Godsend Field

Chapter 277

Chapter 277
Li'er sat quietly in the meditation room, with a slight breeze blowing beside her, her cyan robe was swaying slightly, and her long hair was like catkins by the lake.

With her eyes closed, she sensed the wind elements around her.

The previously blurry area seems to have become clear recently, and occasionally one or two blue lights can be felt.It's like a night when it's going to rain, the sky is lifeless, and only one or two stars flash occasionally.

"Is this the body of the wind element? Although I still can't see it clearly, it has improved a lot compared to the previous chaos!" Lier murmured and opened her eyes, "I don't know what Brother Tianci saw. What is the scene like?"

Walking out of the meditation room, I took a look at the next meditation room, the door was still closed!

Li'er walked out carefully and closed the door.After walking around in Dean Rafal's study, he walked outside.

"Hehe, Miss Lier is here to buy food again?" The owner of Phoenix Restaurant said enthusiastically.

"Well, help me get two boxes of Feifeng Cake, and then make two light dishes!" Lier said and took out the purple gold coins from the interspatial ring.The purple gold coins in the space ring are enough for him to squander for several years now.

After a while, the boss smiled and handed a food box to Li'er, "I haven't seen Miss Qin'er here for a long time, she must be tired of our Phoenix Restaurant's Feifeng Cake!"

Li'er smiled, "How could it be? Qin'er has been practicing hard these days, and I bought it here for her! Boss, what do you use to make your Feifeng Cake? It's so delicious?"

"You don't know about this! This flying phoenix cake is made of the rice we ordered from the Eagle Chamber of Commerce. This kind of rice can only be found in the Grand Empire. Because of the harsh environmental requirements, the annual output is not much. , According to them, it’s called glutinous rice! In the Welsh Empire, our Phoenix Restaurant is an exclusive monopoly, and even the Eagle Chamber of Commerce cannot sell it!”

"It's strange, but they can't sell their own things!" Lier asked curiously.

"Hehe, you don't know that! Back when the Eagle Chamber of Commerce was able to enter our Welsh Empire, our Phoenix Restaurant contributed a lot, so this glutinous rice is our exclusive order!"

"Feifeng Cake sells so well, it's almost becoming your signature snack! Isn't the Eagle Chamber of Commerce at a disadvantage?"

"A loss? They took advantage of it! With a small piece of glutinous rice, they broke the business door of the entire empire. Do you think they made a lot of money?" With the size of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce today, it will surely vomit blood!"

"Your old man?"

The boss blinked his triangular eyes and looked around mysteriously, and said quietly, "Let me tell you, don't spread the word! I accidentally overheard the conversation of the above people a few years ago. It turned out that the earliest boss of our Phoenix Restaurant actually It was the Duke of Kakala who rebelled back then!"

Lier was surprised, "Then you..."

"Hehe, I don't know either! Anyway, our Phoenix Restaurant is fine!" The owner smiled and said, "Miss Lier, just listen to it, but please don't spread the word!"

Lier nodded, "I know, I won't spread the word!"

Walking out of the Phoenix Restaurant, he attracted countless attentions along the way, but no one dared to come up to harass him.Who would dare to harass the Marquis' fiancée today?Unless it is tired of life!
Walking back to Dean Rafael's attic, Qin'er has already sat on the soft chair in the study, stretching lazily, revealing her delicate curves vividly.

"Li'er, why did you come back? I'm almost starving to death!" Qin'er said coquettishly, and stood up to take the food box.

"Li'er, why did you buy vegetables again! We haven't eaten meat for three days!" Qin'er said dissatisfied.

"Hee hee, Qin'er, I find that you look more and more like..."

"What does it look like?" Qin'er's eyes widened.

"You are becoming more and more like Yu'er. You know how to eat big fish and meat all day long, and be careful that you will gain weight!" Li'er laughed.

"Hmph, how can I be like that stinky rascal! But Lier, if we eat this every day, maybe we will be skinny! So when the time is right, we still need to have a good meal!" Qin'er blinked her eyes Blinking, a piece of yellowed paper appeared in my hand, "My grandfather got this for me. It is said that all the concubines in the palace eat these! It tastes very delicious, and it won't make you fat after eating it. Let's ask Phoenix Restaurant to do it for us tomorrow!"

Lier was overjoyed, reached out to take it and looked at it carefully, "Really?"

The two started eating while laughing.

"Qin'er, why are you meditating so slowly now? I remember you meditating first, okay?" Li'er asked casually, "During the meditation process, the stronger the mental power, the deeper the meditation will be , the time will be longer. Isn't your mental strength stronger than mine?"

Qin'er smiled slightly, revealing two cute little canine teeth, "I don't know, but I feel that my meditation seems to be getting easier and easier. And since I comprehended the heart of the element, I feel that the water element has become more and more lovely, And a lot of obedience! Don't you think?"

Lier shook her head, "Understanding the heart of the elements will only increase the spiritual power, but it doesn't seem to help the affinity!"

Qin'er shrugged, and stuffed the whole piece of Feifeng Cake into her mouth, "Who knows!"

Seeing that Qin'er didn't look like a lady, Li'er laughed, "Qin'er, don't you feel that Brother Tianci seems to be hiding something from us?"

Qin'er whimpered and swallowed with difficulty, "We didn't follow him all the time, of course we don't know a lot about him!" Qin'er suddenly blushed and said angrily, "This is your family's business. What's the matter, ask me what to do!"

"No! Where are you thinking!" Li'er also blushed a little. "Don't you think it's strange? Brother Tianci wants to go out to practice and won't let us go together. I remember that even when he practiced the blinking finger I know, I really don't know what he's practicing this time!"

Qin'er was taken aback, "Didn't he tell you?"

Lier was also stunned, "You know?"

"Oh!" Qin'er quickly covered her little mouth, and then put it down, "Forget it, I'll tell you, anyway, you are a family, that brat should be practicing life magic now!"

"Life magic??" Lier felt suffocated for a while, and the Feifeng pastry in her hand fell to the ground.

"Purgatory Fire Dragon!!"

A huge flame dragon of more than 40 meters rushed out and flew into the sky.

"No! It's not like this!" Tianci sat down, quietly thinking about the cultivation in the past few days.

If blue light is regarded as spiritual power, it should be mixed in before the magic materializes.In other words, it enters the magic circle with the fire element, and merges and materializes in the magic circle!But I haven't made any progress these days, why?Which link went wrong?

Tianci sat quietly, then stood up suddenly, swung his long sword, and another Purgatory Fire Dragon flew out, but it still flew into the distance.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and day and night change, to Tianci, there is no difference!
At the gate of the Welsh Empire, a group of imperial guards suddenly appeared.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" The imperial guards rudely pushed away the crowd blocking the way by the wall at the door.

The kind and timid people immediately moved away, leaving a wall free.

The imperial guards smeared the wall twice with a brush dipped in paste, and then pasted a yellow notice on the wall, "Okay, let's go to the next city gate!"

As soon as the imperial guards left, the surrounding people immediately surrounded them, and even those who were about to enter the city stopped and surrounded them.

"What to surround, what to squeeze, do you know how to read?" A businessman in a brocade robe shouted at the civilians beside him.

"What are you writing? Read it to those who can read!" Someone yelled, and many people immediately followed suit.

"Get out of the way for me, I will read to you! A bunch of mud-legged people who don't even know the words!" The businessman cursed, and immediately gave way in front of him.

The businessman leaned forward and took a look, and suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, it's so fucking cool! This minister proposed it, so cool!"

The civilians around immediately became curious, "What's the matter? Tell me!"

"This is a decree issued by the empire! From next month, the empire will take back the management rights and taxation rights of all towns and villages except the noble fiefdoms. The local mercenary group can only be responsible for security, and all mercenary rewards It will be formulated by the unified finance department of the empire," the businessman said happily.

"Cut! We thought it was something good!" The civilians onlookers were disappointed and prepared to walk away.

"What do you bastards know?" the businessman roared, "You are near the capital, and my king's feet will certainly enjoy the blessings. You don't know that in some remote cities and villages, the managers of those mercenary groups are hacked, and the tax collection There are so many of them, even the merchants we pass by have to pay road tolls and road maintenance, the people there really dare not speak out!"

"Is it real?"

"I can swear! Those places are as high as the sky, Your Majesty is far away, and the hateful mercenary group has become the king of the earth! Now it's over, clean them up!" The businessman said with righteous indignation, "Good harvest, good harvest!"

While cheering at the gate of the city, in an inconspicuous room on the second floor of the Ancona Mercenary Guild, two old men were sitting with particularly gloomy faces.

"Elder Wager, the imperial decree has been posted! I think it won't be long before our people will..."

"Xinanke, do you know how much time and effort we have spent on deploying these mercenary regiments on the border? Now it can be said that we have fallen short of success. If you let the first elder and second elder know, your head may have to change to another place to enjoy the cool. Already!" Elder Wagger said coldly.

Elder Xinanke shuddered all over his body, "Elder Wagga, I didn't know that things would turn out like this! We already knew about the court meeting that day, and no one thought that the gift of God could align all the spearheads. They pointed at us. Now all the governors-general Shangji have jointly cleared our deployment, even if the eldest prince and the third prince work together, they can't stop it!"

"Hmph! We originally wanted to force him to submit, but in the end we suffered a terrible loss! This gift from God is really not easy!"

"Elder Wager, do we want..." Xinanke stretched out his hand and gestured on his neck.

Elder Wag glanced at Xinanke, "Even Naharu's spirit has been defeated, do you think we still have this strength? Unless the First Elder and Second Elder get out, we don't want to kill him!"

"Elder Wagg, don't you also have the strength of level nine?"

"Me? I'm just a ninth-level junior!" Elder Wag sighed. After so many years, he still hasn't improved at all. It seems that his talent has come to an end after reaching the ninth-level junior.

The beginning of ninth grade. . .The weakest existence in the ninth level!

"Xinanke, which direction did that kid go?"

"He went out from the north gate, but his unicorn was so fast that we couldn't keep up! But I don't think he would have left too far!" Xinanke replied respectfully, "Wag Elder, are you planning to..."

"I want to talk to him!"

To the north of the capital, at the junction with the northern province, there is a desolate valley, where no one lives, and the surrounding trees are sparsely distributed.


The sky was as dark as night!


Huge electric snakes sputtered and gathered together! !

A loud dragon chant shook the ground, and all the monsters in the surrounding area fled tremblingly, and the weaker beasts fell into a coma.

Reddish in mid-air, a purgatory fire dragon hovered and roared.Tianci was panting, the pressure between heaven and earth seemed to have increased a lot!He raised his head and carefully looked at this life that was born against the sky. It was more than 40 meters long and was covered in flames. It was impossible to see the body at all, except for two terrible black holes in the eyes.

"Sure enough!" Tianci sat on the ground, feeling a little tired.The wooden material produced belongs to Yalong, which has only seven levels of strength.And the fire element should belong to a real dragon, and its strength should be eighth level!The source of life of the eighth-level powerhouse is much larger than that of the seventh-level martial artist. For the same reason, the source of life required to produce an eighth-level purgatory fire dragon is also much larger.

A few days ago, it seemed that a little water was put in when kneading the noodles, and the water was used up, and there was still a lot of flour, which was natural and not good for noodles.But if there is too much water, the paste is not good, so it can only be produced if it is just right, and this amount is finally found!


The huge movement startled Yu'er who was playing around, looking at the giant dragon hovering in the sky, Yu'er bared her teeth and roared, releasing a burst of coercion instantly.The dragon has no response!
A puppet without spirit is naturally not afraid of spiritual attacks!
Why don't you buy your own account?Yu'er was very annoyed, roaring, countless fire elements gathered, and six big fiery tails swung back and forth.

"Aw~~" Yu'er roared suddenly, a burst of red energy shot up behind him, and gradually formed a huge 40-meter fire fox, with the same six tails, one hanging down to connect with Yu'er's tail, and the other five huge tails Swinging back and forth, heat waves hit one after another, and the surrounding trees were instantly reduced to ashes.

"Hehe, I'm also going to try it out, how powerful it is!" Tianci smiled!

Following Tianci's gesture, the huge purgatory fire dragon roared and ran towards Yu'er.Yu'er squatted on the ground, suddenly stood up, and grabbed the air with her little claws.The huge flaming fox's front paws slapped the head of the purgatory fire dragon.

"Huh~~" The Purgatory Fire Dragon suddenly opened its mouth wide, and spurted out a stream of scorching dragon flames.

The scorching dragon flames caused the temperature of the space to rise sharply, and the entire front claws of the fire fox were instantly melted, and even half of the head was melted.

As soon as the dragon flame was over, the fire fox immediately returned to its original shape, and its angry paws rushed towards the purgatory fire dragon again.

"Touch!" The long claws slapped the dragon's back heavily, and the sharp long claws tore a piece of the back, and the shattered flames fell one after another, as if a meteor rain fell all around.

"Aw~~" The purgatory fire dragon let out a long roar, its claws grabbed the fire fox, and it spewed out another mouthful of dragon flames from its mouth!Firefox was almost melted away more than half.

If it was any other creature, it would probably have died under the dragon flames by now, but for the fire fox, this was Yu'er's elemental incarnation, and he was not afraid of being injured or damaged at all.As long as the energy is not exhausted, the elemental avatar will not disappear!

Tianci carefully observed the attack of the Purgatory Fire Dragon.

The purgatory fire dragon's current attack methods are basically dragon flames. Although the minions are sharper and sharper than the wood dragon, they are all melee attacks.But Longyan is a medium-range attack, and it is a unique attack method of the dragon clan. Its power is definitely not lower than the eighth-level magic of humans.The purgatory fire dragon hovered in mid-air and attacked with dragon flames, but Yu'er couldn't do anything about it.But Yu'er would often lie on the ground, such a huge fire fox would also lie on the ground, and the fire dragon would lower down to attack. Yu'er even leaped suddenly, and the long claws could attack the fire dragon.The purgatory fire dragon was attacked repeatedly without wisdom, and after a while, his body was covered with scars!
"Boom!" The Purgatory Fire Dragon fell to the ground and shattered into a pile of flames.

As Yu'er's small paws slapped the ground, the fire fox's giant claws smashed the purgatory fire dragon into countless pieces.

Withdrawing the blue light, the dark clouds in the sky cleared away.

Yu'er scattered her avatar and tail, and jumped onto Tianci's shoulder.

"Hehe, not bad!" Tianci was very happy.Judging from the battle just now, the Purgatory Fire Dragon has the power of an eighth-level monster, and the reason why it lost to Yu'er was that it was not as cunning as Yu'er.

An eighth-level monster, that is to say, I no longer have to be afraid of the eighth-level great sword master in the future!

Tianci couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.Life magic, a gift left to me by my father, although I have only comprehended the advanced application for a short time, I have already reached the level of an eighth-level powerhouse!I don't know that my father uses life magic in his own field, what kind of power will it be?

Tianci put away the long sword in his hand, "We've been out for a while, and we'll go back when I get more familiar with it!"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er nodded her head, and pointed her paw at her stomach.Even if you want to practice, you should fill your stomach first!

In the next few days, Tianci kept experimenting.The strength of the Purgatory Fire Dragon has nothing to do with its size, but only with the number of sources of life it fused.However, the source of life with eighth-level strength is basically fixed, no matter how big the body is, the source of life is the same.If it is dealing with a large number of people, then of course the bigger the better. If it is dealing with a strong person, it is better to be smaller. At least it is flexible and not easy to be attacked.

Tianci put away the green light, "Yu'er, call Bai Ying, let's go back!"


(End of this chapter)

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