Godsend Field

Chapter 280

Chapter 280
Duke Meister smiled helplessly, "What's the use of my consent? My sister doesn't agree. I only have such a younger sister, and I have been spoiled since childhood. How can I force it? It's just that the elders in the family insist on insisting on this marriage. No!"

"It's the elders who support the prince!"

"No, it's all the elders!"

Tianci was taken aback, "Why, those elders who were infiltrated by the third prince also agreed?"

Duke Maxtor nodded, "Is it strange? I'm not surprised at all! Everyone knows the relationship between Lara and Roland, and everyone knows the relationship between Roland and you. It’s just a crack. That’s why I’ve been hesitant during this period of time, and I didn’t promise them directly.”

Tianci frowned, "The elders knew they would do this and still did it?"

"Although they are good at doing business, they are still too young for politics. They can't see far away and can't resist the temptation of others! They think that in the future, whether the eldest prince or the third prince will become the new king, They will not let you continue to be the lord of the Northwest, so you will become unscrupulous."

"Hmph! That's how it is!" Tianci laughed at himself twice, and now he has indeed become a thorn in the side of the eldest prince and the third prince. "Does the Duke also think so?"

"Hehe, if I think so, will I still be so troubled today? Who can be sure about everything in the future? Today, you will be a prisoner tomorrow. How has there ever been less in history? Godsend, you seem to be walking on a cliff now. side, but who can guarantee that if you cross the edge of the cliff, it will not be a bright road? The same is true for Roland, I never gave up on this kid!"

Tianci nodded, "Since your lord thinks so, then I beg you to reject Marshal Lankers' marriage proposal!"

Duke Meister waved his hand, "Godsend, I can't! Marshal Lankers can be said to be at the height of his power in the empire now, even your grandfather will be underwhelmed, how can I, a small businessman, directly What about refusal? Besides, you also know that even if I am the patriarch of the family, there are still many elders, if they work together, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep my position as the patriarch, let alone my younger sister!"

"Then what should we do?" Tianci was a little anxious.

"There is no way. It is not easy for me to delay until now. Tomorrow, the family elders will hold a meeting to decide this matter. I am afraid that I will be unable to support myself by then."

Tianci stood up abruptly, and sat down again, "Master Duke, I want to see Adela!"

Duke Meister nodded, "Alright, Adela hasn't spoken these days, go and see her! Mutons, take Tianci to Miss's garden!"

Walk out of the living room and walk around the road in the mansion.

Mutongs carefully led the way, "Master Godsend, our Duke has nothing to do, I hope you don't take offense!"

Tianci nodded, "I understand!"

Before reaching Adela, he heard gunshots coming from inside.

"Miss has been dancing with guns since she came back, never resting or talking, we are all worried!"

Walking into the pavilion garden, I saw Adela dancing in the middle of the lawn. There was no one around. The silver gun roared like a dragon. Turned over.

Tianci stayed aside quietly, and Mutongsi bowed and left.


With a flash of silver light, the tip of the spear flew towards Tianci.

Tianci's hand moved slightly, and the long sword was in his hand.

"Dang!" The guns and swords collided fiercely, splashing fire.

"It's just right to come, practice with me!" Adela exclaimed, and the guns under his hands fired more swiftly and violently.Every shot is like a dragon coming out of the hole extremely quickly, the body of the gun is like a bow, and the shadow of the gun is like the wind.

Although it looks majestic, it is not a threat to Tianci.

With the long sword in hand, he blocked it at will.Sword intent doesn't have any moves at all, everything lies in the mind "Adela, give up all the moves, move the gun at will, turn the mind as you like, unrestrained, and the mind is natural!"

As soon as Adela's marksmanship changed, it seemed to become softer, as if she was trying to give up all the moves, but she didn't know how to give up, so she was in a hurry and made flaws frequently!
Tianci sighed, this is a manifestation of being too disturbed.

"Dang!" The Tianci long sword swirled, pressing on Adela's spear strangely, and suddenly let go when Adela retracted.Suddenly, Adela took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

"Adela, stop practicing! Master's martial arts skills have a lot to do with your mood. You can only use them to the fullest when there is no sorrow or joy. Come out!" Tianci stepped forward and stretched out his hand to pull Adela up.

Adela threw the spear in her hand on the ground annoyed, and put her arms around her knees, "How is he?"

Tianci was taken aback for a moment, remembering Roland's decadent appearance, "He...he was sick, so he didn't come with me!"

"You don't need to lie to me, he is not sick, he dare not come!" Adela said quietly, with a hint of sadness in his words, "Go and tell her, tomorrow the elders meeting will decide my life-long event! "

After speaking, Adela stood up slowly, picked up her spear, and walked back to the attic.

Tianci withdrew from the pavilion, bid farewell to the Duke and hurried back to his Marquis Mansion.

Roland had already put on new clothes and was leaning against the attic door.Tianci rushed in directly, "Roland, I just went to the Duke's Mansion of Meister, and I saw Adela, she asked me to bring you a message!"

Roland's eyes lit up, then dimmed.

"She asked me to tell you that tomorrow the elders' meeting will decide on her life-long affairs, and she asked you to go to the Duke's mansion to propose marriage before tomorrow!"

Roland closed his eyes in pain, and slowly opened them again, "That's not what she said. I know her well, she wouldn't say that!"

"Since you know her well, what are you still doing here?"

Roland stood up, "Instead of suffering with me, why not marry a good man!"

Watching Roland walk back to the attic, Tianci was very depressed. He ran back and forth without resting after he came back. Who was he for?Angry in his heart, Tianci yelled towards the attic, "Okay, okay! Now that you've said that, why should I worry about it, okay, I don't care if I'm meddling with rats! Just wait and see Adela marry William! Then don't cry!"

Tianci walked out of the pavilion angrily, Chen Wu and Gelu stood at the door, looking at Tianci nervously.

"My lord, do you really not care?" Chen Wu asked cautiously.

"Whatever, he's not in a hurry, why am I in a hurry? Don't care, don't care!" Tianci roared and strode away.

"My lord..." Chen Wu and Gelu hurriedly followed.

"No!" Tianci stopped suddenly, calmed down his anger, and thought carefully, "No, it's reasonable for the eldest prince to support this marriage proposal, but it's unreasonable for the third prince to also support it. The family is so simple..."

"My lord, what are you thinking?" Chen Wu and Gelu chased after him.

Godsend was silent, lowered his head to think, and raised his head after a while, "Gru, you go and watch Roland these days, and don't let him have any accidents. Chenwu, you go to the Baal Chamber of Commerce and help me prepare some things that can be sold. Gift!"

Chen Wu was taken aback, "My lord, what do you want a gift for?"

Tianci frowned, and said angrily, "What else can I do, go propose marriage!"

The meeting of elders of the Meister family was arguing fiercely in the living room.

The Duke of Meister and the elders of the family sat on the throne.The First Elder's health has improved a lot, with gray hair and wrinkled skin, as the oldest elder of the Mesto family, it is understandable to sit on the main seat.

"Patriarch, our opinions are very unified, you should be able to make a decision!" said an elder below.

"That's right, the eldest lady is already 23, and she even has children in other families! It's such a rare opportunity, William is a first-class young man in our Welsh Empire, we are rightly matched with the Lankers family, This marriage can be said to complement each other for our two families, why are you still hesitating?"

Duke Maxtor put down his teacup and glanced at the elders below, "The elders are right. If it were normal, I would agree to this marriage without hesitation. Yes, I should think twice now!"

All the elders were taken aback, "Think twice, what are you thinking about!"

"First of all, we have to be cautious of Lord Saint. Although Roland hurt his old man's heart, he didn't punish him in any way. It can be seen that he still has feelings for Roland. The relationship between Roland and his sister has been self-evident for so many years. We used to We don't get engaged for my sister, we are busy getting engaged as soon as something happens to Roland, for fear of being disdained by the world, and with rumors and gossip, the world will think that our Meister family is snobbish."

"Patriarch, I don't agree. Roland and Missy have never been engaged, and how can he be a son of a servant who is worthy of Missy? Besides, Lord Saint does not blame him for being an old man, not because he has feelings for Roland. In the mainland empire, even the marriages of rural families pay attention to matching their families, let alone our big family? General William is young and promising, and the young lady is talented, so it will definitely become a good story, so why gossip?" The elder immediately stood up to refute.

"Yes, no one proposed marriage before, but now we have someone, of course we have to consider it!"

Duke Meister lowered his eyebrows for a moment, "What you said is also reasonable, but I'm still a bit afraid of this in-law!"

The elders were stunned for a moment, and being in-laws with Marshal Lankers is something that many families dream of.

"Patriarch, why did you say that? To be in-law with Marshal Lankers is to be in-law with the eldest prince, but you can also be restored to your original position when the time comes, wouldn't you kill two birds with one stone?"

The Duke of Meister shook his head, "No! For ordinary people, Marshal Lankers is indeed an ideal in-law, and he can use him to make a fortune. But for our Meister family, especially at this time, we must be careful. If you , we are all ministers of the empire, and the strength of the family is evenly matched, so the marriage is nothing more than relying on each other to maintain the prosperity of the family and stand on top of the empire for a long time. But now we are obviously weak, and under the imbalance of strength, this marriage will would push us into vassal status of the Lankers. Have you ever thought about it?"

All the elders panicked and whispered.

"Cough! Cough!" The Great Elder who had been sitting coughed twice, and the hall immediately fell silent. "Aklani is right. The right family is actually evenly matched. Everyone is a business expert. If the strong join forces, both are strong." , the strong and the weak team up, the strong are stronger, and the weak are weaker, this is the truth. This applies not only to business, but also to human relationships! This is why I do not approve of this marriage. It is also why I insist on Aklan The reason why Ni seeks reinstatement!"

All the elders and Duke Meister were silent, or they were ashamed!

"Elder, you are right, but now that Marshal Lankers has proposed a marriage proposal, we can't just refuse it like this, this is slapping the old marshal and even the eldest prince!" An elder said worriedly.

The old marshal can't offend, and the eldest prince can't offend, but the marriage can't be promised either. . .It still happened after Duke Meister resigned. . .The leaky house happened to rain all night, and the broken boat encountered three thousand waves. Every elder felt extremely heavy in his heart!

"Report to the patriarch, God sent the Marquis to see you outside the door!" A personal guard hurriedly reported.

Before Duke Meister could reply, Tianci had already appeared on the road at the door, with four personal guards behind him carrying a dark red wooden box with bright red cloth flowers tied on it.

Tianci didn't wait for the invitation, and strode straight into the living room, "Duke Maxtor, elders, how are you all!"

"Good day, Marquis!" The elders stood up one after another, and Duke Meister and the first elder also stood up to greet him.

"Tianci, I don't know why you are here this time..." Duke Meister looked at the red box outside the door.

"Hehe, those, I came here to propose marriage, to Miss Adela!" Tianci said with a smile on his face.

"Oh!!" The elders immediately erupted into discussion.

The Great Elder forced a smile, "It's really time for the Marquis of Heaven to come, please sit down!"

The guards moved a chair, and Tianci sat below Duke Meister.

"Marquis Tianci, although you are a distinguished guest of our Meister family, there are some things that cannot be forced!" After Tianci sat down, an elder stood up and said, "Although we have not yet decided on the marriage proposal of Marshal Lankers, we I will never agree to your marriage proposal. Roland is the son of a servant. If he was the successor of the saint in the past, then we can accept it, but now he is a traitor to the empire. No matter what, we must not accept it. unacceptable!"

All the elders nodded.

"Elder, I am..."

"Marquis Tianci!" Before Tianci could finish speaking, the elder abruptly interrupted, "You are a distinguished guest of our Maxtor family, and we all respect you as a guest of honor. But we still hope that you will refrain from opening your mouth on this matter. So as not to hurt the peace of our two families!"

"Hahaha!" Tianci suddenly laughed.

The elders were puzzled, and their faces sank slightly.

"Elders, you have misunderstood! I am not here today to propose marriage for Roland! I am here to propose marriage for myself!"

"What!" Everyone, including the elder Duke Meister, opened their eyes wide and looked at Tianci in disbelief.

"You don't have to be so surprised, I'm here to propose marriage for myself!" The corner of Tianci's mouth slightly raised, "Miss Adela has a straightforward personality and integrity, which I appreciate very much, so I took the liberty to come here to propose marriage! You may know, Adelaide La was reminded by my master in Genoa, and the master admired her very much, so this matter more or less has the meaning of the master's old man!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, what does Vikri Sword Emperor mean?
Duke Meister suddenly smiled, the Marquis of Heaven really has a heart!Under the current situation of the empire, if God sent a marriage proposal, it would undoubtedly be a direct confrontation between Duke Kate and Marshal Lankers, which would definitely make the government even more chaotic.Today, Godsend said that it was the meaning of the King of Swordsman Vicari, which means that it has nothing to do with Duke Kate, but a duel between the King of Swordsmen Vicari and Marshal Lankers.

It not only avoided the chaos of the government, reduced the troubles of Duke Kate's mansion, but also found a man who is comparable to Marshal Lankers. It must be said that this is a godsend!

"Everyone, don't be dazed, tell me if it's okay!" Tianci stood up impatiently, "My master appreciates Adela very much, everyone, please don't let him down!"

Everyone can't laugh or cry, so we won't disappoint the Sword Emperor Vikri?That is to promise the Marquis of Godsend!
"Master Tianci, you have already engaged Miss Lier, and everyone in the empire knows about it. Our Meister family is only this young lady, so we can't be partial wives. If so, the face of our Meister family will be destroyed." But..." said the elder.

"Hehe, don't worry, the Meister family is one of the best in our Welsh Empire. How could I let your only young lady be a partial wife?" Tianci said with a smile.

"Oh? Is it true that you are not a partial wife? What about Miss Li'er?"

"Li'er is the pro-principal, Lord Saint, and Miss Adela is the master, the sword emperor. Do you think that can be a partial wife? But the master said, this is easy to deal with, both are As a regular wife, there is no distinction between big and small!" Tianci said.

Everyone was stunned.Although there are many capable men with wives and concubines in the mainland, there are too few people who have two regular wives at the same time!
"That's no problem!" Tianci said with a smile.

Duke Meister and the First Elder looked at each other, and the First Elder nodded.

"The Marquis of Godsend said so, but there is no problem! But you have heard that Marshal Lankers also sent someone to propose a marriage for their young master General William some time ago. We haven't reached a conclusion yet, Godsend You came here so suddenly today, how can we make a decision right away? Why don't we ask for a little time!" Duke Meister said.

"Well, Akrani is right!" the elder continued, "General William and the Marquis of Tianci are the most outstanding talents among the young generation of our empire. It will be lala to be able to form a white capital with any of you." It's an honor. But there is only one Lala, so she can't be betrothed to both of you at the same time, so please give us some time, let us think about it carefully, and ask Lala, after all, this is her marriage!"

Tianci nodded, "That's what it should be. I did come here a little rashly. Please don't be offended! I'll put the dowry here first. I hope Duke Meister, Great Elder, and elders, you don't want to give up. Let me and Master Sword Emperor be disappointed!"

Duke Meister chuckled, "Of course, of course! Don't worry, Marquis Godsend, we will not let you down!"

Tianci and Mesto smiled at each other, and strode out of the living room with reassurance.

As soon as Tianci left, the living room suddenly exploded. Only Duke Meister and the First Elder sat peacefully, with relaxed expressions on their faces.

"Akrani, look at this matter..." the Great Elder asked with a smile.

"Huh? Does this matter have anything to do with us?" Duke Maxtor poured tea, "Grand Elder, let's drink tea, drink tea and watch a play!"

The Great Elder took the tea and took a sip, "Good tea, good tea!"

(End of this chapter)

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