

"Oh~~" Yu'er leaped forward, the speed was by no means comparable to that of the previous Yu'er.Raise the little paw and shoot it down!
"Boom!" During the leap, the giant flaming fox slapped down its front paws, and slapped Elder Naharu on the ground like a fly.

"Don't kill!" Tianci yelled suddenly and rushed over.

Raising his little paw, Elder Naharu lay flat on the ground, his clothes could no longer cover his body, his skin was severely burned, bones were exposed in many places, his chest heaved rapidly, and mouthfuls of blood spewed out from his mouth.

Tianci walked to the side, and the mercenary group who had been majestic just now punished the elders, but now they turned out to be in such a miserable state.

"Tell me, are you colluding with the prince?" Tianci asked coldly.

"Cough...cough...want to know...don't think...they...all want you to die..."

Tianci sighed in his heart, and wanted to come back by himself. The eldest prince and the third prince were fighting for him, but now they both want him to die.Just because he didn't express his position, and what he did recently made them all regard him as their public enemy?More importantly, they care about this northwest province!

The eldest prince hoped that he would get the Northwest Army if he died, but what about the third prince?The Northwest Army is an army after all, and the third prince probably doesn't have enough capital to fight for it. What is the reason that the third prince wants him to die?
An eighth-level great swordsman's injury is not fatal.Seeing the miserable scene, Tianci suddenly couldn't do anything.

"Yu'er, let's go!" Tianci turned around.

"Aw~~" Yu'er suddenly yelled, and the incomparable fox prestige radiated out again.The huge flaming fox suddenly roared at Elder Naharu, and Elder Naharu's body suddenly lifted and fell heavily, his eyes suddenly lost their luster and became lifeless.

Tianci was taken aback, "Yu'er, what did you do to him?"

The huge flaming fox suddenly disappeared, and Yu'er swept away the tail behind him, and swiftly jumped onto Tianci's shoulder, gesticulating with his little paws.Tianci nodded, looking at Elder Naharu behind him, even if he recovered from his injuries, he would probably be dazed and stupid for the rest of his life.

"Let's go, Yu'er, let's go find Shirai Shadow and practice in another place!"

(End of this chapter)

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