Godsend Field

Chapter 295 Beast

Chapter 295 Beast
"Young Master!" The curtain was lifted, and Alkin ran in in surprise.

"Arkin, are you still used to being in the Northwest Army?" Tianci smiled and walked down, looking at the dark-skinned but exceptionally strong young man in front of him.

When I met Alkin for the first time in Duke Kate's fief, although his skin was not white, it was not so dark.There were also many obvious scars on the body, especially a scar on the back of the hand protruding from the sleeve.Wearing a small captain's military uniform with the Northwest Army logo on it, and a rough long sword on his waist.

It can be seen that Arkin had a hard time in the Northwest Army.

"Is this the long sword that Clark gave you?" Tianci took out Alkin's long sword, and took it in front of him with a slightly angry face, "Why is it an ordinary long sword? Didn't Clark say that the long sword he gave you was a middle-grade long sword? "

"Young master, don't blame Mr. Clark, he gave me a middle-grade long sword, but... but I lost to our squadron leader!" Alkin quickly explained.

"Losing? You shouldn't be addicted to gambling, right? Why would you gamble with a weapon? Did your squadron leader force you to gamble with the long sword?"

"No, I do it willingly! And one day I will win it back!" Alkin said.

The God-given long sword turned over and stabbed fiercely on the ground, "The Northwest Army not only has no military discipline, but also has a gambling addiction!"

"Young Master, please calm down. You just came to the Northwest Army and you may not know the situation here. The Northwest Army is very different from other armies in the empire. Why don't you let me explain it to you!" Alkin said.

"Alright, I also want to know about the Northwest Army! Let's go for a walk, I want to see it too!"

Yu'er wandered around in the large tent of the Chinese army for a long time, searched everything that could be found, but couldn't find anything good, when she heard that Tianci was going out, she immediately jumped on Tianci's shoulder.

The barracks of the Northwest Army are distributed very regularly. Each main battle army has five legions, and each army has five regiments.The regiments are distributed like pentagonal plum blossoms, and the legions are separated by a word.Every day six regiments were preparing for battle at the front, while the rest practiced in the rear.

Tianci didn't see any drills, but only saw them sleeping on their backs or gathering people to fight.

"Young master, there is a school field in the middle of each regiment, and even a small school field in the middle of each regiment. These school fields are all used for competition!" Alkin said.

"For competition? Don't you guys practice?"

"Practice every morning and evening, and don't care about the rest of the time, so everyone uses it for challenges!"

"Okay! Hit!"

"Hit! Hit!"

A challenge sounded from the side.

Tianci took a disgusted look.

"Young master, don't be angry! In fact, there are no military regulations in general in the Northwest Army, except that no one can be killed! So here we all speak by force. For example, I lost in the competition with the squadron leader. Long sword, but as long as I win the challenge, I can win back the long sword! And in the Northwest Army, if you win someone else’s thing, you can’t refuse another challenge from others! So now I practice hard every day Just to win back my long sword as soon as possible!"

"Is the Northwest Army like this?"

"Well, even the generals here have a lot of challenges every day! But they are so powerful that almost no one can defeat them!" Alkin said, "Young master, but it is precisely because of this that the combat effectiveness of the Northwest Army is so strong. It will be so strong. The weak can practice hard to become stronger, but the cowardly cannot survive! I was relatively weak when I first came here, but as long as I work hard, no one will look down on me! I have reached the fourth level of fighting spirit now, and I I never thought it would be so fast!"

Tianci nodded, Alkin was only at the third level in the fief, and now he is at the fourth level!

"Young master, I heard that you are now the counselor of our Northwest Army. Are you angry with some generals today?"

Tianci smiled wryly. The attitude of the generals made Tianci unforgettable. Since he became the earl, this is the first time he has been so neglected and disdained by others!
"Young master, you don't really need to mind! These generals are temperamental people, they only recognize strength, if you have strength, they will respect you to heaven, just like the generals. But if you don't have strength, No matter how high the official position is, they don't care about it!"

Only then did Tianci feel relieved, "Arkin, do you know the generals? Tell me about their personalities!"

"General Samohan and General Samonin are twin brothers. They have been very powerful since they were young. Although they are both great swordsmen, they often like to compete with others. I heard that they like to rush to the forefront every time they fight. , their legions are also the same as them, so among the five legions, their two legions are the most powerful. Because they are comparable to the tiger and leopard clan of the orcs, so their legions are called the tiger camp and the leopard camp. It is a very powerful symbol in the Northwest Army!"

Tianci smiled and said, "I've heard it in the academy too. There are raging soldiers, and there are raging generals. It's not surprising that there are all kinds of soldiers as there are generals!"

"General Parma's vindictiveness is said to be the highest, and it should be at the peak of the eighth level, so they have the most powerful vindictiveness in the legion! General Ashina and General Jeske are more tolerant, and they are more prominent in tactics, so Seiya The general placed them on both sides. General Haman is the most shrewd, so he is in charge of the supply and reserve of the entire army."

Tianci nodded, "One more thing, is the Northwest Army usually so lax without any military discipline?"

"Yes, and no!" Alkin replied, "If there is no war, everyone will be very loose, fighting and fighting, and challenging the challenge, but once the war starts, everyone will change, and no one is a coward! On this point , Eldest Young Master, you are here so you don't know!"

Tianci was taken aback, he was usually loose, but he would become tough in battle?No wonder the captain who stopped him could turn murderous in an instant when he was drunk.

"Is that okay?" Tianci smiled wryly.

"Of course! Young master, you have seen beasts. If they are full, they are very lazy, but if they start to forage, then they are more energetic and stronger than ever! I said in the army that if we want to deal with the orcs, we must build an army that is even more beastly than the orcs! Our Northwest Army is like this!"

An army more beastly than orcs!Tianci understood it all at once!
Dealing with orcs is not like dealing with other imperial armies, the same set of other armies simply cannot be applied here!

"Hehe, have you turned into a beast?" Tianci asked with a smile.

"The young master made fun of me, which is actually just a way of saying, but I really feel that I am more bloody than before, more like a man!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly there was a deafening drumming sound.

Tianci was surprised, "What happened?"

"Young master, don't panic, it's time to eat! But there is still a competition before eating!"

"Do you have to compete before eating?"

"Well, yes! Each legion will have a few teams that apply for the capture the flag fight. If they win, then this team can eat a full meat meal, otherwise they can only eat half meat!"

"Clatter~~" Tianci's shoulders were immediately wet.

Tianci smiled, "Then, can Yu'er and I participate?"

"Eldest young master, you want to participate? You are a counselor, you don't need to participate and you can eat well, not to mention you don't have a team!"

"Didn't you say that everything here depends on strength? If it depends on privileges, I'm afraid I won't be able to integrate into the Northwest Army for the rest of my life. As for not having a team, that's even easier. Yu'er and I form a team!"

Alkin was a little stunned, "Master, there are 100 of them!"

"Don't worry, can you tell me where I can go to participate?"

"Squads can only apply to participate in their own legion! But you are a counselor, you can join the whole army... but the young master..."

"That's good! Let's get closer!" Tianci said and walked towards the nearest school ground.

The school grounds were surrounded by soldiers, either sitting or standing, whistling and cheering for their comrades.There is a table in the middle next to the school yard, surrounded by people.

"Our team is participating!"

"We want to participate too!"

. . . . . .

"Go down, all down! The previous two participations are not allowed to participate this time!" The team leader behind the desk waved his hand and drove off a group of people. "There are already three places, and there are those in the team who want to eat meat, stand up !"

"I come!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar from the side, overwhelming the surrounding registration.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a young man walking over, with a fiery red fox resting on his shoulder.

"Who are you? You belong to that regiment, why are you messing around with us?" The regiment leader frowned and shouted.

"The head of the regiment must not be rude, this is the counselor of the Northwest Army ordered by His Majesty! The Lord of Yanhua City, the Marquis of God!" Alkin said quickly.

"Suck!" Everyone took a breath of air, "The counselor appointed by His Majesty is a high-ranking official. Even if you don't have to compete, you can eat well. How could you come to us to grab food?"

"Am I not eligible to participate in your group's competition?"

"Master Counselor, of course you are qualified. You are qualified for any regiment of our Northwest Army, but even if you don't join, you can still eat and drink. Why come to our regiment and suffer this crime? What if you beat your arms and legs? We can’t afford it if it’s broken!” the head of the group sneered.

Tianci waved his hands and smiled coldly, "Why, could it be that you are afraid?"


The surrounding soldiers immediately became excited. The people in the Northwest Army have never been afraid of anyone!What is there to be afraid of who is not even afraid of death?This sentence from God is undoubtedly an insult to them!

"Hmph, I've never been afraid of anyone! Alright, I'll let you participate, and you can choose my team here!" the team leader said angrily.

"No need, the two of us are enough for our team!" Tianci pointed at Yu'er on his shoulder.

two?Others are a team of hundreds of people!

"What a big tone! I'd like to see how you fight!" The regiment leader said angrily, "You three small captains come up and draw lots together!"

The four teams were divided into two groups to compete, and the winners of each group will go to the finals, and the team that wins in the end can enjoy the feast exclusively!

The first two teams to play, one team wearing undershirts and the other shirtless, stood on both sides of the school field.

"Old rules, the first is that no disabilities are allowed, the second is not allowed to use shade, and the third is that people who are out of bounds are not allowed to return to the school field!" The head of the group said, with a wave of his palm, two flags nearly three meters long were directed towards the two sides respectively. A team flies away.

After receiving the flag, the two sides immediately changed their formation.Teams in undershirts form triangles, and shirtless teams form squares.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Drums sounded nearby, and soldiers shouted.

The two teams immediately fought together. The triangular formation was like a sharp sword inserted straight into the square. The tip of the sword was about to penetrate. When it was approaching the rear flag, it was suddenly blocked. The formation on both sides of the square was quickly dispersed. Returning to the cage, the moment they made contact, the two sides began to fight hand-to-hand.Of course, real fights are not allowed. The outcome is just to beat the opponent out of the range specified by the school field.

Tianci watched both sides carefully from the side.

People on both sides did not use grudges, but competed purely with strength and martial arts.Punching and kicking, not only shouting and cursing, but the soldiers next to him were even more enthusiastic, cheering and laughing everywhere.

The two teams were evenly matched, and the number of people on both sides gradually decreased, but the number of people left was still very balanced.When the number of people was almost reduced, the remaining talents focused all their attention on snatching the opponent's flag.

According to the rules, the side that first captures the opponent's flag wins.

There are only about 20 people left on both sides, and the competition has become fiercer. Everyone has become cautious, and every one more person is an advantage.The beating of the drum was rapid, and both sides tried their best to make the last charge.

"Kill! Kill!"

Everyone was excited, and there was even more fighting in the school field.

Amidst the shouts, the team wearing undershirts was the first to capture the opponent's flag and win.The naked squad immediately shouted and cursed.

"Okay, the first match is out, it's time for the second match!" the team leader shouted loudly.

Tianci walked out into the school field with a confident smile, and the hundred people on the opposite side had already stood up, looking at Tianci with disdain.

"Master Counselor, it's still too late for you to regret it now. Although the army stipulates that you cannot be disabled, ordinary injuries are not something a young master like you can bear!" said the head of the regiment holding two flags in his hand.

Tianci shrugged and stretched out his hand, "Flag!"

"Hmph, since you're looking for a fight, don't blame us later!" After speaking, the head of the regiment swung his palms violently, and two flags flew towards both sides.

Tianci took the flag and stood it on the ground.


The opposite team rushed up immediately, all of them showed joy on their faces, this was the first time they encountered such a simple competition!Isn't it a piece of cake for a hundred people to deal with two people?Just when the team rushed to Tianci, ready to reach out to capture the flag, suddenly


The soldiers watching around the school ground felt an inexplicable pressure, and they felt uncomfortable all over.But the [-]-person team in the middle of the school field was miserable. They suddenly felt as if the sky had collapsed, their bodies were weak, and they couldn't help but fell to the ground one after another.

Yu'er has the strength of an eighth-level monster, and the coercion exuded even those generals are afraid of three points, let alone these soldiers!

When the howling stopped, everyone around breathed a sigh of relief, but the hundreds of soldiers on the field were still lying down, panting.

Tianci smiled slightly, walked forward, picked up the flag dropped by the opponent from the ground, and walked towards the head of the group.The head of the regiment and the soldiers around looked at Tianci in amazement, with extremely complicated expressions on their faces.Just as they thought, the competition ended in a one-sided situation, but in the wrong direction.

The elite team in the regiment fell down without even touching the team, and they were powerless to fight back. . .

"Head, can we announce it?" Tianci put two flags on the table.

Everyone came back to their senses and felt ashamed immediately.

"It doesn't count, rely on the monster!"

"If you have the ability, don't rely on the real swords and guns of Warcraft!"

Many soldiers immediately became angry with injustice.

The leader's face was gloomy, he stared at Tianci for a moment, and waved his big hand, "Shut up! Winning is winning, losing is losing, there is nothing to say! This round is considered to be the victory of the Counselor, and we are ready for the next round!"

The undershirt team that won the previous game all jumped on the field. Many of them were beaten bruised and swollen in the previous competition, but none of them complained of pain, and they were still full of energy.

However, the soldiers around were somewhat disdainful. These squads were all about the same strength. Since the one who was beaten had no power to fight back, what about this squad that had already fought once?
Boos all over the place.

"Leader, this time, I wonder if we can change the method! I am against their team alone. If I am kicked out of the school field, I will lose, and if they are kicked out of the school field, I will win?" Tianci said loudly.

Everyone was stunned, and he was the only one who didn't rely on Warcraft?One to one hundred, does he think he is a general?
"And they can also use grudge!"

"Wow!" There was a commotion in the school grounds.Dou Qi is not allowed to be used in the usual competitions, because it is afraid that the increase of dou qi will cause too much damage to low-level people, so it is a good thing to ask for it.

One to one hundred, and the other party is required to use grudge!
Provocation, contempt!
"Young master, don't do it!" Alkin hastily stepped up, "Everyone in their team has a level-[-] grudge, so don't be careless!"

Tianci smiled slightly, "Leader, I'm not afraid, are you still afraid?"

"Afraid! Hahaha! We are afraid, afraid that you won't be able to explain to your superiors if you break it!" the head of the group said angrily.

"Well, there are so many brothers here today, everyone can testify, this time I take the initiative to ask them to use fighting spirit, and I will bear all the consequences myself!" Tianci said loudly, and everyone on the school field could hear clearly.

"Head, he said it all. If you don't agree, is our team really afraid of him? Please allow it!" The team leader on the other side also called, and the hundreds of team members were already red-eyed with anger.

The leader had no choice but to agree.If you don't agree, these hundred teams will probably hate themselves for the rest of their lives.

Tianci clicked Yu'er, Yu'er jumped down and climbed to the pole next to the school field to watch the battle.

"Kill! Kill!"

Immediately there were cheers from all around.

Hundreds of team members unfolded their battle qi at the same time, all of them had level [-] battle qi, and only the team leader had level [-] battle qi.

The team members rushed forward and surrounded Tianci, Tianci pulled off his coat, revealing a full body outfit with a cry.

The squad leader walked in the middle, and faced Tianci face to face, "Boy, here are all men with no official positions, and if you want to speak big, you have to fist hard enough. Since you dare to challenge our entire squad, let us see your weight. Show your strength." Bar!"

"Ghost? I won't!" Tianci smiled.

The squad leader's expression changed, and he twitched, "You're kidding me? You're courting death!"

With a sound of rage, the team leader threw his iron fist at Tianci.

(End of this chapter)

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