Godsend Field

Chapter 289 Incompetence

Chapter 289 Incompetence
"The orcs are coming!"

All the officials walked back to the Hall of Qinzheng again.

The eldest prince walked down quickly, grabbed the report, glanced at it, his face was gloomy, "Hmph, it really came again!"

Duke Kate stood up and took the report from the eldest prince, glanced at it and passed it to Marshal Lankers.The report was passed on in the hands of several important officials, and there was a deathly silence in the council hall.

Whether it is fighting the Spanish Empire or the Faran Empire, everyone will not feel very heavy, but fighting the orcs will cause inexplicable pressure.After all, this is a war with alien races.The Faran Empire conquered the southeast province, and as long as they did not resist, all civilians would not die, but the orcs were different, they would die if they resisted or not.

The Rebellion of West Malaysia 40 years ago taught the Welsh Empire a painful and bloody lesson.Back then, because the governor of the Northwest was dissatisfied with the check and balance of His Majesty and the Northwest General, he took advantage of the attack of the orcs to openly rebelled in Simapo, which led to the opening of the Kundong Mountain Range. , the entire northwest province was in dire straits, and Allianz Continent was shocked.The tenacious resistance of the Northwest Army led to the annihilation of the entire army. There was no more army to guard the Northwest. Finally, Dean Rafal was forced to take action, leading some eighth-level court magicians, and gradually calmed down the battle situation and drove the orcs back. North of the Kundong Mountains.And the entire northern half of the Northwest Province was looted for thousands of miles, and it was not until today, 40 years later, that it slowly regained its popularity!This is the most painful Xima Rebellion in the empire!

After the Xima Rebellion, the original Northwest Army has disappeared, but there is a small squadron of 400 people left, and the squadron leader is a boy in his early twenties. Later, His Majesty personally summoned this kid in the Palace of Qinzheng. He is Today's Northwest General Seiya!
"The regent is not more worried. The orcs invade every year! Even in the past 60 years since His Majesty took the throne, there have been more than 20 large-scale incursions. Now our Northwest Army is strong, and it must be strong enough to resist the orcs. So please rest assured, the Regent!" Marshal Lankers said.

Many officials also nodded, the Northwest Army is indeed capable of defense!
"Regent, although the Northwest Army is strong enough to resist the invasion of orcs, the expenses of the Northwest Army are also huge! I am afraid that this fight will cost a lot of purple gold coins. I am afraid that the treasury will not be able to continue, so I ask the Regent to allow me The Ministry of Finance increases taxes!" Sephiroth played.

The eldest prince was in a dilemma, "The reduction of the tax is determined by the father, how can we go against it?"

At this time, Duke Kate stood up, "Regent, now His Majesty is in a coma, and Lord Saint is practicing in seclusion, and the Northwest is of great importance, so I think the survival of the Northwest has threatened the foundation of our Welsh Empire, and the Northwest Army's Expenses can be paid by the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

"Wow!" The council hall was boiling, and the House of Internal Affairs, which Duke Kate was clutching tightly, finally opened a hand gap!
"In this way, there is no need to worry about the affairs of the Northwest! Safeiros, you have to be responsible for the expenses of the Northwest Army yourself. You must pay less, and don't waste a copper coin!"

"Yes, Lord Regent!" Saphiroth took the order.

"Okay, let the officials stand down, let's continue to discuss the matter of going out!" The eldest prince waved his hand, and the officials withdrew one by one.

During the year of the confrontation with the Faran Empire, Marshal Lankers had completed the redeployment of the entire empire's army. Except for guarding the border defense, all the strong combatants basically went to the southeastern provinces.Faced with this result, Godsend is helpless. It seems that the old marshal and the eldest prince have already started to deploy. Just like what grandpa said, it cannot be reversed and cannot be stopped!

In terms of candidates for the expedition, Marshal Lankers was originally the most suitable candidate, but the old marshal was old and had to sit in the capital, so he did not participate.Finally, after some seemingly discussions, it was determined that General Akas would act as the commander-in-chief temporarily.General William volunteered to be the Deputy Commander and Vanguard Officer!There are also many generals who have also asked to fight, and they have all received titles.It seems that Marshal Lankers really worked hard for this grandson and sent so many people to assist him!

In terms of funds, the Finance Department under the charge of Sephiroth sent people to release the "dangerous national debt" and formulated some corresponding remuneration!

After everything has been decided, everyone walked out of the Hall of Qinzheng.

The generals were all high-spirited and their expressions were high.

"Tianci, I really hate you now!" Sephiroth caught up with Tianci who walked out quickly from behind, and complained.

Looking at the bitter melon look on Sephiroth's face, he was amused by God, "What's the matter? Didn't you say thank you for pushing you into this pit of fire? How about it, it feels very warm and comfortable!"

Safeiros gave Godsend a blank look, "What do you think? Our finance department will be empty soon, and it seems that I, as an acting minister, won't be able to do it for long! Hey, it's still comfortable to be a bandit in the Northwest!"

Tianci put away his smiling face, "How could it be? Didn't you say that the national treasury is just running out? You don't need your finance department to get funds from the national treasury for this war, so what are you worrying about!"

"Huh, that's a good point!" Sephiroth snorted disdainfully. "The Northwest Army doesn't need it, but what about going to France? The ten main battle legions need to eat and drink a day, equipment, equipment, and military pay..."

"Sephiroth, isn't there a 'dangerous national debt' for the expedition funds, why worry about you!"

"'Dangerous National Debt'? Ask who to borrow? It's not those merchant nobles. What do we have to pay back the purple gold coins we borrowed? Territories, privileges, do they dare? In the end, they didn't ask for tax relief. On the surface, they don't close the treasury. The thing is that they took away the funds from the national treasury in advance, put them into the left pocket and took out the gold coins in the right pocket, they are really capable! Wait until the treasury is completely empty next year, let’s go hungry together!"

Tianci's heart sank, "It's not that serious!"

"I said Marquis Godsend, Lord Godsend! I'm not scolding you, you are really stupid! You have managed such a large fiefdom in the northwest, and you have been to the Kate family to see the accounts. Don't you see the proportion of the empire's taxes? Is it?" Safeiros was in a bad mood, and his words were not polite, "Six or seven out of ten imperial taxes come from commercial taxes, and most of the commercial taxes come from these chamber of commerce nobles. If you ask them for gold coins to fight today, tomorrow they will I don’t need to pay you any more taxes, isn’t the empty treasury the treasury?”

Divine approval.

"The Department of Engineering can't stop major projects, the Department of History can't be in debt, and the Department of National Rites comes to pester me every day. I was unhappy that day, and the salaries of all officials were stopped!"

Tianci was terrified when he heard that an empire was emptied like this. If the treasury was emptied that day, wouldn't there be chaos? "Then why didn't you make it clear to the regent?"

"Say? How to say! You didn't see that group of people sharpened their heads to go to war, and I'm afraid I'd be drowned by spitting fish before I finished speaking!" Sephiroth sighed long, "This Chancellor of the Exchequer is really not a human being. Yes! Looks like I'm going to visit Lord Meister again!"

Sephiroth half-runs out of the palace.

Tianci stood motionless at the same spot, he couldn't go on like this, absolutely can't go on like this!

"Tianci, why don't you leave?" Duke Kate walked out slowly with the support of Nero.

Just as Tianci was about to speak, he suddenly held back and smiled slightly, "Grandpa, you go first, I want to discuss something with the eldest prince!"

"Eldest Prince? What do you want to discuss, do you want me to come forward for you?" Duke Kate stared at Tianci from the corner of his eyes.

"I...hehe, no need, I just want to discuss whether I can go to see His Majesty! Grandpa, you and Nero are busy with government affairs, so you should go early. I'll do such small things by myself. , the big deal is that it is not allowed!"

Duke Kate nodded, eyelids twitching, "Godsend, you can't force anything, just let nature take its course! Nero, let's go first!"

Ni Luo looked at Tianci and smiled, "Brother, be careful yourself, my grandfather and I will leave first!"

Seeing Nero helping Duke Kate walk out of the palace gate, Tianci turned around and gritted his teeth. This kind of thing must be clearly explained to the eldest prince, even if he loses his official position, he must be painful.Hundreds of officials were divided into two waves by the recent turmoil. The generals were fascinated by their meritorious service. Safeiros did not want to offend the eldest prince and lose his official position. . .

Only I am not afraid of anything, as long as my grandfather and Nero are not involved, I must stop it, otherwise the empire will be in chaos!

Walk quickly back to Qinzheng Hall.

"Stop!" The imperial guards guarding the door stopped Tianci.

"I am the Marquis of the Northwest. I want to see the regent. Please report something to me. Please report it to me!" Tianci said.

"The regent is discussing matters with the old marshal, and no one is here now! If you have something to do, please wait for your Highness. When the old marshal comes out, we will naturally report to you!"

Tianci had no choice but to walk down the steps of Qinzheng Hall.

Tianci paced back and forth with anxiety in his heart, and his spiritual consciousness instantly dispersed, covering the entire Palace of Qinzheng!
There was no one in the council hall, but the eldest prince and the old marshal were found in the side room where His Majesty used to rest or listen to ministers' reports in private. Apart from the two, there was another official who bowed his head respectfully.

"Nahada, how many years have you been in the Ministry of Finance!"

"Back to the Regent, it's been 25 years!" the official named Nahada said carefully.

"For 25 years, it's not bad to be the head of the Supervision Department!"

"It all depends on the regent's promotion!"

"Rely on me for promotion? You said it wrong, you should say that it is all due to the promotion of the assistant government!" The eldest prince said coldly, sitting on the bed next to him, and put the teacup to his mouth.

thump!Nahada knelt down with cold sweat breaking out on his head.

"Crack!" The teacup fell to the ground and shattered into powder.

"Regent, spare your life! Regent, spare your life!" Nahada kowtowed like a chicken pecking at rice. There were broken porcelain pieces on the ground, and blood flowed from Nahada's forehead immediately.

"What are you doing! I just slipped my hand and didn't hold on to the teacup! Get up!" The eldest prince stood up and supported Nahada with both hands.Nahada was at a loss, but did not dare to resist, so he had to stand up.

He took out a bottle of wound medicine and gauze and handed it to Nahada, "If you smash your head, how can I promote you in the future?"

Nahada was taken aback.

Marshal Lankers coughed, "Nahada, what happened to what you said last time?"

"Reporting to the Marshal, I have tried them one by one. They all intend to join the Regent, and, moreover, they are willing to prepare purple gold coins to honor the Regent!" Nahada said in a trembling voice.

"Nonsense, what is filial piety to the regent? Now the empire is in a tight spot. They are serving the empire. Besides, the empire didn't take them for nothing. They just borrowed them for a year or two, and they will benefit from them in the future!" Marshal Lankers reprimanded .

"Yes, yes, yes! It's serving the empire, serving the empire!" Nahada broke out in a cold sweat.

"Have you estimated how many people there are in this group?" Marshal Lankers then asked.

Nahada tremblingly stretched out three fingers, "It should be no less than... 3000 million..."

The facial muscles of the eldest prince and Marshal Lankers suddenly twitched.

"You did a good job. If you can handle this matter properly, when I inherit the throne in the future, you can choose one of the Shang Si from the Finance Department!" The eldest prince said casually.

"Thank you Regent, I will serve you as a saddle horse!" Nahada knelt down in surprise and was about to kowtow.

"Okay, go down, stop the bleeding first, and then go to the Guangming Cult to treat the wound on your head!" The eldest prince waved his hand.

Nahada hurriedly exited the side room.

"Old Marshal, what do you think?" the eldest prince asked.

Marshal Lankers nodded, "I really didn't expect that these bastards are so rich. As long as they add in their money, it is estimated that it will be almost the same. This opportunity is rare, we must not hesitate, we must fight this battle!"

The eldest prince felt relieved, "How does the old marshal handle this battle?"

"The Illuminati didn't help us last time, and this time they won't help the Faran Empire right away. I'm afraid it will take a month or two. This period of time is enough for us to teach Farlan a lesson. Even if the Illuminati mediate in the end, We can also withdraw troops gracefully."

"In this way, William will have capital! I have achieved remarkable political achievements during this period!" said the eldest prince, "It's just that in this way, our financial situation may change in the future. Oops!"

"Yeah! I used to plan to do small business, just because I was worried about finances. But don't worry about it now, since that old guy Kate can loosen a finger this time, he can loosen a finger next time. I don't believe him. Even if the crisis of the empire collapses, we won’t take out the Ministry of Internal Affairs! If that’s the case, we can take the opportunity..." Marshal Lankers said with his palms down.

"No, let's not talk about the agreement between the father and you. The prestige that Duke Kate has accumulated in the empire for 60 years is not something we can act rashly. Although we have taken away his boss, I am still worried!"

Marshal Lankers calmed down, "That's right, I also think it's too easy for Shang Si to take it, and this old fox is too calm, so calm that it makes people worry!"

"Okay, anyway, let's follow our plan step by step!"

. . . . . .

Tianci withdrew his consciousness and let out a long sigh!
What else to say, what else to say?

They know that this will cause the treasury to be empty, so why don't they know?It's just that they knew it would happen and still did it!So what if the treasury is empty?Isn't there a Ministry of Internal Affairs?At that time, the grandfather will be forced to leave the Ministry of Internal Affairs. . .Forced by the fate of the empire. . .

God sent a cold heart.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is accumulated by His Majesty over the past 30 years. It is to prevent no tax collection in times of national crisis, not to give them capital for competition.

I save gold to spend!
Tianci walked out of the palace in frustration, and looked back at this huge and majestic building complex, feeling sore in his heart!
Everything can't be stopped by itself!

"Brother Tianci, do you have something on your mind?" Lier asked softly, "Grandpa is not here, what are you sitting here looking at?"

Tianci stretched out his hand to grab Li'er's soft and boneless little hand, "It would be great if Dean Rafal was still here! If Dean was here, they wouldn't dare, if Dean was here, they wouldn't..."

Although Lier didn't know exactly what Tianci said, she could feel why Tianci was worried. "Brother Tianci, these things are not up to you to decide. You should not get involved too much in the battle between the princes. I'm a little scared!"

Tianci shook his head, "If it's just the three of them, I'm not interested! But now it's about the empire! Do you know how many soldiers will die if they make a random decision? What consequences will it bring to the empire?"

Lier remained silent and stayed quietly.These are men's affairs, the only thing I can do is to accompany Tianci, although it can't reduce his troubles, but at least it can make him feel lonely.

Tianci let out a long sigh, "Principal, Your Majesty, I am incompetent, I have failed your entrustment, there is really nothing I can do!"

Lier silently accompanied Tianci, feeling his helplessness!

"Brother Tianci, let's go out for a walk, don't stay in the room all the time!" Lier pulled Tianci up.

Tianci stood up obediently, "Where is Qin'er? Why didn't you see Qin'er?"

Li'er smiled slightly, "Just now you were full of thoughts, you couldn't even hear us calling you, Qin'er got angry and asked Yu'er to practice outside!"

"Really?" Tianci smiled wryly, "Let's go out and have a look!"

Outside Dean Rafal's attic.


Yu'er roared in a low voice, the red hair all over her body stood on end.An invisible pressure instantly spread throughout the open space.

Qin'er stood in the middle, her eyes closed tightly, her body trembling a little, but she held on, and spread her hands hard
"Water polo!"

On Qin'er's palm, a water polo slowly appeared, but it was only the size of a bowl. There was a trace of cold air emanating from the water polo, and the cold air began to gather to form a white air flow rising upward.

As the white air flow rose, the surrounding temperature dropped, and an ice spear appeared in the air.The ice spear became thicker and thicker, and gradually formed the shape of an ice dragon. Suddenly, the ice dragon shattered and turned into countless ice dust scattered on the open space.

Yu'er shook her body, shaking off all the ice dust, this kind of thing is the most annoying!

"Li'er, what is Qin'er practicing?" Tianci asked curiously.

"Qin'er is going to practice the precise control of magic under pressure!" Li'er said, "In addition to the power of magic, precise control is also very important. As long as the control is good, it can save a lot of mental power. Qin'er now has nothing but In addition to resisting Yu'er's mental attack, it is very difficult to precisely control magic!"

Tianci nodded, "Then you also train like this?"

"Well, me too! Because this is the most effective way to improve mental strength! It's just that what I do is not as good as Qin'er?"

"It's better if you don't have Qin'er? Is your mental strength not as good as Qin'er?"

"My spiritual strength is much greater than Qin'er, but don't forget that Qin'er's mental strength recovery speed is as strong as that of Tianci's brother, and it is getting stronger and stronger, not to mention her ability to magic. The degree of control is much better than mine!"

"Brother Tianci, let me tell you secretly, the mystery that Qin'er understands seems to be the mystery of softness!"

(End of this chapter)

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