Godsend Field

Chapter 273

Chapter 273
Archbishop Makayla invited Tianci into the noble living room in the main hall, and Mia took Lier and Qiner to her boudoir.

"Marquis of Tianci, you look like you have something to say to me!" Archbishop Makayla said casually, and handed the poured tea to Tianci.

Tianci took it over, "To be honest, my grandfather told me before I came to let me..."

"No need to say more about Marquis Tianci!" Archbishop Makayla interrupted Tianci, "I am also a member of the Welsh Empire. Do I want so many people to die? But no matter what I write, the result is certain! How could the Holy Land know about the battle situation earlier than us, and at this moment, I am afraid that the conclusion has already been made. No matter what I write, it will not change their conclusion!"

"Archbishop, how do you think the old pope and the cardinals will handle this matter?" Tianci asked eagerly.

"Let it develop, let nature take its course!"

"How could this happen? This is a battle involving more than a dozen main battle corps with millions of people. How many people will be killed or injured? Isn't your Guangming religion's mission to maintain peace and reduce wars? How could you treat such a big battle?" Turn a blind eye to the war?" Tianci asked anxiously.

"Marquis of Heaven, don't be in a hurry to listen to me! From the birth of the Guangming Cult to the present, we are indeed committed to preventing wars and reducing casualties. The four empires have gone through 5000 years, and there are many incompetent kings among them. There are also many When I was young, the national strength of a certain empire was terrible, but even so, their empire area did not change much. Although there are saints, but the saints will not take action unless they hit the capital and are about to perish. Do you know why? " Archbishop Mackayla asked.

Tianci nodded, "I know, because if any empire sends troops to invade and initiate a war, the Illuminati will send a group of priests to support the invaded empire and help them resist the invasion together. They will also send a group of priests when necessary! So 5000 Over the past few years, the four great empires have continued to fight over their territory, but the differences are almost the same."

"Well, it is for this reason that our Welsh Empire is so powerful that we have never invaded others, while the strength of the French Empire is declining, but we dare to wage wars. It is because they have no future troubles and are not afraid of being invaded!" Archbishop Mackayla smiled coldly, "But there are always exceptions! 500 years ago, even with the help of the Holy Priests, the French Empire was defeated and lost the southeast province. That was 5000 years ago. This is the first defeat since the sacrificial group, and the only one!"

Tianci nodded, this history has long been recorded in the general history of the mainland.At that time, the only dragon knight in the history of the empire, Puduslanka Cavalry Emperor, and his magic pet, the ice dragon Xuan Ning, almost dominated the entire battlefield. Overcoming obstacles and thorns wherever they passed, the empire took down the southeastern province in one go!

"Since then, our Guangming religion has painted the southeastern province as a disputed area. It is not aggression to fight against the Farland, and it is not a counterattack if we defend it. For 500 years, the Farland has only dared to invade from this place. Although the war continues, But His Majesty the Pope has never sent a priest, and I am afraid it will be the same decision this time."

"But in the past, there were one or two main battle legions with more than 20 people, but this time there are ten main battle legions, millions of people! Couldn't the pope be more flexible? Just send a priest group. Already!"

"How to accommodate? Do you want to support us in repelling the Faran? Don't forget that the southeast province has always belonged to the Faran Empire 500 years ago!"

I was speechless for a moment, the southeast province should be a product of the invasion of the Welsh Empire, and Fran just took back what belonged to him!If the Guangming Cult doesn't help the Faran Empire, he should call himself lucky!
"Heavenly gift, we don't need to talk about this matter anymore. His Majesty has already made a conclusion. It is estimated that news will come over in a short time! And I have a few words to say to you in private!" Archbishop Makayla Said calmly.

"Archbishop Makayla has something to say, please speak directly!"

"We heard that the mercenary union caused you a lot of trouble, and even paid for a penalty group. I don't know...hehe, let's be honest, is the oath you swore at Xilan Mountain that day really true? That equipment..."

Tianci naturally heard the taste of it, "Master Kayla, you should know best what the oath means to a person. Since I sent it, I naturally didn't get it!"

Archbishop Makayla let out a long breath, and his face became relaxed, "Hehe, that's good! It's fine if there's nothing!"

For the Guangming Cult, of course there is no such thing!Tianci can well understand the mood of Archbishop Makayla at this time.Anyone with a discerning eye can see the impact of this incident on the Illuminati.If I hadn't solemnly sworn an oath to the great sword masters of the four empires on the Xilan Mountain Peak, I am afraid that the Guangming Cult would have started to make trouble for me.

"Tianci, it is said that you and Nero have entered the Donglan Valley? Hehe, I have lived for so long, and I have never seen it before. I am very curious! I don't know what the terrain and scenery are like. ?” Archbishop Makayla asked casually.

"This..." Tianci picked up the teacup, whoever wins Donglan wins the world!I'm afraid no one knows better than the Illuminati. How could Archbishop Makayla be just curious? "Actually, it's quite mysterious inside. There's white mist everywhere, and you can't see anything from ten meters away. Moreover, the fighting spirit is so suppressed, and there are many high-level monsters! My brother and I didn't go far, and I fainted, and I don't remember anything. Already!"

"Oh? Since there are so many high-level monsters, how did you get out safely?"

"This is thanks to my Yu'er. It is the king beast. At that time, we were imprisoned by the mercenary union in the Xilan Inn. It brought the monster to save us! The people of the mercenary union should be very clear about it!"

"The King Beast?" Archbishop Makayla was really startled. Just now he saw the cute little guy lying lazily in Lier's arms, but he didn't expect it to be the King Beast. "It's unbelievable, but the Mercenary Union It's not made public!"

Tianci curled his lips, if he knew it earlier, he wouldn't have said it!

"Hehe, it seems that there is really nothing in Donglan Valley, we are worrying too much!"

Tianci weighed it in his heart. Although Archbishop Makayla felt amiable, it was hard to say how the Illuminati Church was.It was not only himself but also Nero who entered Donglan. No matter what, he must not harm Nero. "Makayla Archbishop, is there anything else you want to ask?"

"We're just chatting casually. How could it be an inquiry? But His Majesty the Pope has something he wants to convey to you!" Archbishop Makayla became serious.

"I don't know what instructions His Majesty the Pope has?"

"Chaos is a gift from God, and peace is a gift from God!"

Godsend was stunned, "Chaos is Godsend, peace is Godsend! How could His Majesty the Pope say that?"

"Hmph, the mage is fused, and the warrior is restrained!"

Tianci suddenly understood in his heart.I have pointed out the correct way for human beings to cultivate to the holy level, and there is bound to be someone who breaks through and advances to the holy level. Even Sister Feng has said this.Once someone rushed to the holy level, especially the protector of the country, they would definitely threaten other protectors of the country, or even kill and seize the artifact.Once there is no balance created by the protector of the country on the mainland, there will inevitably be chaos.The empire with the holy level will definitely attack other empires with the help of artifacts, and even the Guangming Cult will not be able to stop it.But having said that, once unified, it will naturally be stable!

Dean Rafal's retreat is to prevent such a tragedy from happening to the Welsh Empire!
Chaos is a godsend, and peace is a godsend!
With a wry smile, Tianci leaned back on the soft chair, and his original unintentional sentence caused the biggest undercurrent on the mainland. Take it seriously!"

"Under the ninth level, of course I'm not sure, but how can the peak of the ninth level be unable to tell the truth from the fake?"

Tianci nodded, his original thinking was too simple, and he even felt a little self-deceiving!
"If one day, this really happens, and the people on the mainland are plunged into the dire straits of war, it will be all my godsend's sin!" Godsend's heart felt as if it had fallen into an ice hole, cold and heavy.

"You don't have to blame yourself so much! His Majesty the Pope didn't mean to blame you! And even without you, I'm afraid the mainland is not far from a full-scale war! His Majesty the Pope had already started preparing for this war a few years ago. !"

Tianci stared at Archbishop Makayla, "How does His Majesty the Pope know that an all-out war is about to happen?"

"Ten thousand years of calamity on the mainland! This is the oracle given by the God of Light to His Majesty the Pope, and our archbishops are trying their best to persuade those in power to avoid disputes and wars! But it has little effect!"

Ten thousand years of catastrophe!
Yes indeed!From the unification of the mainland by Emperor Wu of the Great Zhou 3 years ago, to the unification of the mainland by Emperor Wu of the Great Qin 2 years ago, and to the unification of the mainland by Emperor Franca 1 years ago, there is an interval of 1 years.Every unified battle is extremely cruel, with blood flowing into rivers and corpses everywhere, and countless people die tragically in the war every time.However, after every catastrophe, there will be a corresponding catastrophe!

And it has been almost 1 years since the unification of the Great King of France!
"Archbishop Makayla, the Pope doesn't mean that the mainland will face unification, does he?"

"I don't know, I have to ask you and your brother!" Archbishop Makayla squinted at Tianci.

Tianci's face trembled unnaturally, "The one who wins Donglan wins the world? This is just a joke on the mainland! Archbishop Makayla, you and His Majesty the Pope won't believe it!"

"Believe it or not! We all hope that this is a joke! Anyway, the wheel of history is slowly approaching. All we can do is to do our best to prevent the wheel of war from destroying the mainland. !” Archbishop Mackayla sighed, “Heavenly gift, will you help us stop it together?”

Tianci didn't know how to respond, "Although I can't guarantee anything. But I will do my best to reduce the suffering of the people in mainland China!"

Archbishop Makayla nodded, "Okay, your words are enough!"

Back at Imperial College, Tianci still couldn't calm down. His unintentional words actually brought such a big hidden danger to the mainland.But it's useless to think about anything now, only to strengthen one's own cultivation and complete one's field as soon as possible, maybe it can still play a role.

However, his domain was not cultivated by himself, it was the seed of the domain planted by his father in his body. As for how the seed of this domain developed, he had no idea at all.

How to practice it?
In the domain, the creatures I created are weak because they are made of wood. They should be of the sub-dragon species. How can I form a more powerful creature?

I can control the plants so I can integrate the source of life.If it is anything else, only fire and wind elements can be controlled by oneself, but once they form magic, they will not be controlled by themselves, and there is no chance to merge with the source of life.

"Brother Tianci, what are you thinking?" Lier asked softly.

Tianci suddenly raised his head, and sat on the chair in Dean Rafael's study. Li'er and Qin'er stared at him, "Hehe, what are you doing looking at me? Is my face stained?"

"There are no flowers, but you have been sitting like this for a long time since you came back, do you think you can stop people from worrying?" Qin'er said angrily.

"Hehe, so that's the case! In fact, I've been thinking just now, how can I control the magic emitted by the magic circle!" Tianci said.

"You don't even think about it, it's impossible!" Qin'er immediately made a judgment, "When we magicians release magic, there will always be spiritual traction, so we can control it! But the magic circle is different, he just imitates it. With the materialization of the elements, without the penetration of the spirit, it is impossible to control it at all!"

"Then how did you use your mental power to control magic?"

"This is very simple! We first gather the magic elements through induction to form a form that releases magic, and then materialize the magic elements through spiritual power and spells, so naturally there is a certain connection. Make a call For example, it’s like trying to knead dough. The magic element is the flour, and the spiritual power is the water. We knead the dough like trying a spell. Through water and kneading, the flour is turned into dough, and the water disappears in the dough. But the caster I can still feel spiritual power!" Qin'er explained.

"That's right!" Tianci nodded.

"You know it! These common sense trainee magicians know it all!"

Tianci blushed slightly. He had stayed in the Fire Department of Imperial College for so long, but he didn't know any of these common senses!
Tianci suddenly thought of something, but disappeared in a flash. "Qin'er, can you explain it to me carefully?"

Both Qin'er and Li'er were very curious, "Aren't you unable to release magic? What's the use of listening to this?" However, Qin'er explained the feelings one by one, and Li'er kept adding.

Tianci listened carefully, making comparisons in his heart.If a magician mixes spiritual power into magic and adds spells to realize materialization, then if he has no spells, he can use a magic circle instead, and if he has no mental power, can he use blue light instead?I used to start distributing the source of life after the form was formed, so can I mix it in advance like a magician?It's like kneading noodles.

Tianci stood up and nodded, it seems feasible!
Immediately unfolding the consciousness, a large number of fire elements gathered, and the blue light scattered all over the body at the same time, and the jumping red spots were accompanied by little blue lights.The palm of the godsend moved slightly, and the long sword engraved with the magic circle was in his hand!

"Stinky boy, what are you doing? Don't you want to release magic here?" Qin'er yelled in a hurry, grabbing Tianci's arm holding the sword.

Tianci was taken aback for a moment, why did he forget that he was still in Dean Rafal's study, if Qin'er hadn't stopped him just now, he might have set fire to the room!Quickly put away the blue light, dispersed the fire element, and put away the long sword, "Hehe, I almost forgot, this is still the Capital Academy! I think I'm going to go out to practice again!"

"Go out? But Brother Tianci has only been back for a few days?" Lier said reluctantly.

"Yeah, then I'll go again in a few days!" Tianci tried his best to suppress the impulse in his heart.It's hard to talk about Li'er during this time, and even her mother hasn't been with her well.

"Brother Tianci, Miss Mia is leaving the day after tomorrow, should we send her off?" Lier asked nervously.

"There is no need for us to send it off specially. For such a big event, the National Rituals Department of the Empire may have already prepared the farewell ceremony, and we will all be there by then!" Tianci said, taking a deep breath.Ms. Mia is the first girl I have a crush on, and now she is going to run for the Holy Maiden. Although I know I should be happy for her, I can't be happy!

Two days later, the Holy Light Square will be heavily guarded!The avenue leading to the South City Gate was cleared, and the imperial guards guarded both sides of the road with long guns, and the people of the capital surrounded them.

Trumpets roar, drums tremble!
From the Guangming Church to the pavilion in the middle of the Holy Light Square, on the bright red carpet, Miss Mia walked slowly, accompanied by Archbishop Makayla, in a solemn and sacred bishop's robe.

Both sides of the pavilion are full of seats, and all the dignitaries of the capital are gathered.This time it was not just them themselves, but also their relatives and children, who were sitting around the pavilion densely, some even standing.

The eldest prince personally went to the Taiwan Pavilion to preside over the farewell ceremony for Miss Mia.

"The last time our Welsh Empire chose a saint was more than 200 years ago. During this time, we silently basked in the light of the God of Light. Now the great God of Light has given us the greatest power in the Welsh Empire." A gift, that is Miss Mia! Miss Mia has been smart and kind since she was a child, and she has brought us the blessing of the God of Light no matter in Imperial College, in the church or even in the desolate Northwest. Let us use the most ardent passion, I wish Miss Mia can become a great saint!"

"Wow!" The applause rang out enthusiastically, like a tide. As a believer of the Illuminati Cult, I couldn't be more excited than this time.

The trumpets and drums sounded again.

Mia walked up to Archbishop Makayla, folded her fists in front of her chest, lowered her head and knelt down on one knee, praying silently.Archbishop Makayla stretched out her right hand, with her palm resting on the top of Mia's head.A soft light scattered, covering Mia's whole body.In the light, Mia sang softly, everyone quieted down, the ups and downs in their hearts were calmed, and washed with the singing.

The singing stopped, and Archbishop Makayla lifted Mia up with both hands, gently put it in his arms, and kissed her forehead, "Child, let's go, the God of Light will show you the way forward!"

Miss Mia nodded and walked to the carriage next to her.The carriage is luxurious, and the pure white horse has no impurities at all.Nearly a hundred knights wearing silver-white armor and cloaks stood on both sides of the carriage, with the emblem of the Illuminati Cult on their chests.

Knights Templar!

The eldest prince walked to the carriage and drove the carriage for Miss Mia himself.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the carriage moved forward slowly, and the dignitaries all stood up one after another and followed the carriage slowly.

Among the crowd, Tianci silently left Shengguang Square!
(End of this chapter)

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