Godsend Field

Chapter 270 False prestige

Chapter 270 False prestige
"Frost Dragon!!"

As Qin'er swung her cane, a huge frost dragon about ten meters long appeared above her head, roaring and rushing towards William, with traces of white air around her body.

William took his time and looked around leisurely. The long sword unsheathed and the fighting spirit exploded instantly, and the dark blue fighting spirit fizzed.Pointing the sword point to the ground, he raised his left hand and aimed at the Frost Dragon that was jumping down in mid-air.

Just when the magic arrived, his figure flickered, and William suddenly leaped to the left, his arms grew out to grab the cold dragon horns.The body bounced back after a pause in the air, and the long sword in his right hand fell.


The long sword cut into the dragon's head.

"Here! Here!" The fighting spirit was overwhelming, and the long sword cut off the entire dragon's head.

"Boom!" The huge dragon body fell out of control and shattered into countless pieces of ice dust.Half of the dragon's head fell to the ground and shattered, and the other half was held by William in his hand, and he held it up high, gesturing to the surroundings.Like a dragon slaying hero.

There was another ear-piercing scream.

"Miss Qin'er, thank you for being merciful!" William saluted Qin'er gracefully and gracefully.

"Hmph!" Qin'er was very annoyed, she didn't look at William, but stared at Yu'er on the ground, "What are you doing, didn't you just agree? Why don't you do it?"

Yu'er lay lazily on the ground, with her head hidden in her front paws, her tail curled up, and a small nail sticking out.

"Okay, I know, I'll take you to eat after the fight, and make a big plate for you!" Qin'er said angrily.

Little Nail shook.

"One meal?"

Little Nail shook.

"one day?"

Little Nail shook.

Qin'er suddenly understood, her face turned blue with anger, and she squatted in front of Yu'er, "Dead Yuer, stinky Yuer, you are clearly setting prices on the ground, you have no credit, you are ungrateful, you are greedy for food, you are shameless... .”

Yu'er's ears were drooping, her eyes were squinted, and she looked like she was taking a nap.

Qin'er got angry, stood up and looked at William opposite.Although he has made rapid progress, he is still a little behind William.After all, William has already reached the sixth level, and he has fought against many masters in the army, and he is far superior to himself in terms of strength and combat experience.Just look at his hand just now, others either dodge or fight hard, but he just came to play, which is clearly his confidence in his own strength.

"Smelly Feather, if you don't get up again, I won't need you anymore, and then you won't be able to eat anything!" Qin'er threatened.

Yu'er stood up lazily, Qin'er was overjoyed, and saw Yu'er stretched out her little paw and pointed to William who was opposite, then turned around and took small steps to get off the competition stage.

"Stop!" Qin'er hurriedly called out.If Yu'er really left, wouldn't he be doomed?Even if William has to pay for food, the students will definitely die laughing at that time!

"Si Yu'er, count yourself as cruel, I promise you!"

Yu'er suddenly turned around excitedly, grabbed her little paw, and handed it over to Benhu!
"William, don't be complacent! This time I must let you lie down and go out!" Qin'er said fiercely, her words were full of confidence and diverted anger.

William shrugged his shoulders, "Miss Qin'er is so confident, let me try it out!"

"Ice and snow!"

The sky darkened, and hexagonal snowflakes slowly fell down. A giant dragon more than 30 meters long danced back and forth in mid-air. It seemed that liquid was still flowing in the ice dragon's body.

The snowflakes dropped the temperature around them suddenly, white and fluttering.The excited students in the stands just now gradually calmed down and watched quietly.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and there is already a thick layer in the middle of the stands!

"Hehe, it's really my honor to be able to compete with Miss Qin'er in the snow, it's so romantic!" William didn't care at all, and didn't attack right away, letting the snow cover him.Soon the heavy snow covered her knees, and Yu'er was completely covered, screaming and jumping onto Qin'er's shoulders. This kind of environment is the second most annoying to Benhu.

"It's so romantic!" Many little girls in the stands held their fists and looked at William standing proudly with admiration in their eyes.

Tianci stared at the stands, "What exactly does Qin'er want to do?"

Lier's complexion changed and she suddenly grabbed Tianci's sleeve and shook it, "Brother Tianci, hurry up, quickly release the magic barrier and surround the stands! Hurry up, hurry up!!"

Godsent was confused, but Lier couldn't stand the horrific shaking, and instantly unfolded his consciousness, and four huge magic barriers surrounded the stands.After being confirmed by Tianci, Li'er suddenly released a wind blade, cutting towards the dragon horn of the ice dragon in the air.

Qin'er's eyes flickered suddenly, feeling something, the corners of her mouth raised, "William, have you seen enough? I'm going to attack!"

With the back of the long sword in his right hand, he made a please movement with his left hand.

"Huh!" The ice dragon in the air jumped down instantly, opened its mouth wide and bit William.

"Boom!" The swiftly approaching ice dragon landed two meters in front of William, and plunged into the snowdrift!

"What? Missed?"

"Did the control go wrong? It seems that no one was hit!"

All the students in the stands must have opened their mouths. The grand sixth-level great magician, the only disciple of the headmaster of the Saint, can't even aim at people?This is too exaggerated!

No matter William on the stage or Godsend in the audience, the great magicians and the students were all stunned in amazement, except Qin'er and Lier who were smiling.

"Boom~~Wow!!" The ice dragon shattered, and there was a lot of water inside the thin surface.The ice shattered and water came out, impacting all around.Surrounded by thick snowflakes, they immediately merged into the water and rushed towards the surrounding stands.There is more and more water, and the momentum is getting bigger and bigger!Like the rushing waves in the sea!
"Not good! The water is about to rush out!!" The bachelors in the front row of the stands were surprised, and they all stood up and prepared to retreat. Seeing the situation, the water must have been deliberately done by Qin'er. Normally, it would not produce such momentum!

Just as Tianci was about to stand up, Lier suddenly pulled him down, "Brother Tianci, didn't you cast a magic barrier!"

God-sent meal, yes, what are you hiding from!
Wow! !The waves rushed over violently, hitting the magic barrier heavily, like a rising tide hitting a dam, splashing up immediately, and impacting along the magic barrier.After the waves hit the magic barrier, they splashed high and counterattacked towards the center.From a distance, it looks like a huge water flower in full bloom. The petals are closed towards the center, which is very spectacular.

The huge water waves did not make William feel any threat, but the waves were blocked and splashed high, and he was really shocked.Seeing the sudden change, William was furious, and suddenly felt an infinite chill around him.

Not good, the air around me is already covered with cold air, as long as the waves rush over, it will freeze in an instant.There is cold air all around me, why don't I freeze myself into ice cubes?

At this moment, William's back felt cold and his heart beat faster. He must not be frozen!Now there is only one way to escape from this cold place.Before the waves rushed over, William was about to lift his legs to run away, when he suddenly heard a coquettish voice, "Squeeze him!"

boom!William suddenly felt that his whole body was suddenly pressed by tens of thousands of pounds, his limbs were so weak, and his heart palpitations were endless, as if he was about to collapse on the ground.The feeling of terror in my heart instantly spread to every part of my body, trembling. . .

Can't move!

"Wow!!" The surrounding tide surged to cover the sky.

"Soldiers! Soldiers!..." A crisp voice sounded, and a square ice cube about ten meters high suddenly appeared on the entire stand, crystal clear and transparent.At the level of the ice, there seemed to be a figure. . .

"Wow!!" Excess water was flowing, washing the floor of the competition platform.

In the middle, Qin'er crossed Xiaoman's waist and looked at the huge ice cube in front of her, "Whoo!! I'm exhausted!!"

All the students around were stunned, including the great magicians in front of them, who were also amazed.

"Miss Qin'er, I admit defeat for our young master!" Three or four warriors suddenly jumped up from below, bowing and saying.

During the challenge, other than the two parties involved, no one else can disturb them.However, if one party is unable to make a judgment or loses the ability to admit defeat, it is the same for his relatives or someone who can represent him to come out and admit defeat.Now that William is frozen in a block of ice more than ten meters thick, let alone speak, even if he speaks, it may not be able to spread.

"Hmph! Admit defeat? Go back and tell your young masters, don't pester me from now on!" Qin'er said proudly.

"We know! Please Miss Qin'er to disperse the magic!" The warrior said respectfully.

"Scatter? I can only freeze and not break the ice. It's better to wait until the sun is high and it will melt. Your young master is a strong six-level battle qi, and I didn't increase the cold air. This little bit of ice can't hurt him." Qin Said with a playful smile.

The warrior stopped talking, facing the ice cube, his lavender grudge suddenly exploded, a long sword gradually condensed in his hand, and he slashed towards the ice cube.With a bang, the ice cube shattered into pieces, the warrior's long sword flew, and the ice cube scattered a passage leading to the inside of the ice cube.

After a while, the warrior helped William out. William was drenched and didn't hurt much. Looking at the proud Qin'er, his eyes were full of complicated eyes, admiration?hatred?
"Remember, don't pester me again!" Qin'er snorted coldly, tossed her long hair, walked down the stands happily with Yu'er in her arms, and walked towards Li'er.

"Clatter!" There was a wave of applause, especially those male students, whose palms were about to burst.Qin'er enjoyed the cheers and applause very much.

"Qin'er, let's go!" Li'er quickly pulled Qin'er and walked back.

"What are you doing, Li'er!!" Qin'er pouted dissatisfied.

"Look at yourself!" Li'er pointed to Qin'er's wet robe that stuck to her body.

The impact of the waves not only soaked William, but Qin'er's own clothes were also soaked, sticking to her body, outlining her beautiful figure, which caused a commotion among the male students.

"Oh!" Qin'er suddenly realized, and hurriedly dragged Li'er towards the villa area.

Yu'er, who was left behind, jumped back to Tianci's shoulder, waving her little paw happily.

The competition was over, the protagonists also left separately, and the onlookers began to disperse, leaving only a huge ice block isolated on the competition platform.Tianci walked out of the central square with the flow of people, and walked towards Dean Rafal's attic.

The attic is off limits to others, but not Godsend.

After a while, there was a burst of clear laughter, and Qin'er, who had changed her clothes, walked in with Li'er on her arm.After seeing Qin'er, Yu'er excitedly jumped over and circled around Qin'er.

Qin'er bowed and hugged Yu'er, "Good Yu'er, we cooperated really well today, I see who will dare to pester me in the future!"

"Qin'er, don't forget that the magic barrier was released by Brother Tianci for you!" Lier added.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for my lack of mental strength, I wouldn't need his help, but thank you!" Qin'er pouted her lips in reluctance. "Li'er, how is my magic today?"

"It's good, but I don't understand how it freezes at the end. If what I said is correct, the waves should be out of your control in the end!" Lier asked puzzled.

"Well, if it's in other forms, such as ice, snow, cold air, etc., it's fine, but not water. Water is flexible. Once the magic becomes water, we can't control it continuously, unless we release the magic again. For example, the water dragon technique. If it does, it will consume a lot of mental power. That's why I won't be so stupid as to control those waves to freeze!"

"Then how did you do it?"

"I have arranged the cold air in advance. As long as the water meets my cold air, it will be difficult not to freeze! Just like this!" Qin'er spread her hands, and ice dust appeared around her body instantly, surrounding and shining, beautiful magnificent.

"You can come up with this method, Qin'er, you are so smart!" Li'er said enviously.

Qin'er is very proud, but she thought of this in the Holy Academy in Seville, Spain.But the person who came up with this idea seems to be a godsend, "Lier, the wind mage we met in Seville, except for the wind strangulation, he usually gathers wind magic by his side, so it's sunny , the clothes will also flutter, very beautiful, you can try it too!"

At the mention of beauty, Lier's eyes flashed instantly.

"Li'er, Qin'er, I suddenly had an idea just now and I don't know if it will work!" Tianci said suddenly, Qin'er and Lier stopped discussing and looked at Tianci, "Do you two feel that Longwei is actually good, Whether it is coercion, it is very similar to killing intent, it is attacking our spirit, thus creating the feeling of tens of thousands of pressure on the body."

Qin'er nodded, "It seems that when I was suppressed, I almost lost the courage to fight back. This must be attacking our spirit!"

"Well, in fact, you and Li'er have nothing to say about the affinity, and what you need to practice now is just mental power. Why don't you practice under Yu'er's pressure, so it should be quite good for your mental power training. Helpful! If you are no longer afraid of Yu'er's coercion that day, it means that your spiritual power will reach the level of a seven or eight-level mage!
"That's right! Why didn't we think of it? Brat, sometimes I have to admit, you're still pretty smart!" Qin'er said happily.

"Brother Tianci is very smart!" Li'er said happily, as if she was praising herself.

"Yeah, yeah, he's smart, but Li'er, you're so stupid, you turn to him for everything!" Qin'er complained.

Lier's face was reddish and she stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er yelled.

Li'er and Qin'er looked at Yu'er and then at Tianci.

"Hehe, it said that it takes a lot of energy to release the coercion every time, and he can only help you a few breaths a day!" Tianci said in a embarrassed way.

"What can you practice with a few breaths?" Qin'er said dissatisfiedly, pointing at Yu'er with her jade hand, "Si Yu'er, you defected today, raised your price on the ground, and blackmailed me with rogue methods. I haven't settled with you yet. Now you still want to get worse!"

Li'er picked up Yu'er from the ground, "Good Yu'er, how did you learn to be a rascal now! Aren't you very pure before?"

"Hmph, you don't have to ask, you don't even look at who Yu'er is with all day! This is called being close to vermilion and black, and close to ink is black! Li'er, you have to be careful in the future, don't let Yu'er be caught again Polluted!" Qin'er said angrily.

God-given Dahan: "Yu'er, how many military merits do you have? If you can help them cultivate well, how about I go to my mother to ask for a military merit for you when they improve their level?"

Yu'er's eyeballs wobbled and she yelled, it was a deal!

Leaving Yu'er to practice with Qin'er and Li'er, Tianci returned to the Marquis' mansion alone.With Chen Wu and Gru as sparring partners, and Gauss giving advice from time to time, Adela made rapid progress.

Compared to Roland, no one knew what he was doing.Staying alone in the yard all day long, there is no one nearby, and no one will approach him except for him walking out by himself.Chen Wu had contact with Gru and Roland, and by virtue of Godsend and Adela, he didn't have a bad impression of Roland, but this could not affect the entire guard group.Even if a thousand personal guards respect Tianci and obey Tianci's orders, they are the people of the empire first. Roland's behavior is no different from running away. As a soldier's personal guard, he undoubtedly hates this kind of behavior especially, even if he has Tianci order, but it is still difficult to stop hating and loathing Roland.It was just right not to come out, out of sight and out of mind, so no one wanted to get close to Roland, including his small yard.

Through his divine sense, Tianci was surprised to see that Roland's destructive energy was the size of this washbasin. The surrounding space trembled, and all the energy condensed.Sweat dripped from Roland's forehead. . .

A bowl with a big mouth can suck in a Frost Dragon more than 40 meters away. How much can this face size suck in now?If you continue to practice, what will be the result?Tianci's heart trembled, Roland, how did you realize such terrifying energy?
don't bother!After Tianci and Chenwu Gelu explained again, they returned to the Duke's mansion by themselves.

Ning Yuan's meals were already prepared, and she was waiting for Tianci to come back.The dishes are very simple, and they are Tianci's favorite food.In addition to Jane and An Rui, Nero was there, in civilian clothes.

"Father, mother, Nero! Are you all waiting for me?" Tianci walked in with a smile. The maid next to him brought a washbasin and towel. Tianci washed up casually, dried himself, and sat down.

"Hehe, our family hasn't had such a quiet meal for a long time!" Zhen said happily.

Since Nero became the Deputy Counselor of the Ministry of Government Affairs, he hardly had time to come back for dinner.Although Jane can feel it and understand it very well, but as a mother, who doesn't want her children to sit beside her and eat every day?
"That's right! Brother, you've been out for two months, and you're finally back! We all..."

"Nile, you are not allowed to talk about government affairs during dinner!" Jane said angrily with a straight face.

"Okay! I won't say, let's eat. I've been waiting for a long time and I can't eat it. I'm starving to death!" Ni Luo picked up the chopsticks, picked up the favorite dish and stuffed it into his mouth, "Brother, it's over , let's go to grandpa's place!"

(End of this chapter)

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