Godsend Field

Chapter 282 Agreement

Chapter 282 Agreement
Just when everyone was celebrating the empire's victory and began to plan a counterattack, a shocking news came from the finance department, that is, the empire's treasury was about to be empty.

The eldest prince was furious, and all the anger was added to the acting finance minister Sephiroth.

All the officials below are in danger. The turnover of officials has been too frequent recently.

"The regent calm down, the situation is not so bad!" Saphiroth saluted, "I visited the Duke of Mesto when I first took over the Ministry of Finance, and I realized that there is a special department in our Ministry of Finance. It has been more than 30 years since about one-tenth of the fiscal revenue is included in it. So please rest assured, the situation that the regent said will never happen!"

"Wow!" There was another commotion in the hall.

For 30 years, one-tenth of the annual tax, that's three full years of imperial taxation, what a huge fortune that would be?
Even the eldest prince and the third prince were extremely surprised, "Is what you said true? Why don't we know?"

"Even in our Ministry of Finance, very few people know about this matter. According to the account records, it should be established by Duke Kate at the suggestion of the old Duke Meister himself, and be managed by His Majesty!" Saphiroth reported.

"That's right! This is indeed what I decided after discussing with the old Duke Meister 30 years ago. This department is called the Ministry of Internal Affairs and does not belong to the three departments. His Majesty is in charge of it himself. And only the ministers in the empire are qualified to know! " Duke Kate said slowly.

"Then why didn't I know?" Marshal Lankers was astonished.

"Hehe! The old marshal often mentioned the rebellion against France, but His Majesty always refused because of insufficient finances. If the old marshal knew about the House of Internal Affairs, I'm afraid His Majesty would not be able to sleep peacefully!" Duke Kate laughed.

Marshal Lankers was so depressed that he didn't speak!
"Duke Kate, can you tell us more about it?" The eldest prince asked excitedly.

"If it was in the past, I would never have told you, but now that His Majesty is in a coma, the situation is urgent, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been formed, so it doesn't matter if you talk about it!" Duke Kate breathed out, deeply recalling "When His Majesty was young and inherited However, there was a sudden change in the empire, turmoil between the government and the public, and the rebellion in the three provinces! Everyone knows that His Majesty is wise and powerful, and with the assistance of Marshal Lankers and I, he turned the tide and quelled the turmoil, but who of you knows how hard we fought at that time !"

Marshal Lankers and some senior officials were also reminded of the past, and sighed deeply.

"The empire's taxes are more in the south than in the north, and the three provinces in the south rebelled, and the taxes were greatly reduced. And the empire has been weak for a long time, and when your Majesty succeeded to the throne, the treasury was even less than enough. Although taxes have been raised many times, they are still not enough. Your Majesty can't bear to search excessively." People's wealth, had to start from their own joints. Usually, even the magic lamp is reluctant to use more, and a set of royal robes has been worn for five full years. Every time the empire spends money, the old Duke Meister has to count it five times. In this way, His Majesty is going all out to raise funds to support the frontline war!"

"Hey, what Duke Kate said is true! I remember that the military expenses were in arrears every year. I had no choice but to go back to the capital to report the battle situation and urge to pay the military expenses. When I saw His Majesty, I found that the corners of his royal robes had been worn out. Even the patch on the left back shoulder was scratched when His Majesty visited the front line to encourage the army a few years ago. At that time, I really had no face to ask for military expenses. I just asked His Majesty to take this royal robe back to the army .Now this royal robe is enshrined in my mansion!" Marshal Lankers' eyes were moist.

All the officials of the empire knew that Marshal Lankers had a royal robe in his home, and they all thought it was a gift from His Majesty's kindness, and they all thought it was the amulet of the Lankers family. Only today did they know that there is such a relationship!
"At that time, I couldn't hold on any longer. In order to ensure the victory of countering the rebellion, the old Duke Meister and I proposed the 'national debt'. In the name of the country, we raised funds from private businessmen and nobles, and promised to do so after the war. Great profits or some privileges, the empire's finances can be eased, so that the empire will not collapse! However, this national policy has allowed many noble businessmen to take advantage of it and put forward many excessive demands. And this national policy has also made Your Majesty's strategy of rectifying the noble fiefs has been postponed for a full ten years."

"Although we survived the financial crisis afterwards, we paid a heavy price to pay off the "dangerous national debt" in the future. Of course, there are also many noble merchants with high morals who voluntarily gave up the "dangerous national debt". For example, Lao Mai The Duke of Stuart, and the chairman of the Old Seat Chamber of Commerce. His Majesty also concluded afterwards that the "dangerous national debt" is harmful to the national system, and it cannot be used unless it is a crisis! He also asked me to discuss with the old Duke of Maxtor how to avoid the situation at that time. It will happen. After discussion, we proposed to His Majesty the establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which includes 15% of the imperial tax every year, and this tax is divided into upper and lower limits. Among them, the five-year tax is the lower limit, and it cannot be used unless the country is in danger. The [-]-year tax is the upper limit, so it is no longer included!"

"However, the suppression of the chaos was over at that time, and everything in the empire was weak, so the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not implemented immediately. It was not until 30 years ago, when the national power began to fill up, that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was truly activated. Up to now, there have been three years of imperial taxation. Included in it, this tax is specially used to deal with the imperial crisis caused by the turbulent tax reduction, and the rest of the time cannot be used! This is a clear order of His Majesty, and future emperors must not violate it. Those who violate it will be judged as treason. Minister Saint He can be dismissed according to the crime of the cholera empire!"

Marshal Lankers smiled wryly. It has been 30 years and he didn't even know about it. It seems that His Majesty deliberately kept himself from knowing.

All the officials breathed a sigh of relief. Although the national treasury is insufficient, as long as the Ministry of Internal Affairs is there, there will be no major financial crisis in the empire.

"The regent doesn't have to worry. Although the treasury is not full, we can still handle it if we just defend and counterattack instead of aggressively counterattacking," Safeiros reported.

When the court meeting was over, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and hurried out of the Qinzheng Hall.

"Tianci, don't be in a hurry to go back today, come to An Tianfu and sit down," Duke Kate said.

Tianci nodded.

All the officials in An Tian Mansion were busy, and Duke Kate called Tianci and Nero to a living room.

"Grandpa asked me to come because he must have something special to explain!" Tianci asked after sitting down.

Duke Kate nodded, "Heavenly gift, do you feel any difference in today's morning meeting?"

Tianci was taken aback for a moment, and thought about it carefully, "Grandpa, it seems that there is no difference, but in the past, there were more worries than joys, and everyone was busy coming up with ideas and finding ways. Today is great joy, although the treasury is a bit worrying, But isn’t there a Ministry of Internal Affairs?”

Duke Kate chuckled, "Godsend, you are still a little inexperienced!"

Tianci shrugged helplessly!
"Brother, grandpa is asking if you heard anything different from today's morning meeting, or what kind of signs it is?" Nero added.

After thinking about it, Tianci still sighed helplessly.

"Don't think about it, let me tell you, the empire is going to war!" Duke Kate said.

"War? Isn't the empire at war?" Tianci asked strangely, and suddenly his face changed. "Did grandpa mean that the empire plans to attack the Faran Empire? We haven't driven them away yet!"

"It's only a matter of time before they are repulsed! But the crusade requires a long time to prepare and raise funds. From today's morning meeting, it can be seen that the military is planning to crusade against the French Empire. For more than 30 years, we have been passive I am afraid that the generals of these military departments can’t sit still for a long time. In the past, His Majesty suppressed him, but now that His Majesty is in a coma and unable to govern, their chance has come again!”

Tianci nodded, it seems to be the case!
"Grandpa, didn't the court meeting say that the empire is not yet ready for an expedition? At least the treasury does not support it!"

"The issue of funds can be raised. Isn't it just one step to get married between Lankers and Meister? It's just that you hindered it. The people in the military department hate you now!" Duke Kate laughed, "But you well done!"

Tianci smiled wryly, "I don't think so much, I just don't want Adela and Roland to be separated!"

"Inadvertently inserting willows and willows into shades, hitting the right way! Godsend, I found that you always do such things, hahaha!" Duke Kate rarely laughed. "You carry your master out, in fact, even if you don't use Senior Vikri, use What's wrong with my name? Could it be that I'm afraid of them?"

Embarrassed by God, "Grandpa, the empire is in chaos now, and you... I don't want to cause trouble for you!"

Duke Kate and Nero both laughed, "Heavenly gift, do you think it's okay if I'm emptied? Don't forget, the sick tiger still has three points of power, and the broken ship still has three thousand nails. The empire has always avoided the royal family and The important ministers are married, don't they two important ministers not know the reason, and dare to openly marry?"

Tianci nodded, "Grandpa, even if the military department marries Maxtor, will there be military expenses for the expedition? The Maxtor family may not give them a huge amount of purple gold coins to fight!"

"Have you forgotten the 'dangerous national debt' I mentioned today?"

Tianci was taken aback, "They...are they planning to..."

Duke Kate nodded, "That's why I made a special point today, which is to tell them that the 'dangerous national debt' is harmful to the national system. Hey, but they can't be blamed for all this, I have to pay part of the responsibility!"

Tianci and Nero looked at Duke Kate.

"Marshal Lankers and I have known each other for so long. I have already guessed that he will make some moves in recent years, so I suggested to His Majesty when the natural disasters came! It is reasonable to say that the empire will have a surplus every year, and it has accumulated a lot over the years. Not to mention one expedition, even three or two are enough. But this is not a long-term solution after all, so as early as ten years ago, I began to report to His Majesty Many major projects have been proposed, such as river embankment reconstruction, road overhaul, etc. Although they may be a burden on the current financial situation, these are all major events that will benefit for generations to come. On the other hand, it can also empty the treasury and let Lanke Marshal Erles is unable to go out!"

"Grandpa, you did this..." Tianci was a little puzzled.

"Don't understand? Then do you know why Lankers has been in such a hurry to go out all these years?"

"The French Empire has repeatedly invaded our southeast. As soldiers, they will naturally want to fight back!" Tianci replied.

"It's just an excuse!" Duke Kate snorted coldly.

"Brother, there are two points! The first is to increase capital for the eldest prince, but this is secondary. The second is to prepare for future marshal candidates, which is the main thing!" Nero said.

Tianci was surprised, "I agree with the first point, but I don't understand the second point."

"Brother, there is a secret agreement here, maybe you don't know it! When His Majesty ascended the throne at a young age, there were very few people who believed in His Majesty. Most officials waited and watched. Only Grandpa, the old Duke of Meister, and Lankers The marshal trusted His Majesty to assist His Majesty very much. The old Duke of Meister even used all his wealth to support His Majesty. Even the SEAT Chamber of Commerce bet on His Majesty with half of its property. Later, His Majesty won. SEAT is a businessman who has never been an official for generations. So His Majesty asked them to marry our Kate family to ensure the prosperity of the Seat family. For the three grandfathers, in addition to being promoted to Duke, there is another important agreement, which is to ensure that our next generation can follow the father's business. To put it bluntly, it is to ensure that every This family has two generations of Dukes and two generations of Ministers of the Empire, this will ensure the prosperity of our family!"

"Oh! It's no wonder Lord Meister can become the Duke of the Empire and Minister of Finance at such a young age. So it was the agreement between you and His Majesty, Grandpa?" Tianci suddenly realized, and stretched out his hand to pat his head. No wonder Duke Meister dared to resign. He relied on his own ability to guarantee his reinstatement in the future, and now he understands that he can be reinstated at any time as long as he wants.

"Grandpa, how many people know about this agreement?"

"This is not an agreement, it's His Majesty's reward for the three of us!" Duke Kate shook his hand, "Besides, how can such an agreement be made known? Except for the three of us and our own heirs, it is estimated that only His Majesty and his have The princes who are entitled to the throne know."

"Hehe, brother, besides the Duke of Meister, Marshal Lankers and Grandpa can also designate a talented person in the family to inherit their duke title and the position of Minister of the Empire!" Nero continued, "Grandpa It is for me, and Marshal Lankers is for William to inherit!"

Tianci nodded, everyone knows this!

In the Welsh Empire, although the title of nobility can be inherited, it also depends on the person.For example, an earl has a fief of a city, and his son can also be promoted to a title when he becomes an adult, but it will not be higher than the earl. Generally, it is almost the same as the viscount.After the death of the old earl, his son can inherit the fief and manage it.If everything is fine in the fief within five years, then the empire will promote him to be an earl as a reward. If he has no talent and the situation in the fief goes from bad to worse, he will be re-evaluated according to the standards of a viscount after being reviewed by the bureaucratic department of the Imperial Ministry of Government Affairs. Generally speaking, viscounts are relatively large towns in feudal territories, but this city will return to the empire, and the Ministry of Government Affairs will re-appoint officials to manage the city.

Therefore, in the empire, it is normal for children not to inherit their father's title. Over the years, many nobles have gradually declined and become commoners.

This is true for noble titles and fiefdoms, but for official positions, there has never been such a thing as son stepfather.If a son wants to get his father's official position, there is no other way but to climb up.Even if the father was in power at the time, it was impossible for an inexperienced young man to sit in his position, at least the king would not agree to it if the officials were dissatisfied.

However, there are always exceptions, and this is the case with His Majesty today!

The old Duke Meister concentrated manpower and material resources on cultivating Aklani Meister since he was a child. After the old Duke died, he was still an earl at the time, and Akrani Meister, the deputy counselor of the Finance Department, naturally became the Duke. Chancellor of the Exchequer

Similarly, Duke Kate devoted himself to cultivating his son Yar Kate, but his wishes failed. Yar died young, and Mann Mande was not a talent. Luo, desperate to go to the remote village of Il to bring Nero to the capital to train him himself, in order to inherit his title and the position of Minister of Finance in the future.

The secret conversation with Jane outside the village of Il that day was the agreement, and Jane changed her mind and returned to the capital.

Marshal Lankers also carefully cultivated his successors.As the descendants of the old marshal, all of them spent their childhood in the military barracks, and were sent to the Imperial College to practice fighting qi magic and military strategy until they were five years old. However, none of the sons became masters, only one or two It's just that Pifu Zhiyong is barely competent as a general, but he is far behind as a marshal.Seeing the excellence of Akrani Mestel and Yar Kite, Marshal Lankers was anxious. After many years of hard work, he finally found a suitable candidate among his grandsons, William Lankers.

William has an extraordinary talent for fighting spirit, he performed outstandingly in the academy, and successfully became a bachelor.After the Dou Qi was promoted to level five, he was dispatched to the southeast province, the most war-prone place, and was recalled to the capital after experiencing the baptism of war.Of course, the protective force around William is also rare in the family!
"Hehe, if you don't tell me, I really don't know that there is such a thing!" Tianci breathed out, and suddenly smiled and looked at Nero, "Wouldn't Nero have infinite glory in the future?"

Duke Kate nodded, "Nile, I am very satisfied! But Godsend you... If the two princes are in power, I hope you can retire. This is also for your own good! You are too showy, so that no one among the princes can accommodate you You, how important the Northwest is, they will never trust you to control it!"

Tianci lowered his eyebrows and looked at the floor.

Duke Meister said that the two princes didn't tolerate him, but Duke Meister also said that as long as he married Lier and then Qin'er, his position would be as stable as Mount Tai.Grandpa also said that the prince has no measure, but why can't grandpa think of Li'er and Qin'er?

A family has a minister of state affairs and a marquis who controls the northwest. I am afraid that any reigning emperor will be afraid.Grandpa said that he lost his car to protect his handsomeness.Sacrifice himself to ensure Nero's official career is prosperous.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I have no interest in being an official! When the world situation is stable and Dean Rafal returns, I will ask the regent to resign!" Tianci said with a smile.

"Brother..." Nero had a sour nose.

"Hehe, in fact, the territory of our Kate family is quite good. I will ask to transfer mine as well. I can go to Xilan Mountain if I am fine."

Duke Kate nodded, having such a nominal grandson is enough!
"Nile, you should continue with what you just said. About that William, I saw him today. He took the initiative to talk to me and asked me to give up Adela! He also said that it was a deal, and I got angry when I heard it !" Tianci broke the somewhat sad atmosphere.

"Well, it's this William! Brother, you also know that soldiers are different from officials. Officials are afraid of death and loss of office, so as long as grandpa speaks and His Majesty approves, I can secure the position of minister. The Duke of Maxtor is the precedent. But soldiers are different, they are not afraid, they are bloody, so to hold the position of Marshal of the Empire, the conditions are harsh, first he must have high martial arts skills to suppress the madmen of the army, at least he must have strong talent. Second, his tactics and strategies must be strong , is enough to make the generals who have experienced many battles surrender. The third and most important thing is the record."

"For William, there is no problem with the first two items, the main one is the third item! It has been a long time since the empire has fought a serious battle, and even if Fran came to attack, it would be a trivial matter. Since ancient times, the only achievements Those who expand the territory are respected. If William wants to become the Marshal of the Empire, he must either rely on his qualifications for decades, or he must have such achievements in expanding the territory. So my grandfather and I thought that Marshal Lankers in recent years The interior will launch a war against Fran. First, Fran has just competed with me and his strength will definitely decline. Second, he will fight for William!"

(End of this chapter)

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