Godsend Field

Chapter 286 Dreamland

Chapter 286 Dreamland
The small border village of Ill in the southeastern province of the Welsh Empire can be said to be very lively today.A lot of people gathered in the small square, a bonfire was raised in the middle, and the smell of barbecue wafted around. All the villagers sang and danced to celebrate the safe return of the richest hunting in the village, and the Anrui family who had been away for many years the arrival of people.

The men drank and ate meat, chatting loudly.The girls gathered around and chatted about their parents, and laughed frequently.

The morning in the small village is still so cool, the thin mist dissipates with the sunshine, and a new day begins!

There are traces of bonfires in the small square.Many villagers ran around the square.

"Dang! Dang!"

Jane walked out of the yard and opened the gate, "It's Lier, come in quickly! You're here so early!"

Lier smiled, holding a basket in her hand, "Mom asked me to bring you breakfast!"

Jane took the basket, "I have to ask you to bring us breakfast every time these days, I really trouble you! Go and wake up Qin'er and Tianci, they have been bickering all day yesterday, and they probably haven't woken up yet!"

Li'er hummed, walked into the room, and walked out with the drowsy Qin'er after a while.

Jane has already divided the breakfast and put it on the table, "Huh? Why didn't you see Tianci? You didn't call for Tianci?"

Li'er blushed halfway, "That's... Let Brother Tianci wake up!"

Jane didn't understand, so she clapped her hands helplessly, "Li'er is too shy, you are already engaged, why are you so shy! Isn't it just to go in and wake him up?"

"I...I..." Lier hesitated, blushing.

Qin'er stretched her waist, and shouted into the room, "There is meat for breakfast!"

There was a rustling sound, and a moment later Tianci was dragged out by Yu'er, his clothes disheveled.Jane handed over a wet towel for Tianci to wipe her face. For more than a month, every day has been such a simple life.

"Tianci, aren't you going to train with them today?" Zhen asked after Tianci finished washing.

Tianci shook his head, his level of training was different from theirs, and they couldn't keep up with his training, "Hehe, it's enough to have Dad to guide them, I plan to go to the same place with Yu'er today!"

"Where to?"

"We want to go to the Yilin Mountains!"

Jane was taken aback, "Didn't you just come back last month, why are you going again?"

Tianci smiled, "We want to pay homage to Yu'er's mother, and then go to some cave to have a look!"

Jane's face changed slightly.

"Brother Tianci, are you going...?" Lier asked with concern.

Tianci nodded.

Qin'er looked at Tianci and then at Li'er and Zhen, "Where are you going?"

Both Li'er and Zhen looked troubled, but Tianci was more relaxed, "Let's go to the place where Yu'er and I were born, that's where Dad picked me up and Yu'er."

"Where you were born? Then take us to see it!"

Tianci thought for a while, "Actually, there's nothing good there, it's just a cave, and Yu'er and I will go back as soon as we go!"

"Hmph, why don't you just tell me if you don't want to take us there!" Qin'er pouted, lowered her head and ate breakfast.

After breakfast, Tianci and Yu'er took the white shadow and set off towards the Yilin Mountains.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

The water of the waterfall fell straight down, making countless splashes.There are thick ice needles hanging on both sides of the top of the waterfall.There is also a thin layer of ice on the lake, and there is still water flowing under the ice.

Tianci and Yu'er jumped off the white shadow and walked forward.

The mound is still there, and the weeds growing on it have withered, and new ones haven't grown yet.

Tianci walked forward and cleaned up the dry weeds with his own hands.After laying the mound again, and saluting respectfully, Yu'er also lay down next to the mound and neighed softly.

Tianci stayed for a moment, and walked towards the back of the waterfall alone.

The cave was still so dark, Tianci unfolded his consciousness and walked in, and walked into the larger cave, but there was no change inside.No one or Warcraft has entered in all these years.

The small stone door next to it was still open.

Tianci walked into the stone gate and sat on the stone table.

Suddenly, the dark stone house burst into light, and a luminous pearl emerged from Tianci's body.Suspended above the roof of the stone house, it emits a soft light, and the entire stone house is brightly illuminated.


The stone gate moved and collided with each other, making a loud noise.

Tianci was shocked, jumped off the stone table and came to the front of the stone gate, the stone gate was stuck in the wall, there was no place to start.Tianci pushed on the stone gate with both hands, pushing back and forth vigorously, but the stone gate remained motionless.

Tianci suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. The stone gate was half a meter thick, and he could never push it alone. Could it be that he was going to be locked in it?Unfolding his consciousness, Tianci suddenly found that his consciousness could not go outside, and was confined within this small stone house.

How could this be?How could the mountain block his divine consciousness?
There was a sudden dazzling light in the stone house, and the thorny Tianci hurriedly raised his arms to cover his eyes, and his whole body began to ache. This kind of pain is unforgettable, and he had this tingling feeling when he was young.Tianci wanted to run the blue light to ease the pain in his body, but found that he couldn't feel the blue light anymore.

I don't know how long it took, the pain in the body became very weak, Tianci put down his arm and looked around.Shocked, Tianci found himself on an empty grassland, surrounded by greenery, and a white ball in the air exuded a dazzling light, making it impossible to look directly at.

"Scholes?" came a sudden roar from behind.

As soon as Tianci turned around, he saw a man behind him, with blond hair standing up fluffy, like a mighty lion, dressed in vigorous attire, holding a long sword in his hand and pointing forward.The man's face was full of anger, his eyes were like two sharp swords, as if he could see through everything.Layers of energy are scattered around the body.

"Rhein, what are you doing? Don't you see that Lannades obviously stopped just now?" Another voice came from behind Tianci.

Tianci turned around again, only to see two figures slowly appearing behind him.One of them was wearing a long robe and was an older grader with wrinkles on his benevolent face. He was kneeling on the ground at the moment, with bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth.The chest rose and fell rapidly, panting.In his hand is a huge two-meter-long staff. The staff is milky white and transparent, as sacred as jade.

And the other one stood in white clothes, with fluttering black hair very chic.

"Father, father!" Tianci suddenly became excited, calling out in his heart, this is father, this is father!Tianci really wanted to rush over immediately, but found that he couldn't move at all, as if he was put in a small transparent box, no matter how much he shouted, his father didn't even look at him.

"Skelth, do you really want to meddle in our affairs?" The man named Rhine pointed his sword at his father, the man named Skelth.

"Rhein, we've been together for so long, why don't you let him go? And you also know that you can't completely make him disappear!" Scholes stood in front of the old man.

"Hmph, it's up to you whether you can disappear or not!" Rhine waved his hand casually, and countless golden sword auras emitted from the long sword, rushing straight towards him whistling.

"No!" Now Tianci in the middle saw countless golden sword qi rushing towards him, terrified, but unable to dodge, subconsciously hugged his head.

The golden sword energy passed through Tianci and continued to fly towards the opposite Scholes, as if passing through the air.

Scholes flicked his long sleeves, and the weeds in front of him suddenly stretched out a wall, and for a moment, it seemed that they didn't need to grow at all.


Huge sounds rang out frequently, the green wall dissipated, and at the same time, the sword energy also dissipated.

Tianci was shocked. The low-level use of life magic that he showed could not be resisted by even the seventh-level battle qi, but what his father showed could completely block even the golden sword qi!

"Rhein, it's just a misunderstanding between you and Lannades. What you've reported is not the complete truth. I think we should sit down and have a good talk!" Scholes said.

"Scholes, we have always been good and never offended! But what they did this time is too much. If I don't take action, do you think that we demons are afraid of them?" Rhine said angrily.

"Hahaha, the villain will sue first, Rhine, you know what you have done, we Protoss have always kept ourselves safe and never crossed the river of Chushui for half a step. I came today to talk to you clearly. Scholes, you just now I also saw that I have already stopped, and he is still doing this, it is just... Cough, cough, cough!"

Scholes raised his palm, a clear stream surrounded Lanades, and the blue light was particularly active.Moments later Lanards had recovered from his injury and stood up.

"Lanaders, Rhine, we've been together for so long, can't you just sit down and have a good talk if you have any conflicts? Do you have to fight and kill? Could it be that the previous battles between gods and demons were troublesome?" Isn't that enough?"

"Hmph!" Lannades and Rhine looked at each other, and turned their heads coldly.

Scholes put his fingers together and swiped in the air, creating a gap out of thin air, from which several tables and chairs floated out and fell to the ground.

God-given eyes lit up, this one. . .Space magic, this is really space magic!
The surrounding scenery became blurred, and the figures of the three people also began to dim and blur.

"Father, I am Tianci, I am your son, look at me, I am Tianci!" Tianci stretched out his hand and called out loudly.But Scholes still didn't respond, and pulled Lannades and Rhine to sit down and start talking. . .

The scenery was getting weaker and weaker, and the human form basically became a chaos, Tianci put down his hand in disappointment, "Father...Father..."

The surrounding chaos continued to flow like a liquid, merging and sticking to each other.

There was a dark mass all around, and there seemed to be some stars shining in the sky above the head.A faint white light flashed from the side, breaking the surrounding darkness, and the darkness crowded in to suppress the little white light.Bai Guang struggled tenaciously, stretched, and devoured.Slowly the white light became stronger and stronger, and the darkness receded steadily. Within a few breaths, most of the surrounding areas had turned into white light.

The junction of black and white is intensely seesawing and struggling.

"Crack!" The junction suddenly shattered, and countless torrents rushed in.

"Water area!"

On one side of the surrounding scenery, it turned into sky blue, and boundless waves rushed in, surging!

Three people stood in the void above the water.

Lannades and Rhine actually stood together, and Scholes stood facing him!
"It's father!" Tianci exclaimed.

"Skelth, we have been together for countless years, you won't be enemies with the two of us because of a baby!" Rhine said, pointing at Scholes.

"Scholes, this baby must not be alive. He will threaten our existence. I also hope that you can give this baby to us this time. We are still a family!" Lannades also echoed.

Scholes smiled coldly, "Lanaders, Rhine, I, Scholes, will never hand over my son to you. Since God gave it to me, I will protect him. Maria is dead, I can't let you hurt our children again!"

"Skelth, Maria is just an ordinary god-man, and she should have put her to death for merging gods and demons. Why do you care too much? If you like, you can feel free to be a woman among the god-kings. Choose!" Lannades said lightly.

"Yes, that Maria actually said that the fusion of gods and demons can eliminate disputes and wars, and it will also affect our demons. Even if Lannades doesn't deal with it, I will not tolerate her deceitful words! Now she is dead!"

"You don't need to say more, I, Scholes, will not hand over my son to you!"

"Scholes, don't blame me for not warning you. When he grows up, I'm afraid you won't even be able to save your own life! For the sake of our acquaintance for many years, if you are still so obsessed, don't blame us for being rude. !” Rhine roared.

"You're welcome? Do you think that if we unite, I will be afraid of you?" Scholes sneered, throwing his arms together.

"Life field!"

The surroundings suddenly turned light green, and the surging waves calmed down immediately.

Lannades and Rhine's complexions changed slightly, and then they recovered and stretched out their hands at the same time.

"Element Field!"

"Strength field!"

The sky is full of red flames, starting to burn from red, and gradually turning into black, black flames!The overwhelming black flames formed a huge vortex, spinning continuously.

When Rhine raised his hand, countless sharp sword qi appeared in the surrounding space, not as golden as before, but colorless. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel it completely, especially if there was any If there is no murderous spirit.

There was a sudden gust of wind all around, mixed with rain and snow, Tianci suddenly couldn't see anything clearly.With so much pressure on his body, Tianci fell to his knees on the ground, supporting the ground with his hands.

What exactly is this!
Tianci was terrified in his heart, so many elements gathered, just being in it would make him feel frightened.The faint grudge energy exudes murderous energy all the time.

Tianci felt like he was about to stop breathing, he couldn't hear anything, he couldn't see clearly!
"Boom!!" It was deafening.

The flames splashed in all directions, and there was chaos in the middle, with various colors leaking out.

The sound of impact and killing sounded from the middle.

I don't know how long it took before Tianci felt that he could breathe, and the chaos in the middle cleared up.The three of them stood in a triangle shape, and the clothes on their bodies were all torn, barely hanging on the clothes.

I didn't know what the surrounding scenery was like before, but now it seems that it has become a piece of ruins, with countless huge pits on the ground.

The three gasped.

"Scholes, are you still unwilling to hand over the matter?" Rannades said panting.

Scholes laughed miserably, shook his head, swayed, and fell to the ground unsteadily.

Tianci shook his head, "Father!!"

"Sikels, since you are still so stubborn, then don't blame us for letting you disappear!" Rhine snorted coldly, pointing her long sword on her body.

"Lanaders, Rhine, if you think you're winning this way, then you're dead wrong!" Scholes smiled bleakly, sitting cross-legged, with his hands on his knees.

"Life field!"

Immediately, a faint green appeared all around, covering up everything!
"You... how can you still use the domain!" Lannades and Rhine exclaimed at the same time, and expressions of fear emerged.


The color of the wind and cloud changed, dark clouds billowed in the sky, and countless thick and long electric snakes moved.This feeling is very familiar to Tianci, which is the power of divine punishment.But this time it was tens of thousands of times stronger than what I felt before. This boundless pressure was irresistible and unbearable. Before Tianci could react, he felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and he passed out groggyly.

. . . . . .

"Father! Father!"

Tianci suddenly screamed.


Tianci fell to the ground and hit his head against the wall.

"Oh!" Tianci got up and rubbed his head in severe pain.

There are stone walls on all sides, and I am still in the cave, am I dreaming?Tianci murmured in a low voice.Scholes, Scholes. . .Is this your father's name?

Tianci sighed, what exactly did he see just now, and why it was so realistic, as if it happened right in front of him.

On the stone table in the middle, Ye Mingzhu lay peacefully in the middle, emitting a soft light.

Tianci picked up the Ye Mingzhu.

"Huh?" Tianci was suddenly surprised to find that the three patterns on the surrounding walls had all disappeared.The place where the pattern was originally carved turned into an extremely clean stone wall.

Tianci was walking while holding the Ye Mingzhu, when he approached the door of the room.

"Boom~~" The stone gate moved slowly, the whole cave was trembling, and dust began to fall from the stone wall.

"Tianci, you are really inside!" Zhen rushed in suddenly, hugging Tianci, "I scared my mother to death!"

Tianci was shocked, and saw torches lit in the cave, An Ruilier and Qin'er were standing outside, "You...why are you here?"

"Heavenly gift, Yu'er brought us here!" An Rui said, "Yu'er suddenly ran back a few days ago and called us here. When we came, we found that the stone gate was closed. I didn't expect you to be inside. !"

"How many days? Did I stay for a few days?" Tianci was amazed, he only felt that it was only a short while inside, but he didn't expect it to be a few days.Yu'er must have heard the commotion before running in to take a look, but found that she was locked inside the stone gate, so she ran back and called her parents.

"This place is your secret, so we didn't dare to call for more people, so we came here by ourselves!" An Rui said.

Tianci nodded.

Li'er and Qin'er came here for the first time. They walked into the cave curiously and looked around, "Is this the place where you were born? It's incredible!"

God gave a smile, "I don't know either! But I heard from my father that the inside is my territory, and the outside is Yu'er's territory! Let's go outside as soon as possible, maybe when this stone gate is closed again, we all don't go out! "

(End of this chapter)

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