Godsend Field

Chapter 275 Conviction

Chapter 275 Conviction
Tianci waited in the VIP room for a full two hours before hearing Elder Xinanke's loud apology from outside.

Tianci stood up, "Elder Xi Nanke is busy, so we should wait!"

Elder Xinanke was very proud, walked in carelessly, and half-lyed on the soft chair lazily, "Please sit down, Marquis Godsend, I wonder what you can learn from our mercenary union this time?"

Tianci also sat down, "Elder Xinanke, let's get straight to the point! Is the task of recruiting for the war of the French Empire issued by your mercenary union unacceptable? We Welsh Empire hope that you can take back this task, And ask the mercenaries who received the mission to end the mission immediately!"

"Oh? There is such a saying?" Elder Xinanke pretended to be surprised, "Our mercenary union has been established for more than 6000 years, and it has always been entrusted by the employer to issue tasks. It seems that our guidelines have never said that this employer cannot It's the empire, and it never said that this task cannot be a war, right? And our mercenary union is extremely fair, if you feel that the Welsh Empire is unfair, you can submit the task, and I can also help you release it!"

Chen Wu was a little angry, "Elder Xinanke, you clearly know that even if we announce it, our reward will not be as generous as that of the French Empire! Your mercenary union is clearly fueling the war and stirring up conflicts between the two empires." Don't forget that His Majesty the Pope has always advised us to restrain ourselves and try our best to avoid a full-scale outbreak of war!"

"Hmph! Then girl, do you have a place to speak here?" Elder Xinanke said with fascination, his expression was very arrogant.

Chen Wu's face suddenly became ugly.

"Elder Xinanke, this is my head of personal guards and my first guest official, her words are mine!" Tianci said.The person who can negotiate with him is naturally not an ordinary person. Elder Xinanke is clearly trying to make an example of others and test his tolerance limit.

"Oh? So I should apologize?" Elder Xinanke raised his eyebrows and smiled contemptuously.

"There's no need to apologize, I just hope that Elder Xinanke will pay attention in the future. People humiliate themselves and others humiliate them!" Tianci said indifferently, "Let's get down to business. I'm here today on behalf of the entire empire, and I hope you mercenaries The trade unions can cleanse themselves in this war, so don’t get involved. As for what demands you can make, if it can be achieved, our Welsh Empire will definitely satisfy you as much as possible!”

Elder Xi Nanke's face changed slightly, he didn't expect Tianci's words to be so harsh, "Our mercenary union has been in the mainland for 6000 years, and we have benefited so many people. Today we have everything we should have, and we have never expected anything we shouldn't have. !"

Tianci gritted his teeth, "Elder Xinanke, people don't speak dark words. There are no outsiders here. Except for that piece of unnecessary equipment, you can speak directly about the rest of the conditions!"

"Unnecessary? Hahaha, Marquis of Heaven, you can really say it! Do you think you can fool others, and our mercenary union?" Elder Xi Nanke suddenly became cruel, "Let's just tell you straight, except what you say It’s not necessary, we don’t need anything! As long as you can hand it over, let alone stop the mission, what’s the point of just releasing missions for you?”

Tianci stood up abruptly, and sat down again after a while, "Elder Xinanke, believe it or not, I do not have this piece of equipment. Apart from this, you can mention other conditions!"

Elder Xi Nanke closed his eyes and leaned slightly, with a non-negotiable expression.

"Elder Xinanke, do you intend to negotiate, are you determined to help the French Empire to start a war? Are you determined to oppose our Welsh Empire and embarrass our hundreds of millions of people?" Tianci said solemnly.

"What a big hat! Don't forget, it's not that we don't distribute it for you, it's that you don't distribute it yourself!" Elder Xinanke sneered, "God-sent Marquis, all the penalty groups of our mercenary union were wiped out some time ago. The elder was furious. The Marquis of Heaven is better off doing it himself!"

Walking out of the mercenary union is a very heavy gift from God.

"My lord, these are all calculations, you don't need to be angry!" Chen Wu persuaded, "We don't have enough bargaining chips in our hands, how can we talk about this?"

"My lord, why didn't you talk about their ambition just now?" Gru asked.

Tianci shook his head, "These are not bargaining chips. Mercenaries have controlled the region for a long time, even if we say it with great fanfare, it won't have much effect, so they are not afraid at all! Chen Wu is right, we have no bargaining chips at all , how can we talk about it?"

"My lord, have you noticed that Elder Xinanke is very firm, as if he can decide such a big matter! He is just an elder in charge of the Welsh Empire, and he should report this kind of matter to the higher authorities." !” Chen Wu said.

"That's right, I also find it a bit strange when you say that!" Tianci looked around, "There is a tea shop in front, let's go and have some tea!"

The three of them walked into the tea shop and sat down in a relatively quiet attic.Tianci instantly dissipated his consciousness, and the entire mercenary union was within his consciousness.There are many people in the mercenary union, and the voices are noisy.Tianci searched layer by layer, and finally found Elder Xinanke in an inconspicuous room on the second floor.At this moment, there were these two people in the room. One of them was an elderly man sitting on a soft chair with his eyes slightly closed, while Elder Xi Nanke stood beside him.

Tianci was startled, Elder Xinanke was actually standing, and the one who was sitting must be the Elder of the Upper Elder.

The Elder of the Lord has actually arrived at Ancona, the capital of the Welsh Empire, and he has no news at all from his side!

"Xenanke, are you still not willing?"

"Elder Wager, he still insists on not having it. No matter what I say, he won't hand it over!" Elder Xinanke said respectfully, "And judging from his expression, he doesn't seem to be lying!"

"Elder Xinanke, you are so old that you were deceived by a brat!" Elder Wag opened his eyes and stared, "The three of us were there when Taylorson's spirit was broken. Nothing he said was false, so is there any falsehood?"

Elder Xinanke nodded quickly.A normal person might tell a lie, but once the spirit is broken, the whole person will become numb and have no thoughts. At this time, what is said is the most basic memory in the brain, without any falsification or modification.

"Elder Wagger, that kid insisted that he didn't have one, so what shall we do next? If it doesn't work, we'll go and arrest him!"

"Nonsense, if it was useful, we would have done it in the French Empire long ago, and let him come back? Besides, he was so easy to be arrested? We sacrificed a criminal law group to explain everything. There must be something around him that we can't see. The power is protecting in secret! Fermi is right, this kid is not afraid of hard things, but soft things. The harder we push him, the less cooperative he will be. It seems that we have to put more pressure on him! "

"Then shall we contact his relatives?" Elder Xinanke asked tentatively.

Elder Wagg's face darkened, "Nonsense! Are you sure you can deal with Rafal, Vikri? Don't say that you may not be able to deal with them even An Rui and Gauss! Besides, our mercenary union has been fighting for thousands of years. Do you still want your reputation?"

Elder Xi Nanke stopped talking.

"The First Elder and the Second Elder are currently retreating. Once they successfully advance to the next level, won't it be easy to capture him as a little Marquis by then? Xinanke, go and get in touch with the two princes again. It is best to give him more money." He's a little stressed, but don't provoke him any more during this time. Also, the Criminal Law Group hastened to form, and the new punishment elder will arrive soon!"

"Yes, I'll handle it now!" Elder Xinanke bowed and withdrew.

"Godsend, Godsend, it looks like I'm going to meet you in person!" Elder Wager continued to rest with his eyes closed, and took out a booklet from the space ring after a while. The cover was sky blue without any writing, and he opened it gently.
'Eastern Province, Kama Town, Whistling Mercenary Group, Head Haruha, a member of the Faran Empire! '

. . . . . .

'Southwest Province, Karl Village, Sky Blue Mercenary Group, Commander Kuhe, a member of the Faran Empire! '

. . . . . .

'Western Province, Kelke City, Flowing Water Mercenary Group, Commander Sheila, a member of the Faran Empire! '

. . . . . .

After drinking the tea in one gulp, Tianci stood up, "Let's go, we can go back!"

"My lord, how are you going to explain to the eldest prince tomorrow?" Chen Wu asked worriedly.

"Hehe, the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth! I thought of a way!" Tianci suddenly smiled, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

In the early morning of the next day, the officials of the imperial court came to the Hall of Qinzheng early and waited.Tianci walked into the hall and sat quietly in the last seat. Although his eyes were closed, he could see many officials looking at him intentionally or unintentionally.Even the governors next to him looked at him strangely, with half-smiles.

Tianci felt very uncomfortable. Being able to sit in the government hall is the dream of many people in life. However, sitting here, I should feel honored and satisfied, but what I see these days is nothing but intrigue and competition.

The three princes came in quickly.

There are many trivial things in the empire, but most of them are based on textual research. As long as the officials are not incompetent, even if there is a slight mistake, it will not be wrong, and it will not affect the foundation of the empire.

After all the officials finished playing, everyone began to pay attention to Tianci.

"Heavenly Marquis, I heard that you went to the mercenary union yesterday. I don't know how effective it will be. We are all waiting for your good news!" The eldest prince said with a smile.

"Brother, the Marquis of Tianci has always been reliable in his work, and even his father thinks highly of him, so how could he let us down?" The third prince insinuated.

Many ministers sneered.

If there was anyone in the hall that the officials disliked the most, it would be the Marquis of Heaven!
It is understandable that the three princes were born in the emperor's family and have high status and authority. Nero is young but is the grandson of Duke Kate. He is capable in doing things and has the same style as Duke Kate.But Godsend is an exception. It is clearly not Duke Kate's grandson, and I don't know where he picked it up, but he can get such a high position.His Majesty's two solo summons have long been envied, and the title of Marquis in his 20s, and his control of the Northwest Province is even more secretly enviable.

Now it looks like he is going to be unlucky, how can he not be secretly happy?
"Reporting to the Regent, please Your Majesty Hongfu, this time I went to contact the mercenary union, and I gained a lot!" Tianci walked to the middle and replied calmly.

"Wow!" The hall suddenly erupted, looking at Tianci in disbelief.

The third prince's expression changed, "Marquis of Heaven, this is the main hall for discussing politics, which decides the major affairs of the country, and the livelihood of all people must not be faked. If you cheat in any way, we will definitely criminalize you according to the laws of the country!"

"That's right, mocking the officials and despising the hall is not a small crime!" The eldest prince also said coldly.

Tianci took a step forward and clasped his fists, "Regent, Assistant Regent, I know this very well, if I have the slightest lie, I am willing to accept the crime!"

"Okay! Then let me ask you, has the mercenary union promised to take back the mission and terminate the mercenary's involvement?" the eldest prince asked sternly.

"No!" Tianci replied calmly.

"In that case, what else do you have to say?" the eldest prince said angrily.

"I have reported to the Regent that the Marquis, a godsend, was appointed in the face of danger, but he did not care about the safety of the empire. He neglected his duty and harmed the country and the people. I implore you to remove your title and hand it over to the Criminal Justice Department for conviction!" A general stood up and said.

"That's right! The Marquis of Tianci has been greatly favored by His Majesty, but he doesn't want to repay it. He gave up the interests of the empire for his own small gain. As the inspector, I agree to convict him!"

"We all agree!" A group of officials echoed.

Duke Kate still closed his eyes leisurely, while Nero looked at Tianci anxiously.

Even if Tianci doesn't look back, he knows who is participating in him.It seems that the eldest prince and the third prince are also united in this matter against him.If it was normal, they would not dare to touch themselves even for the sake of Duke Kate.It's all right now, grandpa has been emptied, and the tiger has no teeth, will anyone still be afraid?

The eldest prince pressed his arm, "Since everyone agrees, then..."

"Brother!" The third prince interrupted suddenly, "Although the Marquis of Godsend's crime is unforgivable, but in view of his past contributions in the Northwest and Duke Kate's dedication to the empire for decades, we will remove his title and just convict him." Bar!"

"Thank you Mr. Fu for your kindness!" Duke Kate stood up and saluted slightly, then continued to sit back in his seat.

The eldest prince's face was stiff, and he glanced at the third prince, "Since the third brother begged for mercy, then..."

"Hold on, Regent!"

While everyone was stunned, Sephiroth stood up.Now Safeiros is the Acting Minister of the Ministry of Finance, and his status is not what it used to be.

"Regent, we haven't listened to the report from the Marquis of Heaven, so I'm afraid we will be convicted..."

Tianci smiled at Sephiroth, and then faced the three princes, "Reporting to the Regent and Assistant Regent, the mercenary union has never stipulated what tasks can be accepted and what tasks cannot be issued since the establishment of the Mercenary Union. Although I have not been able to persuade them to withdraw task, but I have already reached an agreement with them, and they can help us issue the same task, so in addition to reporting the situation this time, I also asked the regent and assistant to issue a war recruitment task in the name of the empire. Presumably we will There are not a few mercenaries in the Ernesian Empire, and they will not be worse than those recruited by the French Empire!"

"Wow!" The hall was boiling again, and all the officials whispered.

"Heavenly gift!" The eldest prince stood up and was furious, "Are you teasing us? If you just didn't complete the imperial errands, it's understandable, but you talked nonsense in the court council in an attempt to cover up your mistakes. Nothing can be forgiven!"

"Regent, I am not talking nonsense in an attempt to cover up my mistakes. The French Empire can threaten my southeast through war recruitment missions. Why can't we protect our territory through war recruitment?"

The third prince sneered, "I think the Marquis of Godsend should still be here! The old marshal made this suggestion, and Duke Kate himself said it won't work, so you won't forget it!"

"Councillord, of course I heard it. But I think it's feasible!"

"Hmph!!" The eldest prince and the third prince were furious.All the officials in the hall, especially those who participated in the political discussion yesterday, laughed even more.

"Regent, Assistant Regent! As long as we also take out some towns as rewards, we must also get a lot of mercenaries to help!" Tianci said lightly.

"Marquis of Heaven, we made it very clear yesterday! The reason why the French Empire is willing to do this is because the southeast province is not in their hands. Even if half of the reward is given away, the other half is for nothing, and for them it is considered to be taken back. A city is a victory! But for us, every town is the foundation of the empire, so how can we easily hand it over to others? Even those who reward territories must be nobles, so how can ordinary mercenaries? They have shared the rewards, so how should the soldiers of our army share the rewards? If there are too many rewards, the empire will be damaged, and if there are too few, the morale of the army will be chilled. What's more, once this example is opened, the soldiers will fight for the territory in the future, not for the empire. If we fight, our Welsh empire is in danger!" Marshal Lankers objected.

The generals in the hall were even more angry, and even began to curse Tianci.

"What the old marshal said is true! How about this, we don't need to seal the territory, we give some towns in the empire to the meritorious mercenary group to manage for a certain number of years as a reward, I wonder if it is possible?" Tianci suggested.

"It's even more nonsense. Every town and village in the empire is the cornerstone of the empire. They are all managed by the empire. How can they be allowed to participate?" If you choose capable officials from thousands of people, if you want those mercenary regiments who can only use brute force to manage it, it will definitely cause harm to one side. The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant nest. If things go on like this, it will definitely be the root of disaster in our empire! God-given Marquis The discussion is purely a disaster for the country and the people, please the regent convict it!"

"Please regent and assistant regent to convict him!" All the officials agreed.

The eldest prince and the third prince showed complacency.

"Wait a minute!" Tianci said suddenly.

"Hmph! Do you have anything to say now?" the eldest prince said coldly.

"Regent, may I ask if what the lord said just now is true? Even if it is true, it will take years or even decades or hundreds of years to appear. An ant may not be able to bite down the river embankment! My suggestion can solve the urgent need !" Tianci asked.

"Nonsense!" The eldest prince said angrily, "Although the situation in the southeast is urgent, it is not an urgent matter. Even if it loses, it is only a province. But your suggestion is deeply rooted in the disaster, and it will affect my entire Welsh Empire! We would rather After fighting in the southeast for ten years, I don't want this kind of disaster to hide for a day!"

The corner of Tianci's mouth raised, "What the regent said is very true! I admit my mistake! But I still have one thing to say. This matter is related to the foundation of our Welsh empire for thousands of years, and it is already imminent! Please regent and assistant regent to decide!"

(End of this chapter)

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