Godsend Field

Chapter 288

Chapter 288
Although he heard Li'er and Qin'er beat Brother Ao Zhen away, Tianci quickly figured out that Brother Ao Zhen didn't even bother to fight the ants in his eyes, and he didn't even bother to kill them!
"These two staffs are for you!" Tianci handed them over.

Qin'er and Lier frowned a little as they looked at the two staffs that looked like dead branches.Li'er stretched out her hand to take it, as long as it is a gift from God, even if it is a stone, it is good!
Qin'er also took it, and looked it over carefully in front of her eyes, "There is still a name, Zhan Lan! This is a gift from your friend? Don't tell me, this is a spiritual weapon!"

Li'er will also take a closer look at "Falling"

"I don't know if it's a spiritual weapon, but I know it was taken from a bunch of treasures anyway!"

With a bunch of babes?It will not be used for moisture-proof use!

Qin'er and Li'er's hearts jumped involuntarily, and their chests heaved and thumped.

"Don't be dazed, let's take a look at the blood!" Tianci said with a smile.

The two held the staff tightly in their hands, their eyes were shining with excitement and worry!
"Let me come first!" Qin'er mustered up her courage and bit her little finger.


A light blue soft light radiated from the staff, and the staff, which was just like a branch, became crystal clear.Qin'er's eyes widened, her mouth was open and she couldn't speak. . . "Really...it's really a spiritual weapon!"

Li'er didn't hesitate anymore, and in the light blue light, a crystal clear staff also appeared in Li'er's hand.

"Is this a spiritual weapon? Holding it, the feeling is different!" Lier felt as if she was in a dream, only the pain in her fingers told herself that it was real!

There are generally three types of long sword spirit weapons, thin swords and long swords and heavy swords, but the staff has seven attributes, and the texture of the staff is wood, which is more difficult to conceive than rare metals, so you can get a satisfactory magic staff spirit weapon It is much more difficult than obtaining a weapon spirit weapon.

"Tianci, who is that friend of yours? Why did he give you two spiritual artifacts for no reason? He won't ask you to do anything!" An Rui asked worriedly.Anrui is very clear about the concept of spirit weapon!If it wasn't for Vicky Li Jianhuang, how could Anrui openly use spiritual weapons at level five or six?He has been murdered and stolen by others long ago!

"Don't worry, my friend's wealth can scare people to death, and these two spiritual weapons are even less in his eyes!
Li'er and Qin'er happily ran out to experiment with magic, while Tianci sat down and enjoyed the delicious food.

With the spiritual weapon, Li'er and Qin'er can save a lot of mental power!For the release of magic, it is easier and more labor-saving. Fighting with magicians of the same level has longer endurance.

After a while, Li'er and Qin'er ran in chattering excitedly, holding two spiritual weapons in their arms.Even when sitting down to eat, he had to put the spiritual weapon on his lap.It seems that the spiritual weapon must have a great effect on their magic!
After resting for one night, Tianci and other talents went down the mountain and returned to Yier Village!

"Li'er, Qin'er, don't show your spiritual artifacts in front of people in the future, others will be greedy!" Zhen said worriedly.

"Hehe, Aunt Zhen, don't worry, others will only think that it was given to us by Dean Rafael and my grandfather, and no one will dare to think about us!" Qin'er said happily.

"Qin'er is right! I don't think anyone in this world is impatient enough to fight against Lord Dean and Thunder Sword Master!" Tianci also agreed, "But you should seize the time to improve your strength. Although There is no saying on the mainland about how many levels of powerhouses are equipped with spiritual weapons, but if they are less than seven levels, they will still be criticized!"

Qin'er pouted at Tianci, "Hmph, I know you're amazing!"

Lier said in a low voice, "Brother Tianci, I... I seem to have level seven strength!"

Tianci was taken aback, and stopped, "What did you say? You have level seven strength?"

Lier nodded, "The last time I was in Xilan Mountain, I released the seventh-level magic in a moment of desperation, so I was backlashed! Since I recovered, I can independently complete the seventh-level magic through practice. !"

"Really? That's incredible! You're so talented, and you're already a mage!" Tianci said excitedly.

"Li'er has a moon core, and the talent of the wind element is the limit of human beings. Master said that human cultivation is a very strange thing. After reaching a certain level through cultivation, it will naturally be promoted. But in special circumstances There is also a possibility that it will happen first and then come to fruition, but it is very low, and you need to have this talent to achieve it!" Qin'er said sourly.

"Qin'er is right, Dad, didn't I do the same when I was promoted to the Great Sword Master?" An Rui said.

At the beginning, I thought that Tianci was killed by a saber-toothed tiger. An Rui suddenly broke out and reached the seventh-level great swordsman in a hurry, but his realm was not stable. realm.

But such a thing requires the strong to have enough talent to reach this level!
If talent is a tank, and the current strong is still a bucket, then at least he has the strength of a tank, and it is not unusual to suddenly be able to hold a tank of water one day.But if this person's talent is a bucket, then even if he is exhausted, he won't be able to hold a bucket of water!

A sense of pride appeared on Li'er's face, "Actually, my realm is still very unstable. Now I have to meditate every day to make up for the gap in realm!"

"I didn't expect that the little girl back then is now the youngest magician in the mainland!" Zhen lovingly held Lier in her arms, "The first genius in the mainland should be Lier's!"

Godsend chuckled, others don't know how powerful Roland is, but he feels worried. This kind of feeling is not something Lier can give herself!

"Aunt Zhen, I'm not as good as Roland, at least I can't advance to the Grand Magister!"

Jane didn't know much about these things, so she didn't say much, but Tianci caused quite a stir in her heart.

If it is said that the ninth-level great magister can be promoted to the holy level, then is it necessary to go through the great magister to advance to the holy level?According to Brother Ao, as long as a magician fuses the source of life in his body with his innate elements, he will be able to break through the realm of creation again!For the ninth level, it is only the fusion of two elements, which breaks through the limit of the power of single-element magic, thus producing forbidden magic, but it does not necessarily have to be at the ninth level to break through the holy level!

As long as one's own source of life is strong enough, perhaps one can break through!
"Li'er, you don't have to be discouraged, you might not be able to break through to the ninth-level great magister, but it's not certain that you can break through to the holy level!" Tianci encouraged Li'er.

Everyone smiled, in their view, Tianci was just comforting Li'er!How can one break through to the holy level if it is less than level nine?

The road down the mountain went relatively smoothly, and they walked out of the Yilin Mountains in a short time.

The people in the village didn't care, they thought that An Rui took everyone to hunt in the Yilin Mountains.After all, for an eighth-level spirit sword master, there is no danger at all in and out of the Yilin Mountains!
After living in Yier Village for nearly three months, An Rui took his family and prepared to return to Ancona!
Claire's family took some villagers all the way to Keel Town.The hides of the hunted demonic beasts were sold in Kiel Town, and by the way, the skins of the abyssal pythons were made into soft armor and distributed to the hunters.In addition to the soft armor from last time, almost everyone of these hunters has one. At least level [-] or [-] monsters cannot break through the soft armor.

On the way back, Tianci and the others walked very slowly, and the surrounding city scenery was turned over and over again.

By the time I returned to Ancona again, half a year had passed.

Along the way, Godsend bought a lot of gifts, all kinds of rare things for the Barr Chamber of Commerce and the Meister Chamber of Commerce.Anyway, now I and the Mesto Chamber of Commerce can be regarded as quasi-in-laws!
Adela has calmed down a lot. For the past six months, she hasn't stepped out of the yard every day, and her martial skills have also improved a lot, and she has comprehended a lot of the essence of Soft Fist.

And along the way, Tianci also heard a lot about the battle situation in the southeastern province.It can be said that General Arcas has reported frequent successes, and has already driven back the invading French Empire troops to the border.

But what makes people feel sad is that this victory cost too much, and countless good men died on the battlefield.

"Everyone is quiet!" The eldest prince smiled all over his face.

After hearing the battle report sent back from the front, the officials and generals below all looked extremely excited and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Regent, the Faran Empire came in a menacing way back then, but I didn't expect it to end today. This is the great fortune of our Welsh Empire. It is the Lord Regent who sits at the center to plan strategies, and it is General Akas who uses his soldiers like a god. The empire is countless Only good soldiers who work together can win a decisive victory thousands of miles away!" one of the officials praised.

"That's right! The regent made a wise decision at the beginning, it was really a wise move, I admire it!"

"The regent is wise!"

A sound of praise came and went, the eldest prince was very proud, stretched out his hand to press the void, but the sound of praise was even louder!
"Brother is calm and calm, saving the country from embarrassment, I admire it!" The third prince also stood up and saluted the eldest prince respectfully.

The eldest prince supported the third prince, "This is also due to the third brother!"

"I want to report to the Regent that the Faran Empire took advantage of my majesty's coma to attack me aggressively, and the fact that the Welsh Empire has deceived me too much. Now that Faran has been defeated, its strength will be damaged. I might as well take the opportunity to attack Faran with all my might and shake it up." I am the prestige of the Welsh Empire!" The general below said with a salute.

"This..." The eldest prince pretended to hesitate.

"Regent, our army's momentum is like a rainbow, and the Faran Empire is exhausted. The general thinks this is the best time for our army to invade Farland! Even if we don't attack the city, we must teach them a painful lesson. , so as not to think that our Welsh empire is easy to bully!"

"Not bad!"

"Let's go!"

The eldest prince was in a dilemma for a long time, "Since everyone thinks so, why don't we discuss how to go out?"

Tianci sat down and sighed, it was just like what my grandfather said half a year ago, the military department is really going to go to war!Grandpa said that this is irreversible, but Dean Rafael also explained that the empire should not be allowed to mess up!
"Regent!" Tianci stood up and walked to the middle.

The eldest prince's face darkened slightly, "Marquis of Heaven, how have you rested in the past six months? Are you planning to stop everyone today?"

"Don't dare! I just want to remind everyone that the southwest province is still invading by the Spanish Empire! Since there are no big disturbances in the southeast province, why don't we settle the matter in the southwest first, and then discuss the expedition Fran!" said Tianci.

"The regent must not!" A general stood up, "If we solve the southwest first, it will be equivalent to giving the French Empire time to breathe. When the southwest is resolved, the French Empire will be ready! The last general thinks that the Marquis is a gift from heaven." This is delaying the war opportunity, preventing the expedition in a different direction, and helping the French Empire!"

Another general stood up, "Marquis of Heaven, I heard that your ancestor and father are both from the Farland Empire, but don't forget, you are the Marquis of our Welsh Empire, and you are the Marquis of our Welsh Empire." The fiefdom of the empire. So I hope you can always consider the interests of the Welsh Empire!"

"You..." Tianci felt a tightness in his chest. Although he did intend to procrastinate, it was all for the sake of the Welsh Empire, and he had absolutely no selfish intentions!

"The general's words are different! Is the Marquis bestowed by God as filthy as you think?" At this time, William, who was behind Marshal Lankers, stood up. Strictly guarding the line of Sara City and Mount Everest, the Spanish Empire must be unable to break through. What should be paid attention to is the French Empire! They came to attack with great enthusiasm, and now they have collapsed across the board, and their morale must have been hit. We should seize the opportunity and go all out. Invading the Faran Empire will surely gain something by then! And the Spanish Empire will naturally retreat!"

The eldest prince nodded, "General William is right. I have been in the army for more than ten years, and I am well aware of the impact of morale on the army, so I agree with what General William said! This matter is decided. If I will The Sri Lankan Empire is still just defending but not attacking as before, so who on the mainland is afraid of our Welsh Empire! Since the Farnese Empire is so ignorant of current affairs, we will teach them a lesson!"

The regent had already set the main tone, Tianci had nothing to say, and sat back in his seat.

"Speak to the Regent, no!" At this moment, Sephiroth stood up, "Regent, the treasury is now exhausted, and the new tax has not yet entered the treasury, I can't afford it!"

The eldest prince was displeased, "Sephiroth, you just need to take care of your finance department, and you don't have to worry about other things!"

Saphiroth saluted, "Regent, what is fought is property, national power and time. Now that the empire is planning to go to war, how can I ignore it as the acting finance minister? The imperial treasury is exhausted, and there will be no surplus in the next few years. We can't afford it." what!"

The courtiers became uncomfortable. The empire, which claims to be the most powerful in the mainland, couldn't even afford to go out for an expedition!
The corner of the eldest prince's eyes twitched, "Ministers and generals, what do you think?"

"Reporting to the regent, the tax can be collected every year, but the opportunity is lost in an instant, so don't miss it!"

"That's right, the French Empire is at the end of its strength, but our Welsh Empire has drawn its bow and fired its arrows, so we must fire!"

"The funding aspect is something we can control, but the fighter is created jointly by both parties. Once we hesitate, we can ease the situation. At that time, we will only regret it!"

All the generals complained loudly.

"Isn't it just the cost of one expedition!" A general stood up, "Regent, why don't you use the Ministry of Internal Affairs and pay for it later?"


Duke Kate, who had been silent all this time, was suddenly furious, and he slammed his cane on the ground!

There was no sound in Qinzheng Hall immediately, and everyone was shocked.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs is determined by His Majesty himself, and within the lower limit, it cannot be acted rashly unless it is a disaster of national ruin and family destruction. Violators will be punished as traitors and thieves. If you propose this, where will you place the order of His Majesty's pardon? Do you want the regent to bully you?" Is the ancestor against the ancestors cast aside? If you are such a minister, you will be a treacherous minister and a rebellious son in the future!" Duke Kate stared at the general every word, "What's the use of keeping it?"

The general's back was cold, and his legs softened and he fell to his knees on the ground, "Duke Kate calm down, Lord Regent, please spare me! I was just speaking out for a while, I never meant it!"

Duke Kate snorted coldly and turned around.

The eldest prince's expression turned ugly, "Every decision made by the court is related to the fate of the empire. How can you be quick to talk about hundreds of millions of people? If it weren't for the sake of your loyalty to the country in the past, this ridiculous letter of yours would be enough." Kill you! Someone, pull him out and punish him with fifty court sticks, fine him for three years, and stay at home for half a year to think about his mistakes and not go out!"

The eldest prince looked at Duke Kate, who slowly sat down!

The general narrowly escaped death, his back was wet, and he hurriedly kowtowed, "Thank you, Duke, for your forgiveness, and thank you, Lord Regent, for your forgiveness..."

Two imperial guards walked in outside the door, and they carried the general out!

In the hall, everyone was stunned, not daring to touch the house of internal affairs.Although Duke Kate has been evaded, decades of accumulating power is nothing but child's play. If he doesn't show his power, it's nothing.

"Cough! Cough! Brother, this problem is actually very easy to solve!" At this moment, the third prince stood up. "When our father and king were fighting the chaos, there was no House of Internal Affairs. Didn't we survive?"

"Regent! What the assistant regent said is very true. If His Majesty implemented the 'dangerous national debt' to solve the financial crisis smoothly, why don't we follow His Majesty's example and implement this system to solve military expenses?" An official stood up and said .

"'National debt'? Duke Kate said earlier that 'dangerous debt' is harmful to the national system, and it cannot be used unless there is a crisis. Don't you know that?" the eldest prince said in embarrassment.

"Of course I know! However, I have also referred to the 'dangerous national debt' of that day. The war situation was critical back then, and the empire urgently needed a lot of funds to relieve the pressure, so those merchant nobles took advantage of the opportunity to raise conditions to embarrass the empire. And your majesty had to Promise, that's why the national system will be damaged. Now the times have changed, we are not in crisis, and this battle can be fought or not, so the initiative of the conditions is in our hands, we can propose a reasonable price, and they will not allow them to bargain! In this way Naturally, it won’t harm the country’s constitution!”

The eldest prince nodded.

The officials and generals in the hall also said yes one after another.

"Duke Kate, what do you want?"

Duke Kate smiled slightly, "It's been a long time, and I'm very thoughtful. As long as there is no problem with the Finance Department, I will have no problem here. But the House of Internal Affairs was established by me and the old Duke Meister, and I will supervise it until death." That day!"

The eldest prince accompanied him with a smile and said, "The House of Internal Affairs is the painstaking effort of the father and the two old dukes, and it is also the testimony of the Duke of Kate and the old duke of Maxtor for the country and the people. I will only obey the pardon of my father and never use it! The military expenditure comes from the 'dangerous national debt', not the national treasury, so I don't think the Ministry of Finance has any objections!"

Safeiros hesitated to speak, so he had to smile wryly.

The eldest prince waved his hand, "Alright, this is the end of today's court meeting. All the ministers, governors and generals will stay for a while to discuss the candidates and military deployment for this expedition to the French Empire!"

"Yes!" All the officials bowed and slowly exited the Yizheng Hall.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came out from outside.

"Urgent report! Eight hundred miles urgent report! Eight hundred miles urgent report in the Northwest Province!"

Everyone stopped for a moment, only to see a dusty guard rushing in panting, holding a report high in his hand.The guards kneeled in front of the hall with a plop.


"The orcs are coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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