Godsend Field

Chapter 287 Dragon Domain

Chapter 287 Dragon Domain
Tianci, An Rui and the others walked out of the cave, under the illumination of the Ye Mingzhu, all the torches seemed redundant.

Under An Rui's guidance, Tianci inlaid the Ye Mingzhu on the stone wall, and everyone extinguished the torches.

"It's getting late, why don't we spend the night in the cave today!" An Rui suggested, and both Zhen and Li'erqin'er nodded.Although it was colder outside, it was warmer inside the cave.

"Mom and Dad, take a rest first, I'll go for a walk!" Tianci said.

Jane nodded, "You've been inside for so long, you should go get some air, don't go too far, be careful!"

Tianci agreed and walked out of the cave.

Li'er and Qin'er were a little impatient, but they were stopped by Jane when they wanted to follow, "Didn't you find that Tianci was a little strange after he came out? I think something must have happened to him, so give him some space and let him be quiet." one time!"

"But, Aunt Jane..."

"Did you forget what I said? You are confused about looseness, you can't be too tight, you have to give him enough space!" Jane pulled the two beautiful girls, "Let's make something, and there will be something delicious when he comes back. It's over!"

Walking in the dry jungle, you can still step on the snow under your feet.

"Scholes... Daddy!"

Tianci kept repeating those pictures in his mind.These are dreams, illusions, but so real. . .

"Scholes, hand over the baby..."

"I will not give my son to you..."

Words were repeated in Tianci's ears.

There were two races of gods and demons in ancient times, so Lannades and Rhine should be members of the two races of gods and demons.

Lannades and Rhine had a conflict, and it was clear that his father helped them mediate.But why did they unite against their father?And let the father hand over the baby.

That baby must be me, must be me. . .

It was all because of him, his father fought against Lannades and Rhine in order to protect him.Although I haven't seen the final result, what I can confirm is that my father is dead, and he must have died to protect himself.

Thinking of this, Tianci felt a twinge in his heart, throbbing with pain.

The loving father protected himself, protected himself with his life, and gave himself the seed of his domain. . .It must have been Lannades and Rhine who killed his father. They must not be dead or alive, otherwise his father would not have reminded himself on Xilan Mountain, if he sees Lannades and Rhine, he must be careful!

"Revenge, you must avenge your father!" Tianci suddenly roared fiercely, his sad voice shook the surrounding trees and trembled.

But how can he avenge his father by sustaining his eighth-level strength?Lannades and Rhine have domains.The overwhelming and irresistible power in the illusion, even if he is on the edge, he can't resist, let alone revenge.

Tianci tried hard to recall, as if he heard his father say it before he fell into a coma. . . "Life~~deprivation!"

Can life be given or taken away?
Suddenly, Tianci's back felt cold and his life was lost. . .

"Brother Tianci, what are you thinking?" The surrounding scenery changed and became chaotic and blurred, and a middle-aged man appeared in front of him standing in emptiness, his eyes were like swords looking at Tianci.

"Brother Ao, I... I'm thinking about the domain!" Tianci sighed, "I still can't repair my own domain, and I can't find a clue at all, and I can't start!"

"You don't need to worry about this kind of thing, you have enough time to comprehend it in the long years!" Ao Zhen walked down and stood beside Tianci, "About the matter of the realm, neither sister Feng nor I can help you. The realm belongs to heaven. Bestowing is not something that ordinary creatures like us can comprehend and understand! You can only rely on yourself!"

Tianci was a little disappointed, and nodded helplessly, "I see, thank you Brother Ao for your concern! How does Brother Ao know I'm here?"

"Have you forgotten the reverse scale I gave you? As long as it is within ten thousand miles of me, I can feel it! In fact, since you first stepped into the Yilin Mountains a month ago, I knew you were coming Yes, but at that time you were only here to pick up a few hunters, so I didn't show up! Along the way, you killed a lot of our Warcraft family!"

Tianci's heart tightened, and his brows furrowed.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry! Warcraft and human beings fight each other, countless things happen every day! We emperor beasts and king beasts don't care about it. Just like the fight between you humans, some people won't intervene. But if the king beast is dead, we will still come forward to investigate! This is also our responsibility!" Ao Zhen said proudly.

Tianci naturally understands that the number of monsters on the continent is probably no less than that of humans, and as a high-ranking emperor beast, he will not manage these fights.For them, monsters below level nine are no different from ants.But the King Beast is different, maybe this is the reason why Sister Feng specially passed it on to Yu'er!
"Tianci, I want to ask, where have you been these days?"

Tianci was taken aback, "Me? I've been here all the time!"

Ao Zhen's eyebrows tightened, "Impossible! From the second time you stepped into the Yilin Mountains, I could feel your presence, but it didn't take long for you to disappear, and it disappeared out of thin air, so I will I traveled thousands of miles to look for you in person, but unfortunately I searched all the way around and couldn’t find you! It’s because you suddenly appeared just now, that’s why I showed up!”

Tianci chuckled, "Brother Ao, I was in the cave all those days, but I was locked in the inner cave by a stone gate, so you didn't find me!"

Ao Zhen stared at Tianci with eyes like lightning, "Can caves block your domain?"

Tianci shook his head, his spiritual consciousness can penetrate the mountain, and only rare metals can't penetrate it!
"Your incomplete domain is fine, so will my complete domain be blocked by a stone gate in a cave?" Ao Zhen was slightly angry.

Godsend suddenly, indeed!
"Tianci, have you arrived in some other space?" Ao Zhen asked.

"Different space? What is it?"

"The different space is something similar to your human space ring. It's just that life can be stored in it."

Tianci suddenly remembered a space that appeared with his father's swipe in the illusion. "Brother Ao, do you mean space magic?"

"Space magic? Yes, you humans call it space magic, and in ancient times, it was called different space, which is the advanced use of space magic in your mouth. But even in ancient times, not many people knew how to use different spaces!"

As Ao Zhen spoke, she stretched out her palm, and as the space in the palm opened a crack, Tianci poked her head to look, dumbfounded, the inside was full of gold, silver, jewels, weapons and armor. . .More than a mountain. . .

"Brother Ao, this is...you know different dimensions?" Tianci was surprised.

"Hmph, this is just an ordinary space storage. It is the dragon space that our five-clawed golden dragon inherited when it was inherited. The wealth in it is also the wealth accumulated by previous emperor beasts! There is no capacity limit for the dragon space. Even in ancient times, it would be strange, but it pales in comparison to the different space, at least our space cannot accommodate life!" Ao Zhen said, one hand turned into a dragon claw, and stretched into the space.The dragon's claws retracted and turned into palms, and two walking sticks appeared in the hands, unpretentious and without any peculiarities, at first glance, they looked like two dead branches.

Those who can be in the dragon space must not be Fanpin!
"Here are two staffs, one with wind attribute and one with water attribute. Give it to you!" Ao Zhen handed it over.

Tianci panicked, this should be a spiritual weapon!

"Brother Ao, this is too expensive, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, although this is a spiritual weapon, we dragons don't like things that don't have light. What's more, our dragons are based on power. Even dragon language magic is related to power and has nothing to do with staff! So you don't have to Mind, this is no different from a fire stick to me!"

Tianci then took over, "Brother Ao, the memory of your imperial beasts can be passed on through inheritance, so I want to ask you about two people!"

Ao Zhen nodded, "Say it!"

"Lanaders and Rhine!"

Ao Zhen lowered her eyebrows for a moment, then shook her head, "I don't have these two names in my memory! I know all the masters of human beings. As for these two people, I'm afraid they are ordinary people!"

"Brother Ao, think about it carefully, these two people both have domains!" Tianci added.

"Domain?" Ao Zhen raised his eyebrows. "In the past 3 years of human beings, there has been almost no emergence of domain powerhouses. People from ancient times!"

"In ancient times... By the way, they said that one is a god race and the other is a demon race!"

"If it was in the ancient times, there might be these two people, maybe I don't know! Because there are too many strong people in the field in the ancient times!"

Tianci tried hard to recall, "I still remember, they should be god kings, and the other one should be the devil! If this is the case, they should be very famous!"

Ao Zhen shook her head with a smile, "Heavenly gift, you don't know much about the ancient times! Yes, there were god kings and demon masters in ancient times, but they refer to a group, not just a few individuals!"

"In ancient times, the two most powerful races were the gods and demons. The gods were mainly magic, and they were divided into gods and gods. If you divide them today, the first-level trainee magician to the ninth-level great magister belong to the gods. Humans can only be regarded as god kings if they have broken through the holy level. The same is true for the demons. From apprentice swordsmen to sword emperors, they are all demon servants, and only those who have reached the holy level are considered demon masters. How is it possible to know all of them?"

Tianci was amazed. It turned out that in ancient times, magic battle qi was so prosperous, even holy ranks abound!

"I guess the two people you're looking for are already dead! In the Great War of Gods and Demons 10 years ago, all the god kings and demon masters participated, and none of them came back alive. Because of this, the gods and men You can gradually merge with the demon servants to form you humans!"

Probably!Tianci nodded, and suddenly remembered his father's words. According to his father, Lannades and Rhine should not have died, otherwise his father would not let himself be careful!It's not that Tianci doesn't believe in Ao Zhen, but that he believes in his father even more!
"Brother Ao, I want to ask you one thing!" Tianci said.

"What is it, tell me!"

"I want to see your domain power!" Tianci said.It is necessary to understand the power of the field before it is possible to improve one's own field.

Ao Zhen smiled slightly, and with a wave of her left hand, the surrounding scenery quickly disappeared, replaced by golden light, the golden light everywhere, I don't know how the golden light came from, I don't know how thick it is. . .

"Dragon Domain!"

Accompanied by Ao Zhen's voice, all the golden lights flickered and gathered to form huge dragon heads, with dense dragon scales shining, golden dragon horns, dragon whiskers, and even the frightening sharp teeth All golden.There is no dragon body, only the dragon head. Countless dragon heads suddenly opened their mouths wide at the same time.


A huge dragon roar sounded at the same time.

Tianci suddenly felt as if he was being squeezed by two mountains, and his body was almost falling apart.His eyes were wide open, his eyeballs were about to pop out, he couldn't breathe in his chest, his consciousness began to collapse, and his vision began to blur. . .

I don't know how long it took for Tianci to wake up, lying on the ground with excruciating pain all over his body, and spreading his consciousness, the blue light nourished his body, and all the pain quietly dissipated.

"Woke up so soon?" Ao Zhen praised.

Tianci was taken aback, and got up, "Brother Ao, this is..."

"You are very good, you actually stood up to my dragon chant twice! In the field, my dragon chant can be magnified thousands of times. It seems that under normal circumstances, my dragon chant can't deal with you! Your spirit The power is already close to the spiritual power of the great magister!"

Godsend was ashamed, "Brother Ao, you are so amazing! Just now you were nothing more than Dragon Yin, and I couldn't stand it before you made a move. If you make a move or use dragon language magic, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch a single move!"

"You are right, if I want to use force, I am afraid you will have no power to fight back! This is the domain, a place where you can absolutely strengthen your own power! To deal with the strong in the domain, there is no other than the strong in the domain method, no matter how many great magisters and sword emperors enter the domain, they will just die!"

Tianci smiled sadly, and wanted to take revenge. . .What do you use to avenge yourself?

"Don't be disappointed, if anyone among you humans can compete with me, I think you are the only one!"


"Well, only your domain makes my heart palpitate! Since our Warcraft has only two domain emperor beasts from the day of birth, the domain given to me by God is very strange and powerful. Humans have had no restrictions since ancient times. So domains are monotonous! Single-attribute! If it’s just a human domain, it can’t compete with my domain. But if three or four human domains are superimposed, they may be able to compete with me!”

Tianci was startled, he didn't expect Ao Zhen and Sister Feng's imperial beast domain to be so powerful!
"Although your domain is broken and we can't see through it, but both me and Feng can feel palpitations!"

Tianci laughed at himself, "Brother Ao, to tell you the truth, I am now at the eighth level at most, and I will die when I meet the ninth level! The last time I met a strong man at the beginning of the ninth level in the palace, if it weren't for your Nilin who blocked my heart, I'm afraid I'm buried on some hill by now!"

"tell me the story!"

From the moment Tianci entered the imperial palace, how he was suppressed by the man in black and was helpless to fight back, and then he explained in detail how he escaped with Ni Lin's life!
Ao Zhen sneered, stretched out her palm, and Ni Lin flew out of Tianci's clothes, suspended above Ao Zhen's palm, at this time Ni Lin shrank to the size of a small leaf.Ao Zhen glanced at Tianci, her palm moved slightly, and the reverse scale changed its shape. After a while, it formed a pair of golden armor, a golden armor.

The armor fluttered out and floated in front of Tianci.

"Brother Ao, you are..."

"I don't want you to be killed before you complete the domain! In this way, our domain experts will lose face! Besides, I am also looking forward to what your domain will be!" Ao Zhen opened her palm, and the armor automatically attached On Tianci's body, the golden armor firmly blocked Tianci's whole body!
Tianci moved for a while, but it didn't add any weight, as if it was still as heavy as the book-sized Nilin back then.And it doesn't affect your own activities, very comfortable.

"No one below the holy level can break through my inverse scale, but for a saint-level domain expert, my inverse scale is like scrap iron in his domain. So if you don't want to die, don't offend the domain expert, or You complete the field earlier by yourself!"

Tianci nodded and completed the field by himself. . .I don't even have a clue yet, how can I finish it?It is better not to offend the strong in the field!I hope that the master and Dean Rafal can break through as soon as possible!
"You are fine, so I will go back! Remember, when you finish the domain, you must come to the center of the Yilin Mountains!"

Tianci nodded, "I remember!"

Ao Zhen smiled, and the figure disappeared.

Tianci took a deep breath!Regardless of whether Lannades and Rhine are really dead or not, I must speed up the improvement of my abilities!He doesn't have battle qi magic, but he already has a domain. As long as he can repair his domain, he will have the opportunity to check whether Lannades and Rhine are still alive.

But what exactly is the different space that brother Ao is talking about?Could it be the phantoms I saw?
Tianci put away the armor and walked slowly towards the cave.

"You're back?" Jane said with a smile, "Come here, we've all cooked the meal, and we're just waiting for you to come back! Today Lier and Qiner made it by themselves, it's delicious!"

Tianci withdrew all his thoughts, "Thank you!"

"Hmph, I'm just curious, and it's not specially made for you! I made it for Aunt Zhen!" Qin'er pursed her lips!
Tianci suddenly moved, stretched out his hand, and two staffs appeared in his hands, "I met a friend just now, and he gave me two staffs, I think it is more suitable for you!"

"Your friend? There are also your friends in this deep mountain and old forest?" Jane asked strangely.

"Brother Tianci, is your friend a man in white and gold?" Lier asked in a low voice.

Tianci was taken aback, "How do you know?"

"Qin'er and I met outside a few days ago, and we even fought him, and beat him away in a few strokes!" Li'er's voice became softer, like a child who made a mistake, "I knew he was Your friend, we won't do it!"

Qin'er also nodded her head, "Next time, you should try to persuade your friend that there are monsters infesting here, and his strength is not very good. If he is eaten by monsters, it won't be worth it!"

God sent profuse sweat, they even beat Brother Ao Zhen away. . .Not to mention the monsters here, all the monsters on the entire continent would not dare to do anything to Brother Ao. . .

But thinking about it, I'm afraid Brother Ao Zhen's level would have disdain to kill Li'er and Qin'er long ago.

Not worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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