Godsend Field

Chapter 272

Chapter 272
Everyone in the empire knew that Dean Rafal had gone into retreat, but not many people knew the reason for the retreat.But what is certain is that the three princes must know it!Tianci's original words were undoubtedly a double-edged sword, which not only brought a faint threat to the empire, but also brought a faint opportunity.If Dean Rafal can break through before others, or only Dean Rafal can break through, then it will undoubtedly be a great opportunity for the empire!
Unify the continent.

"Saint Rafael must concentrate on retreating and practicing, and the Northwest Army must not move. Let's discuss the other legions! Old Marshal, do you think the main battle legion can be called?" The eldest prince said sincerely.

"I suggest that two main battle legions be transferred from the eastern province to the southeastern province, and then another legion be dispatched from the central province. The eldest prince can't go there in person now, why not send the Xiao Feng battalion to the southeast for reinforcements!" Lan Keer Marshal Si said.

The Xiao Feng Battalion was drawn from the major armies, and their fighting power was guaranteed!

"The old marshal's plan is feasible, and the final general agrees!"

"The last general also agrees!"

There was no better way, and all the generals agreed!
Several governors also had no opinion.

At this time, a court servant ran in, "Reporting to the Regent, Illuminati, Archbishop Makayla of the Welsh Empire has arrived outside the gate of the palace!"

Everyone was surprised, "Why is Archbishop Makayla here?"

"Everyone, stop guessing, I invited Archbishop Makayla!" said the eldest prince, and walked out of the gate to greet him personally.After a while, the eldest prince and Archbishop Makayla walked in side by side.

"Hehe, everyone is here!" Archbishop Makayla greeted kindly.

Everyone also smiled back.

"This is the Marquis of God, he is really a young hero, and his appearance is extraordinary! This time Mia was able to enter the Northwest Province smoothly thanks to the help of the Marquis. You are Mia's great benefactor!" Makayla The archbishop said gratefully.

"Archbishop Makayla is polite. Miss Mia has done a lot of good things for the people in the northwest. I'm just providing a place for the beauty of adults. It's really not a big favor!"

"Archbishop Makayla, please sit here!" The eldest prince said respectfully, and moved a seat from the side himself.

Archbishop Makayla sat firmly and looked at the map in front of him, "Everyone must be discussing the situation in the southeast province. I don't know what orders the prince has for inviting me this time?"

"Don't dare to order! Archbishop Makayla must have heard that this time the Faran Empire has lost its money! In the past, our disputes between the Illuminati and Illuminati were ignored, but this time it is different. I am afraid that the two sides will invest a lot There will be more than ten main battle legions..."

"What? Ten main battle legions?" Archbishop Makayla was taken aback. His eyes widened and he stood up suddenly. "Prince, is your news accurate?"

The eldest prince didn't say anything, and handed the military report just now to Archbishop Makayla for review.

"Archbishop Mackayla, both sides have invested a lot this time. I am afraid that the casualties will increase unprecedentedly, and the war will drag on. If not, it will cause battles between the empires. The death toll is bound to be astonishing! That's why I asked Ma Archbishop Kaila came here, hoping that you can report the situation here to the Pope, and request the Pope to send a priestly group to stop this war, I wonder if it is possible?" said the eldest prince.

Archbishop Makayla will read the urgent military report again, "Prince, I will report this matter to His Majesty the Pope immediately, but I am afraid that it will be difficult for the Holy Sacrifice Corps! You also know that for thousands of years, our We have always tried our best to avoid battles between empires. According to the past practice, that empire first invades other empires, and we will send out priests and even holy priests to help the invaded empire resist the invasion. However, the southeast province is in some troubles. Now both empires say that the southeast province is their own. Even the pope at that time could not make arbitrarily decided who should own the southeast province, so they simply do not help each other. We, the Illuminati, don't care about wars that take place on such disputed territories!"

"We also know this! But this time there are too many people, so we still hope that Archbishop Makayla can report the situation completely. I don't think His Majesty the Pope would like to have so many people die in the war!" the eldest prince implore.

"Okay, I'll go back and report right now. As for His Majesty the Pope's approval, I can't guarantee it!" Archbishop Makayla said helplessly.

"Thank you, Archbishop Makayla!"

Archbishop Mackayla nodded, "If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first! Marquis of God, if you have time, please come and sit in our Guangming Church. Mia has returned, and I will go to the Holy Land to meet His Majesty the Pope in two days. Let us thank you for your kindness before we leave!"

"Bishop Makayla, you are welcome. If there is nothing else, Li'er and I will visit Miss Mia in the afternoon!" Tianci replied.

"Hehe, then we'll be waiting for you!" Archbishop Makayla bid farewell to everyone again, turned and walked out of the Hall of Qinzheng.

"Marshal Lankers, regardless of whether the Guangming Cult can support us or not, we must be prepared to fight tough battles, except for the Eastern Province and Xiaofeng Camp. The legions of the Western Province, Northern Province, and Northeast Province are also Deploy the elite to deploy defenses to the south, waiting for reinforcements at any time! Marquis Gizzes, you cooperate with the old marshal to quickly mobilize the army and supplies, and quickly reinforce! Marquis Dolan, Marquis Aldro, Marquis Bernard, you are all accompanying the general The elites in the province will be dispatched and set up defenses to the south!" The eldest prince ordered.

"Yes!" The four marquis governors took the order and stood together with the military officials.

Everyone who walked out of the Palace of Political Affairs felt very heavy. The empire, which claims to be the most powerful empire on the mainland, is now in a panic when facing Frank's fierce pursuit.

"Godsend, leave the war to them, we'd better do our own thing with peace of mind!" Duke Kate said, walking to the carriage, Nero waited and helped Duke Kate to sit in the carriage.The carriage started slowly and ran towards An Tianfu.

"Godsend you don't have to worry. It's not unreasonable for our Welsh Empire to claim the strongest national power. Even if the French Empire breaks through the southeast province temporarily, they must be at the end of their battle. In time, we will get it back again!" Duke Kate said .

"Grandpa, you have heard the military analysis just now. If it is true, we will fight a siege. At that time, we will be like climbing a mountain, and it will be very difficult!" Tianci said.

"Hehe, brother, what you are talking about is just the views of the military strategists, not looking down on the whole. You have to know that the so-called war is fighting for a city and a place, and it is a strategy for a province. Tactics, but for the empire, it is national power and financial power. General Arcas belongs to the first type of military force, Marshal Lankers is the second type of strategy, and His Majesty and Grandpa are the third type of national power. So from the war At the beginning, my grandfather and I were not worried at all. Even if our southeast province fell, they would be at the end of their strength, and they would not be able to fight even if we left Yanji province. After we wait for a while, the southeast province will still be ours sooner or later. Yes!" Nero said confidently.

"Nile is right. It's just that the Spanish Empire and the French Empire are currently looking down on the Welsh Empire. We are temporarily passive. When we adjust, they don't dare to make a big deal!" Duke Kate said, "It's just that This time, I don’t know how many good men have shed their blood on the battlefield, so we must do a good job in the pension work, otherwise it will hurt the hearts of the soldiers of the empire! Nero, wait for you to discuss this matter with Sephiroth, and you must be perfect , even more fanfare!"

"Yes, Grandpa!" Nero took the order.

"Godsend, Archbishop Makayla has a good impression of you. Go there in the afternoon and try to say as many good things as possible. If you can get the support of a sacrificial group, it is better than reinforcing two main battle legions!"

"I know about Grandpa, I will go to Imperial College now, and go to Guangming Church with Li'er!" Tianci replied.

The Imperial Palace is not far from the Church of Light, but it is a bit far from the Imperial College before going to the Church of Light.Tianci didn't come out of the Imperial College until after noon.Now that Tianci has his own mansion, when he goes out alone, the carriages always bear the logo of the Marquis's Mansion, but the logo is very cute, with gold-edged fox paw prints.The Fox Claw Golden Banner is now also a sight in the capital of the empire!
Inside the carriage, Qin'er smiled the happiest, "Ah! Life is so beautiful now! Finally no one pesters me anymore!"

Li'er covered her small mouth and chuckled, "Even William was beaten so badly by you, who else would dare to challenge you? But having said that, you should be very grateful to Brother Tianci and Yu'er!"

"What is there to be grateful for, brat? I saved his life in Genoa last time, and he still owes me! As for Yu'er, he should be rewarded properly. Come here and I'll give you something delicious!"

Yu'er's ears perked up, this sentence was the most beautiful in a long time!

"Hehe, how do you guys feel after practicing today? You haven't been overwhelmed by Yu'er!" Tianci asked with a smile.

Li'er and Qin'er's faces turned red at the same time, feeling ashamed.This morning, I came to the open space full of energy and let Yu'er let go. I thought I could hold on for a while at least, but Yu'er's coercion was so powerful that it instantly defeated all their resistance. Without it, he collapsed on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

It seems that yesterday's coercion was nothing more than Yu'er sneezed. . .

"Hehe, you two don't need to worry. Yu'er has at least the strength of an eighth-level monster. Compared to humans, he has the mental strength of an eighth-level mage or great swordsman. Of course you can't take it anymore. Why don't you take it slowly? The seventh level starts to connect!" Tianci said.

"Hmph, don't laugh at the two of us, if it's you, maybe Yu'er can overwhelm you with a single sneeze!" Qin'er said angrily.

"Hehe, don't forget, Yu'er and I have been together since we were young, and I am more familiar with it than I am. Even if he puts all his strength on me, I am not afraid!" Tianci said with a smile, although he has not tried it, but Tianci Guessing from the experience of fighting eighth-level powerhouses, one's mental power or mind will not be lower than eighth-level.

"Hmph, who knows what kind of monster you are, you obviously knew nothing before!" Qin'er was ashamed and angry.I had the absolute upper hand a few years ago, even in the competition by the pond of the Imperial College more than a year ago, I could win by a narrow margin, but things have changed completely since then, and now I have no chance of winning Yes, it's infuriating to think about it.Not only was it a gift from God, but even Yu'er, who was scolded by him as a little beast at the beginning, became so powerful, as if he and Li'er could be defeated with a single paw!
If I had known today, when he was hiding in his carriage when he was a child, he should have taught him a lesson. . .Think how powerful my little water polo was at that time!
"Okay, we've arrived at Shengguang Square!" Tianci's words interrupted Qin'er's thoughts, and the three got out of the carriage.

The inner layer of the empire is full of nobles and dignitaries, and generally civilians are not easily allowed to enter, except for the Holy Light Square.The Guangming Sect originally promotes goodness, and pays more attention to the lower classes of society, so the Holy Light Square has never restricted the number of people, even beggars can come here to beg.At this time, there were a lot of people on the square, except for many people who came to listen to the teachings of Guangming, most of them came for sightseeing.Although the Bright Church here is not as famous as Seville, it is considered one of the best in the empire.

The carriage stopped, and immediately many people who knew the goods pointed out the name, and the onlookers rushed up, scrambling to look at the Marquis of the Empire who had been in the limelight recently.Returning to the empire safe and sound after the Spanish empire had a big mess, really gave the empire face!

The personal guards opened a path, and the three of Tianci walked forward quickly.

"Wow, I finally saw the Marquis of Tianci, and the fire fox. This trip is worthwhile!"

"Me too, Miss Lier is indeed the legendary beauty, and the other lady is also very beautiful!"

The crowd was excited like a tide, but fortunately the guards blocked it, otherwise they would really rush up.

Walking into the Guangming Church, there were already people waiting at the door.As soon as the three Godsends appeared, someone immediately reported to Archbishop Makayla.Just as the three of Tianci stepped into the hall of the main hall, on the railing of the inner platform on the second floor opposite, Archbishop Makayla and Miss Mia walked down with a smile.

Miss Mia was wearing the costume of the bishop of the Illuminati, and the sacred aura was getting stronger and stronger all over her body.

Similar to the ranks of trainee magician, magician, great magician, mage, and grand magister on the mainland, the Guangming Cult also has its own name.Because it has a healing effect from the first level, there is no such thing as a trainee in Guangming Cult.Levels [-] to [-] are called priests, levels [-] to [-] are called great priests, and those who have comprehended the heart of the light element, which is called the brilliance of light by the Illuminati, have reached the level [-] and [-] standards and are called priests. .If you have further comprehended the profound meaning of the elements, you will be called the high priest, and you can only be called the bishop if you reach the eighth level!
Bishops are divided into red-clothed archbishops and white-clothed archbishops. This has nothing to do with strength, but depends on merit and prestige.Archbishops in white are generally stationed in various empires or important cities to manage the bright religious affairs of the entire empire or region.The archbishops in red are all staying in the Holy Land of the Illuminati: Mount Feiwen, and manage the entire Illuminati together with the Pope!

However, according to the information provided by Dean Rafael, the archbishop in red should have a level nine magic level!There are more fighters on the mainland than magicians, and with the fact that magicians are divided into several categories, it seems that there are even fewer.Among the magicians, the light department and the dark department have the least number of people, only about half of the number of other departments!However, compared to the small number of people, the Guangming Cult also has its own unique advantages, that is, it is relatively easy to advance to the Grand Magister.Light and darkness are homogeneous and different. Most of the great magisters of the light system are of both light and dark systems, including the current old Pope.

Each stage of the Guangming Cult has its own distinctive costumes and robes, but they are basically white as the main tone. The higher the level of the robe, the better and more the inlays on it.At the level of the bishop, the robes have been divided into outer robes and inner robes, and the outer robes are made of yarn mixed with gold threads, and covered on the inner robes, solemn and mysterious.The archbishop in red is naturally covered with a dark red robe, while the pope is wearing a scarlet black robe!
Mia is now a candidate for the Holy Maiden, and is eligible to wear the bishop's attire, even if she loses the election!After being selected, the saint can also wear scarlet of the same level as the pope.The saint is the spokesperson of the God of Light, and the Pope is the executor of the God of Light. According to the judgment, the two belong to the same level.

"Hehe, the Marquis of Tianci is here, please come to the living room!" Archbishop Makayla walked forward, patting Tianci enthusiastically, "This should be your first time here!"

Tianci smiled, "The archbishop doesn't know anything. Not long after I first came to the capital, I came to the church to listen to the archbishop explaining the doctrine of light. At that time, Miss Mia was beside you."

"Really? It must have been four or five years ago when you first came to the capital. At that time, Mia could only listen, but could not independently host the pilgrimage lecture!" Archbishop Makayla looked at Mia proudly." But in the past few years, it was basically hosted by Mia!"

"Mia is amazing! If I were to face tens of thousands of people, I'm afraid I'd already be on the ground!" Li'er and Qin'er said with a smile.

"You two, stop making fun of me!" Mia held their arms.

"Mia, you are back this time, what about the church in Yanhua City?" Tianci asked suddenly.

"You don't have to worry about this!" Archbishop Makayla said, "We have transferred a high priest from the church to preside over the affairs there! Mia is doing a good job there. A few months ago, the Holy Land sent a cardinal. I came to investigate and I am very satisfied. Mia also returned to the capital with the cardinal. In a few days, Mia will go to the Holy Land to accept the selection of the Pope and the cardinals!"

"Since ancient times, there is no greater achievement than opening up territories! Archbishop Makayla, this time Mia should be sure to win. I congratulate you in advance!" Tianci said politely, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Thank you Marquis for your good words! This is not only the glory of us, but also the entire Welsh Empire!"

Mia was even more happy. She was bathed in the sacred light since she was a child, and she dreamed of being a saint since she was sensible, and now it is finally coming!
(End of this chapter)

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