Godsend Field

Chapter 285 Appearance

Chapter 285 Appearance
As winter goes and spring returns, although the Yilin Mountains haven't completely shed their white plain clothes, sporadic greens have emerged.

"Clack! Clack!"

There was a sound of chaotic footsteps.

"Brother Claire, there is a level [-] beast of war, the rock binturong!" An Orion hurried over.

"Ishiyan binturong?" Claire took a breath, "It seems that we are lucky! This Ishiyan binturong is not strong, but his skin is like Shiyan, invulnerable to swords and guns, and the fur on his tail is very fine and warm, definitely better than six The skin of a seventh-level monster is even more expensive!"

The Shiyan binturong is about twice the size of the earth bear. It looks like a civet cat, but it is much bigger than the civet cat.Shiyan binturong has no attack power, but its defense is not generally strong.But the most precious thing is its tail. The natural texture and the warm effect of fluff are the neckwear materials that the ladies on the mainland dream of.A well-made Shiyan binturong scarf might cost hundreds of purple gold coins.

"Brother Claire, should we go?" the hunters asked eagerly.

Claire looked at the surrounding environment, "This is basically the limit of our progress, and I'm afraid it will be dangerous if we go further in. Let's forget it, anyway, we have gained a lot this time!"

Everyone was disappointed.

"Uncle Claire, both you and your new familiar are at level five, why don't we rush up and make a surprise attack, and make a quick victory. Then retreat immediately, Shiyan binturong's tail is very valuable!"

Claire hesitated.

A dozen or so older hunters didn't say anything, and more than 20 younger hunters persuaded them one after another.

"Okay, but remember, if you can't make enough time for a meal, you will leave immediately. This place can easily attract other monsters!"

"Good!!" The young hunters cheered, readying their weapons and rushing forward.

Claire shook her head. Most of the people who came out this time were young people from the village. They brought them out to practice after they had achieved a little success in martial arts.Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and as soon as they enter the Yilin Mountains, they rush forward.

Shiyan binturong has no attack power, and it would be good to give them some practice, but I hope there will be no powerful monsters.

"You guys go to the surrounding area to guard, and come back immediately if you find out whether the situation is true or not!" Claire ordered several experienced old hunters.

"Yes!" Five or six hunters scattered and disappeared into the woods.

Claire patted her monster, the fifth-level monster Silver Wolf, and the rest of the old hunters followed behind the boy.For hunters, wolf monsters are the most ideal.

Shiyan binturong shook his bloated body and howled, fighting with the boys.The fighting spirit of the teenagers with their long swords in their hands is buzzing, the highest level has reached level four, and most of them are level three fighting spirit.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!..."

As if cutting on a rock, the boy's long swords did not reflect on Shiyan binturong except for white marks, not even a small wound.

Shiyan binturong waved its claws, but its body was bloated, and its claws were short, so it couldn't hit adults at all.Seeing the dexterity of the teenagers around him and brandishing their long swords, Shi Yan became anxious and his roar became louder and louder.They even simply circled the ground, buried their heads under their front paws and curled up like a stone.

The teenagers surrounded them, and there was really nothing they could do.

Claire stood by and watched from the beginning to the end.

Shiyan binturong has no attack power, but God gave him a good voice.If you encounter an enemy in trouble, you will shrink into a ball and roar. As the roar becomes louder and louder, the surrounding monsters will be attracted to scare away the enemy.And if the monsters can't break through the skin of Shiyan binturong, they will walk away consciously.

Can't drag it any longer!
"Okay, come back!" Claire yelled, "You can't break its skin, but you can chop off its tail!"

Although the teenagers were not reconciled, there was nothing they could do.Shi Yan's binturong's brain was hidden, but its tail was exposed.


The boy easily chopped off the big fluffy tail and held it in his hand, "Hehe, the skin is quite thick, but the tail is so soft!"

"Aw!" Shiyan binturong roared in pain, and fled towards a place where there were few people.

The teenagers didn't stop it, since it couldn't be killed anyway, besides, the most valuable tail had already been obtained, which was much more expensive than a fifth-level magic core.The teenagers swung their big tails in turn, waving towards Claire proudly.

Claire smiled and shook her head, the little guys said, "Okay, come back, let's go back quickly!"

The teenagers walked towards Claire.


The ground suddenly trembled, and a big crack suddenly opened between Claire and the boy. . .


A huge head suddenly protruded from the crack, the mouth was slightly opened, revealing sharp teeth, long snake letters, and big eyes looking around.The body slowly moved out of the ground, a full length of more than 30 meters, like a wall between Claire and the many teenagers.

Mire python!

Claire felt a chill!
More than 20 teenagers had seen this kind of monster, and they were frightened and dumbfounded, standing on the ground blankly, at a loss.

The old hunter next to him also became terrified, and couldn't help reaching out to press the soft armor of the mire python on his body!Seven or eight years ago, I also encountered the mire python, and the extremely difficult battle of that battle is still fresh in my memory.However, we met again today, but An Rui was gone. . .

Claire quickly regained her composure.The boa boa constrictor has hibernated all winter, so it must have come up to look for food this time.And the battle with Shiyan binturong just now must have awakened the mire python.

"I'll hold it back, you wait for the opportunity to take the children away!" Claire gritted her teeth.

"No, the boa constrictor is level six. Brother Claire, you won't be able to resist, you'll just die!" the hunters said urgently.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can be delayed, you take the children away, they are the hope of the village!" Claire took off the interspatial ring and threw it to the hunter next to him, "Remember, keep the children!"

Staring at the bloodshot eyes, Claire roared, and rushed up together with Silver Wolf.

Although the boa boa was huge, it was quite flexible, and it swung its tail towards Claire.


As Claire dodged, a big hole was smashed out on the ground by the boa constrictor.


He opened his mouth and bit towards the unstable Claire.Claire swung his long sword horizontally and blocked the big mouth, as if hit by thousands of catties. Claire's arms were numb, her chest was tight, and she gritted her teeth and carried it tightly.The long sword was full of fighting spirit, but it didn't hurt the mire python.The silver wolf next to it rushed up and bit the skin of the mire python, but it didn't have the slightest effect.The mire boa constrictor with earth attributes is now covered with a layer of earth armor.

The huge snake's head shook, shaking off the silver wolf and knocking Claire away.Bark!The clothes were torn, and the sharp teeth left a shocking wound on Claire's arm, and blood flowed out immediately.

Without Anrui's sixth-level strength at that time, how could it be possible to block the quagmire python of a sixth-level monster.

"What are you still doing, why don't you run away!" The old hunters ran over, slapping or kicking the youngsters.

The teenagers suddenly woke up and ran to the opposite side.


Dust flew in front of him suddenly, and the huge snake tail hit the ground, blocking the way of the teenagers.The splashed mud fragments hit the faces and bodies of the teenagers, burning hot.Feeling momentary despair in their hearts, the teenagers sat on the ground.

If it wasn't for the mire python's habit of swallowing food raw, all the teenagers would have been smashed to pieces just now.

Claire smiled wryly, thinking that she could hold back the mire python with her determination to die, but she didn't know that she was powerless at all.If it was another level [-] monster, there might be a battle, but the mire python was at the peak of level [-], and it was too big. . .

"Brother Claire!" The old hunters on guard all around heard the movement and ran back, stunned by the sight in front of them.

"Don't come here, you all run, one can run!" Claire roared, with a long sword in his hand, planning to make a final effort to fight for everyone's last chance to escape.

Suddenly a white light flashed

"Hehe, Uncle Claire, you are so embarrassed!"

Claire paused and froze for a moment, only to see two figures standing beside him, a man and a woman.

"Godsend!!" Claire exclaimed, "You... why are you here, go, you guys go!"

"Hehe, what do you guys do if I leave?" Tianci said with a smile, walking in front of Claire, facing the mire python in front of him.Sensing Shirai Shadow's breath, the mire python became a little uneasy.

"Crystal Palace!"

With a clear cry, along the body of the mire python, four transparent ice walls suddenly erected.Lock the deep boa in the mire.

"Bang! Bang!..." The mire python slammed into the ice wall in shock, the ice chips flew down, and the ice wall was in danger.

"Brat, my ice wall won't last long!"

"Support for a while longer! Thank you for your hard work!" Tianci smiled slightly, "Uncle Claire, hurry up and save people!"

At this moment, all the old hunters came to their senses, rushed up and dragged the fallen teenagers back by their collars one by one.

"Bang!" The ice wall shattered and the ice shards scattered.Yu'er on the shoulder stretched out her little nails towards Qin'er.

The trapped mire boa constrictor was so angry that it grew its mouth wide.

"Tianci is careful, this is a level [-] monster!" Claire was worried, and Heng Jian walked up to Tianci, "You go, I will help you drag it, you go!"

"Uncle Claire, your arm is bleeding, you need to treat it first, and I'll help you get rid of it!" After speaking, Tianci said, and walked towards the deep boa constrictor.


The body of the boa constrictor curled up, and its tail smashed towards Tianci.Tianci leaped sideways to dodge, and saw a huge snake head rushing towards it in mid-air, its icy sharp teeth gleaming coldly.

"It's this trick again!" Tianci laughed, using his tail first and then his mouth, the mire boa constrictor seems to be very good at this trick!Tianci's left hand suddenly grew out and pressed the tip of his mouth to relieve the impact force, and his body retreated as if being pushed.Make a fist with your right hand and hit the tip of the snake's mouth.

"inch strength!"

"Puff!" A large amount of blood spurted out from the tip of the snake's mouth in an instant.The deep boa constrictor in the quagmire was in severe pain, raised its head, and hissed upwards.

As soon as Tianci's toes touched the ground, his figure suddenly accelerated, rushing towards the deep python like a bolt of lightning.The whole body of the boa boa is hard, but the weakness of the abdomen is the only one that is not covered up.

"Bang!" Tianci jumped up high, and slammed his long fist heavily on the exposed abdomen of the mire python.

"inch strength!"

The hissing stopped abruptly.

"Boom~~" The huge corpse fell to the ground.Tianci jumped back quickly to avoid being hit by the falling corpse.

"This..." Everyone was shocked.

A level 30 monster, this is a level [-] pinnacle monster. The pinnacle monster that made more than [-] people despair, unexpectedly fell under his hands within two rounds. . .Who is it?

"Uncles, the skin of the mire python is a good thing, don't miss it!" Tianci said with a smile.

"You are..." Everyone was puzzled.

"Everyone, stop guessing. This is a gift from God. Brother Anrui's son, don't you know him?" Claire eased from the shock and introduced.

"Tianci? You are a little Tianci??" Everyone couldn't believe it.

"It's me. When I was young, I ran in the square in the morning. Don't you always like to mess with my hair?" Tianci pointed at his black hair, "Hehe, but now you don't want to mess with me anymore!"

It is rare to see such black hair on the mainland.At least Clare, who has been to many places, has never seen anyone other than Tianci.

"It's really a gift from God, then you..." The old hunters pointed at Tianci, and then pointed at the boa constrictor behind him, "Then you... the boa constrictor in the mire...even your father couldn't do it so easily back then... .Are you feeling vindictive?"

"Are you confused? Tianci used fighting spirit just now! Tianci, how did you defeat it?"

Tianci chuckled, "If Dad is here now, I'm afraid he can cut off his head with one move. I'm just relying on my previous experience in killing mire pythons and using martial arts skills!"

"Brother Anrui, you mean brother Anrui?"

"Hehe, Dad is now an eighth-level great swordsman!"

"Suck!" Everyone was stunned, motionless like ice sculptures.

"Uncles, hurry up and deal with the mire python, it will attract other monsters!" Tianci patted everyone on the shoulder.

Claire was taken aback, "Tianci is right, everyone, hurry up and dispose of the corpse, call these boys, and let them all see what they are capable of!"

Compared with the old hunters, the teenagers were still immature, and they were about to wake up at this time, and were dragged by the old hunters to deal with the corpse of the boa constrictor.The teenagers looked at Tianci with complicated expressions. Is this the Tianci who knew nothing and couldn't even beat his younger brother?
"Uncle Claire, you should also treat the wound!" Tianci said, looking at Qin'er.

"The gentleness of water!"

There was a burst of coolness, and the wound on Claire's arm slowly recovered.

"Thank you, girl!" Claire said politely, "Godsend, why did you come here? If you didn't come, we're afraid... hey, it's all me, so I shouldn't have let them come here. You specifically told me not to jump over here, how could I have forgotten!"

"Uncle Claire, isn't it all right? And after a life and death, I think it will be of great help to them!" Tianci said with a smile, "Uncle Claire, Mom, Dad, and Lier have all returned, and they are all in Yier Village. Waiting for you!"

"Brother Anrui? And Li'er?" Claire suddenly became excited.

"Well, I came to you because I was faster! Aunt Claire was reluctant to let Lier come, so only me and Qin'er came!" Tianci explained.

"Qin'er? This is Miss Qin'er!" Claire's face became a little uncomfortable.

The body of the boa boa was quickly disposed of. The old hunters tied the skin of the boa boa and put it into a space ring together with the magic core, and handed it to Claire. Let's make more than a dozen sets of soft armor, and we will be even safer in the future!"

Many teenagers also chopped off the meat of the mire python and put it on their shoulders in pieces.The mire python can also be said to be delicious.

"Uncle Claire, I have a few space rings here, you can use them!" Tianci moved his palm slightly, and a dozen space rings appeared.

"This..." All the hunters widened their eyes.

Claire laughed and took the rings, one for each of the old hunters.What belongs to the son-in-law is his own!
With the space ring, the old hunters went back to search the corpse of the boa constrictor in the quagmire.

When everything was ready, we set out to go back.

Before taking two steps, they suddenly saw Bai Ying, and everyone was startled!After Tianci's explanation, everyone felt relieved and looked at Tianci enviously.

Going back is much easier than coming in. With the white shadow around, almost no monsters dare to approach.However, Tianci still found a lot of monsters through his divine sense.With the help of Tianci and Qin'er, everyone practiced boldly and confidently, and even the space ring was full of flesh.I don't know how many more magic cores there are.

Claire is in a good mood. Not only do they have meat for a year, but the magic core alone is enough to eat and drink for two or three years!
Everyone who had been busy all day at night slept in tents, and Tianci personally kept watch.

"Brat, do you really not need to sleep? How about I help you watch the night, and you go and rest for the night!" Qin'er quietly walked out while there was no one around.

"No need, how can there be a woman who keeps watch at night? Besides, I'm not tired!" Tianci threw the firewood into the bonfire.

Qin'er sat down, "Have you noticed that they look at me strangely?"

Tianci smiled slightly, "Of course, they have never seen a beautiful woman like you, so they will take a second look. But because you are so fierce, they dare not look straight in the face, they can only look quietly!"

Hearing this, Qin'er felt sweet in her heart, "I'm not talking about them, but Li'er's father. I always feel that he looks very hostile when he looks at me. I have never offended him!"

Tianci looked at Qin'er, "You didn't offend me, but your grandpa did offend everyone!"

"My grandpa?" Qin'er was taken aback for a moment, and then she came to her senses.

On the day of Tianci and Li'er's wedding, Juggernaut Lei interrupted and made three demands.As Lier's parents, wouldn't you be angry?And seeing himself and Tianci getting so close these days, he would naturally be unhappy.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about it. Uncle Claire is an upright person, and he has a broad mind. When he sees Lier, he knows that you are good sisters. He will naturally change your mind! Aunt Claire Wouldn't that be nice to you?"

Only then did Qin'er nod her head in reassurance, Aunt Claire was indeed kind to her!
(End of this chapter)

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