Godsend Field

Chapter 274 Trap

Chapter 274 Trap
On the deserted street, few people walked around, starting to prepare for a day's livelihood.The store opened its front, and the shopkeeper came out, lazily fastened the top button of his clothes, and stretched his waist deeply.On both sides of the road at the entrance of the shop, many vendors have already come, with mats and tablecloths spread on the ground, and the goods they brought are neatly laid out one by one.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

There was a loud roar from the outside, followed by the sound of hurried hooves.A sergeant was galloping on top of a steed, the long whip in his hand was still whipping, and the crowd on the street panicked to avoid it.

The shopkeeper picked up a bowl of water from the side to rinse his mouth, and sprayed it out like mist, "It's the military report again, every day. It seems that this battle is not easy!"

The solemn Qinzheng Hall was unusually quiet.Under the huge map, the three princes, the general, the duke, and the governors of various places sat quietly.

"Regent, this time the Spanish Empire invaded for no reason, it is abhorrent to violate my dignity, we should fight head-on to show the prestige of our empire!" A general stood up and reported.

"The final general agrees, the Spanish empire's wolf ambitions have been coveting our southeast for a long time, we must not tolerate it!"

The eldest prince nodded and looked at Duke Kate, "Duke Kate has followed his father for many years, what do you think?"

Duke Kate took a step forward, "The Spanish Empire has never crossed the frontier of Chen Bing for half a step in these years, but this time it unexpectedly took the initiative to attack. There must be articles in it. The regent must not be careless!"

"What Duke Kate said is timely!" The eldest prince looked at Marshal Lankers again, "What does the old Marshal think?"

"I agree with Duke Kate's statement. Now we are fighting against the French Empire in the southeast, and the battle situation is changing three times a day. If we are now in a full-scale war with the Spanish Empire, it may not be good for me. I personally think that the French are big now, and the West The team is small. Even if the southwest border is temporarily lost, we only need to retreat two hundred miles and use the hilly terrain to defend it. When we end the French War, we can use the power of the Illuminati to regain the lost ground!" Marshal Lankers said .

"To the Regent, this time the Spanish Empire adopted tactics with a small number of troops. Their five main battle legions on the border were divided into several points to invade, and the enemy who invaded each way was no more than one main battle legion. From this point of view, the Illuminati will not send out a group of holy priests to help us resist the aggression. It would be good to send out a group of priests, but it is really a drop in the bucket for more flowering, and it cannot play a very good role! So our current plan , we should cover our fronts, give up two hundred miles, and then gather defenses in Sara City and Mount Everest, and wait for the end of the war in the Southwest Province!" A young general walked out from behind Marshal Lankers, it was William.

The eldest prince was silent.

"Not only will we retreat without fighting? Doesn't it seem that we are afraid?"

"That's right, the regent must not do it. If this happens, the prestige of our empire will be ruined!"

"Retreat without resistance, we Welsh soldiers can't do it!"

The generals in the hall immediately became emotional.

"Generals, please listen to me!" William looked back at the general. "Regent, please allow me to say a few more words!"

"Today we are discussing how to deal with the invasion of the Spanish Empire. Everyone can speak freely!" said the eldest prince.

William went to the map, "Look, generals, the Spanish Empire borders our country in the north, the Faran Empire in the east, and the Gran Empire in the south. The Gran Empire has always been neutral and never took the initiative to attack, so Spain The real threat to the empire is only us and the Faran Empire. In the Spanish Empire, except the Mayan family bordering the Faran Empire, the other six families are all in the hinterland or rear, and only the royal family borders us. As we all know, the Spanish Empire now has eight major families They are not united. The royal family only has the military power of the whole country but not the financial power of the whole country. If it is not for resisting foreign invasion, the seven big families will not lose their money. Therefore, the Spanish Empire has no ability to fight a protracted war with us. They did this this time I think it is to cooperate with the French Empire to take advantage of the fire, so it is good to occupy our empire's territory, even if we don't occupy it, we can take the opportunity to weaken our country's national power!"

The generals nodded.

"So we can't be fooled! You see, the geographical location of the Southwest Province is mostly mountainous. There are basically no major towns within two hundred miles from the border. We can let them come in. And in Sara City and Zhulang The peak is steep and the rivers are everywhere, which is a natural barrier. As long as we station one legion here, we can block the two legions, so that we can avoid fighting at both ends."

"Fighting on two fronts often takes care of one thing and loses another. If you don't have enough strength, you must not do this. Now the empire should focus on avoiding the light! The southeast province is a disputed place, no matter who takes the Guangming religion, it will not care, but the southwest is different. That is our country. Once the southeast is pacified, we will be able to subdue the southwest with all our strength, and we can justifiably ask for assistance from the Guangming Sect!"

There was a moment of silence in the hall.

"General William said so!"

Tianci also nodded, William's analysis made sense.After returning from the southeastern province, William was still a legion commander, but in view of his outstanding performance in the southeastern province, General Planck and the Marquis of St. La jointly recommended William as a general.

"That's right! I've been to Sara City and Mount Everest several times. They are indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack! As long as we shrink our troops, let alone one main battle army, we can still defend them!" The Governor of the Southwest Province, Marquis Ahmed, said confidently.

The eldest prince showed a smile on his face, "General William really has the demeanor of an old marshal! There are no dogs in Humen! Old Marshal, what do you think of William's suggestion?"

Marshal Lankers smiled happily, "Reporting to the Regent, I think it is feasible!"

"Well, then give an order to have General Medov in the Southwest Province withdraw two hundred miles and stationed at Sara City and Mount Everest. He can only defend but not attack!" the eldest prince ordered.


"Now that the matter in the southwest has been resolved, let's discuss the matter in the southeast!"

"Reporting to the Regent, the situation in the southeast is fairly stable. Although there are constant wars, General Akas still guards the city of weight. It's just that some strange things seem to have happened on the battlefield recently!"

All the generals were taken aback.

"What's so strange, tell me!" the eldest prince asked.

"According to the battle reports, there seem to be quite a few mercenaries in the French Empire's army!"

"Mercenaries?" Everyone was shocked, "How did mercenaries join the army of the Faran Empire?"

"Don't be surprised, everyone. There are countless mercenary groups on the mainland. Although many of them are small mercenary groups, there are also many large mercenary groups, some of which exceed 3. And it is said that Frank The empire paid a lot of money to hire these large mercenary groups to participate in the battle. If they win, they will not only be rewarded generously, but they will also be able to choose a city in the southeastern province as the base of their mercenary groups! So this time there will be Many large mercenary regiments have already joined the battle!"

In ordinary small wars, such as the extermination of mountain bandits, the general army is not likely to go there, and mercenary regiments can naturally go out by issuing missions, but it is still rare for mercenary regiments to participate in the war between the two empires like this.

"The mercenary union has released such a mission, it's really deceiving!" The eldest prince said angrily.

Everyone is also very angry!The three princes, Marshal Lankers, and Duke Kate couldn't help but look at Tianci.If it was in the past, such a thing might not have happened, but now that the punishment group of the Welsh Empire and an elder all died in battle, I am afraid that this is the mercenary union expressing its dissatisfaction with the Welsh Empire!
The combat effectiveness of a mercenary group is often stronger than that of a normal army, and a large mercenary group of four to five thousand people is equivalent to a legion.If several such mercenary regiments come, it will undoubtedly add one or even two main battle legions!
"Old Marshal, how do you think we should deal with it?"

Marshal Lankers was silent for a moment, "There is a reason for the mercenary union to issue such a mission this time, why don't we send someone to the mercenary union to contact them first, and see how we can get them to cancel this mission! Second, we can also Post a mission, and the pay can be higher than all of them!"

"Hehe, the first one is okay, but the second one won't work." Duke Kate shook his head, "You heard it just now, the Farland Empire not only has rewards, but also uses towns as rewards! Can we do it? These cities are right It’s nothing to them, even if they give the mercenaries a few, but we can’t do that. The reason why the mercenaries are willing to fight, I think, is probably because of these cities!”

Marshal Lankers nodded, "Duke Kate is right, I didn't think carefully! The second point won't work! It seems that the legions in other provinces can only be quickly transferred to the southeast to prevent accidents!"

"In that case, let's get in touch with the elders of the mercenary union first, and see what they want!" The eldest prince frowned. "I don't know who should be sent?"

Everyone fell silent, the generals and marquises here were either born in the army or from aristocratic families, and they were not very familiar with the mercenary union!

"Brother, I think it's better to let the Marquis of Tianci go? Except for the Marquis of Tianci who used to be a mercenary here, we are not very familiar with the mercenary union!" The third prince proposed, and was immediately greeted with approval.

"Regent, although Tianci used to be a mercenary, but his time is still short, and there are conflicts between him and the mercenary union, not to mention that this is a major issue for the country, so don't be careless. I think Tianci is not suitable, so I should choose someone else! "Duke Kate immediately stood up to stop it!"

"Duke Kate is worrying too much. Although the Marquis of Tianci is young, he acts decisively and has extraordinary means. Even his father is full of praise! I can rest assured that such a major matter is entrusted to him! I also believe that the Marquis of Tianci can put the overall situation first and serve the empire. Sacrificing a little bit of your own interests, what do you think? Godsend~~Marquis!" The eldest prince said slowly.

Tianci felt great hatred in his heart. If he was familiar with the mercenary union, who could be more familiar with it than the two princes?Can't you understand what it means to sacrifice a little of your own interests for the interests of the empire?Normally, Tianci would definitely throw up his sleeves and leave, but thinking of the terrifying casualties on the battle table every day, Tianci endured it. "Since the two princes said so, then I will try it!"

"Sure enough, you are a young man! We are waiting for your good news!" The corner of the eldest prince's mouth was raised!

Back at the Duke's Mansion, Tianci immediately called Chenwu to the attic, and Chenwu and Gru rushed over after a while.

"Today's court meeting is like this, how do you feel about Chen Wu?" Tianci asked while sitting on Ning Yuan's stone bench.

"My lord, you told me the ins and outs of everything, then I want to ask you one thing, have you done it?" Chen Wu asked solemnly.

Tianci shook his head, "I was stabbed by a long sword at the peak of Xilan and healed too quickly, so they thought I got some kind of life-enhancing equipment. But you should have seen my resilience in Yanhua City. Lu, it was the same when we confronted Moon Wolf, but I hadn't seen Xilan Mountain at that time!"

Gru nodded, "That's right, my lord's resilience is indeed amazing, it's not life magic!"

Chen Wu also nodded, "If I hadn't seen it in Yanhua City, I would definitely think that my lord is lying! But my lord, you really shouldn't take this job!"


"This is clearly a trap. The mercenary union has a close relationship with the two princes, and they have frequent contacts. The first reason why the mercenary union did this is to avenge the death of the Welsh Empire punishment group and the elders, and the second is In order to cooperate with the two princes, you are forced to hand over your equipment! The eldest prince asked you to negotiate with the mercenary union, but what do you use to negotiate with them? What are you using as a bargaining chip?"

Tianci's face was heavy, "I'm afraid the only bargaining chip is equipment!"

"That's right! But have you ever thought about it, my lord? If you can take it out, then you will be a sinner who blasphemed your oath for selfishness and killed countless heroic mercenaries! At that time, let alone the empire, the entire continent will have no place for you Land! If you can't get it out, then the negotiation with the mercenary union will only collapse. At that time, they will definitely say that you are not good at handling affairs and harming the country and people. If the southeastern province loses, you will be the number one criminal. Let alone your title fief, even your life will be in danger!" Chen Wu said worriedly.

Tianci couldn't help laughing, "You mean that no matter what I do, the result will be that I am not a human being inside and out?"

"So my lord, I say you shouldn't take this job! This is clearly a trap set by the mercenary union, the eldest prince and the third prince! They all regard you as a thorn in their side and want to get rid of you, but there is no way for your majesty to get rid of you." Zeng left a message, they have no choice but to charge you with a crime, so that they can bring you down!" Chen Wu sighed.

Gelu could hear clearly, "They are too ruthless! Even if the two princes compete for the throne, they can't bet on the great affairs of the empire!"

"Gru, your thinking is too simple! Although Farand has the help of mercenaries, it doesn't have a big impact on the battle situation. At most, it makes us sacrifice one or two more main battle legions. In their eyes, for this throne, In order to completely control the Northwest, the lives of these people are not as good as ants! The defeat of General Planck and the Marquis of Saint La that day is the best proof!"

Gelu stopped talking and his face was gloomy. As a son of the empire, it is understandable to sacrifice his life for the country and spill blood on the battlefield, but to die in the private fights of these princes is wronged and not worth it!
"I can understand your feelings!" Tianci supported Gru's shoulders, "I agreed to negotiate with the mercenary union because I thought of the countless soldiers fighting for the country in the southeast. Although I know the hope is slim, at least I have to try. I just found out. Chen Wu, think again for me, is there any bargaining chip that we may exist but be forgotten!"

Chen Wu nodded and stood up, walking slowly on the lawn, thinking.

In the evening, Nero and Duke Kate returned to the Duke's Mansion, and after getting off the carriage, Nero ran into Ning Garden!
"Brother, why did you even agree to such a thing?" Nero asked worriedly.

Tianci smiled wryly, "It's been designed, what can I do? I'm afraid it's useless to refuse today's matter!"

Ni Luo could naturally think of "Brother, when are you going, I will go with you, at least I can protect you!"

Tianci's heart warmed up, and he put his hands on Nero's shoulders, "No, they shouldn't do anything to me. After all, this is the capital, so I can just take Yu'er with me. You are usually so busy, so you can accompany me when you have time." Mom!"

Nero nodded, "Brother, I understand! If the mercenary union dares to do anything to you, I will erase them from the mainland!"

Godsend is gratified, "Brother, although you are very busy with official duties, I still hope that you can spare time to exercise. Your talent is better than that of your father. If you stop here, it will be a waste! Moreover, no matter how strong Jin Juwei is, he is not as strong as yourself. The strength is strong!"

Nero smiled, "I know, I will continue to practice!"

Tianci smiled, "Let's go, let's go see Grandpa and see if he has anything to tell me!"

At noon the next day, God-given in an official uniform, he came to the mercenary union of the Welsh Empire under the escort of Chen Mist and Gru.After coming to the capital for so long, this is the first time to come to the mercenary union.

Yu'er was still lying on Tianci's shoulder.These days, there are people serving delicious food and drink, and it is a bit difficult to sit with four paws on the ground with a round belly.

The mercenary guild is crowded with people. Although everyone knows that Tianci is the key figure in the nine-star mission, no one dares to think about Tianci in the capital or in the empire.No matter how attractive the nine-star mission is, it will be greatly discounted compared with Xiaoming!

The mercenaries stopped what they were doing and looked at the three Tianci in amazement.

No one came down to greet him, so Tianci walked to the second floor by himself.Scanning the bulletin board with spiritual consciousness, there were no announcements made in Genoa.

When Tianci walked to the place where the mercenaries were registered, a young girl immediately stood up nervously, and she knew who was coming just by the fire fox on her shoulder without looking at the official uniform. Is there anything wrong with the mercenary union?"

"I want to meet your executive elder, Elder Xinanke!" Tianci said.

"Then wait a moment, I'll report it!" The girl hurriedly ran to the side.Her knee slammed into the table, the girl gritted her teeth in pain, and staggered into the next room.

After a while, the girl came out, "I'm sorry, Lord Marquis, we, Elder Xinanke, are dealing with some things right now, please wait a moment in the living room on the third floor!"

Led by the girl, the three of them came to the living room from Tianci.

The expensive living room is luxuriously furnished but deserted.

One hour passed and no one came, two hours passed and no one came.

"My lord, they are clearly trying to hang us out on purpose!" Gru said angrily.

"I know, they think that if I'm willing to come, it's considered soft, so give me a blow first!" Tianci hugged Yu'er in his arms, stroking the bright red hair.

It wasn't until it was getting dark that I heard a hearty laughter, "Haha, I am honored to be waiting for the Marquis of Heaven to visit! But there are too many chores and no time to do it, it's a sin!"

(End of this chapter)

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