Godsend Field

Chapter 294 Two things

Chapter 294 Three Things
Tianci revealed her identity!

Counselors, counselors appointed by other officials may have no power, but counselors appointed by His Majesty himself have great power, and even the Northwest General must be afraid of it.

"What? Northwest Army Counselor?" The captain stared nonchalantly, "A Marquis? Have any of you heard that our Northwest Army has a Counselor?"

"No!" All the soldiers said in unison.

God-sent, but His Majesty's order of amnesty was given to the Northwest Army instead of myself, and now I have nothing to prove!
"You wait! You go report to our general and ask if our Northwest Army really has a counselor. If not, hehe!" The captain sneered, and suddenly let out a murderous aura, bloody and murderous.

The sudden murderous aura made Yu'er immediately vigilant, if it wasn't for Tianci's timely stop, Yu'er might have rushed forward.Tianci frowned. Although this murderous aura was not very strong, it was completely different from Brigitte's murderous aura that Tianci felt in the gray wetland before, but this murderous aura still made Tianci feel very uncomfortable. It's like being in blood.

The captain's eyes were red at the moment, as if he was about to kill someone, and he was completely different from the drunken appearance just now.

"Ma Kai, that? Is that the new counselor?"

There was a loud bell-like sound, and a rough man in sweatshirt came out from the rear camp, with a beard all over his face, and his eyes widened.Although the weather is getting warmer now, it is not necessary to wear an undershirt.

"General!" All the soldiers shouted.

The captain named Ma Kai came to the general and pointed to Tianci, "Go back to the general, it's him!"

The big man walked up to Tianci and looked at it, "Good guy! This is a unicorn! I've heard of it but I've never seen it before!" He stretched out his hand to caress Bai Ying.

Shirai Shadow breathed heavily in disgust, and pointed at the big man's outstretched hand with one horn.If the big man doesn't stop, blood will be splashed on the spot!
"Hahaha, he's still a hothead, I like it!" The big man stopped his hands in time, put his back behind his back, and began to walk around the unicorn, looking up and down, and nodding in praise from time to time.

"You are the general here!" Tianci suddenly stood in front of the shout, blocking his pace of circling.

"Yes, I am the general here. My name is Samohan, but this is only called by a general. You must call me General Tiger Camp. You are the new counselor? Get out of the way, get out of the way, and don't bother me admiring the unicorn !” said the big man, pushing away Tianci.

Godsend stands still!

Sam Khan was taken aback, and tried again, but Tianci still stood still.

"Hey, I can't tell you are polite, but you still have two or three tricks?" Sam Khan looked at Tianci right now, rolled up his sleeves with both hands, the muscles in his arms were tense and blue veins were visible, and his right hand suddenly came out to grab Tianci's shoulder.

Tianci withdrew his left shoulder, struck out with lightning with his left hand, and flicked hard at Samohan's elbow, and it hit Samohan's numb bones impartially.Like an electric shock, Samo Khan's entire arm went numb and his movements became sluggish, and he could not help but let go of his right hand that was holding onto Tianci's shoulder.

Tianci turned up his left hand, held down Samohan's arm to straighten it, and pushed his left shoulder back hard.

The sudden change in a moment and the huge counterattack immediately made Samohan stand still, and he took several steps back to stand still.


The soldiers around immediately booed, hissed, and laughed, as if the one who suffered the loss just now was not his general at all, but a punk.A lot of soldiers ran out from the barracks, surrounded the two of Tianci, screaming, and regarded this place as a ring.

"Boy, there are two tricks. It seems that Grandpa and I are going to show my real kung fu!" Samo Khan shook his shoulders, put his hands on his mouth and spit, rubbed them together, looking like a street hooligan fighting.

"Wait a minute, General Huying!" Tianci stretched out his hand to stop Samohan, "I am not here to fight this time, I am the Northwest Army Counselor personally appointed by His Majesty, Lord Tianci Marquis of Yanhua City, and now the poisoning of General Seiya is in my Yanhua City Healing, so I can't preside over military affairs in person, so I came here rashly!"

"Counselor, I have a counselor in the northwest, what evidence do you have to prove that it is you?"

Tianci turned his hand and took out the amnesty order appointed by Yanhua City, and dripped blood to go up to make a golden light.

Glancing at the decree of amnesty, Samo Khan put away his posture, "Wow, it's really our counselor! Brothers, get out of the way and let the counselor enter the camp!"

The soldiers had no excitement to watch, booed everywhere, but they still gave way.

The entire barracks stretched for miles, lined up.

In the middle is the largest tent with the most luxurious appearance. The entire tent is made of animal skins.There is a skylight on the top of the tent, and the interior is spacious and bright.There is a set of tables and chairs in front of a giant map, the chairs are wrapped in white tiger skins, and copywriting and tokens are placed on the table.The two rows of chairs below are scattered in disorder.

The door curtain was lifted, and a strong man walked in.

"Wow, my brothers are all here!" The big man looked at the five people sitting around, sighed, walked to the side and sat down as well, "Samohan, I just heard that you have suffered a disadvantage? Hahaha!"

Samo Khan wrinkled his nose, "That bastard said that? See if I pull out his skin and let him spread his tongue!"

"Hahaha!" The other big guys in the tent laughed.

"Is everyone here?" Tianci, who was sitting in the middle, asked.

The others continued to chat and laugh, not paying attention to Tianci at all.Only Sam Khan, who was being ridiculed, was so depressed that he didn't want to talk to others. Can this kid pee while riding on his head?"

"Samohan, you admit it? Hahaha!" The big man who came in finally burst into tears.

"Samoning, don't be arrogant, do you have the guts to go out and compete with me? Don't think your Leopard Camp is great, come out with a mule or a horse!"

"Try and try, who is afraid of whom! I, Samoning, have never been afraid of you since I was born in the womb. Don't forget, when I kicked you in the womb, you can come out earlier than me?"

"Let's go, let's go to the competition, 1000 people each, see you on the school field!"

"Whoever is afraid of whom, just go!"

Speaking of Samohan, Samoning stood up and wanted to go out.

"Let's go, let's go watch the fun!" The others also stood up, ready to go out to watch the fun, except for one general who sat and waited for Tianci to speak.

"Stop!" Tianci yelled, and then held back the anger in his heart, "All generals, please stay!"

The generals were immediately dissatisfied at being shouted at by a brat, but after hearing the soft words from God at the end, their faces softened and they sat down again.

"Samohan, Samoning, after the next meeting is over, we will wait for you on the school grounds, don't take your word for it!"

"Shut up, Pama, is the excitement so beautiful? If you have the guts to bring your brother, I, Samohan, will hit two!"

There was another fierce quarrel in the camp. . .

Tianci sat in the middle of the big tent, watching the quarrel below, his heart suddenly became angry, this is not a military camp, this is clearly a bandit den, worse than a bandit den!
"Generals, please be quiet for a moment! I have something to tell you!" Tianci said loudly.I am afraid that I am the most irritated counselor appointed by His Majesty in history!
The generals finally stopped arguing.

"Generals, I'm afraid you also know that I am a counselor personally appointed by His Majesty..."

"I know, if I didn't know, did you get into the big tent of the Chinese army? Can you sit in this handsome seat?" Samonen muttered, letting Godsend interrupt his competition, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

"Hehe, Your Majesty is also right. He even recruited a little boy to be a counselor. Why don't you go to the capital and sit in a sedan chair if you are so clean? Are you not afraid of being broken when you come to our northwest?"



Suddenly, a little red fox jumped up from the back of the desk, its limbs stretched out, its red hair trembling, it opened its mouth wide and roared at the crowd.An invisible pressure suddenly pressed down, pressing on the hearts of every general.

The six generals trembled, with surprised expressions on their faces, looking at Tianci in disbelief.Holding the armrest of the seat with both hands, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his face twisted.


The armrest broke, and the general who hadn't left just now finally couldn't bear it anymore, and half-kneeled on the ground, with his head lowered and his arms propped on the ground.The condition of the other five is not very good, their faces are all purple!

"Alright, Yu'er!"

Tianci caressed Yu'er's back, and the erect red hair gradually came down.

The pressure disappeared, and several generals regained their freedom. They sat on their seats, panting heavily, and didn't even have the strength to argue.The general who fell to the ground also stood up, with shame on his face.

"Generals, can you listen to me quietly now?" Tianci said coldly.

All the generals were silent and sat obediently, with unwilling eyes.

Looking at the generals who have become more honest, Tianci was speechless, whatever he said, it was better than Yu'er roaring.This group of generals is also true, they don't eat and drink fine wine for toasting, and they cry only when they see the coffin!

"I am the counselor personally ordered by His Majesty. Now that the orcs are coming, General Seiya has been poisoned and unconscious, so I have to temporarily act as the commander. I have little knowledge and have never been in contact with military camps, so I hope all the generals can help. Assistant, be sure to block this orc's invasion!"

The six generals looked at Tianci with disdain, but they didn't make a sound.

"I came here for two main things, but now it has become three!"

"The first thing is about General Seiya! You all know that the general has been poisoned, and you are the backbone of the army, so you must know the real situation of General Seiya better!" Tianci secretly observed six General, I saw some sadness in their expressions, "But I want to tell you that I have brought the best alchemist from the capital, and I have also found the source of the poison, and the antidote is also being prepared, so everyone The general's life can be saved! And according to estimates, the general will recover within three months at the earliest!"

"What? The general can recover!" The six generals suddenly became excited, and their eyes sparkled.

"Hehe, I thought none of you cared about the general's safety!" Tianci laughed.

"Fart! The general lived and died with us, how can you understand? The general is critically ill, do you want us to cry like a woman? Do you want the morale of the army, and fight the battle!" Samo Khan rushed Said.

Tianci nodded. Originally, when he came here, Tianci was worried that his morale would be affected because of the matter of the general.However, judging from the way into the camp, although there is no military discipline, the soldiers' personal emotions are still high.Generals are the brains of every main battle army, and their emotions often affect the entire main battle army.

"The general will recover soon, and you have been notified of this matter. Now I want to talk about the second thing, which is about the military situation of the orc invasion. I can also get to the bottom of it with everyone here. Now I threaten The Ernesian Empire has already set out to conquer the Faran Empire, and the entire empire is supporting the war preparations. Our military expenditure in the northwest is supported by the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, so you don’t have to worry, but in terms of military strength, I’m afraid there won’t be any reinforcements, so I want to hear everyone’s opinions mean?"

"Joke, our Northwest Army has been stationed here for decades, when did we need reinforcements?"

"Don't worry, as long as we're still here, we won't let the orcs move forward!"

"Generals, how did General Seiya set up defenses in the past? How did you deploy the land?" Tianci asked.

"How else can we set up defenses? Soldiers come to block the water and flood the soil, just kill them back! Haman, tell him that the defense is ready!" Samo Khan roared.

The general, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't support himself just now, stood up and walked forward, "Master Counselor, please look at the map!"

Godsend stepped aside and freed up the map.

"Look, my lord, this is Jianfeng Gorge. The gorge is long and steep, and landslides often occur, so it is impossible to build a fortress to defend against the enemy. We have been facing each other in the middle all year round, and our troops are also distributed on both sides." Haman As the general spoke, he pointed to the map with his finger. "The ones facing the enemy head-on are" General Pama's main battle corps, General Samohan's Tiger Camp main station corps, and General Samonin's Leopard Camp main battle corps.On the two wings, the main battle army of General Ashina is stationed at Luofengpo in the north, and the main battle army of General Jeske is stationed at Simapo! "

"Simapor? Is it the Simapor of the Sima Rebellion 40 years ago?"

"That's right! The terrain of Ximapo and Luofengpo are relatively flat, just like two side doors. Once these two side doors are opened, the orcs can go directly into our northwest province without contacting the three main battle legions in front of us." The hinterland, so these two places are extremely important!"

After a general understanding of the deployment situation, Tianci sat down again.The five generals led the five main battle armies to station separately, and General Harman was in charge of the logistics support of the Northwest Army.

"According to this defense, how long can we last if we only defend but not attack?" Tianci asked.

"Only defend but not attack?" The generals exclaimed, "How can this be done? Do you know how to fight!"

Tianci frowned, only defending and not attacking was suggested by the old marshal in the Palace of Qinzheng that day. According to the senior marshal's qualifications, there should be nothing wrong with it! "Generals, don't you know what's wrong with only defending but not attacking?"

"It's very wrong! General Seiya has always led us to take the initiative to attack. We stay in the camp all day long. Aren't we going to make the orcs laugh at us? If you are afraid of death, go back to the capital, and we will attack by ourselves!"

"Hmph, I thought the people sent by His Majesty are so capable, aren't they timid and afraid of death?"

Godsend is puzzled.

General Harman stood up, "Master Counselor, you may not know that there are many races of orcs, some of them are good at fighting, and some are not good at fighting. The races that are not good at fighting are often strong in reproduction, and they are often used as cannon fodder. If we don't use their elite fighters They won't withdraw their troops if they are fired. And the longer it takes, the greater the impact on our morale."

Tianci understands a little bit, "What General Haman said is very true. I don't understand the situation! But I mean, can we temporarily wait for three months and wait for General Seiya to fully recover before leading everyone to fight back?"

Although the generals were not very satisfied, they still accepted it!

"Then what I want to talk about next is the third thing!" Tianci cleared his throat, "Although today is my first day in the Northwest Military Camp, it surprised me. The captain guarding the gate of the camp was drunk during the day, and all the soldiers It is lax and undisciplined, with no military discipline at all. General Samohan actually only wore undershirts to move around in the barracks, so I would like to know why the military discipline of the Northwest Army is so loose, and it is still in a duel with the orcs? Such military discipline and How can we stick to the important ground and repel the powerful enemy?"

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

The six generals immediately leaned forward and backward with joy.

"Undershirt...I'm usually shirtless!"

"Today I dress better because you are His Majesty's personal order. If there are other people, I will not see you yet!"

"I thought the third thing was so important, that's it?"

. . . . . .

"Although I have never stayed in a military camp, at least I know that the state-owned country and the French army have military regulations. If there is no country, France will not be a country. How can there be an army without military regulations? I will forget it today, but I hope everyone can go back. Reorganize the military regulations and be strict!"

"Master Counselor, I would like to ask, are you here to temporarily lead our Northwest Army, or take over and reorganize our Northwest Army?" General Jeske asked.

"I'm just here to temporarily take charge! The commander of the Northwest Army is General Seiya. I just took over temporarily during his illness. I didn't mean to replace him, reorganize and rectify!" Tianci replied.

"That's good. This kind of military discipline and military regulations was set by General Seiya himself. Without the order of the general, we will not change it. Don't say you are a counselor, even if His Majesty is here, we will not change it." Change!" the generals yelled.

God-given suffocation, suddenly speechless.

"Master Counselor is all right, then let's go!" General Jeske waved his hand, "Samohan, Samonin, let's go, we are still waiting for you, can't we be cowards?"

"Let's just go, the ones who are afraid are the cowards!"

After all, the generals stood up and prepared to go out.

"Wait a minute, generals, I have one more personal matter to ask!" Tianci called everyone to stop.

"Say it quickly, after we finish speaking, we still have to go to the competition!"

"About two years ago, a young man named Alkin came to join the Northwest Army. I don't know where he is now?" Tianci asked.

"Alkin? Is that the Alkin who doesn't want to be the bodyguard of the general, but wants to be the captain?" General Jeske said suddenly, "He is from the Kate family. Oh, I remembered, you belong to Duke Kate. Name your grandson, you are a family!"

Tianci nodded, "That's him!"

"He's a squad leader under me, I'll send someone to call you right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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