Godsend Field

Chapter 279

Chapter 279
Duke Kate closed his eyes slightly and said slowly.

"About 40 years ago, an earth-shattering event happened in the Farland Empire. At that time, His Majesty the King of the Farland Empire died suddenly, and more than a dozen of his princes were said to have fought for the throne during the memorial ceremony, and they all died. Not even the four or five-year-old little prince stayed behind, only the tenth prince who had just grown up escaped the disaster at the border."

"Oh, I heard that a baby was born on the day their king died suddenly, and it was a baby boy. However, the name of the baby boy prince didn't seem to appear in the mourning in the future! Later, the tenth prince succeeded to the throne in a legitimate way and became the new prince. King of France. After succeeding to the throne, King of France favored Enrique, the general who joined the army at that time, and was soon promoted to the marshal of the empire! This Enrique can be said to be extremely tough and warlike All these years of wars have been conducted under his leadership!"

"Although it is said that the tenth prince succeeded to the throne smoothly, there are also many rumors. For example, the tenth prince's personality has changed, and his appearance has also changed a little. The most exaggerated thing is that the tenth prince even lost the mole on his back. But Soon all the maids who took care of the tenth prince died, and these rumors really became rumors!"

"In about two or three years, your ancestor broke through the ninth level and became a new saint who had been vacant for decades in the Faran Empire! But even if your ancestor wanted to investigate, I'm afraid there is nothing to do! This This matter has not been recorded in the general history of the mainland, so you younger people don't know about it!"

After Duke Kate finished speaking, he picked up the teacup on the table and sipped it lightly.

"Grandpa, then you mean..." Tianci and the other four couldn't believe it.

"Probably!" Duke Kate put down his teacup. "The puppet they found is extremely stupid. He has been drinking and drinking all day, and now he is only in his early sixties. His sons are not much better. They are all greedy for money. Lascivious, every successful one! The government of the French Empire has long been in the hands of Marshal Enrique."

The four from Tianci nodded, they basically knew this.

"I can also tell you one more thing, this Marshal Enrique was a mercenary in his early years!"

"What?" The four of Tianci were stunned at the same time!

Walking out of the study, Tianci felt that his back was soaked, and everything seemed to have a clue, but every clue was so amazing.

"My lord, how do you plan to reply to the mercenary union?" Chen Wu asked.

Tianci stopped his slow pace and thought for a moment, "Just drag it on, just drag it on like this!"

"My lord, this matter can be delayed, but the other matter cannot be delayed!"

"whats the matter?"

"Two days ago, the butler of Marshal Lankers went to the residence of Duke Meister, and I heard that he was there to propose a marriage!" Chen Wu said.

"En!" Tianci nodded, "It's normal for nobles to get married, let alone two ministers! Isn't Grandpa always talking about Nero's marriage? It's a pity that there is no suitable candidate! But me and Dad Mom likes little Si Ni, and so does Nero, who runs to Baal Chamber of Commerce every three days. I don't think grandpa will be able to defeat Nero in the end, let's wait for the wedding candy!"

"My lord, what are you talking about!" Chen Wu said angrily, "Don't forget, there are few people in the family of the Duke of Mesto, and the children of the Duke have not yet grown up, only Miss Adela has not yet married! "

Tianci was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed hahaha, "Adela!! This tigress hasn't existed yet... Hey, that's right, she and Roland are a couple. I wanted to propose marriage, but now..."

"Your Excellency, you also know that there are only three dukes in the empire, and each of them is of great power. Who would want to be married to them. Although it is said that Duke Meister has no official position, the title of duke is still there. In the past, people looked at Roland is talented and he is the heir of the saint, so he dare not propose marriage rashly, but now that Roland has become a street rat, naturally no one is taboo anymore. I heard that many people have started to contact the Meister family according to the The housekeeper, but Marshal Lankers sent someone to propose marriage with great fanfare!"

Tianci nodded, "I don't know that Marshal Lankers is proposing marriage for that grandson? He should have three grandchildren who are not married!"

"It is said that it is General William Jr. who just returned to the capital to report on his duties!" Chen Wu replied.

"William, I've met this guy, and I think he's pretty good. No matter his appearance or talent, he's considered a hero! It's just that he was messed up when he pursued Qin'er last time. Why didn't he take Adela as his target again after a while? ?” Tianci said, “You go back first, after I have seen my mother, I will go to the Marquis Mansion to see them!”

In Ningyuan, Anrui and Zhen had long been waiting for Godsend.

"Father, are you finally willing to come out?" Tianci said with a smile, "Has your realm stabilized?"

An Rui nodded, "It's almost there! Basically, it can reach the level of the eighth grade!"

"Wow!" Tianci was taken aback. "Middle of the eighth level? Dad, didn't you just advance to the eighth level? How can you fully grasp the realm of the eighth level?"

"I don't know. For the past two months, I feel that my body is awakening every day. The energy is naturally gushing out from the blood. It's very strange! I really want to ask Master now, but unfortunately I don't know where Master has gone!" An Rui shook his head helplessly.

"I met the master in Genoa, but the master left in a hurry, and I'm sure the master has retreated now. But Dad, I have a question and I don't know whether I should ask it or not!"

"go ahead!"

"The master-student inheritance on the mainland has always been very close. The ancestors used heavy swords, so fighting qi martial arts all pay attention to a'power' and'strength', but on the other hand, Dad, you, especially your spirit sword Fuyun, it’s strange for me to walk the light and delicate way!”

"You are right. My system and talents are more focused on dexterity than strength. Master has accepted three apprentices in total, and the seniors and juniors are all of the strength type, with the exception of me. Sometimes I really feel that I am very Fortunately, although my master and I have very different talents, the master still accepts me and concentrates on teaching me fighting qi martial arts, and many martial arts are specially set by the master for me. I am really grateful to the master!" An Rui was a little excited, "but master The most powerful martial skill is Chaos Three Forms, I can only learn the image, but I can't master the essence at all, because I don't have 'potential'."

"Master is really weird. There are some peak powerhouses on the mainland who give advice to their juniors, but I have never seen an apprentice who is very different from myself!" Tianci said with a smile.

"Cough! Cough!" Jane deliberately coughed loudly, "Have you guys finished talking with your father? It's been a long time, do you really treat me like air?"

Tianci chuckled, "Who made my mother not know martial arts? I never heard that drinking with a bosom friend is less than a thousand cups, and it's so much not to talk speculatively?"

Jane's face darkened, and she was angry, "Okay, then you can talk slowly, I'm redundant, I'll go!"

Tianci immediately jumped up and pressed Jane's shoulders, "Hehe, Mom, talk to me, I'll go, I'll go to the Marquis's Mansion!"

"Remember to come back early for dinner!" Zhen looked at Tianci's alert figure and asked loudly.

"Tianci is already an adult, let's not restrain him!" An Rui took Jane's hand.

"Hmph, is it wrong for my mother to ask her child to go home for dinner early? No matter how old he is, he will still be my child!" Zhen said dissatisfied, "And you, I find that you are getting more and more partial now, I don't understand Martial arts, you and I have nothing to say, but I have never seen you and Nero talking so happily!"

"Really?" An Rui scratched his head, "Maybe Tianci is more like me! Nero is more like your father!"

"Isn't my dad your dad? Besides, wouldn't it be good for Nero to be like this? Although the officialdom is dark, at least there is no danger to his life. It's a big deal not to be an official, and it's not good to be a rich duke and live a comfortable life." Is it? But I am very worried about the child Tianci. Originally, he didn’t have any talent, so I felt at ease, so that he could live a stable life. But you and your master always force Tianci to pursue stronger, although I don’t know How did God send this child to do it, but I am getting more and more worried!"

An Rui sighed, "You are a loving mother! You have watched Tianci approach step by step since you were a child. Has this child ever surrendered? We didn't force him, but he refused to accept his fate. As for how far he can reach, it has been a long, long time It was completely out of my control before..."

"What's the use of that? Didn't you say that the change of fighting temperament at the seventh level is completely beyond the understanding of ordinary people? Although Tianci said that he can defeat the sixth level, but the seventh level can only be broken through with fighting spirit magic?" Jane asked curiously.

"That being said!" Anrui stood up holding Jane's arm, and took a walk. "Didn't you notice that when he told us that day, although the hype was full of thrills, his expression was calm and calm, as if it was easier than breathing and eating?" , so I am sure, he must be hiding something! His current strength is probably not as simple as the two of us know! Every time I think of his birth, I feel palpitations, he is too special!"

Jane leaned on Anrui, "I really don't want this kid to be special. Since we returned to the capital, so many things happened to him, it makes me worry every time. Why did it happen to him!"

Tianci walked to the edge of the wall, smiled slightly, and jumped up, a side branch of the elm tree by the wall stretched out.Stepping on the side branch, Tianci exerted strength again, reached out and grabbed the wall with a hook, and turned over.

Opposite the wall is his own Marquis Mansion!
"Hahaha!" Chen Wu clapped his hands and pointed at Gru, "How about it, I'll say that my lord will definitely not go through the main entrance!"

God sent a smile, "Morning Mist still understands me, where is Adela? Are you still in the Marquis Mansion?"

Chen Mist shook her head, "I was called back half a month ago by the Duke of Mester, and I have never left the Duke's mansion! My lord, Roland has not come out for more than half a month..."

Tianci sighed, "I'll go and see for myself!"

In the attic where Roland was, there was no one nearby. Roland sat alone on the ground against a tree, staring blankly at the front.Even Tianci walked to the side without knowing it!

Tianci looked at the once high-spirited chief in front of him, the number one talented boy in the mainland!Thin face, decadent expression, messy beard and scum on his face, dirty and old clothes exuding a faint smell.


He raised his head and looked at Tianci dumbly, then lowered his head and continued to be in a daze.

"Marshal Lankers sent someone to propose marriage to Duke Meister's mansion, do you know?" Tianci asked.


"Then why don't you go?"

Roland looked at Tianci's self-deprecating wry smile, "Go? Where?"

"Of course it's the Duke's Mansion, you go to propose marriage too!"

"Propose marriage?" Roland laughed at himself, stood up lazily, and walked towards the attic.

Tianci grabbed Roland's shoulder, "Where are you going? The gate is here!"

Roland weakly shook off Tianci's arm, "I'll go back to sleep!"

sleep?God sent a big vomit.

With force in his hands, he pulled Roland past him.Roland did not stand firmly on his feet, and fell weakly to the ground.

Tianci just wanted to reach out to help, but when he saw that he was dying, he became angry, "Roland, look at what you look like now, you are simply worse than the beggars on the street. Beggars still have spirit, and you, a little spirit None! If you really like Adela, you can go to the Duke's Mansion to propose marriage, and we will all support you!"

"Support, hehe! Do you think I am still qualified to propose marriage now? William is the youngest general in the empire, and I am a traitor to the empire. Everyone screams and can only hide in your marquis's mansion. What do I use to propose marriage?" ?" Roland raised his fist and threw it on the ground, heartbroken!
Tianci was also stunned, "Yeah, what should I use to propose marriage?"

"Roland, didn't we expect today's situation? But you can't let Adela marry someone else just because of this! You have to think about Adela!"

Roland's eyes were moist, "Heavenly gift, you don't need to persuade me anymore! I have thought clearly these days! If Adela is with me, then she will also be spurned by the empire, and her family will also abandon her. .But if she's with William, at least she'll be fine!"

"You..." Tianci was speechless.What Roland said was right, the world was like this.

"But you are not useless, don't you still have your destruction? You will prove your strength sooner or later!"

Roland smiled wryly, "My destruction... I don't know how many years it will take to complete it, ten years? 20 years? Or 30 years... Do you want Adela to accompany me to suffer for 30 years?"

Tianci sighed, "How do you know she is unwilling if you don't try it?"

Roland stood up, "God, even if she is willing, I can't bear it! I know you are doing it for my own good, but I can't be so selfish. How many times have I thought about running away with Adela, but it's too much for her. Cruel. There was a great man on the mainland who once said that if you love someone, you have to think about her! I can't let Adela suffer for me!"

Roland took a deep breath and mustered up his courage, "God-given, for our friends, forget it, just pretend you don't know about it!"

Just as Tianci was about to sigh, he suddenly remembered that Lier was waiting for her in a wheelchair.Perhaps at this moment Adela is also waiting eagerly, waiting for Roland.

"Excuse, these are your excuses! You are afraid, you dare not face it!" Tianci suddenly grabbed Roland's sleeve, "These are all your wishful thinking, how do you know Adela's thoughts, maybe he I'm waiting for you now!"

Roland struggled to get rid of Tianci, "I've made it very clear, why don't you understand, she will only suffer when she is with me!"

Godsend didn't allow Roland to say more, so he pulled and walked towards the door, "In any case, you have to go and explain clearly to Adela, and make it clear in person, I don't believe that Adela will be a timid person who is afraid of suffering people!"

As soon as he heard that he was going to see Adela, Roland immediately became anxious and struggled desperately, "I won't go, I won't go!"

"Bah!" Roland's entire sleeve was torn, and Roland fell to the ground again.He hurriedly got up and ran towards the attic.

"Roland!" Tianci was furious, rushed to Roland, grabbed Roland's chest with his hands, lifted his thin body, and threw it into the lake next to him.

"Plop!" There was a splash of water.Then there was the sound of thumping.

"You wake up!" Tianci turned and walked towards the gate. For some reason, the anger just now couldn't be suppressed all of a sudden.

"My lord, you're out!" Chen Wu and Gru came up to him.

"Gru, you take someone to fish Roland up, I threw him into the pool," Tianci said angrily.

Gru and Chenwu's eyes widened. Aren't they good brothers?
"My lord, I don't think so!"

"No, Roland used to be a fire magician, and he doesn't know water at all!" Tianci said anxiously.

"Don't worry, my lord, the pool is only half a meter deep, so you'll be fine if you stand up!" Gru explained.

Only then did Tianci feel relieved and unfolded his consciousness. Roland stood up in a panic, soaked all over, and kept touching the pool water on his face with his palms.

"You guys look at Roland, I'll go to the Duke of Mestel's mansion!" Tianci sighed, even if Roland gave up, he couldn't watch them separate just like that!
Tianci went directly to the Duke's Mansion in a carriage, and the guards at the gate also knew Tianci, so they invited him into the living room without any hindrance!

"Haha, the Marquis of Heaven is here, what a rare visitor!" Marquis Meister appeared at the gate of the living room soon after receiving the report, "Although I am not a minister of the empire, I have heard a lot about you. , You have been really showing off recently! I heard that you went on a trip this month, why are you back?"

Tianci is not in the mood to say these things, "Duke Meister, I am here this time to tell you about Adela!"

Duke Meister was not surprised, but nodded calmly, "Marquis Tianci, listen to me! My younger sister is already in her twenties this year, and any big family on the mainland is already married or engaged. But My sister has nothing, I'm afraid the rumors have spread all over the empire. Secondly, for a family like ours, for the benefit of the family, the marriage of the daughter's family is used for marriage. The death of my father has not been settled long ago. As an older brother, although I love my younger sister, I have no choice but to be in my position. Most of the elders unanimously demand that I, as the patriarch, really have no choice. Finally, there is one more point, that is, our Mesto family is now complete. He is a complete businessman, and Lankers is an official. It is an eternal truth that businessmen do not compete with officials. General William is young, promising, and handsome, and he has no wife. No matter which aspect makes me unable to Refuse!"

Tianci's face darkened, "Then is the Duke planning to betroth Adela to William?"

(End of this chapter)

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