Godsend Field

Chapter 291 Counselor

Chapter 291 Counselor
General Seiya is critically ill!

You must know that the reason why the Northwest Army has today's combat effectiveness is inseparable from General Seiya. If General Seiya dies, then the combat effectiveness of the Northwest Army will be at least halved.

"Regent, what the hell is going on?" Tianci's chest rose and fell in panic.

"We just got the report just now. About half a month ago, General Seiya was poisoned for some reason, and now he has been sent back to Yanhua City for treatment. Fortunately, Yanhua City has a church of light, so that the General's life can be temporarily saved. But the high priest there did not completely detoxify the general, and I heard that the poison is so powerful that it has penetrated into the general's abdomen, so it can be said that the medicine stone is ineffective, and the light magic cannot be cured unless the old pope comes in person."

"That means that General Seiya's life is still in danger at any time?" Tianci said in surprise.

The eldest prince nodded, "According to predictions, General Seiya only has one month's time at most, and it has been more than 20 days now. Hey, God bless my Welsh Empire!"

All the officials were also in a heavy heart, and the generals were even more sentimental.For them, apart from the old marshal, the most admired is the Northwest General Seiya.It is nothing to defeat humans, but it is ability to make orcs tremble with fear!
"In addition to informing you of our urgent recruitment to the palace this time, we are discussing the issue of the new commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army. After all, you are the governor of the Northwest!" The eldest prince said solemnly.

Tianci squeaked in his heart. In their hearts, General Seiya is already a dead man at this moment!

Looking around at all the generals in the hall, the generals, all of them lowered their heads, and none of them dared to look up. This was in stark contrast to the scrambling to go to France in the political hall that day.

"Regent, do you know which general will replace General Seiya as the new Northwest General?" Tianci asked.

"The Marquis of Tianci may not know something!" Marshal Lankers walked in front of Tianci. After ten years in the army, even I have opened my eyes!"

Tianci was taken aback, "Is there any difference in the Northwest Army?"

After staying in the Northwest for so long, Tianci has never been to the barracks of the Northwest Army, and he has never even asked about the supplies of the Northwest Army.

"You will understand when you go to the Northwest Army!" Marshal Lankers said.

The southeastern province was in chaos, so the governor, the Marquis Saint La, had to stay in the southeastern province to oversee the war.Now that such a big event happened in the Northwest Province, I am afraid that I, the actual governor of the Northwest, will go back to supervise the war!
"I understand! I'm going back to the Northwest tomorrow! But I don't know which general will be the General of the Northwest? The three armies must have a commander, and the position of commander of the Northwest Army can't just be vacant!" Tianci said, looking at his side these generals.

All the generals looked at each other and shook their heads, helpless!

"You don't need to look at the Marquis of Tianci. These people, including me, can't be the generals of the Northwest! According to the military practice, the commander-in-chief will be replaced by the deputy commander, but the Northwest Army has only a commander-in-chief and no deputy commander in these years! But two or three years ago, His Majesty gave I passed a decree from the Northwest Army to appoint you as the counselor of the Northwest Army. In the current situation, I am afraid that you are the only one to be the commander in chief!" Marshal Lankers sighed helplessly.

"Me?" Tianci was stunned!

His Majesty even appointed him as the Northwest Army Counselor, and he didn't even know it!
Counselor, a false official position.In the past, they were directly appointed by various ministers or Shang Si, and they were not part of the official position of the empire. To put it bluntly, they were just substitutes.Counselors nominally represent the officials who appointed them, and can participate in planning affairs within a certain range. In fact, they have no rights other than to observe and monitor.However, if it is a counselor appointed by His Majesty himself, it will be different. It can be said that the power is extremely powerful, and every word and deed will represent His Majesty!

"Regent, old Marshal, I'm not trying to shirk, I don't know anything about military affairs, how can I take up the post of commander in chief? The Northwest Army is currently fighting the orcs, which is unusual, please think twice!" Tianci worked hard To calm down the shock, he said calmly.

"What the Marquis of Tianci said is indeed the truth, but there is no way to do it! The Northwest Army is like an iron barrel, and foreign generals cannot intervene at all. That's why it is not under the jurisdiction of our military department and is not subject to our military department. Deploy!" Marshal Lankers was helpless.

"That can also be promoted from a general under the Northwest Army!"

"Marquis of God, as I said just now, the Northwest Army has never been under the jurisdiction of our military department, it only listens to your majesty! Except for the heavenly amnesty decree signed by your majesty, any pardon issued by anyone else is like A piece of waste paper! Your Majesty is now in a coma and cannot issue an order of amnesty, and now all hope can only be pinned on you! After all, the order of amnesty issued by His Majesty appointing you as the Northwest Army Counselor has already spread to the Northwest Army! Besides acknowledging you, if anyone else goes there, they will only die!"

"Why is this so!" Tianci frowned, how could there be such an army in the world "Then why not..."

Tianci suddenly held back!Originally, I wanted to use His Majesty's seal to stamp it.This kind of behavior is tantamount to treason, let alone doing it, even talking about it, even thinking about it is a great sin!
Tianci suddenly remembered what Dean Rafal had said to him before retreating. His Majesty really entrusted the Northwest Army to him!This trust is so heavy, I don't know whether to let Tianci laugh or cry!

"Heaven-sent Marquis! This matter can be said to be a crisis for the empire. You also know that our Eastern Expeditionary Army has only set off for a short time, and all the empires on the mainland are watching us, so we must not stop the Eastern Expedition. A laughing stock. So I can only entrust you with the affairs of the Northwest!" The eldest prince entrusted, even begged, with an incomparably heavy weight.

Looking at Duke Kate, both Grandpa and Nero shook their heads helplessly.

"I understand, I will do my best to keep the stability of the northwest province!" Tianci saluted.

The eldest prince nodded gratefully, "Everything is up to you!"

"Tianci, although you don't understand military affairs, we can't send people to support you. But there are many capable people in the Northwest Army, you can ask them for advice. This time we don't expect to be able to beat the orcs to the ground, as long as we can If you hold on firmly, you will be considered a victory!" Marshal Lankers ordered.

"Thank you, Marshal, for your reminder, I will keep it in mind!" Tianci saluted again, "I'll go back and get ready, and I'll set off for the Northwest Province tonight!"

Tianci took the order, and the court meeting was over. Except for the ministers, the governor and the generals of the military department, the rest of the people had already dispersed.Tianci did not stay, but went back to the Duke's mansion with Nero.

Knowing that Tianci was about to go to war, Jane burst into tears.

"Mom, I'm just a counselor, and I don't need to go to the battlefield! You can rest assured!" Tianci squeezed Jane's shoulders, "Besides, my ability to escape is the best in the world, and my father can prove it!"

Jane wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "Why are other people's sons safe and sound? Why is it my son's turn to suffer so many disasters, either being attacked by surprise or falling off a cliff? Who knows what will happen this time? Don't worry?"

"Hehe, mom, you are so right. Look at me being assassinated and falling off a cliff is fine. What else can trouble me?" Tianci said and stood in front of Zhen, "Look, I don't lose a piece of meat! This It means that I am blessed and fateful, so you don't have to worry, Mom!"

Tianci turned his hand and took out the golden armor and put it on the ground, "Dad, use all your strength to see if you can break through this armor!"

An Rui was puzzled, but still took out the spirit sword, paired with dark purple fighting spirit, and slashed at the armor like a mighty force.With a puffing sound, An Rui's long sword slid away, leaving no trace of the armor.

An Rui shook his numb arm, in disbelief, "It's too strong, I'm afraid even Master can't pierce it!"

Tianci was even more proud, picked up the armor and gesticulated on his body, shaking back and forth, "Mom, how are you doing, don't you feel relieved now?"

Jane was so amused by Tianci's swaying action that she burst into laughter, and angrily slapped Tianci, "Stop shaking, my eyes are dazzled!"

"Brother, this time is unusual, you have to face not only the orcs but also the Northwest Army, why not let Gauss follow you to protect you!" Nero said.

"Yes, not only Gauss, let your father go too!" Jane added immediately.

Tianci shook his head, "No need, I have Yu'er and Shiro Shadow by my side, so I'm not afraid! But Dad, you and Gauss must pay attention. You must be especially careful of the members of the Mercenary Union, and maybe the princes of the empire should also be careful!"

Both An Rui and Nero were taken aback.

"I didn't want to say it at first, but I'm going to the Northwest, so I want to mention it to you!" Tianci said solemnly, "It has always been rumored in the mainland that Dong Lan wins the world! Although everyone thought it was a joke, there are quite a few People really, especially the mercenary union. At the peak of Xilan Mountain that day, only Nero and I entered the Donglan Valley, so they thought that my brother and I would become the fourth people to unify the continent. For some reason, they thought this It’s me, so the mercenary union always makes things difficult for me. But I think they will shift their target from me to my younger brother sooner or later, so Dad, you must strengthen your guard with Gauss, and don’t let them hurt your younger brother!”

An Rui and Zhen looked solemn.

Nero sneered disdainfully, "Only by them?"

"Brother, don't be careless! Although your talent is very good, after all, time is still short, and because of government affairs, you have already delayed a lot! It is better to be careful than to be careless!" Tianci persuaded .

Nero nodded.

"Okay, I'll go to the academy to say goodbye to Li'er Qin'er, and I'm leaving tonight!" Tianci put away his armor, "By the way, Qin'er! Hahaha, Qin'er!"

Tianci was overjoyed, and ran out of Ningyuan, and Anrui and Zhen behind him looked at each other in doubt, what's wrong with this child?When it comes to Qin'er, why are you so happy?

Tianci came to the Imperial College, jumped out of the carriage and ran directly to Dean Rafal's attic.

Yu'er intensified her pressure, Qin'er and Li'er supported the ground with their staffs, barely maintaining their bodies and still standing.But I can't do it if I want to gather magic!Sweat kept streaming down from his forehead.

Tianci walked in the middle and didn't seem to feel much pressure.

Compared with Brother Ao, Yu'er's coercion is still very weak!

Seeing Tianci's arrival, Yu'er immediately let go of the coercion and jumped onto Tianci's shoulder.Without the pressure, both Qin'er and Li'er fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"Qin'er...you are amazing...I..." Lier gasped and couldn't speak.

Qin'er shook her hand, "Me too... Me too... I can't do it..."

Seeing the distressed appearance of the two, Tianci walked over and helped the two of them to rest on the soft chair next to them, "How long have you persisted?"

Lier stretched out a finger, "One...one hour!"

so long?Tianci was secretly surprised!It is impossible not to praise them for being able to persist under Yu'er's claws for so long.

After resting for a while, the two finally recovered, "Boy, what happened when they called you to the palace?"

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. The orcs from the Northwest came to invade. Unfortunately, General Seiya was accidentally poisoned and became unconscious, so I was transferred to the Northwest to take command temporarily!" Tianci said, stroking Lier's hair, "Don't worry of!"

Li'er was silent, but her mood couldn't be calm. Although Tianci said it lightly, the actual situation will never be so easy!

"Qin'er, I want to ask you one thing. Do you still have the pill you made last time? Also, General Seiya is poisoned, and the poison is very strong. Now it has entered the abdomen. Can you Can't you make an antidote pill?" Tianci asked.

Qin Erxiu's eyebrows tightened, "It's not impossible to refine medicine, and I still have green bee royal jelly, detoxification is the best choice! But even so, it has to be divided into what kind of poison, and the only way to refine the antidote is to fight against the poison It’s effective. I don’t even know any poisons now, so how do I practice it?”

Tianci nodded, it is true!

Qin'er is very talented in alchemy and magic, and now she is a great magician and alchemist.However, for a person, energy is always limited, and it is impossible to develop at the same time, so Qin'er chose to break through magic first.Although she is not very good at refining weapons, as an alchemist, Qin'er can already be said to be proficient in refining medicine.

Tianci thought for a while, "Qin'er, can you go to the northwest with me, no matter whether you can save the general, I will send someone to send you back!"

Qin'er hummed, "I can only refine the corresponding antidote if I see the patient with my own eyes!"

"Brother Tianci, then I..." Lier also wanted to go.

"Li'er, I'm tired all the way to the northwest, you should still be in the academy, Qin'er will be back soon!"

Li'er remained silent, she lowered her head and pinched the corner of her clothes with her fingers!

"Let's chat for a while, I'll go back and prepare my alchemy materials!" Qin'er said, running towards her villa.

"Brother Tianci, I have already reached the seventh level of magician, I will not hold you back! And I also want to go back to the northwest!" Lier begged softly.

Tianci hugged Li'er gently, "I'm just going to sit in town this time, and I don't need to fight, so don't worry about me!"

"I...I..." Lier burst into tears of grievance.

Seeing Li'er crying, Tianci's heart softened. He took out a handkerchief and wiped Li'er's tears. Huacheng stayed, did you hear me?"

Lier quickly nodded, "I listen to you!"

After Qin'er packed up her things, Tianci and the others came to the gate of the city.

Anrui, Jane, Nero, and Chenwu Gru all went to the gate of the city to see him off.

"My lord, let's deal with it a little bit and set off tomorrow!" Chen Wu said.

"Well, please explain to me, so that Roland can do his own thing with peace of mind! I will definitely help him when I come back! And these personal guards should stay in the capital, so they can take care of them!" Tianci said.

Jane came up, "This is prepared by your mother for you. There is no inn on the Northwest Road, so you can take it with you and eat it on the way!"

Tianci took it over and put it in the space ring, "Everyone go back, I'm leaving!"

Tianci turned over on Baiying's back, reached out and pulled Qin'er into his arms.Yu'er leaped up to Tianci's shoulder nimbly, pouted her little butt and swayed her big tail at everyone.

Tianci caressed Bai Ying, "I will trouble you these few days, let's go!"

Like a flash of white lightning, the white shadow disappeared into the gradually dimming night.

Normally, the northwest province can reach the capital within a month, and even with the fastest express, it will take half a month.However, Bai Ying's speed is ten times faster than normal driving, if he stays awake, he will be able to reach Yanhua City, the capital of the northwest, in two days.

It doesn't matter if Tianci has a blue light, but Qin'er will suffer!Can't rest during the day and can't sleep at night, and has been bumping in Tianci's arms.When Yu'er is tired, he can find a cloth bag and get into it, and the inside is filled with cotton.

"It's time, move faster!"

Far away at the gate of Yanhua City, a group of personal guards urged, and the people at the gate immediately stepped up their pace, coming in and out.

"Hurry up, we are about to hand over! The city gate is about to be closed!"

"Okay, close the door for me!"

The guards on both sides pushed the thick city gates, making creaking noises.

Suddenly there was a neighing sound in the distance, and a cloud of snow appeared in the crack of the door that was about to close!
"Bang!" The door suddenly stopped.

The door gap is still wide.

"Crack!" The crack in the door was getting wider and wider, and a tall horse squeezed in, with a man and a woman sitting on the horse's back.

"Who? How dare you break into Yanhua City!" The team leader pulled out his long sword and pointed at Tianci.

"Where is General Seiya?" Tianci asked.

"Who are you? Why do you want to inquire about General Seiya? Come on, surround me!" The squad leader yelled and surrounded him.

"Ah! Unicorn!" Everyone was stunned at the same time, it turned out to be a unicorn!

"I am the lord of Yanhua City, a gift from the Marquis of the Empire! Where is General Seiya?"

"Heaven-sent Marquis?" The guards were all surprised, isn't that the nobleman he is loyal to?

"You... You said you are the Marquis of Tianci, do you have any proof?" The captain pointed at Tianci with trembling fingers.

Tianci flipped his hand and took out the decree of amnesty, "This is the decree of amnesty issued by His Majesty, which is enough to prove it! Let me ask you again, where is General Seiya now?"

Looking at the golden pardon, everyone dared not doubt it, and immediately bowed on their knees!

"I have seen the Lord of the City!"

The team leader panicked even more, "Reporting to the City Master, General Seiya is now in the Church of Light!"

The Guangming Sect is located on the street not far west of the City Lord's Mansion in the center of Yanhua City. This address was chosen by Godsend himself!

Tianci guided the direction, and Bai Ying quickly ran towards the center of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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