Godsend Field

Chapter 292 The Antidote

Chapter 292 The Antidote
"High Priest Uman, how long can General Seiya last?" Clark asked worriedly.

Wearing a white priest's robe, with slightly concave and convex embossed patterns inlaid with magic core gemstones, the High Priest Uman carefully inspected it again, "Hey! General Seiya's deterioration is very fast, this time I'm afraid it's true... if it doesn't appear Miraculously, at this time tomorrow, the general will be..."

Clark's face was a little pale. If General Seiya really died like this, wouldn't the Northwest Army be in chaos?If the orcs break through, the entire Northwest will be in dire straits, and all my hard work over the years will be reduced to ashes.

"High Priest Uman, can't you think of another way? Can you at least delay it!" Clark begged.

"Master Clark, you also know that magic is miraculous, but it is not omnipotent! If General Seiya is traumatized, then I have full confidence, but General Seiya is poisoned. Except for the old pope who can delay, even the red The Archbishops of Yi probably have nothing to do!" High Priest Uman said helplessly, "But having said that, if it is an ordinary poison, light magic can also have a certain effect, and the poison that General Seiya poisoned is too overbearing! If it weren't for the great general's superb fighting spirit, I'm afraid he would have died long ago!"

Clark sat decadently on the armchair.

"Bang!" The door was knocked open.

"Who? Who are you? This is the Church of Light, not a place for you to wander around... oh..."

"Stop him!"

There was a commotion outside.

Clark and High Priest Uman frowned at the same time. Someone dared to behave wildly in the Guangming Church and didn't want to live anymore?The two were about to stand up and go out to see if it was the one with short eyes when suddenly

"Bang!" The door of the inner room was knocked open, and a man strode in.

"Who are you, you dare to trespass on the Church of Light, why don't you give it to me..." High Priest Uman was about to lose his temper when his clothes were suddenly grabbed by Clark.

"Master, why are you here!" Clark hurried forward, saluted respectfully, with a very humble expression and action.

High Priest Uman was taken aback for a moment, could it be that he could make Clark like this. . .

"High Priest Uman, this is the real governor of our Northwest Province, the lord of Yanhua City, Lord God-given Marquis!" Clark quickly introduced, "Young Master, this is the Grand Priest Uman who is stationed at the Guangming Church in Yanhua City." priest!"

God sent a smile and saluted slightly.High Priest Uman hurriedly returned the salute!

"Hey, can you let me have a look?" Suddenly a girl jumped out from behind Tianci, her face was very tired, as if she hadn't slept for several days and nights.

"Miss Qin'er, do you mean General Seiya?" Clark knew Qin'er.

"Who else but him!" Qin'er stretched her neck and looked inside.

The magic lamp in the house was brightly lit. Inside a gauze tent, a rough man in his 60s was lying on the bed. His face was thin and dark. Except for the slight rise and fall of his chest, he looked like a dead man.

He is the most powerful general in the empire, General Seiya.

Qin'er carefully observed Seiya's symptoms, and took out a clean vessel after a while, cut General Seiya's finger, and a few drops of dark red blood flowed out.

"This poison is so strong!" Qin'er frowned. "Ordinary poisons either make part of the blood black or don't mix with the blood, but this kind of poison can infect the whole blood and make the blood lose its spirituality."

Tianci also came together, "Does this matter?"

Qin'er rolled her eyes and said, "The most spiritual thing in our body is blood. If the blood loses its spirituality completely, then people cannot be cured. Most other poisons can be cured, such as squeezing out the poisonous blood. Or take elixir. Only this kind of poison is the most troublesome, the toxin has been mixed with the blood, it is impossible to replace all the blood! It seems that the person who poisoned was the life of the general who wanted to fortress Ya! "

When the three of Tianci heard it, they couldn't help being shocked.

"Miss Qin'er, is General Seiya still alive?"

Qin'er nodded and shook her head again, "Master Degar and I have learned many solutions to poison, but this is the first time I have seen this kind, so I am not sure."

Qin'er flipped her hands and took out a pill, "This is the antidote I re-refined with green bee royal jelly, you take it first, it may take a few more days. Do you know how the general was poisoned?"

Clark smiled wryly, "I don't know! The general was already unconscious when he was sent here, and he didn't have any injuries on his body. He even checked what he ate, and it wasn't poisonous!"

"How could this happen? It might be easier if we knew the source of the poison!" Qin'er said disappointedly, "Is there any room available? I'm going to check the poisonous blood!"

High Priest Uman hurriedly led Qin'er.

Tianci's face was gloomy, and he sat on the edge of the bed, staring at General Seiya.

"Master, do you want to take a rest?" Clark said.

Tianci shook his head, "General Seiya's poison is a bit strange, and the root cause can't be found out! There is nothing in the world for no reason, since the poisoning must have a reason. Could it be inhaled?"

"Impossible. At that time, General Seiya was discussing military affairs with many generals in a tent. The other generals were fine, but the general was suddenly poisoned!" Clark said.

Tianci nodded, "There must be a wound, have you guys checked it carefully?"

"The clothes are not damaged, it's impossible...it was my negligence, I will check it immediately!" Clark suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

Calling two personal guards to come in, Clark gently lifted the quilt of General Seiya, took off his white shirt, and examined it carefully.

"My lord, look here is a black spot!" The guard suddenly shouted.

Tianci and Clark hurried forward and saw a black spot under the ribs of General Seiya's back. At first glance, it looked like a mole, but if you looked closely, you would find a small hole in the black spot.

Toxic source?

Tianci took out the dagger, cut the black dot cross, and picked out a thin thorn half the length of a fingernail.Holding it in his hand, Tianci looked at it carefully, and it seemed a little familiar.

"Master, I have neglected my duty, please forgive me!" Clark knelt down suddenly.

"Get up!" Tianci didn't say much, and walked towards Qin'er's room with a thorn in his hand.On the way, Tianci gently stuck the thorn into his finger. . .I understand, I understand what the poison is so powerful!
"Qin'er, what's the matter?"

"No, I still can't find the result. I've never seen this kind of poison before!" Qin'er was a little disappointed, showing signs of exhaustion.

"I know what the poison is. This poison is unique to the Northwest, and it is produced in a Jedi Foggy Valley in the Northwest. The characteristic of this poison is that it is particularly entangled in blood!" Tianci said.I was accidentally poisoned by this kind of poison at the beginning, but fortunately, I am not afraid because I have a blue light.But Seiya didn't, and even if he could control the blue light to leave his body, he couldn't accurately find the toxin in General Seiya's body!
"Foggy Valley? Is it the place where Teacher Ou Ling will go if he dies?" Qin'er was surprised, "I remember you said that there is a strong poison here and told them to be careful. I didn't expect that General Seiya would be poisoned by this poison! "

Tianci sat down on the chair. I am afraid that no one can cure this poison. "Qin'er, can you take another pill from the Mother Earth Tree?"

Qin'er shook her head, "It's useless. Although the Mother Earth Tree is supernatural, it's not omnipotent! It can help people recover damaged vitality, but it can't help people remove toxins from the body, especially this kind of poison. Even if General Seiya took it , can be recovered for a while, but the toxicity will be exhausted slowly, and when the medicine power of the pill is exhausted, you will still die!"

"But Godsend, don't be discouraged. The reason I want to find out the source of the poison is to find the antidote!" Qin'er continued, "This world is very strange. All things generate and restrain each other. There is nothing absolutely strong! Master often says 'seven steps Although a snake is poisonous, there must be an antidote within five steps of its infested range, so I think that the place where the poison grows must also have an antidote!"

"Really?" Tianci jumped up, feeling extremely excited, "Then let's go to Fog Valley!"

Tianci and Qin'er walked out of the room, while Clark and High Priest Uman were waiting at the door.

"Take care of the general, Qin'er and I will find the antidote!" After Tianci finished speaking, he ran out of Guangming Church with Qin'er.

"Young master, the city gate has already..."

Before Clark could catch up, he saw a white light piercing the darkness of the night.

Foggy Valley is still some distance away from Yanhua City, but for Bai Ying, it's just a walk.

When it stopped at the entrance of Wugu Valley, the moon in the sky was just over half.

"The road inside is rough and difficult, let me hug you!" Tianci couldn't help but put a strong arm on Qin'er's leg, and hugged Qin'er across his chest.Qin'er's face turned red.

The slender path has no effect on Tianci, and the terrain has already been clearly explored within the divine sense.At the end of the path, several tents were pitched, and several warriors were guarding the door.

"Stop! Who?"

Tianci put down the qin'er and turned over the decree of amnesty, which was the most proof of his identity. "I am Tianci, Marquis of the Empire, Lord of Yanhua City! Is Teacher Ou Ling there?"

The warriors put away their stance quickly, "So it's a gift from God! Mr. Ou Ling is studying with some scholars in the apse!"

"Apse? Ha ha, haven't I been very far!" Tianci laughed.

"My lord, maybe you don't know yet. Behind the mountain behind the palace, we discovered a large number of ruins of the palace complex and dug up a lot of corpses. They are estimated to be corpses tens of thousands of years ago. Mr. Ou Ling and the others are all here There!" Warrior explained.

Well, it seems that I only saw the tip of the iceberg of the entire foggy valley.

"My lord, do you want us to inform Mr. Ou Ling?"

"No, I'm just here to find something, don't disturb them!" Tianci said, pulling Qin'er into the foggy valley.Under the moonlight, there are white mist flowing everywhere.

"My lord, be careful, we will guide you!" The two warriors walked ahead.

Qin'er looked at the surrounding fog in surprise, it was very regular, the fog seemed to be like a pool, but it didn't disperse.

"Where are the monsters in here?"

"Don't worry, my lord, although there are many monsters here, they are all in the valleys on both sides, and they never come near here!" The warrior reassured Tianci and Qin'er.

How could Tianci not know?It's just that I don't understand how Teacher Ou Ling uses Yu'er's hair to restrict the Silver Mouse King from approaching here.

Soon came to the square in the middle.

"My lord, be careful, there are patches of poisonous ivy in front of you, and their poison is very overbearing! When we first came, a seventh-level great swordsman accidentally got poisoned by this poison, and there was no antidote in the end. Use it, just die like this!" The warrior said regretfully.

"Great Sword Master? Who is so unlucky!" Qin'er asked in surprise.

"It's an aide of the third prince!"

Tianci carefully approached the poisonous ivy, "Qin'er, this is the place, how can I find the antidote to restrain the poisonous ivy?"

Qin'er didn't dare to get too close, and looked at it for a long time and said, "This place is full of fog, what do you think!"

There was nothing Tianci could do, the mist was like water, it fanned out here, and came over there again.

"Freezing Technique!"

There was a slight bang, and a huge ice cube appeared in front of Tianci.

"Crystal Palace!"

Four huge ice walls appeared, separating an open space, and the surrounding fog could no longer enter.

"Hee hee, not bad!" Qin'er giggled, climbed onto the ice block, and looked at the poison ivy inside the ice block.The two warriors also came together. They have been in Wugu Valley for so long, and they all know that there is poison ivy in this area. When they walk by, they need to emit fighting spirit to protect them, but they have not seen what poison ivy looks like.

The ice cube is crystal clear, and the situation inside is clear.

The poison ivy is about as thick as a thumb, and is dark red in color. There are many and complicated branches on the poison ivy, and the branches are all intertwined with each other.The branches are branched again, and there are some slender poisonous spines along with the branches. These poisonous spines are black. On the whole, the densely packed poisonous spines are very terrifying.

Tianci looked at it for a long time and didn't see any tricks, but Qin'er was still lying on the ice and watching carefully.

after a while

"I found it, I found it!" Qin'er suddenly said excitedly, "Look there, look quickly!"

Looking along Qin'er's finger, apart from poison ivy, it is a poisonous thorn. . .

Tianci and Wu Zhe looked at Qin'er suspiciously.

"Look there!" Qin'er pointed, "Is there a little ivy?"

Tianci and Wu Zhe still shook their heads.

"How on earth do your men's eyes grow? It's so obvious that you can't tell!" Qin'er said angrily.

"Crack!" A piece of ice in front of it shattered, and part of the poisonous ivy was exposed.

"Freezing Technique!"

Qin'er reached for the poison ivy.

"Don't!" Tianci pulled Qin'er back in shock and hugged her tightly.Qin'er was suddenly pulled by a violent force, and her body flew involuntarily into a warm and familiar embrace. There was a panting sound next to her ears, and she gently pressed her ears to her chest, and her heartbeat was rapid.

It is quite now

"Qin'er, how can you hold it with your hands? What if you get stabbed?" Tianci roared.

Qin'er was surprisingly lifeless, but shyly pressed against Tianci's chest, "I...I've frozen all the thorns!"

Tianci was stunned for a moment, and scanned with his divine sense, all the exposed poisonous vines had densely packed poisonous thorns wrapped in small ice cubes, without missing any, and only the poisonous thorns were frozen and exposed.It turned out to be like this: "How did you do it, so many thorns didn't show up? The control is too precise!"

"Do you think it's in vain that I hired Yu'er at a high price to be a training partner?" Qin'er annoyed, suddenly realized that she was still in Tianci's embrace, she hurriedly broke free, her face flushed, but fortunately it was night.

Tianci also looked at the warrior with embarrassment, "I was in a hurry just now, but actually..."

"Cough! Cough!" The two warriors raised their heads, "We didn't see anything, the moon is so round today!"

At this time, Qin'er had already picked up a section of poison ivy, and separated a light blue cane from it. It was very thin, and had no branches or leaves. It was just a long cane.

"See! This vine can grow together with the poisonous ivy, it must have the effect of restraining the poisonous ivy!" Qin'er said and handed the ivy.

Tianci and Wu Zhe took it curiously. The green vines are too small, and they are entwined with the poisonous ivy, as if they are one body. No wonder I couldn't see it no matter how I looked at it just now.

Qin'er's eyesight is also a little better!

Qin'er cut off a small piece of ivy and put it in the container containing the blood of General Seiya. I saw that the ivy slowly turned dark red, and the blood seemed to have returned to a little bright red.

"That's right, that's it!" Qin'er was so excited that she clapped her hands.

With Qin'er's precise magic control, the green vines on the large area of ​​poisonous vines were separated from the martial artist by Tianci.

Qin'er wrapped most of the green vines, leaving a small part for the warriors, "If you are stabbed in the future, use this to mash it immediately and apply it on the wound!"

The warrior was overjoyed and hurriedly expressed his thanks.

Time was running out, so Tianci didn't go to greet Teacher Ou Ling, walked out of the foggy valley with Qin'er, and rushed towards Yanhua City in a white shadow.

"Qin'er, we found this, can we cure General Saiyan?" Tianci asked.

"Basically yes, but the process may be a little more troublesome! General Seiya has been poisoned for a long time, and it has spread all over his body. I need to refine these ivy vines into potions, and add green bee royal jelly to increase the detoxification effect. However, General Seiya's body I'm weak, and I'm afraid I can't stand the confrontation between toxins, so I still need to use some leaves of the earth mother tree! But fortunately, we have a high priest here, and General Seiya is lucky!" Qin'er worried Said.

Tianci nodded. If Mia hadn't brought the Guangming Cult into the northwest, if it hadn't been for sending a high priest, I'm afraid General Seiya would have died, so how could it have been delayed until today?
"But my mother earth tree doesn't have many leaves, this time I need more... I can't bear it!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you save General Seiya this time, I will accompany you to the Infinite Forest and ask the elves to give me another slice!"

Qin'er pouted and smiled secretly, "You said it, don't forget it!"

When the sun's first rays of sunlight came out, Tianci could already see the walls of Yanhua City.The city gate has not been opened yet, and there are already many people waiting to enter the city outside the gate.

Tianci couldn't say anything else, galloped past, and flew across the city wall under the eyes of everyone, which immediately caused a commotion among the people at the gate.

At the entrance of the Guangming Church, Clark and High Priest Uman stood on the steps and waited anxiously.

Hissing sounded, and Tianci appeared in front of everyone.

"Master, what's the matter?" Clark hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Tianci put Qin'er on the ground, smiled slightly, "Finally lived up to everyone's expectations, General Seiya can be saved!"

(End of this chapter)

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