Godsend Field

Chapter 283

Chapter 283
Godsend made it clear that today's morning meeting seemed to be announcing the results to encourage the empire, but it was actually a prelude to the future expedition to France and the accumulation of capital for William to inherit the imperial marshal.

"Grandpa, what do you think of us attacking the Faran Empire?" Tianci asked.

"It's just a waste of national power!" Duke Kate said, "Now the southeast province is in our empire, and it is not considered an invasion by Farland to attack us, but if we go to attack Farland, it will be an invasion, and there will naturally be a group of priests from the Illuminati Church." , or even if the sacrificial group joins the battle, our chances of winning are slim!"

"Then how did we occupy the southeast province?" Nero asked.

"Nile, you don't pay much attention to it, so you don't know. Do you still remember the soft armor of the ice dragon worn by Chen Wu, the head of my bodyguard? That is the only dragon knight in the history of the empire, Puduslan Made by Emperor Kaqi to commemorate his fallen magic pet ice dragon Xuan Ning. At that time, the empire had a dragon knight, and it just happened that the power of the Faran Empire was weak and there were no strong ones, so the empire was able to defeat it smoothly Fran, seize the southeast province. That time was also the only defeat when the Illuminati sent out the Holy Sacrifice. However, according to later rumors, the Puduslanka Cavalry Emperor became a figure thousands of years ago, rather than leading that battle Heroes of Heroes" Tianci said in detail. These things were recorded in detail in the General History of the Mainland edited by Guangmingjiao, but not everyone can see the General History of the Mainland. to millennia ago.

"Tianci is right. In the past 500 years, there have been no major territorial changes. This time they don't need to take down a province. As long as they take down a few cities, it will be a great victory, enough to increase capital. In the end, it’s hard to follow people’s wishes!”

"Then grandpa, can you stop it?" Tianci asked with concern.

Duke Kate shook his head, "It's difficult! Now that Marshal Lankers and the Regent are united, it is basically difficult for us to stop it, unless the treasury does not allow it. But even if we prohibit them from using the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I think they will pass it." Dangerous national debt' to raise funds!"

"The 'dangerous national debt' is harmful to the national system, don't they know?" Tianci said.

"At one time and another, at that time we were in urgent need of funds, so the conditions were passed. Now it is different, and there is no need to give them such generous rewards!"

Tianci was also silent!

"Okay, since we can't stop us, we don't have to worry about that. Godsend, we called you this time to inform you, and then don't try your best to dissuade you in the council hall, you can't change it!" Duke Kate Sighing, "We have already started to counterattack in the southeast, which means that the situation has stabilized. The next thing must be good news. During this period, you should take a good rest!"

Tianci smiled wryly, what else could he do besides rest?What Dean Rafal told him, he really couldn't complete it!

Nothing else to do, God-sent bowed and said goodbye and went home.

Standing at the window and looking at the back of Tianci's departure, "Grandpa, even my brother thinks you have lost power, let alone other people! When do we start to flop?"

Duke Kate sneered, "Let us see if there is no rush, but we can't do nothing, you can arrange it, and don't let those Shangsi live too comfortably. Hmph! Without my permission, this Shangsi is also theirs." Did you do it?"

Back in the Duke's mansion, Li'er and Qin'er chatted with Jane.

"Tianci, why did you come back so late today?" Zhen asked happily. Two beautiful girls chatted with her, and her mood became much younger.

"Oh, grandpa asked me to go to An Tian Mansion today, and explained some things to me!" Tianci said, and also sat in the gazebo.

There are snacks in the gazebo.

"Tianci, don't you seem very happy?" Jane looked at Tianci.

"No!" Tianci lifted his spirits, "I heard good news in Qinzheng Hall today. Our empire's great general Akas successfully ambushed the enemy, severely wounded them, and started to fight back!"

Li'er and Qin'er both smiled happily, but Zhen didn't change much. "Hush, keep your voice down, don't let your father hear you!"

An Rui is a member of the Faran Empire, and he will be unhappy if he hears this news!

Tianci pursed his lips and let go of his consciousness. An Rui sat calmly in the quiet room on the top of the attic, his fighting spirit buzzing.

"Mom, Dad is from the Faran Empire, how did he get together with you?" Tianci suddenly asked, "Did Dad really be an orphan before?"

Jane froze for a moment, her face darkened, and then she recovered, "This is a long story, and what happened back then was a coincidence, so I won't mention it! As for your father, he should be an orphan. I heard that he fainted from starvation when he was five years old. At the side of the road, your master just passed by, took a random test, and found that your father's talent is actually quite good, so he was accepted as an apprentice!"

"Did Dad live to be five years old alone?" Tianci asked in surprise.Even Li'er and Qin'er opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

"I don't know about this, and your father can't remember clearly. It seems that every time he feels hungry to death, he will meet good-hearted people to give him food, but the strange thing is that no one is willing to take your father in until he meets him. So far as your ancestors!" Zhen sighed, "Your father suffered a lot when he was young, and compared with him, you are all happier!"

The three of Godsend felt that they had spent their childhood in the warmest family. Although Qin'er had no parents since childhood, the care of her grandfather made Qin'er never suffer any hardships, and she could even have the wind and the rain. Deyu does whatever she wants, and her family treats her like a little princess since she was a child, which has never happened among brothers and sisters of the same generation.

One can imagine how much hardship a child had to live to the age of five with no one to rely on.

"No wonder Dad respects Master so much. If Master didn't take him in, I'm afraid Dad wouldn't be where he is today!" Tianci sighed, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Let's play, or let's go back to Ill Village to see everyone!"

After hearing this, Jane couldn't help being moved. Since returning to the capital, she hasn't been out of the duke's mansion very much. It's like when she was in Yier Village, she often went out to work with everyone.

"Okay, I miss mom and dad, and grandpa too!" Lier clapped her hands happily and jumped up.

Jane took Lier's hand, "Okay, don't jump, wait for your Uncle An Rui to come down, let's discuss it!"

"Cut!" Tianci said disdainfully, "Mom said it nicely, why discuss it! Didn't Dad listen to you in the end? As long as you speak up, Dad dared to object?"

"Puchi!" Li'er and Qin'er laughed at the same time.

With a stern face, Jane stretched out her hand to grab Tianci's ear, "I've grown up, my wings are hardened, I dare to laugh at my mother, don't I?"

Tianci dodged away from Jane and smiled, "Mom, do you still think I'm a five-year-old? Even Dad can't catch me, let alone you?"

Zhen withdrew her hand angrily, "If I knew you were so disobedient, I shouldn't have let your father teach you!"

"What are you teaching?" An Rui suddenly came out from behind.

Tianci stopped in her tracks, "Dad, Mom said she wanted to go back to Yier Village, but we don't really want to go, so please persuade Mom!"

An Rui suddenly put on a serious face, "God-sent, we can go if your mother wants to, and I suddenly miss Brother Claire very much recently, and I just want to take some time to go back and have a look, isn't it just right?"

"Haha!" Tianci, Li'er and Qin'er all laughed, and even Zhen couldn't help but smile.

"It's a pity that my brother can't go with us!" Tianci sighed, Nero will be the Minister of State of the Empire in the future, and he is too busy with government affairs every day, so how can he still have time to go to Yier Village?

Both An Rui and Jen felt sorry.

"Hehe, if Ni Luo is not going, Qin'er can go with us!" Li'er smiled while holding Qin'er.

Qin'er was a little uncomfortable, and pushed Lier away, "Your family is going back to your hometown, I... what am I going to do..."

If Li'er left, wouldn't Qin'er be the only one left in the academy?

"Let's go together!" Tianci said with a smile, "Besides, after we leave, there is no one to practice with you. You will have Yu'er to practice with you on the road with us!"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er rushed out, rubbing against Qin'er affectionately.Recently, her body has developed well, thanks to Qin'er's purple gold coins!
"I...I..." Qin'er's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"It doesn't matter, we are all one family, one family!" Jane walked over with a smile, holding Qin Er's hand, "You also know that Auntie only has two sons, and Nero is too busy to go home, and Godsend is getting worse and worse." Be obedient, old-fashioned auntie! In fact, auntie really wants a daughter who is as well-behaved as you, if you don't dislike her, how about being auntie's daughter?"

Qin'er suddenly trembled all over!

Both of her parents died since she was a child, and Qin'er grew up with her grandfather, traveling across the continent with her grandfather.Although grandpa takes good care of him and is obedient to everything, he is a grandpa after all.I saw other children acting like a baby in their mother's arms, holding their mother's hand and being mischievous. . .Qin'er has always been envious. . .Only when I am alone, I secretly sing the nursery rhymes that other children often hum, the only good thing in the world is my mother!
Since she was a child, she was used to seeing her grandpa condescending all beings, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, and suddenly felt Jane's tenderness, Qin'er was heartbroken, and began to cry.

"Qin'er, what's the matter? It doesn't matter if you don't want to!" Zhenrou said, stretching out her hand to gently press Qin'er's back.

Qin'er shook her head, covering her mouth with her little hand, "No, I...I...have never called since I was a child...I can't say it..."

Zhenhui smiled heartily, "It's okay, you'd better call me Aunt Zhen, as for what to call me in the future, let's talk about it later!"

Duke Kate is also very happy that Jane can go out for a walk, and Nero is very envious, but now that the government is busy and grandpa is not in good health, so he can't do without her.

Duke Kate originally wanted to mobilize some of the Golden Juwei to protect Jane and her party, but Jane declined.There are not many Jin Juwei, and they are also responsible for the safety of the Duke and Nero.Besides, Anrui already has the strength of an eighth-level great swordsman, plus Baifeng, Baiying, and Yu'er, these monsters are enough to protect Haozhen and his party.

What's more, there are god-given personal guards!Although Tianci only brought Gru and Chenwu with him as the team leaders!

After arranging the itinerary, use the free two days from Tianci to accompany Li'er and Qin'er to make big purchases.Fortunately, there are space rings in this world, otherwise ten of them would be exhausted to death.

After inquiring about the news, the Barr Chamber of Commerce and the Meister Chamber of Commerce specially sent a large number of gifts suitable for the small village.

One morning three days later, the carriage of the Marquis Mansion drove out of the north gate of the capital, Ancona, and headed northeast.

There were chattering noises and laughter from inside the carriage.Gelu was driving the carriage, Tianci and Anrui were sitting beside Baifeng and Baiying respectively.Both Bai Feng and Bai Ying are more than two meters tall, and they walk very mighty, and the horse pulling the carriage looks like a kitten beside them.

"Hey, if it's me and Bai Ying, we'll probably arrive in a day!" Tianci said.

"Don't be too greedy! Now that you're here, what shall we do?" An Rui laughed. In terms of speed, Bai Feng might not be able to keep up with Bai Ying. The speed of the unicorn is one of the best among monsters.

"Haha, I didn't expect that brat to be so bad when he was a child, and you, Lier, how could you protect him like this!" Qin'er said with a smile, grabbing Lier's arm.

Lier blushed immediately, and twitched, "I...wasn't I still young at that time?"

"It was like that when I was a child, no wonder you are obedient to that brat now!" Qin'er pulled Li'er seriously, "I tell you, you can't pamper him like this, or you will get used to him in the future , he will not take you seriously. In the future, when you promise him one thing, you must object to two things at the same time, so that will work! He will value you!"

Li'er stared at Qin'er, "Really? How do you know?"

"I... I heard what Aunt Zhen said! And you didn't see that Uncle An Rui listened to Aunt Zhen more!" Qin'er said in a low voice.

Lier looked at Jane, and even Chen Wu stared at her with wide eyes.

Jane was very proud, "Don't believe me, I'm speaking from experience. Men are like this. You must not spoil them in the future. Remember, men should not let them eat until they are 80 years old!"

"Ah! Then what will they do if they are not full?" Lier asked in surprise.

Qin'er patted Li'er, "This is just an analogy, and it doesn't mean that they really don't give food. Aunt Zhen means that you can't follow them in everything, otherwise they will be spoiled!"

"That's it!" Lier patted her heart.

"Also, Auntie will teach you the most powerful trick again!"

The six eyes suddenly widened.

"That's tightness and confusion!"

"Elastic and confused?" The three were puzzled.

"Well, men all have bad roots, so you can't let it go, you must hold it firmly in your hands. But if the restrictions are too strict, things will turn against each other, so you should relax appropriately."

The three shook their heads, not understanding.

Jane sighed, "To put it simply, everything should be taken care of, but only three points! This will be realized slowly when you get married in the future!"

"What about being confused?"

"Men are thick-skinned, and we women are generally narrow-minded. If you worry about everything, you will age easily, and it will easily lead to family discord. So don't worry about some things, even if you know it, you have to pretend you don't know it. , anyway, it’s just muddled!”

. . .It turned out to be like this, the three women nodded and benefited a lot.

"Aunt Zhen, can you tell me how you manage Uncle An Rui?"

"Well, what about this? Let me give you a few examples. When your Uncle An Rui came to Ancona when he was still a teenager, many girls admired him very much at that time, and what about me..."

"Ha ha!"

"Aunt Zhen is amazing!!"

. . . . . .

Inside the discussion is in full swing.It's different outside, the weather gets colder the further you go north, the inside of the carriage is tightly packed, and with Yu'er exhaling from time to time, it's suddenly warm, but outside is a different scene.Although it is the time when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, the temperature in the north is still very low, and the three of them are constantly exhaling white mist from God.

The road to the Northeast can be regarded as prosperous. It didn't take long to meet a mercenary regiment escorting the caravan.Bai Ying and Bai Feng were particularly conspicuous at this moment, attracting many envious and jealous eyes.

It's getting dark!

Quickly set up the tents, one big and one small.The older Jane lives with three beautiful women, and the younger An Rui sleeps with Gru.Tianci is the only one who doesn't need to sleep, so he is responsible for the night watch.

This is the duty of senior thieves.

"Dang!" The flames splashed, Gru flew out, and fell heavily to the ground.

The body bow suddenly bounced, Gru gritted his teeth, his body was full of fighting spirit, and rushed over.

"Good time!" An Rui shook his left hand, and the dark purple long sword in his hand disappeared, and pointed his fingers together at the tip of the sword.At the moment of contact, An Rui separated his fingers slightly, and Gru's long sword pierced through the gap between the fingers.

The fingers shrunk and gripped the blade tightly.

The long sword stopped, but Gru didn't.The arm was tightly exerted force, but the long sword was still motionless.The body dived, the arms compressed, and the hilt of the sword hit the chest!
cough! cough!
Gru's chest felt tight and he coughed violently.

"Although fierce grudges have an advantage over low-level grudges of the same level, but when faced with an absolute disadvantage, its shortcomings will be fully revealed. If you use softness and dexterity, you may still be able to go ten rounds under me , but you are so rigid, it’s hard to go beyond five rounds.” An Rui said, “Actually, you can learn a little from God’s gift. Although he has no fighting spirit, I really can’t do anything about him because he is too soft. Already!"

Gelu retracted his sword and saluted respectfully, "I understand, thank you Lord Anrui for your advice!"

"It's just a discussion! Gru, you have a good talent. Although your martial arts have taken shape, it may be difficult to make a big change, but this is not absolute! My master said that Ruan Gang is just a layer of yarn, Although Tianci seems to be very soft, there is a lot of strength in it. Your martial arts look tough, but you can also add a lot of flexibility, such as this move..."

An Rui gestured, and Gelu listened carefully, raising his sword to imitate.

"Dinner is ready, you can come and eat!" Tianci shouted.

An Rui retreated, "Okay, let's go eat, it won't taste good when it's cold!"

An Rui also put away his long sword. He has benefited a lot these days, but this is also a blessing from God.The six-level fighters on the mainland can grab a handful, and An Rui and Gao Si are both eight-level great sword masters. They are willing to learn from and give advice to themselves, and they are all for the sake of being the head of the bodyguard sent by God.

"How about it, you're disgraced again!" Chen Wu said with a smile.

"Chen Wu, don't laugh at Gru, he has improved a lot. I'm afraid he will make a breakthrough in a short time. It depends on when you can break through to level six!" An Rui said.

Chen Wu blushed, "I... I'm afraid it's still early..."

"How could it be? You have broken through level five at such a young age, which shows that your talent is also very good!" Tianci said.

"My master said that I am a fast-heating type. The first few levels of battle qi may break through quickly, but the talent will become less and less in the future. The master said that if I can break through the seventh level, it is already my limit!" Chen Wu said, and brought up the hot food, "Master, come to the tent, let's eat quickly! We can go on our way tomorrow when we are full."

Tianci responded, "Where can we go tomorrow?"

"You should be able to reach Yaster City tomorrow afternoon!"

(End of this chapter)

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