Godsend Field

Chapter 281 Treasury

Chapter 281 Treasury
"Say, what's going on?" Jane asked with a serious face.An Rui stood aside, looking at Tianci helplessly.Li'er and Qin'er also stood aside.


"What about you? You didn't discuss such a big matter with us, and you just went by yourself. Do you still take us seriously? Even if we can't control you, what about Lier? You put Lier away. Where is it!"

"That's right, Aunt Zhen, this brat obviously doesn't take Lier to heart, you have to teach him a lesson!" Qin'er said angrily.

Jane glanced at Qin'er, "Don't worry, don't worry that I'm always spoiling him, Auntie can clearly distinguish critical moments! I will definitely explain to you two!"

Tianci was completely speechless. . .

"Aunt Zhen, brother Tianci may not mean that. I think he must have his own reasons!" Lier whispered, lowering her head, a drop of water fell on the ground.

"Li'er, the facts are all in front of my eyes, why are you still talking about this brat! I knew he was fickle. He was like this when he was in the Spanish Empire, but now he even..." Qin'er stopped suddenly , I really don't understand why I suddenly feel extremely tight in my chest and angry.He is clearly not who he is, why he is so excited, it is more reflective than Lier.

"Why do you all treat me as a prisoner!" Tianci sighed, "Even a prisoner should be given a chance to confess. You don't even have time for me to explain you with such a sentence!"

"Okay, tell me!" Jane pointed at Tianci, "If your reasons don't satisfy us, let's see how I deal with you!"

"In fact, the matter is very simple. I did this purely for Roland! You also know that William asked Adela to marry me, and I went to find the Duke of Maxtor. The elders of their family are united as one, and he, as the patriarch, has nothing to do now. What's more Roland is the one who is angry. Now he looks like the mud can't support the wall. He even said that for Adela's good, he hid in the room and cried but didn't dare to face it bravely. So what do you think I can do? This is the only way I can hold back the elders of the Meister family. I am afraid they are still worrying about candidates, and they will not make any decisions in the short term! I have no other choice!"

"Huh!" Everyone breathed out, it turned out to be like this.

Lier wiped off the traces on her face with both hands, and smiled, "Brother Tianci really worked so hard, we have wronged you! Get up!"

"Don't move!" Jane stopped Li'er and went to help Tianci's arm. "Although the reason is reasonable, why didn't you tell us in advance? There are many ways to stop them. Why do you use this kind of remote? You know that people outside What has it all been like?"

Tianci curled his lips, "Mom, do you think there is any better way besides this way? Even Chen Wu can't think of a better way!"

Jane stifled, she really couldn't think of any better way, "I... just because I can't think of it doesn't mean that others can't either, you have to discuss it with us. We can't take care of national affairs, yours Can I not take care of lifelong affairs?"

"That's right, what you did this time is really wrong! It's not good to think of a way, why did you involve Master, making Master sincerely oppose Marshal Lankers!"

"Father, if the master is here, he will definitely admit it. He is much more reasonable than you!" Tianci chuckled.

An Rui was also taken aback, and spit out angrily, "That's Master's attitude, it's wrong for you to flaunt Master so casually! This time your mother is right, and I can't help you anymore!"

Tianci stared, "This time, what my mother said is right, so you mean that what my mother said was wrong before? Also, if I don't use my master, then others will think it's my grandfather, and then the responsibility will all fall on my grandfather." Come on... Dad, you are sincere!"

Zhenxiu frowned and turned to Anrui, "Tianci is right, what do you mean, are you happy that the responsibility is all on my father? Don't forget that he is also your father now, don't worry about things that happened decades ago Okay?"

An Rui hurriedly said, "Jane, that's not what I meant. I didn't care about your father's disdain for me at the time. I'm just discussing the matter. It's not right for God to give him this time to use Master's reputation indiscriminately!"

"What's wrong, I think he's doing a good job!" Jane stood up and helped Tianci who was kneeling, and lovingly patted the dust on her shoulders, "My son naturally has a proper way of doing things. Tianci, you did a good job this time, hum!"

An Rui was speechless, only to see Tianci smiling at him slyly, feeling a great depression in his heart, didn't he interrogate Tianci today, why did he seem to be targeting him.

"Hehe, Mom, since I'm fine, I'll go to the Marquis's Mansion to have a look!" Tianci said with a smile.

"Okay, but go and come back quickly, we are still waiting for you to eat! Li'er, Qin'er, you all stay and eat together tonight!" Zhen happily looked at the two beautiful girls.

Tianci smiled slyly at Anrui, turned around and left quickly, followed by Li'er and Qin'er.Seeing Jane walking back to the attic with a cold snort, Anrui sat on the stool unluckily, and tried to coax Jane again, this child is really a godsend, making more and more troubles for himself.

Walking back to the Marquis's Mansion, Tianci came to Roland's attic. Roland wandered anxiously in the yard, clasping his hands together from time to time.Seeing Tianci coming in, he rushed up immediately.

"God-given, is what they said true?"

"Why, you are in a hurry now!" Tianci said to Roland, "What they said is true. With my meddling, at least those elders will not force Adela to get engaged to William right away. I will give you After fighting for a while, think about it for yourself next time!"

"Roland, I think Adela still has feelings for you, otherwise no one would look down on you at Imperial College!" Lier also came up to persuade.

"I know!" Roland lowered his head. "It's just my current situation. How can I have the heart to let Adela suffer with me!"

"Hmph! Excuse! Roland, I usually think you look like a man, but I didn't expect you to be so cowardly, even worse than a woman! You think that eating well, dressing well, and being surrounded by a group of boring people is a good day What? Who do you think Adela is? It's a good thing she's not here, otherwise a slap would be light!" Qin'er said angrily.

"But I can't be so selfish, if I like her, I have to worry about her future..."


A clear and crisp slap.

"I'm fighting for Adela, you are insulting Adela if you think so!" Qin'er was furious, she turned around and pulled Lier out.

Tianci looked at the stunned Roland and sighed, "This slap is not bad. You really insulted Adela with your cowardice. Fortunately, she mentioned you when she saw me. Think about it yourself!"

Walking to the living room, Tianci half-lyed on the spacious seat heavily.Li'er and Qin'er had already gone to see Adela in the mansion of Duke Meister in a carriage.

"My lord, you don't think you're all right now, do you?" Chen Wu asked.

Tianci sat down again "Of course not, the trouble starts now. The next step is to face Marshal Lankers face to face. The old marshal has served the country and the people all his life. I really don't want to face him directly, but I There is no other way! What's more, I chose to do this this time, and I have other purposes! Chen Wu, help me think about it, why does the third prince support this marriage?"

Chen Wu shook her head, "I can't think of it yet, but it won't be as simple as the separation between our two families as Duke Meister said!"

Tianci thought for a while but couldn't think of it, and said discouragedly, "The empire is already troublesome enough. I hope that the third prince can put the overall situation first, and be his assistant government well, so that there will be no more troubles!"

The capital of the empire is now full of worries and joys. The worry is the war on the border of the empire, and the joy is that a saint has been born in the empire.However, a ridiculous incident has been reported in the past two days. Two outstanding youths of the empire actually competed for a woman at the same time. . .

Tianci came earlier today and waited quietly in the Houzheng Pavilion.The officials around were discussing in twos and threes, and basically no one wanted to talk to Tianci.

Tianci is also happy to be quiet.He represents the Marquis Governor, and he came to the capital purely to prevent chaos, not to deal with any state affairs.Usually, if there is a major event, you can come to discuss it. If there is no major event, there is no need to come over to discuss some trivial matters.

The door opened and a young figure walked in.

"God-given Marquis?"

Tianci looked up, and it turned out to be General William, "Well, it's me, what does General William want from me?"

All the officials immediately stopped talking and pricked up their ears.

"Marquis of Tianci, I know you and Roland are good friends, but you don't have to do this for Roland!" William sat down next to Tianci and said with a smile.

Tianci shook his head, "Why don't I go ahead? I don't want to see lovers get married!"

"Oh? Then you don't still imagine that Roland can regain its former glory, do you? Doing so will only harm Adela!"

"If you fall down, you can get back up, but if you marry the wrong one, it will be a lifetime event! If I remember correctly, you fought Qin'er that day to pursue Qin'er. How long has it been since you changed your goal? I don't know." Is your love true or false!" Tianci said disdainfully.

"Of course there is true love! I will give it to my partial wife or even my concubine. The main wife is nothing more than a deal for us! You should be very clear, Marquis Tianci!"

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out! It's the same sentence, as long as I'm still here, I won't let you marry Adela! You should give up as soon as possible!"

"I want to give up too, but if I give up, isn't your relationship with Adela completely solid?" William said with a smile.

"You don't need to worry about that, isn't it just a word from my master?"

"Crack~~bang!" The heavy red lacquer hollowed-out door of the Qinzheng Hall opened, and the officials in the Houzheng Pavilion went out one after another to the Qinzheng Hall next to it.Tianci also stood up and walked towards the Hall of Qinzheng. William, who was the last to walk out, couldn't help but smile on his face.

"I called everyone here today because I have good news to announce to everyone!" The eldest prince said with a smile on his face. He has never been so happy in the past half a year. "I just received the good news from the southeast province. Ambush to the south slope, hit the invading bandits hard, wipe out one of the opponent's main battle legions, and take back two fortresses!"

Marshal Lankers walked forward, "Regent, General Akas is very thoughtful, and his use of troops is even more unpredictable. This time, he was able to pull out his teeth under the enemy's jaws, and decisively ambush to the south slope to lure the enemy to fight, and then take him out of the way." This is the biggest victory our army has achieved since the start of the war, and now the morale on the front line is even higher. I don't think it will take long before we can drive them out of my southeastern province and end this tug-of-war!"

The eldest prince nodded in satisfaction.

"Back to the Regent, this battle can be called a model battle in modern times. It is also the clarion call for our Welsh Empire to counterattack!"

"That's right, General Akas used his troops like a god. The regent resisted all opinions at the beginning, and he used the general Akas to recognize his talents. He trained soldiers for the generals, appointed generals for the handsome, and ruled the world for the king. Regent I am in admiration for the ability of public-sense people to employ people!"

There was a sound of praise in the council hall.

"Regent, the Faran Empire has made an all-out attack this time. Instead of breaking through our southeastern province, it has consumed its own strength. Now that we are in high spirits, how about breaking into their Faran Empire in one go to boost our empire's national prestige? To bring out the spirit of the people!"

"Yes, into the French Empire!"

"Capture their northern suburbs!"

"Become a great cause for all generations!"

The eldest prince's blood boiled with excitement.

"Master Regent!" Duke Kate suddenly stood up, "We haven't completely won yet, and we still need to be cautious step by step. Don't be proud of a small achievement. Don't forget that our defeat was because of the enemy. I used the trap of fraud."

In the hall, the shouting just now subsided all of a sudden.

"Regent, what we mainly do now is to appease and stabilize the hearts of the people of the empire. Instead of attacking the Faran Empire!" Duke Kate said slowly.

"Well, what Duke Kate said is very true. The battle must be fought step by step. As for whether to fight back against Francois, that's another story!" Marshal Lankers agreed.

Acting Minister of Finance Saferos also stood up, "Reporting to the Regent, our current treasury is not abundant, and self-defense counterattacks are still possible, but if we want to fight back against Fran, I am afraid it will be difficult to support!"

"What?" All officials were taken aback at the same time!
If it was the Duke of Kate or the Duke of Lankers who said that he could not fight Francois, everyone would still be skeptical, but if the Chancellor of the Exchequer said that he could not fight, then he really could not fight!After all, fighting a war needs purple gold coins to support it!

The eldest prince was also surprised, "Sephiroth, what are you talking about, is the treasury already empty?"

"Reporting to the Regent, no! But it's not filling either!"

"Sephiroth, how do you manage your finances!" The third prince said angrily, "As far as I know, apart from the snowstorm in the north five years ago and the flood in the south ten years ago, there have been no major disasters in the empire. Especially in recent years , the harvest is bumper every year, and the tax revenue is increasing year by year, how can you say that the treasury is not full? If the Duke of Meister is here, he would never say that!"

Safeiros was not panicked, but relaxed, "Report to the Regent, Assistant Regent! Although I have not been in the Ministry of Finance for a long time, I have carefully checked the accounts of the empire! The reason for this is not my responsibility!"

The eldest prince frowned, "How?"

"Let's ask Budget Secretary Shangji to answer!"

A Mr. Shangji walked out behind Safeiros. It was Nader Shangji from the Budget Department.

Nade Shangsi followed the previous respectful salute, "Reporting to the Regent, the empire has pardoned all taxes for that year since His Majesty's [-]th birthday, and the taxes will be halved in the next three years, so in the past few years There is not enough tax revenue to enter the national treasury. On the contrary, the purple gold coins that flow out every year have no corresponding reduction or exemption, but increase! Among them, the engineering department uses the most!"

"Bo Keqi, is what he said true?"

An official stood up from behind Duke Kate, and he didn't get up to the sitting engineer Shangji!The current engineering department, Shang Si, is purely the result of the struggle between the eldest prince and the third prince. He has only taken office for a short time, and the original engineering department, Shang Si Bo Keqi, knows many things best!
"Reporting to the Regent, it is true! Our engineering department did receive a large number of purple gold coins every year. However, we did not abuse them. All the purple gold coins were used for engineering construction. You should still remember ten years ago in the south At that time, there were thousands of miles of wasteland and tens of thousands of refugees, and the empire was shocked. At that time, His Majesty gave us a deadly order to the engineering department. No matter what, the major rivers of the empire must be re-regulated and embanked. Embankment! However, building an embankment is not something that can be done overnight, and now ten years have passed, and less than [-]% of the progress has been completed, and tens of thousands of purple gold coins are consumed every year!"

"There was also the heavy snowfall in the north five years ago, which blocked the roads, so that there was no way to help, causing tens of thousands of people to freeze to death. His Majesty also ordered the repair and widening of the northern roads. After five years, half of them have just been completed. And Building fortresses, digging canals, building gardens, etc. These projects do not happen overnight, and need to be allocated by the Ministry of Finance every year. In addition to these large projects, there are countless small projects... "

"Okay, needless to say!" The eldest prince roared impatiently.

All the officials knew that the engineering department was a big hole, and only today did they know how deep the hole was.

"How about going forward? Except for the turmoil in the past few years, the father's reign has been surplus every year for more than 20 years!" the third prince questioned.

"Back to the regent and assistant government, in the past, it was indeed a surplus every year, but not a lot. In addition to the engineering department, other departments and personnel in the empire also need financial expenditures. Coupled with the reduction in tax revenue these years, so that Year after year, the national treasury has been in deficit, and the surplus treasury in the past few years has been slowly filled in! Coupled with the sudden outbreak of war in the southeastern provinces, the large-scale mobilization of troops across the country, and the doubling of pensions for dead soldiers, the treasury has quickly It's drying up..." Budget Secretary Nader Shangji reported cautiously.

Seeing the gloomy faces of the eldest prince and the third prince, all the officials trembled.

"Bastard, then why didn't you report it earlier, if the war lasts for a few more years, will you tell us that the imperial treasury is empty, we can't fight anymore, will you give up a large piece of territory to Fran? "The eldest prince suddenly said angrily, "Saphiroth, how did you become the acting minister of finance? Believe it or not, I can punish you for the crime of dereliction of duty?"

(End of this chapter)

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