Godsend Field

Chapter 271

Chapter 271
After dinner, Tianci followed Nero to Duke Kate's study.

"Grandpa!" Tianci saluted respectfully.

"Well, I'm back. This time I heard that you insisted on going out to practice. How is your practice? A few days ago, all the elders and key members of the punishment group of the Welsh Empire Mercenary Union died, you know Right?" Duke Kate stared closely at Tianci with his eyes rolled up.

Tianci was silent, his eyes seemed to be interrogating, or making a conclusion.

"Brother, although the mercenary union tried its best to block this news, the intelligence personnel of our empire still found the clue and confirmed it! Now only grandfather, Marshal Lankers, and the three princes have received the report, and the rest They don’t even know! But looking at the situation, they seem to be suspecting that you did it!”

"That's right, it was indeed all done by me, and the mercenary tragedy under the Xilan Mountain was also done by me!" Tianci replied helplessly, "However, Elder Naharu of the Criminal Law Corps did not die, but his spirit was disturbed." Defeat, madness will last forever!"

Duke Kate and Nero were really taken aback. "According to our information, Elder Naharu has died, and the body has been seen!"

The three of them were silent at the same time. The matter was very simple. The mercenary union found Elder Naharu and found out that he was insane.

Duke Kate stood up and circled around Tianci. When we met our Jinjuwei, Gauss couldn't guarantee to retreat completely, but you were able to kill them all! If I remember correctly, you still don't know any fighting spirit or magic!"

Tianci nodded and admitted, "It's not me who kills them alone, but Yu'er, and another person. She is the key. Without her, I'm afraid Yu'er and I won't be able to come back! As for who she is, I don't know." Say more!"

Duke Kate's expression eased slightly after dispelling the doubts, and he sat back in his seat, "That makes sense, haha! If you can kill the punishment group today, Jinjuwei probably won't be in your favor!"

Tianci was startled, and his face was serious. What did Grandpa mean by this? Was he afraid that he would be disadvantageous to him or Nero?

"Tianci, don't think too much about it. I'm already at the end of my life, so what are you afraid of? If you are by Niro's side, wouldn't Niro be safer?" Duke Kate knew what Tianci was thinking with a glance, and explained casually. Said, "Okay, not much to say, let's talk about some serious business!"

Nero looked at Tianci, "Brother, do you know that Marshal Lankers has a little grandson?"

"Well, is it called William? When I went to visit Lier at Imperial College today, I happened to see him challenge Qin'er, but Qin'er was frozen in an icicle!" Tianci was funny when he thought about it, William fell down today. Wronged mold.

"Really? It stands to reason that William is better than Qin'er!" Nero also laughed. Is there any other reuse, or it is going to go to your Northwest Army!"

Tianci was taken aback, "What? Go to the Northwest Army?"

"It should be! You may not know this William yet! William is the grandson of Marshal Lankers. He is very talented in martial arts and fighting spirit. In terms of military tactics, he has inherited the talent of Marshal Lankers. He is thoughtful and decisive in dispatching troops. , The military department values ​​it very much. He grew up in the army from the age of three until he entered the Imperial Academy, and then went to the southeast province after graduation. There he led a legion, and he is currently the youngest legion commander in the empire. A few days ago, General Planck and the Marquis of Saint La were defeated, and it was William who led his army to reinforce them in time to bring General Planck and the Marquis of Saint La back to Weight City."

"This time, General Akas led the main battle corps of the entire Yanji Province to go for reinforcements. Judging from the daily military newspapers, the situation is not bad. It has blocked several attacks by the Faran Empire and recovered some lost ground. At this time, William received the transfer order and came back from the front to report on his duties, which must have a deep meaning! So my grandfather and I guessed that he might be transferred to your Northwest Army to try to infiltrate the Northwest Army!"

Duke Kate also nodded, "This Northwest Army can be said to be the number one surprise soldier in the mainland. Both His Majesty and Lankers have gone to inspect it. It is said that the old marshal touched his nose, but His Majesty appreciates the price. The annual tax After handing it over, the first thing is to meet the expenses of the Northwest Army. I think William may go to the Northwest Army. If he can't get in, there is nothing shameful. But if he gets in, it will be a big deal!"

Tianci nodded, this possibility is very high!Since the Northwest Army cannot be controlled from the outside, it is better to fight inside!

"Brother, do you know that if you don't go to the court these days, you will be anxious to the third prince and the others, hahaha!"

Tianci was surprised, "Didn't the third prince point out that I am not the governor, and I am not qualified to discuss politics? Isn't it in line with their wish that I don't go now? Why are you so anxious?"

Nero sneered disdainfully, "That's why I said they were fighting for power and territory, and their heads were dizzy. They didn't even think about it. If you don't go, who can decide the affairs of the Northwest? Don't look at them as regents. Assistant Zhenggong, but His Majesty is not dead yet, and His Majesty handpicked Northwest to you, but they have nothing to do! Hahaha! I also admire Your Majesty now, for finding someone like my brother who can't eat salt and tea to take charge In the northwest, the three princes have something to look at, but nothing to eat!"

Tianci also smiled dryly, "Nile, William returned to the capital to report on his work, so how is the fight in the southeastern province?"

"It's not very clear. The situation in William's hasty return this time has not stabilized. I'm afraid we won't know the specific battle report until the hall meeting the day after tomorrow. Brother, you must come then!" Nero said.

Tianci's appearance on the political hall of Qinzheng Palace immediately caused quite a commotion in the main hall.Tianci still sat in the last seat habitually, next to Marquis Dolan.

"I said Godsend, you have been so free these two months! Everyone is also a 'governor', and you are the envy of several of us!" Marquis Dolan said with a smile.

Tianci smiled, Marquis Dolan said so, naturally to help the eldest prince express his attitude, let himself know that the eldest prince admits his status as the governor, "I'm not very educated, and I haven't made much achievements, so I went out for two months, Marquis Dolan Recently, there are many things in the empire that need us to participate in the discussion?"

"That's not true, it's just that the battle situation in the southeast province is worrying! As far as I know, the French Empire is determined to fight us this time. The posture of not giving up! Although we have reinforced the strength of a province, I am afraid it is still a little dangerous!" Marquis Dolan shook his head worriedly and sighed.

Tianci was startled and was about to ask more questions when the three princes walked in.

Seeing Tianci sitting at the back, the three princes smiled slightly, but the third prince seemed to be smiling stiffly.

When everyone sat down, the atmosphere in the hall immediately became cold and silent.

Marshal Lankers looked around and walked to the middle, holding a dark red document in both hands, "Regent and Assistant Regent, the urgent military document for the southeast province has arrived at midnight yesterday, please make a decision!"

The ministers immediately became agitated.

"How is the battle ahead? Please report to the old marshal!" The third prince asked anxiously.

"Returning to Fu Zhenggong, General Akas has resisted the three onslaughts of Faran, and at the same time regained two of the seven lost forts. It's just..." Marshal Lankers looked embarrassed.

"Just what?" the third prince asked.

"It's just that our army has suffered heavy losses! More than half of the three main battle regiments brought from Yanji Province have lost more than half, and at the same time, the other three frontier fortresses in the southeast province have also issued an emergency request for reinforcements!"

after a while of silence
"Wow!!" The whole hall exploded.

The three main station legions were nearly 50, and more than half of them were lost. . .

Whether they were sitting or standing, they were already fidgeting at this time. This kind of loss can be said to be unprecedented, even the first greedy work was not such a big loss!
"The Regent, the Assistant Regent, Akas volunteered at the beginning, not only did not retreat the enemy and regain the lost ground, but caused unprecedented losses to the empire. I think he should be dismissed and convicted on the spot, and another commander should be replaced!" A person walked out from the crowd. Officers of the Inspectorate.

There was an uproar again.

The eldest prince's face was very gloomy.

"No, it's a big taboo for military strategists to change commanders in the middle of battle!" Marshal Lankers suddenly said angrily, "Although you and the Supervision Department are responsible for supervising and impeaching all officials, you, a child, only see the surface and listen to the wind, have you ever investigated it?" The truth? If the inspectors are all people like you, then our Welsh empire will be in danger!"

The face of the official who stood up was as pale as a pig's liver.

"I would like to report to the Regent and Assistant Regent that although General Arcas suffered heavy losses, there is a reason for the incident! The French Empire has already gathered a large number of soldiers and horses in our southeast province. Five main battle legions. According to the military newspaper that just arrived, the battle in the southeastern provinces is extremely fierce, and battles are happening almost every moment. Although we lost a multi-master legion, the French Empire also lost Quite a lot. We fought more with less, instead of taking a step back, we took back two fortresses and moved the front line away from the town, thanks to Akas!"

Everyone above the main hall took a breath of air, the five main battle legions. . .

The three princes sitting on it were even more shocked. The eldest prince slapped the armrest and stood up abruptly. He quickly walked down to take the military report from Marshal Lankers, and looked at it carefully.The third prince and the sixth prince couldn't sit still anymore, they came down one after another and moved forward.

There was silence in the hall, and everyone could hear their own heartbeats.

"Godsend, we are constantly fighting with Fran, but every time the two sides add up to no more than three legions, I didn't expect that the Fran's legion, which is fighting head-on this time, has five main battle corps. It seems that this time They are determined to win! Wells is in trouble now!" Marquis Dolan sighed.

The eldest prince read it and handed it to the third prince, "This is the end of today's court meeting. All generals, ministers and governors please stay for a while, and the rest of the officials can go back and do their own things!"

The officials standing behind bowed their heads one by one, and quickly exited the Hall of Qinzheng.

"Crack!" The door of Qinzheng Palace closed again.

The eldest prince waved his hand, and four servants ran out from the sides, holding up a golden frame, on which hung a map inlaid with gold threads, which was a congratulatory gift from the eldest prince on His Majesty's birthday that day.After the golden frame was stabilized, the servant quickly retreated out.

"Everyone, the situation is urgent now. In order to avoid too many people talking, I specially ask everyone to stay here. I hope everyone can discuss an effective countermeasure to solve the current urgent need!" said the eldest prince, turning his head to look at the third prince "Three Brother, read the military report to everyone!"

The third prince said loudly, "Regent and Assistant Regent, Marshal Lankers! The battle in the southeastern provinces is chaotic and brutal. Marshal Enrique of the French Empire led the five main battle armies and divided them into three groups to approach our city of weight. The momentum is overwhelming. The minister led the three main battle armies in Yanji to meet the attack. Although he did not retreat the enemy, he did not lose any more ground. On the sixth day of last month, the minister resolutely raised his troops when he made a mistake in deploying defenses, defeated the middle of the road, and recaptured the two fortresses in the southern city. He Fei conquered the fortress, and the crisis of the weight was temporarily resolved. However, the French army was unwilling to abandon the defense and deliberately counterattacked. Reinforcement at the Marshal's discretion! Minister Arcas and Planck St. Raton heads!"

After the third prince finished reading, he took out three military newspapers from below and took a look, "These are the military newspapers of Ike City, Jiti City, and Eisen City, and they are all under attack and hope for reinforcements!"

After the third prince finished reading, everyone understood now, and started discussing in whispers.

"Marshal Lankers, you are highly respected and have experienced the most battles here. What do you think?" the eldest prince asked.

Lankers stepped forward, "It must be clear to everyone that among the four empires, we have the deepest grievances with the French Empire. The melee between the French Empire and the Spanish Empire 500 years ago made us take the opportunity to seize The territory of the French Empire, which is our current southeastern province. Although they did not counterattack at that time, the southeastern province has always been the heart disease of our two countries for the past 500 years. The wars surrounding the southeastern province It has been 500 years! In the past, His Majesty was in charge, and the soldiers were united and they could only make small troubles. Now His Majesty is in a coma and they want to take this opportunity to take over the southeast province in one fell swoop, so we must absolutely Don't be careless!"

"That's right, they've done their best this time!" Duke Kate agreed, "Your Majesty said two years ago that the French Empire's movements have become smaller and smaller in the past ten years. On the day when I was critically ill, it was so hard to strike! Usually there are only one or two corps, but now there are five main battle corps in Weight City alone. It seems that they have accumulated many years of conspiracy, so we must not underestimate it. what!"

All the generals nodded. Over the past few decades, although the Empire and Farland have fought continuously, they have always won. They have relaxed their vigilance on weekdays, and they no longer take the Faran Empire to heart, but this time it is different.

"The two dukes are right. I am afraid that the victories in previous years have made us proud, so we have the big defeat last time. We must be extra careful this time! Marshal Lankers, in your opinion, now How should we deploy it?" said the eldest prince.

"Well, everyone look at the map!" Marshal Lankers walked to the front and pointed to the southeast of the map, "There are four roads at the border between our southeastern province and the Faran Empire, Eike City, Giti City, and Essen City There is also the weight city. Among them, Ike City, Jiti City, and Eisen City are strategically located, either with mountainous areas or with natural dangers. It is basically impossible for them to mobilize large-scale troops to besiege, so this As long as we hold on to the three cities, they won't be able to attack them! But this weight city is located on a plain, with flat terrain around it, which is very suitable for large-scale marches. Although we have established fortresses here, here, and this area, But after all, this is a sand dune on the flat ground, so it’s unreliable! Arcas has now stationed his troops here at Nancheng Fort and Feizheng Fort. , will inevitably lead to the loss of the weight! At that time, our southeastern province will be in danger!"

Most of the people who stayed were soldiers, listening and watching carefully, nodding frequently!
The eldest prince's face was heavy, "That's right, if they take the weight city and use the weight as their base, Ike City, Jiti City, and Eisen City will be in danger, and it may lead to the complete collapse of our defense line at that time! At that time, we will not be fighting defensive counterattacks, but siege warfare!"

"This is the second thing. You can see that most of the land behind the weight city is fertile land. The terrain here is flat. There are no big military fortresses or terrain that can be used to defend against the enemy. Once the weight is opened, all the southeastern provinces will be in It's under their noses. They can advance or retreat, and we will lose an important barrier!"

Everyone's faces became unnatural, as if they saw some disaster.Looking at the map, Tianci couldn't help but feel worried. If that's the case, the southeast province, which the empire has ruled for 500 years, will change hands!

"Prince Regent, I think we should immediately dispatch the nearby legion to reinforce it. No matter what, we must hold the weight city!" A general stood up and said, "The southern province can be reinforced!"

"The southern province is also an important province for our border defense. If we dispatch from there, I am afraid it will attract new invasions!" Someone immediately stood up and objected, "I suggest dispatching from the eastern province!"

"Although the eastern province can be adjusted, the main battle army there has not changed defenses for more than ten years, and the combat effectiveness may not be a heavy responsibility!"

"In terms of combat effectiveness, the South and Southwest are available!"

"The Southwest Province is bordered by the Spanish Empire. I'm afraid the Spanish Empire will take advantage of it!"

"That's right, since that incident, the troops deployed by the Spanish Empire on our border have increased significantly! And they are also their most important legion!" Marquis Ahmed, governor of the Southwest Province, also joined the debate. .

Everyone is looking at Tianci at this time. The increase in the Spanish Empire's troops may be somewhat related to the marquis's misdeeds in other empires.

"Everyone, don't think about it! The increase in the Spanish Empire's troops is purely planned in the early stage!" Marshal Lankers said loudly, "I am afraid that the French Empire has selected five of the best soldiers from the entire empire this time." The main battle legion, are they not afraid that something will happen on the Spanish border? Obviously, they have colluded with each other for a long time, and the reason for this increase in troops is to cause fire and robbery!"

"Well, what the marshal said is true!" All the generals echoed.

"Marshal, Lord Regent, there is a plan to solve this crisis!" A general stood up and immediately attracted everyone's attention, "Among all the legions in the Welsh Empire, only the Northwest Army has the strongest combat effectiveness. We only need to Transferring half of the Northwest Army to the southeast, do you think the culprit will still run away? If you transfer the entire Northwest Army, how difficult is it to hit Marcel?"

Everyone was stunned!
"No!!" Tianci suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at Tianci again!

"The place where the Northwest Army is stationed is the most dangerous place in the whole continent. The Orc Empire is more terrifying than the Faran Empire! And as far as I know, the troops of the Orc Empire can gather at any time. Once they know that the Northwest Army If we leave the northwest and form a large army to attack, what will we do to resist?" Tianci said.

Earl Safeiros also stood up, "That's right, I also stayed in the Northwest. Although the orcs would come and attack every once in a while, I didn't dare to come with all my strength, because I was afraid of the strength of the Northwest Army. Once the Northwest Army left Yes, they will definitely come with all their strength, and the northwest will be in danger by then! If we are invaded by other empires, the people will panic at most. Once they learn that the orcs have invaded the northwest, I am afraid that the entire empire will be shaken. The West Horse Rebellion 40 years ago was Best example!"

The Sima Rebellion, the generals who are a little older will never forget that the orcs broke through the defense line and invaded in an all-round way, and the imperial army was invincible. If the Holy Rafal did not personally act, the empire may be in danger!
"We can mobilize legions from the northern and western provinces!" the general argued.

"Hey, I'm afraid, General, you don't know the situation in the northwest! If you didn't pass by yourself, there would be no main battle legion that is the opponent of the orcs! The legions you mentioned, I'm afraid they will be scared when they see the orcs. If your legs are weak, how can you fight? People in the Northwest Army are either highly skilled in martial arts, or they are people who fight desperately, can they be compared?" Saphiroth sighed.

"Then...then it's better to invite Lord Saint to sit in the northwest. Anyway, there is no agreement between us and the orcs!"

"Nonsense! Your lord, who regards you as a saint, is your family's guest minister, so you can go there wherever you are told?" Now the eldest prince couldn't help it anymore, "Don't move the Northwest Army for now, everyone think of other ways!"

(End of this chapter)

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