Godsend Field

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
It can be said that the Welsh Empire has been in constant bad luck for the past two years.First, His Majesty the King, who is the most proud of the empire, fell into a coma, and then there were frequent news that Minister Shang Si had been replaced in the government.This is not over yet. The French Empire and the Spanish Empire have colluded to attack the Welsh Empire. The only disastrous defeat of the Southeast Provincial Empire in recent decades, they were forced to abandon the border fortress and retreat to the city of weight. In the tug-of-war, the losses were unprecedentedly heavy.Facing the attack of the Spanish Empire, they had no choice but to retreat to the city of Sara.

However, today, a piece of news dispersed the cold dark clouds over the Welsh Empire, revealing a ray of warm and joyful sunshine.

After being unanimously elected by the red-robed archbishops on St. Feiwen Mountain, the Holy Land of the Illumination, His Majesty the old Pope officially announced Miss Mia of the Welsh Empire as the new saint, and accepted the blessing of the God of Illumination.An extremely grand and grand celebration ceremony was held on Mount St. Fevin, and the Guangming churches in various places announced the information at the same time and held celebrations!
The Welsh Empire has not had a saint for more than 200 years. This time Mia can become a saint, which is undoubtedly a great news for the citizens who are under the shadow of His Majesty's coma, political instability and war.The Welsh Empire was as large as the majestic and luxurious Bright Church in Ancona, and as small as the humble and small pastor churches in villages and towns held rich celebrations.

Mia's name became a household name in the Welsh Empire in an instant!

"Hehe, it's so lively! Let's go and have a look!" Tianci said with a smile, and walked towards the village not far away.Bai Ying didn't like this kind of bustle, and walked around alone.

Hustle and bustle is Yu'er's favorite, and she swiftly jumped onto Tianci's shoulder, sitting upright and posing, her little paws pointing at the bustling crowd at the gate of the city.

God-given coarse cloth, walked to the door.A group of young men and women dressed in red and green danced happily, and behind them was a group of folk orchestras, playing with old musical instruments, beaming with joy!

"Master, is this a rich family marrying a daughter or a bride?" Tianci asked curiously.

"Don't you know?" An old villager stared at Tianci in surprise, "We are celebrating, celebrating the birth of a saint in our empire! There will be free meals in the church later. Boy, look at your busy You haven't eaten yet, hurry up and eat!"

"Saint? Could it be that Mia was chosen?" Tianci felt calm in his heart.

Mia became a saint, and she felt at peace in her heart!Tianci smiled, maybe because Mia was the first girl he fell in love with in his hazy teenage years, so he cared very much.But that's fine, Mi Ye only has the Guangming Sect in his heart!
Along with the lively crowd, Tianci came to the Guangming Church in the town.This village is not rich, and the church only has a small three-story attic. To put it bluntly, it is really not as big as the kitchen of my own Marquis Mansion!
There are rows of long tables in the open space in front of the church, full of dishes, but most of them are lumpy foods that are convenient to eat, and there is porridge next to them.A lot of Illuminati came in the middle, gathered together to celebrate, and the food on the table disappeared quickly.Fortunately, the church was well prepared, and a large amount of food was kept on the table.

Tianci picked up a piece of square cake from the table, which was made of coarse grains, and picked up a piece of barbecue from the table and handed it to Yu'er, Yu'er turned her head disdainfully after smelling it.Tianci smiled, Yu'er didn't think she was the only one who ate it.

Although it is not as delicious as Fenghuang Restaurant, and even the ones made by ourselves are not as good, but for ordinary civilians, this is a good delicacy!

Tianci was eating and watching the singing and dancing in the open space in front of him, when suddenly a chill came from behind, his brain suddenly went blank, and he recovered immediately, such a strong killing intent!
"Who!!" Tianci was startled suddenly, and his consciousness dispersed instantly.There were a lot of people around, but Tianci quickly found his attacker behind the dining table behind him.

Tianci was shocked, it turned out to be him, Elder Wagge, one of the three elders of the Mercenary Union!Did you come to chase and kill yourself?Elder Wa Ge is at the beginning of the ninth level, if he wants to kill himself, it may be really difficult to escape!If it was on flat ground, I might have hoped for Shiro Shadow's speed and the magic of myself and Yu'er, but now there are many civilians here, once the fight starts, the innocent civilians here will be the first to be sacrificed!
Elder Wagg looked at him coldly, and saw that he recovered immediately with surprise on his face.

Tianci took a deep breath and held it back. After a while, his heartbeat returned to normal before he spit it out. He turned around and walked towards Elder Wager slowly.

"Elder Wagger, you have come to our Welsh Empire from a long distance. How did you come to this small town when you are not in Ancona?" Tianci asked with a smile.

"Oh? You actually know me? I didn't expect that I have retired for decades, and this time I came here very secretly. I thought it was perfect and no one would know, but I didn't expect to let you know."

"The elder must have come to look for me! It's crowded and noisy here, why don't you go outside the city, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and you can talk more comfortably!" Tianci stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"Why, are you afraid that I will hurt them here? Okay, let's go outside!"

No one noticed, no one cared, the old and the young walked out of the village.

"I used to think there was someone behind you, but now I can be sure that Naharu died at your hands!" Elder Wag sneered.

Tianci was neither surprised nor stopped, "He died in your hands!"

"It's better to be insane for life than to die! I'm really surprised. Even an eighth-level warrior may not be able to resist my killing intent attack. For you, it's over in a flash. It seems that your cultivation is not what the outside world wants. As rumored!"

"It's rumored that I don't know martial arts!" Tianci smiled faintly.

"Not only that! Marquis Marquis Marquis of Heaven will not but be able to defeat four-level warriors, and become a legend spread in the mainland. But even if it is miraculous, your overall strength will not exceed six levels. This is the definition given to you by our mercenary union. But now it seems that we were very wrong! I think you have at least eight levels of strength, at least your mental strength has reached eight levels!"

Tianci sneered and didn't answer, looking at the surrounding terrain vigilantly.

"Marquis Tianci, there is a gazebo in front of you, let's go and sit for a while!" Elder Wag pointed to a wooden gazebo not far ahead.The pick-up and drop-off in villages and towns are all carried out here.

Today everyone is celebrating the Virgin, and there is no one around the gazebo.

"What do you want from me?" Tianci looked around vigilantly.

"Hehe, you don't have to be so nervous. If I want to do something, do you think I can hide?" Elder Wag sneered and sat down.

"It's true that I'm not sure about escaping, but I'm sure that Yu'er can escape. Even if I die, at least the world will know who killed me!" Tianci said calmly.In Yu Ning Garden, I have been in contact with nine-level masters, so it can be said that I have no power to fight back.But it won't be killed easily for a moment!

"Haha, I'm afraid you don't let the world know, but let Rafal and Vikari know!" Elder Wagga unnaturally said, "Yes, I admit that we are afraid of these two, but this is not your life-saving Ace, don't forget that they all have identities, and it is impossible to sacrifice the interests of the empire for you alone!"

Godsend snorted coldly, quickly calculating in his mind, the fact is indeed so, Dean Rafal can't provoke a war between the two countries for himself, and the master will not destroy the mercenary union just because of this, at most, he will kill a few elders vented anger.

"But don't worry, I didn't come here to kill you! On the contrary, we want to do business with you!" Elder Wagg said.

Tianci was taken aback, "Business?"

"We can make you His Majesty the Supreme King of the Faran Empire. But the only condition is that you join our mercenary union and become our fourth elder."

Tianci's heart suffocated for a while, this was too sudden, and the conditions on both sides were too generous!

What does it mean to be a king of an empire!What does this mean for the elder of the mercenary union, the second largest perverted organization on the mainland?Tianci's heartbeat almost stopped, and his face turned blue.

"My lord, your recent actions have caused heavy losses to our mercenary union, but we can let the past go and let you enjoy a high position. This is our maximum tolerance. You can think about it after you go back, whether you continue to fight against us Still cooperate with us!" Elder Wagger sneered, "I can also tell you that the achievements of our mercenary union today are definitely not what you see on the surface, you have to think clearly!"

Tianci suddenly felt that his brain was in chaos. . .

"Okay, I've already said what I said, you can think about it slowly! I'm going back to Marseille now, you just have to tell Sinanke when you've made up your mind, but don't make us wait too long!" Elder Wag stood "During this period, I hope we will not have any more conflicts, otherwise it will be bad for both parties!"

The body swayed, and after a few breaths, Elder Wagger disappeared from sight.

Tianci's heart suddenly started beating violently, and he was suddenly exhausted and sat in the gazebo.The mercenary union that wanted to hunt and kill him before even offered him an olive branch, and the conditions were still so attractive. I am afraid that no one on the mainland could resist such a temptation.

The king of the empire plus the elder of the mercenary union. . .

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er bit the clothes given by Tianci.

Tianci suddenly came to his senses, and patted his cheeks with both hands, feeling a burst of pain, "There is no such thing as a free lunch, and the mercenary union will never treat me so well, there must be some kind of conspiracy!"

Picking up Yu'er, finding Bai Ying, Tianci quickly rushed towards Ancona.

There was no pause along the way, not even into the city.Although the city was bustling with people coming and going, Shirai Shadow was flying on the roof, looking at the passers-by below with refreshment and envy!

Coming to the inner layer, Tianci didn't even enter the Duke's mansion and went directly to his own Marquis' mansion.

"My lord, you are finally back!" Chen Wu heard the movement and walked out of the living room, "We happen to have something urgent..."

"Chenwu, let's talk about your matter later, I want to discuss a big matter with you now!" Tianci walked directly into the living room, "Everyone go out first, no one is allowed around!"

"Yes!" The guard team leaders in the living room saluted and walked out.Gru took part of his bodyguards out for training and hasn't returned yet.

"My lord, what happened?" Chen Wu asked.

"Well, it's a big thing. I couldn't think about it for a while, so I came to you!" Tianci breathed out, and recounted Elder Wagger's words verbatim, "Chen Wu, you are smarter than me, and you know what the mystery is here Is it a fan of the authorities, I have thought about it all the way and I still feel that there is something wrong but I can’t figure it out, you are a bystander, you can help me analyze it!"

After hearing this, Chen Wu's face became serious.

"Chenwu, why do you think he did this?" Tianci asked again.

"My lord, I think it's very strange! Although the mercenary union is very powerful, it is absolutely impossible to overthrow an empire, and it is impossible for the Illuminati to allow them to do so, but from your tone, they seem to be very sure, There must be some mystery in it!" Chen Wu frowned, "I remember that the lord gave the mercenary union a knife before he left. It doesn't make sense!"

"I thought so too!" Tianci said.

There was silence in the hall.

"Deng Dang Ding!" There was a sound of footsteps, and Gru walked in quickly. After seeing Tianci, he immediately stepped forward to salute, "My lord, you are back! Are you discussing something? Do you want me to go down first..."

Tianci nodded, "No need, you can listen to it too!"

Tianci repeated the matter again!
"My lord!" Gru said in disbelief, "there is no such good thing in the world. I only heard that when I give you something, the condition is that you must also give me the same thing. If I have heard that I give you something, the condition is that I will give you something again." Here's something for you. It's a fool!"

Chen Wu paused and stared at Gru, "What did you say, say it again!"

Gru was surprised "I...I..."

"Say it!" Chen Wu stamped her feet angrily.

"I said a fool would give one and give another!"

"The previous sentence!"

"Normal people would give the same, ask for the same..." Gru said carefully.

Chen Wu clapped his hands together, "That's right, I understand!"

Godsend great joy.

"Think about it, my lord. Before they asked you for equipment, you didn't give it back, and they couldn't find it, so they thought you were hiding it. They can't arrest your relatives and threaten you. If they want to use force, they will lose too much." If there are too many, there is no other way. So they thought of such a way, that is, let you join the mercenary union and become the elder of the upper house. Once you agree, then the lord will be a member of the mercenary union, the mercenary union The interests of the adults are naturally the interests of the adults, and the adults will naturally take out the equipment obediently at that time. I think once the adults take out the equipment, I am afraid they will try to get rid of it!"

The corner of Tianci's mouth raised slightly, "So that's it, they are too hard to be soft! I should have thought of it!"

"Yes, because the things they gave are too shocking, so just now we have been trapped by the two extreme temptations of the king and the elders. If it weren't for Gelu, we might not know when we would have thought about it!" Chen Wu said with a smile .

Gru was embarrassed "Where, where!!"

"Hehe, sometimes a tendon is still useful!"

Gru immediately became embarrassed.

"Chenwu, you are right, but there is one more point, what about King Faran? What's going on?" Tianci asked.

Chen Mist shook his head, "I know more about our Welsh Empire, but I don't know much about Fran. As for why they said this, I have no way of knowing. But there is one person who can ask you, that is Your grandfather! In addition to knowing the empire like the back of your hand, Duke Kate also has a lot of research on neighboring countries!"

"You don't need to tell me about this kind of thing, I will ask about it! Grandpa is clever and calculating, after all, we are not comparable!" Tianci walked out of the door, "If you are free, come with me!"

As soon as Tianci entered the city, Duke Kate's An Tianfu got a report.

Nero took care of all the affairs early and returned home with Duke Kate early.

"Godsend, these days you leave the government and don't care about it, and it's been more than a month since you left, so you must have gained a lot!" Duke Kate said with a smile.

"Grandpa is joking! But now I have an important matter to discuss with grandpa!" Tianci walked up to him and said in detail, "Grandpa, Chen Wu and I can only think of this level, but regarding the affairs of the Faran Empire, we I’m not very clear, so I’m here to ask for advice!”

"The Faran Empire, that's our old enemy! As an important member of the empire, you don't know anything about our biggest threat. It really shouldn't be!" Duke Kate said slowly, "I heard that you are in the empire. I often read history in college, so why doesn’t it work when it’s useful?”

Heavensent ashamed.

"On the surface, it seems that they are wishful thinking, but in my opinion, they are still possible!" Duke Kate leaned back on the chair, "I ask you, if you want to seize an empire, what methods do you have? "

God gave the three of them a surprise!
"Don't be nervous, it's just a hypothesis!"

"Rebel by force!" Grew said.

"Yes, it is too difficult! And without the right time, place and people, it may be difficult to succeed!"

"Encourage the governors of all parties to rebel!" Chen Wu said.

"The vassals rebelled, and the smoke was everywhere! The empire fell apart, and the vassal states might appear!"

Tianci thought about it, but there was still no answer. "Grandpa, the change of dynasty since ancient times is nothing more than division and harmony, and harmony and division. This has been the case in the mainland for 3 years!"

Duke Kate smiled, "It doesn't mean it has to be like this! Nero, what would you do if it were you?"

"Hehe, seizing an empire is nothing more than becoming a king. There are two ways to become a king. The first is to seize, to overthrow the old dynasty and establish a new dynasty by rebelling by force. The second method is to inherit and become the crown prince! In history, relying on the first The one way to become a king is probably less than one-tenth of the second way! So the best way to seize an empire is to inherit!" Nero said.

"Inheritance? But only the royal family can inherit it!" The three Tianci exclaimed.

"Hehe, that's right! On the mainland, only the royal family is qualified to inherit the throne, but that's only possible with the royal family!" Nero said with a smile.

God gave the three of them a chill behind their backs.

"Okay, let's get back to business! Since the mercenary union has offered you such a condition, it means that they are sure to seize the throne! As for the method, you all know it!"

"Grandpa, as far as I know, there are many princes in the Faran Empire, and there are even many foreign relatives."

"Hmph, those princes? It's better to call them princes, but it's not easy to say, I really don't know where they came from!" Duke Kate said coldly.

The three of Tianci were astonished, and even Nero's eyes widened!
"You don't have to look at me like that, it started more than 40 years ago..."

(End of this chapter)

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