Godsend Field

Chapter 293 Treatment

Chapter 293 Treatment
Qin'er walked into a separate room, took out the Zijin Cauldron for refining the elixir, and carefully arranged various materials.

Clark and High Priest Uman accompanied Tianci to guard the door.Ziyan Xinhuo cannot be created without the cooperation of Qingfeng King, but fortunately, Qin'er believes that this kind of elixir is mainly to maintain the characteristics of green vines, so it is not suitable for the fusion of scorching flames, as long as it is slightly hot!
It wasn't until almost noon that Qin'er came out of the room, holding three or four small green pills in her hand.

"Give this to him first and see the effect!"

Clark took it carefully, and quickly ran to General Seiya's room, which contained medicine bowls and hot water.Because the general was unconscious, Clark had to put the medicine bowl in warm water and slowly pour it into the general's mouth.

After a while, except for the heaving of the general's chest, there was no special change, and his face was still dark.

"Qin'er, your medicine doesn't seem to be effective!" Tianci said.

"Hmph!" Qin'er pouted, pointing at General Seiya with her fingers, "Didn't you see that his heartbeat is much stronger? He has been poisoned for too long, how can it be so easy to clean up? This time I The main ingredients of the pills are leaves and a small amount of green vines accompanied by Qingfeng royal jelly. The main effect is to enhance his vitality, and then see if the effect of the green vines to clean up the poison will cause harm to his body. This is also a good amount for me to use in the future. Make a comparison."

Tianci nodded, that's why!

"Qin'er, do you have any results?"

"Not yet, the effect of the leaves has been shown, but the effect of the green vines is still unclear!" Qin'er yawned, "The effect won't be shown immediately, but I'm going to be exhausted soon!"

Tianci smiled along with her. During the past few days when she set off from Ancona, Qin'er did not have a good rest for half an hour.

"Hehe, Miss Qin'er has worked hard! It's enough for us to watch here, you should take a rest! If there is any situation, I will inform you!" High Priest Uman said respectfully.

Such a young alchemist is indeed worthy of respect!And he was wearing the robes of a great water magician!

Only then did Tianci and Qin'er walk out of Guangming Church in peace.

Tianci only showed up in Yanhua City last night, and within that night, everyone in Yanhua City knew that the Lord of the City had returned, and crowded to the gates of the City Lord's Mansion and Guangming Church, waiting and watching.

As soon as Tianci appeared at the door, all the people immediately cheered.

The small square in front of the Guangming Church could have gathered 5000 to 3 people, but now there are [-] to [-] people, and the cheers resounded all over the world, and could be heard throughout Yanhua City.Those guarding the City Lord's Mansion immediately knew that they were guarding the wrong place, but it didn't matter, the City Lord would return to the City Lord's Mansion sooner or later!

The huge cheers and tens of thousands of enthusiasm immediately infected Qin'er, "Stinky boy, did you think you are quite prestigious here?"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" A team of personal guards rushed out from the opposite side of the square. The sound of clashing armor and orderly footsteps drew a road one person wide in the square, dividing the square into two parts.

"Lorna, the deputy head of the personal guards, has met your lord!"

Lorna, the leader, led several squadron leaders to Tianci and saluted!

Lorna is completely different from that day. Now she is wearing silver armor, with a diamond-winged helmet in her left hand, and a high-grade long sword in her right hand. The bright red cloak is stretched in the wind, and her heroic posture is pleasing to the eye!

"My lord, you are back!"

Tianci chuckled, "I heard that you have been very successful in the territory for the past two years. Even your name, Lorna, is known to everyone within a thousand miles away!"

Lorna smiled happily, "Then, do you think I am qualified to receive the title of Knight of Honor?"

Generally, only the head of the regiment can be canonized as a knight, the squadron leader is the quasi knight, and it is rare that the guard regiment has a deputy head.However, the situation here is quite special in Tianci, so there is a double deputy head.

"Enough! I'll let Clark arrange it. I'll write a letter to the Knights' Union!"

Luo Na was very excited, "Don't tell my brother that I said it, you brought it up yourself! Sir, you must be tired too, I have opened the road for you, you should go back and rest!"

Tianci nodded, and walked towards the city lord's mansion along the path vacated by the guards.The people on both sides were excited, and the cheers moved along with Tianci's footsteps.

The city lord's mansion is still the same!

Clark still lives in the room where he used to work as a staff member, and the God-sent room is spotless.Tianci arranged for Qin'er to rest in Li'er's original room, and went to the living room to listen to the report from Clark and the guards.

Tianci's personal guards have now expanded to two regiments of 1 people. In addition to the 1000 people sent to the capital, there are still 9000 people in the fief.Half of the nine squadron leaders don't know Tianci. Although they have been bodyguards for so long, the Marquis whom they are loyal to has never met until today.

As a representative, Luo Na carefully introduced to Tianci the situation of the entire bodyguard regiment, as well as the responsibilities and tasks of each regiment!Since Chen Wu and Gru visited and studied in Kate's bodyguard group, they absorbed and digested the situation there, and summed up a set of plans suitable for their own bodyguard group.On the other hand, Lorna led the personal guards strictly according to this plan.

Clark has returned to the City Lord's Mansion and took out the blueprint to introduce the situation of the entire Yanhua City to Tianci.

Saferoth put forward many good opinions before leaving, and Clark gathered his staff to re-plan the city according to Saferoth's suggestion.The road has been widened a lot, and the planning has also undergone great changes.

Such a large change project requires a lot of purple gold coins, but fortunately there are more than a dozen iron mines, large and small, supporting it. The overall plan is almost done, but there are still many buildings that have not been completed.

"My lord, according to the requirements of the Department of Imperial Studies, each province must have ten large colleges, and every city with a population of more than one million must have at least one college! In the past, our northwest province was chaotic, so there were no colleges. Let’s continue, but it’s different now, we’re going to build a smaller city near Yanhua City, which will be used as a college for the entire Northwest Province! What do you think?”

Tianci thought for a while, "This idea is good, but we must strengthen our security in terms of security. Lorna, if it is completed, you send a squadron to be responsible for the security there, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Lorna took the order!
Godsend is not very interested in finance and government affairs. Clark only reported a rough figure, so it's over!In addition to the report, there are many famous and promising people in the city waiting to see Godsend.

Although Tianci doesn't want to see him very much, as the city lord, this is also a duty!

After meeting everyone in a hurry, Tianci met with the Fengxue Sect alone.

This time it was Bing Xin who came here, Tianci didn't say much, but asked Bing Xin to pass on what His Majesty had said to the leader of the Fengxue Sect. 'The salt mine can be given to you, and the North District can also be given to you, the condition is that you must know how to behave!

After finishing everything, Tianci went back to his room to take a rest.

In the evening, Qin'er woke up and ate something before going to the Guangming Church with Tianci to visit General Seiya!

Walking into the Guangming Church, many waiters were busy running in and out.Tianci and Qin'er walked into the room quickly, only to see High Priest Uman commanding the waiters to clean the bed.

"High Priest Uman, what's going on?" Tianci asked eagerly.

"Do you still need to ask, it must be that your general's body has started to ooze toxins, right?" Qin'er said.

High Priest Uman nodded, looking a little surprised and worried, "Yes, the general has been exuding black sweat from his body more than half an hour ago. It must be toxins. We are helping the general clean it up!"

Tianci was overjoyed, "So the general is saved? Thank you, Qin'er!"

Qin'er was very proud, "This just shows that the green vine is indeed something that restrains the poisonous thorn. As for whether it can be completely removed, and how long it will take to remove it, I will have to see it before I can decide!"

After the waiters finished their work, Qin'er walked in to watch carefully.

General Seiya's complexion did not fade, but his breathing became much stronger.The high priest of Uman stepped forward and released a light magic to maintain the general's body.Qin'er and High Priest Uman discussed in a low voice for a while before coming out, "The general just reacted a little uncomfortable, which only shows that the burden of the detoxification process on the general seems to be a bit heavy. It seems that we used too much Already! I will reduce the amount next time!"

Tianci finally breathed a sigh of relief, Qin'er said that it meant that the general was saved!

"Qin'er, how long will it take for you to treat the general?" Tianci asked eagerly. There is still a war ahead, and the general must recover quickly. The Northwest Army is still waiting for him to command!

Qin'er shook her head, "The general's poison is relatively deep, and I can't use strong ones, so I can only clean it up little by little. I communicated with High Priest Uman, and we all think that according to this situation, it will take at least three months! "

"Three months?" Tianci was surprised, "After three months, I'm afraid the situation of the war will not be the same!"

"Then I can't help it. Whoever let the general be poisoned didn't deal with it in time, even if some poisonous blood is squeezed out!" Qin'er said angrily, "I have taught you before that within an hour after being poisoned, you will die. The best time for detoxification is now almost a month away, so it would be nice to save his life!"

Tianci was silent, what Qin'er said was indeed reasonable!
Qin'er then re-dispensed the medicine, and after the preparation was completed, she handed over the new pills to High Priest Uman.This time, the number of green vines in the pills has decreased, the amount of Qingfeng royal jelly has increased, and the leaves of the mother earth tree have not been added.General Seiya has already taken the leaves of the Earth Mother tree once, and there is no benefit in taking them again in a short period of time.

Back at the City Lord's Mansion, Tianci personally explained some things to Clark.

"My lord, is this your plan?" Clark immediately felt something was wrong.

"I used to think that General Seiya could be cured immediately, but now it seems that it is not so simple! So I have to go to the front line in person, at least to understand the situation there!" Tianci said helplessly.

"Are you going to the front line?" Qin'er exclaimed next to her, "I'll go with you too!"

"Qin'er, you still have to take care of General Seiya, this is a million times more important than my going to the front!" Tianci dissuaded.

Qin'er pouted, only she knew the situation better here, and when it comes to alchemy, no one in the northwest could surpass her.General Seiya's daily dosage must be determined according to the situation of the day, so he can't walk at all!
"You said it nicely when you came here, but leave me alone when you get here!" Qin'er muttered.

Tianci chuckled, "Why don't I let Yu'er stay with you!"

"It's better not to, I won't be in danger in the city, but it's very dangerous for you to go to the front line, let Yu'er follow you!"

"Miss Qin'er is right, let Yu'er follow the young master! I will tell Luo Na to let her protect Miss Qin'er personally, young master, don't worry!"

Tianci nodded, this is the best!

"It's not too late, I'll set off later!" Tianci looked at Qin'er, "I'll leave it to you this time! Li'er and Chen Wu may arrive in a few days, and you will have company by then!"

Qin'er nodded, took out a pill from the ring and handed it to Tianci, and said in a rare soft voice, "What I gave you last time, you gave it to someone else. This is the pill I recently practiced with the Mother Earth Tree. You keep it for yourself." Backup, usually be more careful!"

Tianci took it with a smile, took a look at Qin'er, walked out of the living room, turned over and sat on Baiying, and flew out of the city!

Starting from Yanhua City and walking northwest for more than ten days, there will be a fortress, the border city of Salo City.Although the population of Salo City is small, its geographical location is extremely important, because it is the first city after coming out of the Kundong Mountain Range, and it is also the main base of the Northwest Army.The lord of the city of Salo is the previous General of the Northwest.

All the buildings in Salo City are relatively low, but there is an extremely tall stone tablet in the middle, so that this stone tablet can be seen anywhere in the city, and this stone tablet is said to be Seiya from material selection to transportation to construction and polishing. The general and several generals of the Northwest Army did it by themselves, without asking a single soldier or people to help!The words on the stele are also handwritten by His Majesty today!

Because this stele is the cemetery of the entire Northwest Army!
After walking out of Salo City and going west for one day, you will arrive at the Kundong Mountain Pass, which is the only place where orcs and humans come into contact.

The Kundong Mountains are very peculiar, both sides are very long, and the spine of the mountains is extremely high, the top of the mountain is covered with clouds and mist, and the climate is cold all the year round. In addition, the mountain is very wide and it is almost impossible to climb.Especially troops, if there are too many people, it is likely to cause an avalanche.This is the case for the entire mountain range, but the mountain suddenly becomes thinner near the fracture, and the height drops sharply. From a distance, it seems that two long swords are facing the tip of the sword.This gorge is also called Jianfeng Gorge.

On both sides of Jianfeng Gorge, there are orc tribes and camps of the Northwest Army stationed respectively. The spies on both sides guard each other all the year round.

In an inn in Salo City, a teenager ordered a plate of meat and several steamed buns, and ate it with big mouthfuls.On the dining table, a fiery red fox kept pulling the plate with its paws, picking and choosing.

The folk customs in the Northwest are unrestrained and unrestrained, even if this is the case, everyone will not feel anything.

"Hey, what exactly is going on, the general was poisoned at the critical moment! I heard that there seems to be no way to save him!" said a man at the dining table next to him.

"No way, isn't it just poisoned? The Great General's Dou Qi is at the beginning of the eighth level. Even the orcs can't stand the blood killing Dou Qi. How can they be afraid of this little poison?" The people next to him immediately retorted.

"Little poison? Does Xiaodu need to go to Yanhua City?" The man retorted, "I don't want to talk about poison, but strange, how could the general be poisoned, and at this time, someone must have deliberately poisoned it! "

"Someone poisoned? No way! The general is resisting the orcs. He is a hero of all mankind. No one should do this. This is self-cutting!"

"You don't know this. I heard that the empire has already started to attack the Faran Empire. I think the Faran Empire is afraid, so it wants to kill our general and make the empire's northwest crisis, so that it will be unable to conquer Farland in the east. Nope. These Flans are vile!"

"It's all right now, General Seiya is gone, don't the five of them turn upside down? Now the Northwest Army is probably in a mess! Maybe this iron wall will be breached today, we still want to run there. !"

"What are you talking about? How could the Northwest Army lose? Even if General Seiya is here, isn't the Northwest Army just like loose sand? What's so strange!"

After eating and drinking enough, Tianci walked out of the inn with Yu'er in his arms and walked out of the city.

The inspection at the gate of the city is not very strict, as long as there are no carriages or the like, it is still very easy to leave the city!Tianci finds Baiying and moves on.One hour is enough for Shirai Shadow for a day's journey.

The barracks of the Northwest Army stretched across a stretch, with white tents, simple fortresses, and layers of wooden fences tightly blocking them.Every 300 meters or so, there will be a tall wooden tower, and three soldiers stand on the tower and look at it from a distance.

"Look, someone is coming!" The soldier on the lookout suddenly pointed to the front, holding a rope in his hand, and there was a loud bell under the rope.The soldiers around below gathered immediately.

"Someone is coming ahead!"

The soldiers stared at the front through Muzhalan for a moment, only to see a young man walking slowly on a tall horse.The soldiers rushed out of the fence clamoring, pointing their spears in the direction of Tianci, and whistled everywhere.

A man who looked like a captain came out shaking, his clothes disheveled.

"Wh... who... come down... come down..." the captain shouted, pointing at Tianci, his eyes dimmed with drunkenness.The whistling and yelling from the side rose again.

Although Tianci still has a short distance, he has already seen the situation ahead.

Sloppy, without any military ethos.

Tianci came to him and jumped down.

"Unicorn!" All the soldiers couldn't help being shocked, and even the captain seemed to wake up a little bit.

"Who are you? The barracks of the Northwest Army is an important place for the empire. Outsiders go! Get lost!"

Tianci really wanted to go up and beat him up. When the two armies were fighting, this man was so drunk that he was alone.If the orcs came in, it would be a pain for all the people in the northwest and many souls in the empire.This person has neglected his duty, so he must not forget it like this!
"Are you from the main battle regiment? Are there any military regulations for being drunk at this moment?" Tianci said solemnly.

"It's up to you! Get out of here before I'm awake and want to kill someone!" The captain didn't care at all, and the soldiers next to him started booing.

Tianci was very annoyed, "Tell all of you generals to come out and see me!"

"See our general? Hahaha, he actually wants to see our general!" The captain laughed loudly, "Our general is inside, and I want to see you in! But let me tell you first, our Northwest Army camp is not some other place. Except for His Majesty and Lord Saint, if other irrelevant people dare to break in without authorization, they will be killed! Even the generals are the same!"

"Hmph! You are so arrogant! Drunkenness before battle is a capital offense according to the military law of the empire, do you know that?" Tianci snorted coldly.

"Hahaha!" Now all the soldiers around burst into laughter.

"Military law? You are talking about the military law of the empire, but it is a pity that we don't need it here!" The captain waved his hand, "Come here, this person is very suspicious, take it for me and hand it over to the general!"

"Yes!" All the soldiers rushed forward.

"Stop it! I am appointed by His Majesty as the Northwest Army Counselor, God-sent Marquis!"

(End of this chapter)

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