Godsend Field

Chapter 276 Counterattack

Chapter 276 Counterattack
Tianci could understand that the purpose of the eldest prince and the third prince was to convict himself. Without a title, there would be no fief, and the northwest would be their next place to compete.William's report back to the capital is probably to prepare in advance!But in all fairness, no matter how you look at it, the eldest prince has the upper hand, he is neutral and does not help each other, so the third prince should stop it!
"My eldest prince, I have something to announce. This matter is related to the foundation of our Welsh Empire for thousands of years, and it is already imminent! Please the regent and assistant regent make a decision!" Tianci solemnly reported!

All eyes were on Tianci.

"You say, if it's not true, you'll be punished for both crimes!" said the eldest prince.

"As far as I know, a large number of towns and villages in our Welsh Empire are under the management of mercenary regiments, and what makes me even more puzzled is that the mercenary regiments that manage these places are actually mercenary regiments of the Faran Empire. corps!"

Like a boulder falling into a calm lake, there was an uproar in the Hall of Qinzheng!

"Regent and Assistant Regent, as you said, these villages and towns are the cornerstone of our Welsh Empire. The long-term occupation of mercenaries will definitely affect the safety of our empire. We cannot tolerate these evils growing, so I implore the Regent to assist the government The Duke immediately ordered to expel all mercenaries occupying villages and towns, and all of them will be taken over by the empire, especially the mercenary regiment of the Faran Empire!" Tianci said.

"This..." The eldest prince and the third prince were in a dilemma.

"Regent and Assistant Regent, can you tolerate these evils existing in the territory of our Welsh Empire?" Tianci asked.

"Regent! The territory of the empire is naturally managed by the officers and soldiers of the empire. What the Marquis of Godsend said is just one-sided words, and it must not be trusted!" An official stood up to refute.

Tianci smiled and looked at the officials contemptuously, "Is it true? Do you still remember our Northwest Province? At that time, the Lieyang Mercenary Group controlled Karama City and Kemayi City, and the Jianmang Mercenary Group controlled Berna City and Bona City. In the west city, the Rose Mercenary Group controls a city of Berlin. These five cities are nothing in other provinces, but they are also considered medium-sized cities in our Northwest Province. These mercenary groups set up private taxes in the city Fish and meat people, even dare to refuse to implement the tax exemption policy of His Majesty. I have seen these with my own eyes, and Lord Sephiroth can also testify. Do you still dare to say that I am lying? This is just our poor place in the Northwest. I think there are more such things in other provinces!"

"That's right, I can testify! Lie Yang Jian Mang and the others went too far. I was still a viscount at the time, and I was really powerless to punish them!" Earl Sephiroth was heartbroken, as if they had given him purple gold coins every year. It never happened.

The officials were ashamed, "Even if there are in the Northwest, if you don't wear a watch, it means that there are other provinces in the country!"

Tianci snorted coldly, "It's up to our mouth whether it's right or not, we'll find out once we check!"

At this time, Duke Kate stood up, "Since the matter involves our three departments, let's check it out!"

Safeiros chuckled, "Your Excellency has spoken, and our finance department will naturally cooperate! Shangsi Harna, you are in charge of the tax department. Do you know if this happens in other provinces?"

Immediately stood up from the seat below Sephiroth, and a Lord Shang Si said, "Reporting to the Regent and Co-Regent Sephiroth, only half of the taxes collected by the towns under the responsibility of the mercenary group will be handed over to the empire... in In our empire, apart from the central province, there are quite a few provinces in every province, the three provinces in the southeast, south, and southwest are the most!"

"Wow!" All the officials were boiling.

The faces of the governors of the Southwest and South provinces changed even more!

The governor of the southern province, Marquis Gusta, walked towards the middle, "Reporting to the regent, some towns in our southern province are indeed managed by mercenary regiments. Our southern province has a long border, and there are many places to deploy defenses. Our main battle army is basically They are all used for defense. In some places, bandits often appear, and the city defense army has no combat effectiveness, so some mercenary groups are hired to protect the peace of the surrounding cities!"

"That's right, we have a lot of mountainous areas in the southwest. If we use the army every time, it will undoubtedly be a laborious effort. It is more cost-effective to hire a mercenary group! We have reported this matter before!" Marquis Ahmed, Governor of the Southwest Province, quickly added, Sweat was about to come out on his forehead.

Each province has its own fixed taxation and the strict supervision of the empire, so local officials dare not act recklessly, but if there is a mercenary group, there are many things that can be said. It's much easier to do, after all, the cost of hiring a mercenary group is discussed privately between the officials and the head of the mercenary group.

Duke Kate nodded, and said hoarsely, "I did report such things before, and His Majesty approved it at that time!"

All the marquis governors breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, His Majesty made it clear at the time that they must all be mercenary regiments from our Welsh Empire! Godsend just said that many of them are mercenary regiments from the Faran Empire. What's going on?" Duke Kate said. Staring at the Marquis.

"The mercenary regiment of the Faran Empire? I've never heard of it!" Marquis Ahmed said hastily.

"I never remember that there was a mercenary regiment from the Faran Empire!" Marquis Gusta also explained.

Tianci looked at everyone, "Eastern Province, Kama Town, Whistling Mercenary Group, Head Haruha, a member of the Faran Empire! Southwest Province, Kar Village, Sky Blue Mercenary Group, head Kuhe, a member of the French Empire!" !Southern Province, Kelke City, Flowing Water Mercenary Group, Commander Sheila, a member of the Faran Empire!..."

Baiguan was dumbfounded.

"Impossible, I don't know anything about it!" the Governor of the Eastern Province, the Marquis of Gezis, suddenly yelled.Many other governors also panicked.If this is the case, the mercenary regiment of the Faran Empire controlled the territory of their own empire, and it still happened in the provinces under their jurisdiction, even if they removed themselves as the governor, it would not be an exaggeration!On the contrary, although Tianci is actually the governor, he is not in name, and no matter how he is held accountable, he cannot be held accountable.

Thinking of this, sweat began to seep from the foreheads of the seven governors.The governors who were sitting just now stood up unnaturally.

"Regent, this matter may involve the safety of the empire, so we must investigate it!" Duke Kate said, "The French Empire and our Welsh Empire have always been at odds. Now that there are so many mercenary groups controlling our land, we will definitely It cannot be left alone, it must be thoroughly investigated!"

The eldest prince gritted his teeth in hatred at this moment, "Check it out, you must check it out! They've all arrived in our country, yet we don't even know it!"

Duke Kate turned his head to look at the tax department, Harna Shangsi, and the bureaucratic department and the civil affairs department behind him, "Go back and get the documents from these years, and we will check here, and check it out!"

The three Shangsi responded quickly, turned their heads and ran towards the outside of the hall.

After a while, many officials came in, most of them were Si Lang and the principals of the third division, everyone was holding a thick account book, and they also had space rings on their hands!A row of tables and chairs had already been set up near the entrance in the hall of Qinzheng Hall.

The atmosphere in the council hall was tense, apart from the constant flipping of paper, there was the nervous heartbeat of some people.

The usually proud governors are like frost-beaten eggplants at this time, and they have long lost their prestige.Looking at the inspection near the door with a stiff face, the tea was sloshing in the cup in his hand.

After searching for a long time, finally got the result!

"Regent and Fuzhenggong, we have checked a small part, and some results have been obtained! The situation in Kama Town, Karl Village, Kelke City and other cities is indeed true..."

"Crack!" The teacup in Marquis Ahmed's hand fell to the ground and shattered.

"However, these mercenaries are all registered with the Mercenary Union in Ancona, the capital of Wales! But their members don't seem to be from our Welsh Empire!" The person in charge of the Department of Officials and the Department of Civil Affairs reported.

The Department of Taxation also came up with a result. Halna Shangsi personally reported, "Reporting to the Regent and Assistant Zhenggong, we have shown here that the mercenary group mentioned by the Marquis of Tianci just now does exist, and the location also agrees, and according to our records, The remuneration proposed by these mercenary groups is relatively low..."

Reporting one by one, the faces of the governors became more and more serious.

"...The above is what we found out just now, as for other places, we haven't found out yet. But as long as we are given a few days, we will definitely get to the bottom of it!" Harna Shangsi said.

It took a long time to find out the tip of the iceberg, and everyone changed color.

"Hey!" Marquis Dolan, the Governor of the Northeast Province, suddenly sighed, "Regent, Assistant Regent, we have been entrusted with important tasks by His Majesty, and I don't want this kind of thing to happen under our noses. Above the main hall, please punish us for the crime of neglecting our duties!"

The other five governors also stood up to plead guilty at the same time.

Sitting on it, the eldest prince and the third prince were suddenly at a loss.

"The regent and the assistant regent! These six governors have worked with me for many years. They usually guard one side of the empire with trepidation and care. And we have heard it just now. These individuals are servants registered in our Welsh empire. Corps, they deliberately hid it from us, not the governors, so I beg you to take it lightly!" Duke Kate said.

The eldest prince smiled wryly, why don't you take it lightly?If the six governors are replaced at once, I am afraid that the empire will be shaken. "What Duke Kate said is very true. The governors are deeply favored by the king, but they can't see the details... All of them will be fined for three years to see the effect. If they commit another crime, they will be severely punished!"

"The regent is wise, but since we have discovered it, we can't turn a blind eye to it. I suggest investigating it immediately, and then revoking their management rights. If it is a mercenary group of the French Empire, the employment relationship must be terminated immediately!" Duke Kate suggested.

"Duke Kate's words are very true! We are willing to pay for our merits!" The marquis and governors all pleaded for orders.

"This..." Now the eldest prince and the third prince are in a dilemma!
If this decree is issued, it will definitely offend the majority of mercenaries and mercenary unions.

"Although what Duke Kate said is reasonable, the permission of mercenaries to manage the town was approved by the king himself, and we can't change it without authorization. What's more, our Welsh empire is bound to be in trouble with the mercenary union, especially At this time, we need to handle our relationship with the mercenary union more carefully!" said the eldest prince.

"That's right. Although there are a small number of mercenaries from the Faran Empire mixed in, most of them are from our Welsh Empire. If we treat them equally and forcibly withdraw them, I think it will arouse their dissatisfaction. The empire we need now Up and down are in the same mind, why not let it go for a while, and wait until the southeast matter is resolved, and it will not be too late to deal with it!" The third prince also said.

Godsend went before, "Regent and Assistant Regent! The reason why we hired mercenary groups was to protect safety and not to manage the town. Besides, they don't have any official experience, so they can't manage the town well. So I thought that even if we revoked the As long as they clearly express their willingness to maintain a long-term employment relationship and pay the usual remuneration, they will not have any objections to their management rights. As for the mercenaries of the French Empire, they used the name of our Welsh Mercenary Union to come in , their hearts will be evil, so we must not keep them for a day longer to pamper and raise traitors, we must expel them immediately!"

"What the Marquis of Heaven said is right! I agree! As for the mercenary union, they openly released that kind of war envy mission to fuel the flames. It is clear that we don't take our Welsh Empire and His Majesty's hadith seriously! We You don't have to give them face either!" the Governor of the Northern Province, Marquis Bernard, agreed.

Governor officials nodded.

The eldest prince and the third prince groaned in their hearts, especially the third prince looked at Tianci's teeth itching, and today he was clearly waiting to punish Tianci, but who knew that he was asked to go around three times and go around to the mercenary union.Now instead of punishing Tianci, he has to force himself to do something that offends the mercenary union. . .

Although there are thousands of annoyances, what can happen now?What's more, the eldest prince said just now that he would rather fight for ten years than leave a hidden danger for a moment!
He lifted a rock and smashed himself, and dug a big hole for himself!
"Quiet!" the eldest prince roared, "I also believe what the Marquis of Heaven has said! From now on, the three departments must cooperate with each other to find out all the mercenary groups that control the towns in the empire, and deal with them separately after they are clear!"

"Yes!" The officials immediately took orders.

"Hmph! Marquis of God, you have made a great contribution to the empire this time!" The third prince sneered.

Tianci smiled slightly, "It's all because the mercenary union took the initiative to offend the dignity of our empire, and we were just forced to fight back!"

This is a major matter of the empire, not a personal matter that I am a god-given individual!
In the next few days, the Antian Mansion next to the palace was bustling with excitement, the Finance Department and the Government Affairs Department were all busy, and many officials went to the Mercenary Union to verify the information with thick records!

Under the deliberate teaching, small pieces of news immediately spread in the capital, and the status of the mercenary union in the hearts of the people of the Welsh Empire suddenly dropped a lot!

"My lord, I still think your actions are too risky! Have you ever thought about what you would do if the eldest prince hadn't said that, or didn't give you a chance to explain?" Chen Wu asked worriedly.

"Ha ha" God sent a smile "Actually, that day I knew that they would punish me no matter what, so I didn't care about it. A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor. Even if you are convicted, you have to tell the truth, even if you die. Pull your back!"

Chen Wu shook her head, it was too dangerous!
"Forget it, don't care about it!" Tianci shrugged his shoulders, "I'll stay with my mother well, and I'll go out in a few days!"

"My lord, do you still want to go out? You just offended the mercenary union, it's very dangerous to go out now!" Chen Wu persuaded.

"No way, who made my strength so poor? I want to go out and practice!" Tianci said.

Chen Wu suddenly pouted and said, "My lord, I have heard that you are probably stronger than me and Gelu, and you still say that you are not strong enough, so how can we, the captains of the personal guards, live?" what!"

"It's different, because the opponents we will face in the future are different! So I must be prepared!" Tianci smiled and looked at Gru, "Gru, you spend all day with Papa Gauss, have you made any progress? Daddy But you have the talent to break through level seven!"

Gru smiled awkwardly, "Maybe it's because my talent is not as good as Lord Gauss and Lord Anrui, so it will take a long time!"

"My lord, don't listen to his modesty. Lord Gauss said he's coming soon!" Chen Wu thought for a while, "My lord, don't be unhappy when I say something. I think Lord Anrui is a bit...I heard that Lord Anrui never It took more than ten years from level [-] to level [-], and it was stimulated to level [-] under special circumstances. But it seems to be less than seven or eight years from level [-] to level [-], don't you find it strange? You are as young as Mr. Anrui The eighth-level great sword master is unique in the mainland, but fortunately it hasn't been spread yet, otherwise it will really shock the mainland!"

Tianci was silent for a while, "I have been with my mother these days, and my father has been practicing meditation. I also find it very strange that my father's eighth level came too fast, which is really unacceptable! But in fact, my father is indeed an eighth level. I fought against him, and the eighth level of grudge is not fake at all!"

"My lord, I heard that there is a kind of alchemy drug on the mainland, which can temporarily stimulate the potential of human beings and reach heights that I can't usually reach, so I wonder if it is..."

Tianci's heart trembled, "You mean Huizhao Dan?"

Morning Mist nodded.

Huizhao Dan, meaning Huiguanghuizhao!It is a potion extracted by alchemists from a kind of pocket flower in the southern Gran Empire.This kind of potion can temporarily put people in a state of extreme excitement. In a short period of time, all the abilities of the human body will be temporarily stimulated to reach heights that they cannot reach, for example, to temporarily raise their fighting spirit to a higher level.

However, there are very few warriors, or they dare not use them at all.Because once you use it once, you will think about it for the second time, just like an addiction.And in the end, you have to take it every day, otherwise your whole body will feel like thousands of ants are biting you.The body will gradually weaken and age, and what's more, in the end, the whole body will become skinny.

The refining of this kind of elixir has been banned on the entire continent, and anyone who is refined by an alchemist will be cast aside and no longer have the qualifications for alchemy.However, this kind of elixir is secretly very popular, and the price is also very expensive.Driven by huge profits, there are still many alchemists who risk their reputation to refine every year.

"Impossible, Dad can't take Huizhao Dan!" Tianci said loudly again and again.

"My lord, don't get excited, I'm just guessing randomly!" Chen Wu said quickly, although she said so, she still had a question in her heart.An Rui is too young for an eighth-level great swordsman!
"Chen Wu, you are indeed wrong!" Gru said, "I have met those who took Huizhao Dan during my mercenary career, most of them looked haggard and thin, especially their hands often trembled involuntarily. Ever since I learned that Lord Anrui had been promoted, I have observed it secretly, and there is no such sign at all, so I dare to be sure that Lord Anrui has not taken Huizhao Dan!"

"Oh, I don't know about this. I also heard that I have never actually seen symptoms! Hearing what you said, Mr. Anrui really reached the eighth level by his own practice! It's incredible!" Chen said. Fog marvels.

"Huh!!" Tianci breathed a long sigh of relief, "Fortunately, Gru saw it before. Chenwu, this time, I almost scared you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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