Godsend Field

Chapter 284 Il

Chapter 284 Il
After several days of driving, Tianci and his party finally arrived at the capital of the Northeast Province, Yaster City, the territory of Marquis Dolan!

Astor is still bustling with people coming and going.In order to avoid shocking the world, Tianci and Anrui did not let Baiying and Baifeng enter the city together, but in the surrounding forests.

The last time I passed by here was because of the assassination incident, so I didn't enter the city. Everyone is very unfamiliar with this place, but Tianci is very familiar with Yaster City, but the people in the city seem to no longer know Tianci.After all, when Tianci left, he was only about 17 years old, but now he is a handsome and strong young man.Although the dress is simple, the noble temperament of these years cannot be concealed.

Li'er and Qin'er jumped out of the carriage, arm in arm and looked at the bustling shops around.

"Tianci, didn't you want to take us to Tashika's house? How did you come to the market?" An Rui asked.

Tianci chuckled, "Uncle Tashika and Aunt Liz's house is just across the street, we can just walk through it!"

"Oh! Shall we buy some more fruit?"

"No need, I've prepared a lot!" Tianci said with a smile, and suddenly pointed to a small shop next to him, "Yu'er, do you still remember that shop? We often go to eat roast chicken, and the boss always Give you one more chicken thigh!"

Yu'er turned her head in disdain, the simple food here has long been despised!
Jane lifted the curtain of the car, Xiao looked at the surrounding shops with interest, and listened to Tianci's explanations one by one.Tianci also specially brought everyone to the center of the square where the street stalls were set up to have a look.There was a surge of people in the square, and the statue was surrounded by vendors setting up stalls. The vendors were shouting and the crowd was clamoring one after another.There are many small things that have never been seen in Ancona.

One of the middle male vendors yelled loudly, and a circle of people squatted around them picking goods.The vendor got tired and took out the kettle to take a sip, when he suddenly saw a young man smiling at him.Some are familiar, but I can't remember it anyway, forget it, let's continue selling!The merchant never expected that the two teenagers who only knew where to sell kitchen knives after he instructed them were now a small artisan in the empire, and the other was the youngest marquis in the empire.

Li'er and Qin'er were active in the market excitedly. The bet between Qin'er and Tianci not to spend the purple gold coins for a year had expired, and the purple gold coins accumulated in their hands were spent like running water.

In front of a row of decent residential attics in the West District of Yaster, Tianci gently knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A teenager responded and opened the door, looking at the seven people in front of him strangely, "Who are you looking for?"

Tianci was taken aback, and looked up, the buildings in the courtyard had changed their appearance, his consciousness dissipated in an instant, and finally found Aunt Liz in the attic.Aunt Liz was the same as before.

"Uncle Tashika's house!" Tianci asked politely.

The young man looked at the seven people vigilantly. They were all plainly dressed and held wrapped gifts in their hands, "Yes, are you here to find my father? He's not at home, and you don't have to come again. My father won't help you." of!"

"Help us?" Tianci was surprised, "We didn't come to ask Uncle Tashika for help, I just came to see him!"

"Hmph! Everyone says that, if you didn't ask my father for help, why did you bring so many things?" The boy said disgustedly, "Please go back!"

Seeing that the boy was about to close the door to thank the guests, Tianci was speechless, and took out a golden pardon, "I am the Marquis of the Empire, and I am not here to ask Uncle Tashika to do something!"

The young man's expression changed, and he stared at the order of amnesty suspiciously.Heard of this stuff, but never seen it.

"An'er, what's the matter?" A familiar and friendly voice came from the attic, and Aunt Liz came out wearing an apron, her hands were still covered with flour and she was wiping the apron.

"Aunt Liz, it's me, I'm a gift from God!"

Aunt Liz was taken aback, and quickly walked over, "Godsend, you are... Are you really a godsend?"

Tianci stood up with a grin, and Yu'er quickly jumped onto Tianci's shoulder.

"Oh, it really is a gift from God! They are so strong!" Aunt Liz's face suddenly changed in surprise, and she pulled the boy to kneel down, "Hurry up and salute Earl Godsend!"

The boy was taken aback, "Count, didn't he say he was a Marquis?"

"Marquis? Last time Lord Dolan came back and said that you are the earl?"

Tianci hurriedly stepped forward to help Aunt Liz, "My Marquis was rewarded by His Majesty two years ago. Aunt Liz, get up quickly, I am still that Tianci, you don't need to salute!"

Aunt Liz just stood up and saw the people behind Tianci, "These are..."

"Hehe, they are my parents, and they are here to see you and Uncle Tashika!" Tianci introduced.

Aunt Liz hurriedly invited Anrui and Zhen to the yard, and even the young man respectfully stepped out of the way, looking at Tianci everyone in surprise.

After the fire a few years ago, Marquis Dolan specially funded the rebuilding of this loft for Tahika. Both the layout and structure were much more luxurious than before.

Letting them into the living room, Aunt Liz quickly served fruit and refreshments.How can the daughter and son-in-law of Duke Kate of the Empire be negligent?
Tianci gave an introduction to everyone.Because there were only Uncle Tashika and Aunt Liz when Tianci was there, so he didn't know the boy.Through Aunt Liz's introduction, I found out that this is Tashika and Aunt Liz's son, Xi'an!When Tianci was still in Astor that day, Xi'an was sent to the academy to learn martial arts, and he didn't return to Astor until he was 20 years old!
Now Xi'an serves as the captain of the Marquis Dolan's personal regiment.

Jane enthusiastically chatted with Aunt Liz, thanking them for taking Tianci for three years that day.Liz, on the other hand, kept praising Godsend for being sensible and well-behaved.

Anrui handed over a large amount of gifts to Xi'an, who was in a state of trepidation, "Hehe, this is our wish, and it's not here for business, so you can accept it with confidence!"

Xi'an smiled awkwardly, a little at a loss.I usually feel that the Marquis of the Empire is so superior, but now he is a little nervous when he is in front of him.

"An'er, just accept it!" Aunt Liz said, "Don't be surprised, because some people often come to Tashika with gifts to help with errands, so An'er misunderstood you just now!"

Tianci smiled, "It's okay! By the way, Aunt Liz, why hasn't Uncle Tashika come back when it's time for dinner? Has he gone out to do errands?"

"No, Marquis Dolan originally went to the capital and let Tashika take charge of Yaster's defense. Later, the young master Akas was sent to the front line, so they issued an emergency order to transfer Tashika to the southeast province. Listen Said to be in charge of a legion under the young master Arcas!" Aunt Liz explained.

Tianci nodded, it turned out to be like this!When Master Akas returned to Yaster, Uncle Tashika was one of the generals under Master Akas. Now that Akas went to the front line, he would naturally transfer Uncle Tashika there. smoothly!

"Aunt Liz, it looks like you haven't eaten yet, why don't we eat at Phoenix Restaurant!" Tianci suggested.

When we came to Phoenix Restaurant, everyone gathered together, talking and laughing!

Jane and Aunt Liz got acquainted quickly, probably because of their kindness!When Tianci was most helpless, he took in Tianci!

When Tianci told everyone that he had a Bawang meal at Phoenix Restaurant when he came to Yaster for the first time, everyone was overjoyed, especially Qin'er, who couldn't straighten up laughing!

Aunt Liz couldn't stop praising Godsend, she didn't expect that the child she took in at the beginning would become a prominent Marquis of the empire!For people like them who live in other provinces, perhaps the biggest nobleman they can see in their life is the Marquis!

Now in Yaster, without the second young master Pusda and Knight Rose, Tashika is reused by the Marquis of Dolan. His official career can be said to be smooth sailing, and he also has a considerable status in Yaster.Godsend has nothing to worry about!

After staying in Yaster for a day, Tianci and others continued on the road, and Aunt Liz and Xi'an were sent far away.

After passing Yaster, and going forward is Kiel Town, the largest magic core trading place in the Northeast Province.Back then, in this small town, Tianci accidentally pushed Qin'er into the mud, which made Qin'er hate her. Now that the two came to the market again, their mood was somewhat turbulent.After passing the town of Kiel and walking for a few days, you will arrive at the village of Ill.Compared with when he left, the village of Il has not changed much.

"Kill! Kill!" The voice of training came from the village from time to time.

"Who?" Suddenly three or four hunters jumped out from both sides, holding long swords, and a wind wolf followed beside them!
"Qi La, don't you know me?" An Rui jumped off the white wind.

The leader was Qi La, who was still wearing soft armor made from the skin of the boa boa that he hunted that day.Frowning and looking at it, "Brother Anrui, it's really you! And sister-in-law Zhen, why are you back? This is a little godsend, huh, it's grown so big, the one who left back then didn't even reach my shoulders Bar!"

An Rui and Zhen smiled happily. This feeling is like returning home after going out for a long time, which is very real!
"Uncle Zilla!" Lil called.

"You are..." Qi La looked at An Rui for help.

"I'm Li'er, have you forgotten?"

"Li'er, little Lier, hahaha, you are the silly girl of the Claire family, you are so juicy!" Qi La laughed exaggeratedly, and suddenly waved her hand and slapped herself twice on the mouth, "I What are you talking about, it is clearly Lier from Brother Anrui's family!"

Lier blushed instantly.

Behind Qi La were all teenagers, about the same grade as Tianci, who shouted in unison, "Hello Uncle An Rui, Hello Aunt Zhen!"

These little guys were all trained by An Rui himself, no matter whether their talents are good or bad, their basic skills are very solid.And during training, they often drink Zhen's sweet soup. Naturally, they will not forget Anrui and Zhen. On the contrary, Tianci is much stranger to Tianci of the same age, because Tianci always exercises alone in the woods.

Entering the village, Qila yelled loudly, and immediately attracted many villagers, as if they had seen relatives for a long time, they gathered around to greet their relatives, and they were very enthusiastic.Jane was busy taking out the presents she had prepared from the interspatial ring and giving them to the villagers.There are a lot of things prepared in the Duke's Mansion this time, and with the wishes expressed by the two big chambers of commerce, if they are all released from the space ring, the entire middle square may be covered.

"Li'er, Li'er!!"

The village chief walked to the square with the help of Aunt Claire.

"Grandpa, Mom!" Li'er couldn't help crying and rushed over.

"Good granddaughter, don't cry, why did you come back and didn't send a message, let grandpa prepare it!" The village head wept with joy, stroking Li'er's beautiful hair.

"Village head!" An Rui and Zhen came forward with Tianci to say hello.

"You didn't say hello in advance when you came back, so that we can clean up your house. It's been kept for you all these years, but some dust has fallen!" The village head blushed, "Everyone, don't bother to look at the presents. Now, go and clean up Anrui's house with some people!"

"Village chief, we are all ready!" Several middle-aged women walked towards the house together with Jane.

An Rui chatted with some old brothers in the square.

"Stinky boy, why is no one talking with you?" Qin'er leaned forward and asked.

Tianci chuckled, seeing his parents and Lier surrounded by people, but he seemed quite lonely, "Because I practiced alone, basically I never trained with everyone! You want to see where I used to train Is it?"

Qin'er was very interested and even looked forward to it, and Gelu and Chenwu also nodded.

Tianci led the way and the four people quickly walked to the wooden stake where Tianci practiced in the middle of the woods.

No one has been here for a long time, the sacks are moldy, but the stakes are still as strong as ever.

"I have practiced here since I was a child!" Tianci jumped onto the wooden stake while speaking, as if he had returned to the past.

Both Gelu and Chenwu practiced martial arts, so they both jumped up curiously.The wooden stakes are relatively thin, and they don't even take up half of the foot when stepping on them, and they are uneven.

"Gelu, Chenwu, if it's on this, the two of you working together will not be my match!" Tianci laughed.

"My lord, even though I haven't practiced it, I don't believe it either!" Chen Wu refused to accept it, eager to try "Gelu, let's try to see if what your lord said is true or not!"

Gru nodded, posing.

Tianci smiled, his figure suddenly flickered, and he quickly attacked Gru.Gelu hurriedly parried, not daring to move his feet.Seeing this, Chen Wu attacked Tianci from the side, but the speed was much slower than Tianci, and he had to maintain his balance, so the strength of his fist suddenly became weaker!

Tianci suppressed Gru while resisting the morning mist.

If it was on flat ground, maybe Gru and Chenwu could still display their full strength, but it was greatly discounted on wooden stakes.Pay attention to the position of your feet, grasp the balance of your body, and divide your mind into three functions. You can't specialize in each one, and you can't do everything to your best!
Tianci held down Gru with one hand and exerted a little force. Gru's body was a little out of balance, and he swung his arms to try to balance.Taking advantage of this gap, Tianci's figure turned, and the wooden stake was like walking on flat ground, and quickly reached behind Chen Wu. Chen Wu was shocked and turned around in a hurry, but after all, he was still a step too slow. Tianci parried with both arms, and Chen Wu immediately lost Balance, was suddenly hit by Tianci, even flew off the stake, and fell half to the ground.

"Hehe, does Gru still need to fight?" Tianci said with a smile.

Gru smiled wryly, "On the stakes, we really can't defeat the adults, and the adults are able to walk on the ground in this environment without being affected at all. Gru admires it!"

"My lord, Chen Wu also surrendered!"

Tianci jumped off the stake, "If you grew up on this, you might be stronger than me!"

Morning mist jumped on the wooden stakes again, and jumped between each wooden stake "No wonder the figure of the adult is so weird, sometimes I feel that the reactions and actions that the adult can make cannot be done by humans, now I understand How did you master it! Gru, let’s compete here these days, we all pay too much attention to the role of grudges, so we ignore a lot!”

Gelu nodded, "That's right, today Gelu is convinced by the adults!"

Tianci chuckled, "Let's go back first, it's not too late to practice after rest!"

"No, my lord, we are not familiar with the people here, and we can't get in any words. It's better to stay here and practice instead of just sitting there! Besides, Gru and I have cotton tents, so we'll be fine!" Chen Mist said.

Tianci didn't force it, "You can rearrange the sacks as well, this will increase the difficulty of the practice!"

After Tianci and Qin'er walked around alone, they walked back to the village.Qin'er came to Yier Village for the first time, she was curious about everything, asked questions, and Tianci answered them in detail.

Walking back to the room in the village, the house had already been cleaned spotlessly. Aunt Clare, the village chief, and several women gathered around the living room to accompany Jane and talk about family affairs.Tianci and Qin'er walked in.

"Sister Zhen, whose girl is this, she is so beautiful!"

Zhen Meimei smiled, "This is a girl I have to do, named Qin'er, and Li'er is also a good sister!"

"Oh! That's it!" the woman said, "I took a quick look just now, it really looks like you and An Rui came to the village for the first time!"

Tianci greeted many aunts and aunts.

"Mom, should I still live in my own room?" Tianci asked.

"Well, you still live in your own room! Qin'er, you can just live in Nero's room!"

Qin'er nodded and looked into the room!Except in exile in the Spanish Empire, Qin'er has never lived in such a simple room!

"Let me take you to have a look!" Tianci pointed to the inside, and walked in with Qin'er.

Nero's room and God's room are next to each other and are the same size.The kang bed is covered with clean mattresses.The layout of the Tianci room next to it is the same, except that there is an extra small bed at the head of the bed.

Yu'er swished off Tianci's shoulder and rolled comfortably on the small wooden bed.Tianci chuckled, "Qin'er, we made this small wooden bed for Yu'er when he was five years old, but now it's been more than ten years, and it still works, you know how pitifully your purple gold coins were wasted! In the future, don't get used to Yu'er like this, it's all a waste!"

Yu'er stood up in a jerk, yelled in protest, and lay down on the side, with her big furry tail stretched out straight, just out of the small wooden bed.

Walking out of the bedroom inside, Tianci and Qin'er returned to the guest room.Lil snuggled up beside Aunt Claire, pear blossoms raining down on her cheeks.Aunt Claire was also holding Lil.

"Huh? Auntie, why haven't you seen Uncle Claire?" Tianci asked.

"Your Uncle Claire and the others went out hunting, they can come back these days!"

"Hunting?" Qin'er's eyes lit up, and she secretly pulled the corner of Tianci's clothes, "I've never been to the Yilin Mountains, let's go and have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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