Godsend Field

Chapter 290 Critically ill

Chapter 290 Critically ill
"Green Shield!"

A row of emerald green walls stood in front of Tianci.


Countless wind blades flew towards the air trembling.

"Puchi! Puchi!..."

The wind blade directly penetrated the green wall and rushed towards Tianci behind.Snapped!It hit an invisible wall and dissipated.The thick green walls were suddenly scattered, and the ground was covered with broken branches and leaves.

"Brother Tianci, can these of yours really block my advanced magic?" Lier asked cautiously.

Tianci looked at the messy ground and smiled helplessly. Although he could change the internal structure of the plants he controlled to make them harder through the blue light, he could barely block Lier's magic, but faced with the mysterious magic But it became extremely weak.

"Li'er, do you think your wind blade is stronger, or your golden sword energy is stronger?" Tianci sat on the ground in disappointment.

"Golden Sword Qi... How can my magic be compared with the Golden Sword Qi!"

"Yeah! How can your wind blade be compared with the golden sword energy?" Tianci looked up at the blue sky, his father's barrier was not afraid of the golden sword energy, and his own could not even stop Lier's magic.Although I know that this is a low-level use of life magic, it may not be able to stop high-level magic, but why can my father?Is it because the father's domain is complete?
Tianci punched the ground hard, and after many days, I still don't have any clue!Domain, what exactly is a domain?Is your own field considered?How can I complete my field?

"Brother Tianci, don't worry!" Seeing this, Lier hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Tianci to persuade him softly.

Tianci forced a smile, "It's okay, it's just that I didn't figure out some things just now, which made you worry!"

Lier shook her head, "Although I don't know what you are thinking, brother Tianci, I know that you must be studying something more advanced than us. The magic we practice has already been thoroughly studied, and we only need to practice. But Brother Tianci, you don’t have any references for practicing life magic, everything can only depend on yourself, your road ahead will definitely be more bumpy, but I believe you will succeed, but brother Tianci, don’t worry! "

Tianci smiled wryly, isn't he in a hurry?
Because of my own reasons, I am afraid that all the ninth-level peak experts have begun to bury their heads in the cultivation of the holy level. If someone breaks through, it will inevitably cause earth-shattering changes in the mainland.It would be fine if he was a calm one, but if he was one who cared about fame and fortune, he would definitely cause wars to rage in the mainland and blood flow into rivers. By that time, every person who died would be his own fault!
Compared with them, I have a natural advantage, because I already have a domain, as long as I can find a way to complete it, I can generate a complete domain, and then I can prevent this kind of thing from happening!

Chaos is also because of himself, and An is also because of himself, but after all, chaos is ahead.

Tianci's mood became even heavier.

"Father, Mom, why haven't I seen my brother for several days?" Ni Luo walked into Ning Yuan to greet Anrui and Zhen.

"Tianci went to Imperial College and hasn't come back for more than ten days!" Zhen said angrily, "Before, others said that the son is good, the son is good, and the wife is so forgetful! I still don't believe it, but now I completely believe it!"

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. Didn't Tianci go to Imperial College to practice?" An Rui laughed.

"Practice doesn't have to be day and night! It's only a short distance from the Duke's Mansion to the Imperial College, and Shirai Shadow arrives in just one breath. Don't you even have this little time? Is it troublesome for him to come back for a meal?" Zhen pissed.

An Rui was helpless, "Okay, next time I will talk to this child from Tianci!"

"Father, mom, don't blame me. I think my brother must have encountered something unhappy in the court. He refuses to go to the court these days. Now, under the signal of the eldest prince and the third prince, the entire officialdom is in a state of panic. It's not easy for you to reject brother!"

"Hey! Godsent, why is this child so miserable? Why can't he live in peace after provoking someone else!" Zhen sighed faintly.

"No way, who told His Majesty to give the Northwest to Brother!"

"By the way, Nero, what kind of funds are you collecting recently? My sister even came here two days ago!" Jane asked.

Nero nodded, "The eldest prince asked the Ministry of Finance to issue 'dangerous national debt'. A large number of merchants and nobles came, and a huge sum of money was gathered in just half a month. I don't know the exact amount!"

Jane sighed and said nothing more.An Rui also looked up to the southeast. Although he was an orphan since he was a child, he had a country after all. He grew up beside the Saint Vikri all the year round, and the Faran Empire was deeply imprinted in his heart.In An Rui's mind, the last thing he wanted to see was the war between the French Empire and the Welsh Empire, but all the wars on the mainland these years were fought between these two empires.

"Father, you don't have to worry. This time, at most, some people will be killed, some cities will be conquered, and the national power of the two countries will be consumed. There will be no big storms," ​​Nero said softly.

An Rui forced a smile, "It would be the best if no one died!"

"Father, I know your compassion, but since ancient times, how can there be no one who survives the war? In our dynasty, everyone calls them good men of the empire, but how many people think so? One will accomplish everything Bone dry, they are nothing more than our stepping stones!"

An Rui trembled all over, looked at Nero in surprise, and asked after a while, "What about you? Do you think so too?"

Nero didn't answer directly, "Father, how can anyone live in this world without dying? It's just a matter of time!"

"Nile, how can you think like that? You are an official of the empire, you should think about the people of the empire!" Jane was also a little surprised.

"Mom, you taught me and my brother to put the people first. Such officials are good officials for the people, but they may not be the pillars of the empire. Officials who can really support the empire are all based on the interests of the empire. When the interests of the people and the empire Contradictions of interests, we will choose the interests of the empire without hesitation, this is what an imperial minister should do! This is what grandpa has always pursued!"

An Rui and Jane stopped talking, I couldn't believe it came from Nero.If he is not in his position, he will not seek his own government, maybe what he said is right, although he can't understand it now!
"Okay, it's getting late, Mom and Dad, I'll leave first!" Nero saluted and exited Ning Yuan.

Looking at the back of Nero disappearing, Jane said in a daze, "Rui, why do I feel that Nero is getting farther and farther away from us, is he really our well-behaved little Nero?"

A gust of cold wind blew by, and An Rui couldn't help shivering, from the bottom of his heart to his skin.

A few days ago, Ancona of the Welsh Empire held a grand parade for several generals headed by William. The three princes, imperial officials and nobles came to see them off one after another.This is the first time the empire has gone to another country in a hundred years!
For a while, the empire boiled up, and everyone became proud and ambitious.

"Stinky boy, didn't you say that you know how to use life magic at an advanced level? Then why don't you let us see it?" Qin'er patted Tianci's shoulder with her little hand and said angrily.

Tianci chuckled and shook his head. So far, everyone who has seen the advanced use of his life magic is basically dead!
"Brother Tianci, I...Qin'er and I want to compete with you, I wonder if it's okay?" Li'er asked in a low voice, looking at Qin'er from the corner of her eyes from time to time.

Tianci thought for a while, if it was Qin'er, he wouldn't have to worry about it at all. For Lier, although she has level seven, she just entered this realm not long after all, so she won't cause any trouble to herself!

"Hehe, have you forgotten? I have a magic barrier, even if you exhaust your mental power, you may not be able to break through my magic barrier!" Tianci said with a smile.

"I can also use magic barriers, but it won't last long!" Qin'er said proudly, she exchanged glances with Li'er, and pulled Tianci's left sleeve, "Tianci, you don't need magic barriers, use your life magic advanced use!"

Lier also took advantage of the opportunity to grab the sleeve of Tianci's right hand and shook it with Qin'er, "Yes, we really want to see it!"

Shaking from left to right, Tianci suddenly couldn't stand still, "Okay, okay, stop shaking, if you shake it again, I'm going to fall!"

Qin'er and Li'er giggled, "Then you agree?"

Godsend is helpless, this kind of shaking method will make people faint, can you not agree?No wonder Dean Rafael was always obedient to the two of them in the past. He thought it was doting, but now he understands that there is no way.Judging by how proficient they are at shaking their sleeves, we can tell how much Dean Rafael suffered before.

"I said you two are 20-year-old girls, why are you still acting like a child, using this method!" Tianci said angrily.

"Hmph, haven't you heard of it? The method doesn't always work! Shall we compete now?" Qin'er said happily, and the two little tiger teeth were also very cute.

Lier also took out her spiritual weapon and died, "Brother Tianci, should we go to the magic experiment field? But there are not enough plants there, but if we don't go, I'm afraid there will be too much noise!"

The low-level use of life magic may require plants as a medium, but if it is the high-level use of life magic, where is there no medium?Tianci smiled slightly, and suddenly froze!Father's green barrier can block the golden sword energy, but I always thought it was a barrier produced by plants as a medium.Maybe it wasn't a plant at all, and it might be some other plastid. . .

"Stinky boy, what are you thinking?"

Tianci chuckled, Lier's unintentional words might help her solve some of her doubts!
"Qin'er, Li'er, if you really want to know, you have to go to the outskirts of the city, but I think even if you don't use the magic barrier, you are not my opponent!" Tianci said with a smile.

"I already knew it wasn't your opponent!" Qin'er pouted, "Yu'er, come here, believe it or not, the three of us can't beat him!"

"Counting Yu'er will cause me trouble, but I'm afraid it's impossible to defeat me!" Tianci deliberately said to Qin'er, "I used to only dare to say that I was invincible under the eighth level, but now I am afraid that apart from the holy level, No one can kill me!"

Qin'er and Li'er were startled, their faces paled.

Yu'er stuck out her little tongue, and three sharp nails grew out of her front paws!Facing Tianci, his elemental avatar is useless, but the nails are still very sharp.

"Yu'er, don't you believe it?" Tianci smiled happily, moved his palm slightly, and a set of armor appeared on his hand.

Yu'er sniffed her nose and was immediately discouraged. . .It turned out to be this thing!
"Isn't it just a set of armor? As for being so confident?" Qin'er stared at Tianci, stretched out her small hand and gently touched it, "Oh, it's so light, it's not made of metal, it's a curious material, let me see it! "

Li'er also came forward, although she didn't know alchemy or casting, but after staying with Tianci Qin'er for a long time, she knew a little about fur.

"Stinky boy, I can't even see what material this is, tell me quickly!"

Tianci's heart suddenly flashed, and he smirked, "Want to know? But you always call me brat brat, I'm older than you! If you call me brother, I might consider telling you!"

"You..." Qin'er's nose turned crooked all of a sudden, and she was about to smash the armor on Tianci's smirking face, but her heart was very itchy.

"Qin'er, you are Aunt Zhen's goddaughter, so it's normal to call me brother, and I do too every day!" Seeing Qin'er's annoyed and embarrassing expression, Li'er tried to persuade her.

"Li'er! Why are you still helping him like this!" Qin'er stomped her feet angrily and said angrily, "Didn't you see that he is taking the opportunity to blackmail him and raise his price. He is as bad as Si Yu'er, smelly Brat, brat, I will call you brat for the rest of my life!"

Yu'er's ears perked up, why did she involve herself again!
Looking at Qin'er's expression, Tianci was very happy. In the past, she was always beaten by herself, but now Haorong moved back to the game.

"Oh, you don't want to understand anymore! Then I put it away!" Tianci put the armor back and shook it gently, as if it would return to the space ring in the next moment.

"Don't..." Qin'er suddenly yelled, hesitated for a moment, and opened her mouth very hard, but she couldn't utter a single syllable.

Seeing that Qin'er was about to cry, Tianci handed the armor forward, "Hehe, I'm just kidding! I still think it's more pleasant to call me a brat! This is indeed not metal, but dragon scales, the real dragon armor! "

"Dragon armor!!"

Qin'er and Li'er's eyes widened, "Impossible, we've all seen the soft armor of the ice dragon in the morning mist, it can't be so flat, and the dragon scales are shiny, but they can't be like this, it feels like it's glowing itself! "

"The dragon with soft armor you saw is dead, so the dragon scales are shiny but not glowing. And the owner of this dragon scale is still alive, so it emits a faint halo. As for the flatness, it is because it is a complete made of dragon scales!"

Qin'er and Li'er were even more surprised, "Such a precious thing, you are..."

"A gift from a friend! It was from the friend you beat away in Yilin Mountains! As for where he came from, I don't know, so you don't need to ask!" Tianci took the opportunity to stop the conversation.

"It's so beautiful!" Qin'er exclaimed, her eyes glowed with golden light, "Put it on for me!"

Tianci smiled, opened the armor, and put it on Qin'er.

The armor is relatively large, and Qin'er is thinner than Tianci, so it looks empty and even a little funny, Li'er secretly smiled.

Qin'er also noticed something was wrong, so she quickly took it off, "Although this is not very heavy, why do I feel that it is repelling me!"

"Repulsion? Why can't I feel it?" Tianci took the armor and put it on himself. The armor was specially made by Ao Zhen according to Tianci's body, and Tianci put it on just right.

Strong physique, golden armor. . .

"Brother Tianci, you really look like a great general!" Lier clasped her hands on her chest and her eyes glowed.

Godsend felt it, and it seemed that there was no rejection.Maybe this is some kind of restriction made by Brother Ao Zhen.

Putting away the armor, Tianci moved a bit, "Don't you want to see the advanced use of life magic? We are going out of the city now, and I can demonstrate it to you in the evening."

"Okay!" Qin'er and Li'er jumped up happily, clapping their palms in the air.

The three of Tianci walked out of the Imperial College. Although Bai Ying is very big, there is no problem with sitting three people, but Lier and Qiner are thin-skinned. If it is an emergency or at night, it may be better. Would not sit still.Especially Qin'er, Bai Ying never recognized it, and could only let Tianci hold her.

Three fine horses were driving on the street. It was very busy with people coming and going at this time. If it wasn't for an emergency military situation or some important person, they generally wouldn't be able to gallop on the avenue.

Many men and women pedestrians on both sides of the road stopped and looked at the three of them enviously, each with a reward!
"Lord Tianci, are you going out of the city?" The captain of the gate guard approached attentively, and greeted with a smile, "You guys should clean up quickly, let Lord Tianci go first, and everyone on both sides get out of the way!"

Tianci nodded and rode out of the city gate.Whether imperial officials leave the city or enter the city, they have priority.

"Fight! Get out of the way! Fight!"

Suddenly there was the faint sound of horse riding and the sound of horse hooves behind him.

"Marquis of Heaven, please stay!"

"Master Godsend, please stay!"

Tianci was taken aback, stopped the horse, and turned around.Pedestrians in the back gave way one after another, fearing that they would be hit, they rode their horses and galloped, and within a few breaths they were in front of Tianci.

Turning over from the horse, the visitor knelt down on one knee, "I am the captain of the fifth squadron of the Imperial Guard, and by the order of the regent, please enter the palace as soon as possible!"

Tianci looked at the sky, it was already half past noon, the morning meeting had already ended at this time, why did he want to enter the palace by himself?Even if it is a major national event, other governors can still make decisions without myself, not only by myself!

"You get up first, what happened, why did you rush me into the palace at this time?" Tianci jumped off the horse and supported the captain of the Imperial Guard with one hand.

"My subordinates don't know, but I heard... I heard that the Northwest Expedited Army reported to the palace just now..."

northwest!Or urgent military report. . .Tianci felt a tug in his heart.

"Qin'er, Li'er, let's go to another day, I'm going to enter the palace now!" Tianci got on his horse, touched Yu'er on his shoulder, and with a kick of Yu'er's small claw, it landed firmly on Qin'er's shoulder.

The captain of the imperial guard also got on his horse and turned his horse's head, "Fight! Everyone get out of the way! Everyone get out of the way!"

Along the road that the team leader vacated, Tianci tightened his legs, and the horse galloped forward.

The palace was quiet, Tianci Palace dismounted, and trotted all the way to Qinzheng Palace.A large number of officials gathered in the hall. It is not known whether the morning meeting was over or they gathered again.Every official's face is gloomy, and the three princes above are also sullen.

Duke Kate still closed his eyes, Nero looked at Tianci and shook his head slightly.

Tianci walked forward quickly, "I have seen the regent and the assistant! I don't know if I was called here so urgently, do you have any important orders?"

The eldest prince stood up, holding an urgent military report in his hand

"I just received an urgent report from the Northwest Eight Hundred Miles that General Seiya is in critical condition!"

(End of this chapter)

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