Godsend Field

Chapter 269 Coercion

Chapter 269 Coercion
In a forest south of the Welsh Empire, a huge flame suddenly rose.




. . . . . .

A burst of dust oscillated, the huge flaming fox landed on the ground with four claws, six huge tails smashed to the ground respectively, and the huge burning wood fell down with its mouth open.

Tianci retracted the blue light into his body, and his wooden giant dragon was no match for Yu'er at all.The giant dragon only has the strength of level seven, while Yu'er with six tails has already reached the strength of an eighth level monster.What's more, the giant dragon is dull and has no wisdom, while Yu'er is more spooky and clever than a human.

Yu'er held her little paw, and flaunted her power at the gift of heaven.

"Hehe, it seems that no matter how many dragons there are, they are no match for you!" Tianci smiled, and with a wave of his palm, the tail connected to Yu'er broke immediately, and the huge flame fox shattered into sparks and fell down.Yu'er was even more dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do. Although he could manipulate the fire element, he couldn't completely control it like a gift from heaven.

Walking lazily in front of Tianci, Yu'er screamed, a bunch of fireballs came down and ignited a raging fire on the ground.

Tianci chuckled and sat down, took out the grill and roasted the meat, "Yu'er, is your elemental incarnation passed down to you by Sister Feng?"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er nodded her head, drooling from her mouth.

"This is the last piece of meat. It's been two months. We should go back!" Tianci said, tearing the cooked meat in half and handing half to Yu'er.Coming out this time, I just used it more proficiently, and my strength didn't make a big breakthrough, but Yu'er's strength has been improved like flying!

There were people coming and going at the gate of the Welsh Empire city. The captain in charge of guarding the gate saw a man and a horse walking on the avenue from a distance. The tall white horse was much taller than the people.

"Heavenly Marquis!" All the guards stood upright.

Tianci nodded slightly, and quickly walked towards the inner duke's mansion.Neither grandpa nor Nero came back yet, and Jane sat in the yard quietly embroidering her waistcoat.Tianci walked into Ning Yuan, smiled and sat beside Jane.

"I'm back, come here quickly, try it on!" Jane cut off the thread, picked up the vest and tried it on Tianci.

Tianci took off his coat and put on the vest, "It just fits! Mom's hands are so skillful!"

Jane smiled happily, "Originally, I planned to make you a wedding dress with my own hands, which can be worn when you get married. Hey, who knows when I will see you get married!"

Tianci smiled awkwardly, "I...I'm still young, let's talk about it later!"

Jane rolled her eyes at Tianci, "You thought you were Yu'er, you just eat and don't grow up! I have discussed it with your father many times. Although we didn't like that Qin'er before, but this time I saw her so dedicated. We don’t have anything to say about helping Li’er. Besides, from what Li’er said, Qin’er is not bad and likes you quite a bit, we don’t think you are as good as…”

"Cough! Cough! Mom, don't keep talking about me. In fact, my brother is not young anymore. You should think about my brother!" Tianci hurriedly changed the topic, "Mom, what do you think of Xiaobenben?"

"Sini is a nice person, very sensible, and your father and I like it very much!"

Tianci made it difficult for him, "Yeah, it's a pity that little Benben is just a lowly girl, and we are noble officials!"

Jane stretched out her show and pointed at Tianci's head, "You don't need to provoke me with words. If your mother is that kind of person, would you two still be there? Your father was a wild boy at that time, not even Si Ni!"

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Tianci giggled, "Hahaha, every time Mom says bad things about Dad, Dad will always show up! Talk slowly, Yu'er and I will go to the academy to see Lier!"

After entering the Imperial College, Qin'er went to learn magic with the wizard Kesli, and Li'er stayed alone in the room meditating.Tianci came to the study and quietly looked at Dean Rafal's General History of the Mainland.Looking back and forth at the deeds of the three emperors, it is obvious from the biographies of the emperors that the three emperors were not very prominent before they went to Donglan Valley.Although Emperor Zhou was called king, he was not wise. Even the conquest of Yujia was out of curiosity, and the use of people and troops was all based on preference.The Great Qin Shidi was just a hostage. He was bullied in other countries, never read a book, and had a eccentric personality.Emperor Faran was even more of a commoner, unknown to the public.

However, after the three great emperors came out from Donglan, all of them were majestic and majestic, and they swallowed the world with arrogance!

Those who win Donglan win the world!Could it be true?
Tianci closed the general history and looked out the window.In the Donglan Valley, I and Nero went in and ran into the Frost Dragon within a few steps, and then I didn't know anything, but Nero was awake.As for what happened to Nero inside, how could the Frost Dragon let him and Yu'er go, and what was it that summoned him?
If Nero doesn't say it himself, no one will know!Tianci sighed softly!

"God-given brother!" He called softly.

Tianci came back to his senses, "Li'er, you've been here for a long time, why didn't you call me? Sit down."

Holding Li'er's hand, Tianci also sat down.

"Brother Tianci, how has your practice been in the past two months?"

"Hehe, I haven't made any progress, but this time Yu'er has made a lot of money! Yu'er, come here and let Lier take a look!" Tianci called.Only then did Yu'er lazily stand up from the window, and with a clever move, she jumped into Li'er's arms.

"This is... Brother Tianci, have you signed a contract with Yuer?" Lier quickly noticed the red spot on Yuer's forehead.

"Hehe, no! This can be said to be the inheritance Yu'er accepted! You also know that Yu'er has never received the inheritance from the Fire Fox Clan since childhood, but this time is different. Yu'er's strength can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds! "Tianci said enviously.

"By leaps and bounds? What is Yu'er's current strength? Seventh level?" Li'er asked tentatively.

Tianci shook his head.

"Level eight?" Lier couldn't believe it.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er puffed out her small chest and yelled proudly.

Lier was stunned in surprise. Most of the Firefox clan were five-level monsters, and it was really rare that they could fall to level six. Yu'er turned out to be an eighth-level monster. Isn't Yu'er a veritable high-level monster?
"Li'er, I think Yu'er is more powerful than a level [-] monster!" Tianci added.

Li'er looked at Yu'er in her arms, speechless.

"Li'er, let's see what delicious food I bought for you!" Qin'er's voice came from outside.

Holding the vegetable box and walking into the study, suddenly seeing Tianci, Qin'er's face showed surprise in an instant, and then calmed down, "Stinky boy, are you finally willing to come back?"

Tianci smiled slightly, "I have troubled you to take care of Lier these months, thank you for your hard work!"

Yu'er sniffed her nose, and immediately screamed, jumped out of Li'er's arms, ran around Qin'er, rubbed Qin'er intimately, her two big watery eyes were drooling with.After eating rough food for two months, it's time to eat something delicate!
"Hmph! Why don't you think about me? You only know you're pestering me when you have something to eat! If you want to eat, there's no way!" Qin'er deliberately put her hands behind her back and put the vegetable box behind her back.

Wagging its tail, Yu'er roared in a low voice.

In an instant, a powerful coercion came down.Tianci didn't feel anything, Li'er also felt a little uncomfortable, but Qin'er was miserable, her whole body suddenly seemed to be squeezed by something, her forehead was dripping with sweat, and she couldn't breathe.But at this time, fear began to arise from the depths of his heart, and his muscles became stiff and no longer obeyed.

"Crack!" The vegetable box fell to the ground, and the lid spread open.

Yu'er immediately rushed to the vegetable box happily, and the coercion disappeared in an instant.

The pressure on Qin'er's body suddenly disappeared, her body became weak, her legs were unstable and she fell down.Tianci hurried forward to hold Qin'er and put it on the seat.

After a long time, Qin'er came to her senses, covered her heart with her jade hands, and asked in panic, "Tianci, what was that just now, why can't I move?"

"Yeah, Brother Godsent, I feel so uncomfortable too!" Lier also felt lingering fear.

Tianci looked at Yu'er who was pulling the vegetable box on the ground, and smiled helplessly, "You should have heard of Longwei, besides the Dragon Clan, there are king beasts and emperor beasts, just now is Yu'er's coercion!"

"Coercion?" Li'er and Qin'er were taken aback at the same time, "You mean Yu'er did it just now?"

Yu'er raised her greasy mouth, and grinned at Qin'er Li'er, trembling all over, and immediately felt a sense of coercion, but it was not as strong as the first time.

Qin'er and Li'er trembled, and the coercion disappeared again!

"Si Yu'er, you have no conscience, you dare to suppress me, thanks to the fact that I bought you so many delicious food!" Qin'er, who had reacted, suddenly erupted, and rushed towards Yu'er in shame and anger, really wanted to go up to it The little butt came a few times, but there was no way.Yu'er is a king beast, he can't bear the coercion alone, let alone its strength.

"Hehe, the current Yu'er can be said to be the real King Beast! The three of us together are probably no match for it!" Tianci chuckled.Although Tianci can prevent Yu'er from releasing the elemental incarnation through the control of the fire element, Tianci still has three points of fear for its lightning and weird speed!

"This red spot?" Qin'er suddenly noticed the red spot on Yu'er's forehead.

"This is not a contract, this is his inheritance. The king beast cannot become someone else's monster, otherwise it will no longer be a king beast!"

Qin'er stared jealously at Yu'er, who was a big flower on the ground, giggled suddenly, squatted down, and stroked Yu'er, "Oh, Xiao Yu'er, you see that you have become so skinny after going out for two months. It must be the stinky boy who didn't give you a good meal! I heard that Fenghuang Restaurant has recently released a new dish called lamb chops with stewed peppers, I really want to try it!"

As if struck by thunder, Yu'er trembled all over, spat out the fat in her mouth, rubbed Qin'er's calf affectionately, circled around Qin'er back and forth, her two big watery eyes were full of obedience and eager.

"Hee hee hee!" Qin'er was very happy, but pretended to be embarrassed. "However, if we go to Phoenix Restaurant, what should we do with these dishes? We can't waste them either!"

Yu'er picked up the vegetable box, put it under Tianci's feet, pushed the upper layer away, and gestured with her little paws.Although the meat dishes on the top are almost gone, the vegetarian dishes below have not moved at all!

Tianci looked embarrassed, Li'er covered her mouth and smiled secretly, and Qin'er laughed unabashedly.

"Okay, let's go!" Qin'er picked up Yu'er, "But you have to clean up a few flies for me first, you suppress them with coercion, and then hand them over to me. I'll treat you to eat more when I'm done." several times!"

Yu'er's eyes widened, she held her little paw solemnly, and handed it over to Benhu!
Tianci shook his head helplessly, took out the vegetarian dishes from the lower layer of the vegetable box and placed them on the small table between himself and Li'er, "Let's eat, I don't know how many people in the college will be unlucky!"

"Actually, you can't blame Qin'er. There are many people pestering her every day. I used to feel that kind of pestering... Anyway, it's very uncomfortable. And there are quite a few senior swordsmen and great magicians too. Among them, many Qin'er can't beat it! Especially William, the Qin'er who has been pestered for a month is going crazy."

"William? Who is it?"

"William is a bachelor of the swordsman department. He only returned to the capital last month, and he has been stationed on the border of the empire before. His full name is William Lankers!" Lier replied.

"Lankers... Is he from Marshal Lankers' family?" Tianci asked suddenly.

"Well, he is the grandson of Marshal Lankers. Before you came to the capital for the first time, he reached the level of high-level swordsman and then went to the border of the empire to train. He used to pursue Qin'er all the time when he was in the academy. Now that he came back, he was even more crazy. Almost wherever Qin'er went, he followed there! Even Wizard Kesley couldn't do anything about it."

Tianci was dumbfounded, "Now Qin'er will suffer!"

Li'er was a little anxious, "Brother Tianci, aren't you worried? He is your main opponent! Have you forgotten the request that Thunder Sword Master gave you? It's only less than a year now..."

After eating, Tianci accompanied Li'er for a walk in the Imperial College.

Compared with the Holy Academy in Seville in the Spanish Empire, Imperial Academy is a bit more lively and less quiet.The meditative practice of magicians and warriors is in their respective academies.Public places are places where everyone spreads out and plays.Under the leadership of the person in charge, the young students played games on their respective lawns.The older ones walk freely in the college in twos and threes.

Time has passed, and there are not many students who know Tianci among the students.On the way, the students all looked back at Li'er's beauty, Tianci was once again ignored like when she first entered the academy!

"Hey, come quickly, Jin Hua is beating someone again!" Suddenly a young man rushed over and shouted loudly, "Let's go, let's go and see!"

The people around were commotion and ran towards the central square.

"Golden flowers beating people, hehe" Tianci laughed, his face suddenly changed, "Golden flowers beating people? Now only two of the five golden flowers are in the academy, and Lier is beside me again, could it be..."

Li'er looked at Tianci and nodded helplessly, "In order to avoid those people pestering me, Qin'er will challenge those people and make them swear that if they are defeated, they will not pester them anymore. I don't know how many people have been in the past two months Lost in Qin'er's hands, hey!"

After hearing this, Tianci smiled dumbly, "Li'er, let's go and have a look too!"

The central square of the Imperial College was already crowded with people, and it was very lively.There were two people standing on the stand in the middle, one of them was wearing a sky-blue mage robe, holding Yu'er in his arms, it was Qin'er.Opposite stood a well-dressed man, tall and strong, but with a handsome face and a handsome appearance.

Tianci pulled Li'er to find a front row seat.Lier is a bachelor, so she is qualified to sit in the front, Tianci is just following her.

"Brother Godsent, this is William. His strength is probably in the middle of the sixth level. I remember that he was only at the peak of the fifth level when he left. I didn't expect that he has improved so rapidly in the past few years!" Lier sat down. After that, he said.

"No matter how fast you are, you are not as fast as you. You are a sixth-level great magician, and you are still under 20 years old!"

"I...I'm different! But if you want to say fast, Qin'er is called fast. At that time, even grandpa was always in admiration. Did you know that when Qin'er just came back, she had already reached the fifth level peak , and Qin'er herself said that she is at this level after waking up. From the comprehension of the heart of soft water, she can completely grasp the transcendence, this is the first time in history!"

"Really? Qin'er is so powerful?" Tianci was also surprised, "Then who is stronger, she or William?"

"It should be William, after all, he has spent a lot of time in the sixth grade. And Qin'er just arrived in the sixth grade not long ago, so..."

Suddenly there was loud cheers from all around, and I saw Qin'er pointing at William, "I'll give you one chance, if you lose, then stay away from me and stop pestering me!"

"Hahaha, Qin'er has a life, how dare I not follow? Just in case I win by chance, I hope to have dinner with Miss Qin'er! If I lose, hehe, how could I lose!" William He smiled heartily and looked around.

Immediately, there were screams of girls all around.

Tianci looked curiously at the little girls behind him, "I never thought William would be so attractive. Look how many girls around are going crazy!"

"William was already handsome, coupled with his strong fighting spirit and distinguished family background, of course he is the prince charming in the hearts of those girls!" Lier said with a smile, "I heard that William is already the commander of the empire. It won't be long before you can become a general!"

In the empire, those who lead five regiments of 5000 people are called legion commanders, those who lead five legions of 12 people are called generals, and those who lead five main legions with more than 5000 people are called generals .

"This William really has a bright future, no wonder it caused so many girls to scream!" Tianci regained his senses and looked towards the middle of the stands.

"I think if it's Tianci's elder brother who goes up to the competition, he will definitely attract more attention than William!" Lier looked at Tianci proudly.

"Don't talk too much, if you lose, you will never pester me, you swear!" Qin'er refused to let go.

"Haha, I swear that if I lose, I will never pursue Miss Qin'er, and I will never get one meter closer to you! Is that okay?" William said with a smile, his face full of confidence, "I've heard of the empire a long time ago. The God-given Marquis has a very smart fire fox, it must be the one in your arms!"

"That's right, it used to be his, but now it's mine! Didn't you see the contract on its forehead?" Qin'er said proudly.

Yu'er in her arms screamed, her little paw pointed at her forehead, a bright red dot was particularly conspicuous.The body jumped down, and the little head rubbed against Qin'er's calf affectionately, with a look of filial piety.

Tianci and Lier sat in the stands speechless. . .How can an eighth-level monster be so easy to subdue?Even the eighth-level great sword master is played by it, not to mention Qin'er, a small sixth-level water magician, in Yu'er's eyes, he might be able to put a piece of it with his claws.However, this little king beast has huge flaws. A plate of stewed pepper and lamb chops can make it put down the king beast's airs and cooperate with Qin'er in acting. . .

"Hee hee! William, you just wait to die!" Qin'er smiled triumphantly with her walking stick.

(End of this chapter)

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