Godsend Field

Chapter 296 Shocking

Chapter 296 Shocking
The team leader was furious, a person without fighting spirit actually wanted to challenge himself and these people with fighting spirit, and there were still a hundred of them!


Tianci raised the corner of his mouth, and turned his body slightly to avoid the squad leader's punch.The captain quickly changed his moves when he missed a hit, and pressed closely.Tianci's body swayed back and forth to dodge, and every time the captain's long fist stuck to the hem of his clothes and missed.If Tianci wants to run, I'm afraid no one can stop him, even if he hides, the team leader can't reach him.But this time Tianci deliberately showed that his body was always a punch away from the captain.

Although the squad leader's fists were whistling, there were only two of them after all.How can Tianci not get caught in many sacks so that the team leader can hit him?
"Kill! Kill!"

The soldiers all around shouted loudly.Even the hundred team members standing around shouted and cheered.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The squad leader's fists are gusty, but he often misses. It's okay at first, but it gets more and more uncomfortable as it goes on. He is clearly right in front of his eyes, but no matter how he fights, he just misses it!This is under the watchful eyes of everyone. If you can't take down this brat today, how will you mess around in the future?
"Boy, don't hide if you have the guts!"

"Hmph, that's what you said!"

Tianci suddenly stood still and straightened his chest.

"Bang!" The captain punched Tianci hard on the chest.

"Good! Good!" There were applause from all around.

Tianci received the team leader's punch forcefully. Although the impact of a fifth-level warrior is strong, it is nothing to Tianci.Tianci leaned back and retreated with his strength, clasped the captain's left wrist with both hands like lightning and pulled hard, the little captain didn't expect that his body could not help but rush forward.

Tianci stood firm on his front feet and exerted strength on his back feet. His body was slightly low and twisted around his arms, and his elbow hit the captain's abdomen with force.

"Bang!" The fragile abdomen was hit, and there was a sudden pain, and he couldn't help but retreat.

Tianci pulled the captain's wrist firmly again, and the captain's retreating body staggered forward again.The continuous forward and backward made the captain suddenly lose his size.

Put your fingers together and aim at the captain's shoulder.

"Snap finger!"


"Ah!" The captain yelled in pain, his right arm was hanging down, and his left hand struggled to cover his right arm.

Godsend Action Lightning did not give the captain the slightest chance to react, raised his left arm from the top of his head, and twisted it to his back.His left foot kicked hard on his back knee, and the captain plopped on one leg and knelt on the ground.Tianci's left palm fell on his shoulder like a sword.


Both arms are misaligned.

Gritting his teeth and enduring the pain, the team leader struggled to stand up, Tianci kicked his back violently, the team leader staggered forward and fell heavily to the ground.The body twisted and tried to stand up.

"Captain! Captain!"

The team members on the side hurriedly ran forward to help the captain up.

The soldiers who were still shouting all around stopped, stunned in shock.In just a few breaths, Tianci beat a small team leader helplessly like clouds and flowing water. . .

Is this true?He is not grumpy. . .

"You guys should come together!" Tianci stood in the middle with a blank expression and looked around at the team members.

"Go! Avenge the captain!"

Hundreds of team members rushed up from all around angrily, their fighting spirit buzzing!

Level [-] battle qi has no attack power, Tianci is not afraid at all, even if it is hard to fight, what is there to be afraid of?

"Kill! Kill!"

The shouts all around were loud again.

In the middle of the school field, Tianci looked calm and waved his fists, blocking the attacks from all around.More than a hundred people rushed together, not everyone can fight against Tianci, only seven or eight people in the front can really fight against Tianci.It would be easier for Tianci to block it if they fought head-on, but from all directions, it would be a bit troublesome for Tianci, after all, there is no room for detours when surrounded in the middle.

Tianci suddenly grabbed an attacking wrist, pulled it hard, and felt that the opponent suddenly let go when he counterattacked. The captured soldier lost his center of gravity and suddenly fell backwards, causing chaos immediately.

"Snap finger!" Tianci suddenly tapped a soldier's chest with his left hand.There was a five-foot wave in the soldier's chest, and his body froze.Tianci has controlled his strength well, and the turbulence generated by Cunjin will only make him lose his attack power temporarily, so that he will not die.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two punches landed on Tianci's back.

Godsend is helpless, if you defend with all your strength, you can barely block it.But once attacked, there will be a defensive loophole.After all, I only have one pair of hands.Forget it, as long as it is not critical, just bear it.

At this time, defense cannot retreat the enemy, only attack is the best defense!

Tianci ignored the blowing fist wind and attacked with all his strength.



"Snap finger!"

. . . . . .

Tianci received countless punches on his body, and every punch could make Tianci's body shake with pain.Putting so many punches on others is enough to kill dozens of times, but Tianci has a blue light and can recover from injuries, but the pain is still inevitable, Tianci gritted his teeth and stood up!

At this moment, Tianci only knows to attack, attack, and attack again!There was nothing in his eyes except the soldiers, only the whistling wind of fists, cheers, and shouts all disappeared!Time seems to be frozen, only you are left in the world!This is the state of selflessness in Rouquan!
Gradually, Tianci seemed to be unable to see the enemy, hear the wind, every punch and every finger seemed to have his own consciousness, and the corner of Tianci's mouth was raised!

There are more and more people falling around, and the surrounding space is getting bigger and bigger.

Sideways dodged a punch and a backhand grab, a card


Tianci hit more and more smoothly, and couldn't help but hit three points harder, and there were only a dozen people left beside him.

"Kill! Kill!"

Tianci snorted coldly, it is time to take the initiative now.

"Snap finger!"


Tianci raised his leg and kicked the soldier's chest, and the soldier flew out with a mouthful of blood. This was the last one standing.


Tianci let out a long sigh of relief, and looked around, a hundred soldiers were lying sideways, none of them could stand up.Either keeping silent or clutching broken arms and broken legs.But what Tianci admired was that no one moaned.

The soldiers around were shocked and stood up one after another. There were more than a hundred people lying on the ground, and only one man stood majestically in the middle, despising the surroundings.Brother Young Master, who was sighed just now, is so tall at the moment!
Tianci strode to the table and looked at the leader.The leader's eyes were even more complicated, but he seemed to have more admiration.

Tianci smiled slightly, put his hands behind his back, turned around and looked around, standing proudly.

"Is there anyone else who is not convinced?"

There was silence all around!
"Is there anyone else who is not convinced?"

Tianci yelled again, and the sound lingered over the school field for a long time.The hundred people in front of him have all been knocked down by him, so what's the use of doing it yourself?
All the soldiers and captains around were silent

"I don't agree!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout and the audience was shocked.

Following the sound, I saw six generals headed by Samohan striding in.

The screams of the fight just now were loud, which has already attracted the attention of the generals. In addition, someone came to report that the Counselor had participated in the team competition, so the six generals rushed over in a hurry, just in time to see the hundred soldiers from Tianci All those with strong fighting spirit were knocked down.

Except for Samohan, the six generals thought that Tianci was just a son and a young master. They never thought that Tianci was so powerful.


All the soldiers saluted respectfully, why did the six generals arrive at the same time?
"General, why are you here?" The head of the regiment hurried over.This regiment is in the tiger camp and is subordinate to General Samohan's subordinates.

"Bastard! How dare you attack the Counselor? You are still fighting! Come on, drag him out and hit him with fifty army sticks first!" Samo Khan was furious.

"Wait a minute!" Tianci stopped, and walked over, "General Samohan, I was the one who asked to take part in the competition, and I was the one who asked them to use fighting spirit, and it has nothing to do with the regiment leader!"

Sam Khan smiled dryly, walked around Tianci, looked at the soldiers lying in disorder on the long side, and tore off the robes on his body with a snap, revealing his strong muscles, "Master Counselor, you didn't need to fight just now. Defeating my entire team, I, Samo Khan, admire from the bottom of my heart, but if you let you go out like this today, wouldn’t people laugh at my tiger camp and my Northwest Army?”

God sent a smile: "General Samohan is surprised by this statement! I am a counselor of the Northwest Army personally appointed by His Majesty, that is to say, I am a member of the Northwest Army and a member of the Tiger Camp. I am a member of the Northwest Army. joke?"

Samohan was taken aback. Indeed, Tianci is a counselor, who can participate in any matter of the Northwest Army, just like General Seiya, it can be said that he can be a member of any army, or even any team.

"That's right, just because you overthrew my team by yourself today, I admit that you are a member of our Northwest Army! But whoever you said just now is not convinced, I Sam Khan is not convinced now! I fought at the gate of the camp earlier If you are not happy, why don't you compete first? If you win, how about I, Samo Khan, kowtow to you and admit my mistake?"

Tianci looked at this strong general.Although the previous battle was difficult, it conquered the hearts of these soldiers, won their respect, and also won the approval of the six generals. However, to make the six generals surrender, I am afraid that they must surrender one by one.

Samohan and Samoning have the most confidence in their own strength, and if they want to make them submit, it seems that they can only face each other head-on with strength!I just don't know if my strength is enough!
"Although I just came here, I also know that cowards avoid challenges in the Northwest Army. Since the general intends to compete, I will be with you till the end!"

"Good! Good!" The soldiers next to him suddenly became excited.Competitions between generals are not seen every day!

"Hahaha, happy!" Samohan was very excited, "Bring the wine!"

Immediately, someone brought out two jars of wine from under the middle table.

"General Samohan is good wine, why don't you drink it first, I'll go and connect their bones, otherwise there may be trouble after a long time!" Tianci clasped his fists and walked towards the soldiers next to him.

Some soldiers had their chests vibrated by an inch of strength, and they would be fine as long as they rested for a while, but there were also many soldiers whose bones were dislocated by the gift of God, especially the captain who was the first to face.Tianci walked up quickly, straightened the captain's arms, and then set the soldiers' bones one by one.The soldiers endured the pain and remained silent, and their eyes of looking at Tianci changed from disdain and anger to reverence and admiration.

Gritting their teeth, the soldiers walked to the edge of the school field to make room for Tianci and Samohan.

Samo Khan touched the wine stains on the corner of his mouth, "How do you want to compare?"

"I heard that General Samohan was born with supernatural powers, so I have the courage to ask you for advice!"

"Hahaha, I will give you a chance to choose, but you choose the hardest one!" Samohan laughed.

"General please!"

"watch out!"

Without saying a word, Samo Khan swung his big fist and threw it at Tianci, the wind whistling.

Tianci spread out his left palm and caught it accurately, pop!With a sound, Tianci's entire arm went numb.Tianci clenched his right fist and threw it at Samo Khan, who also caught it.The two faced each other like bullfighting bulls!
The fists and palms seem to be calm, but the dark energy is surging back and forth, no one will let anyone else!

The veins on the arms popped up.

"Hmph! Kid, you really let me miss you! With your strength, I'm afraid no one can match you in the barracks, but it's a pity that you met me, Samohan!"

"Ah!" Sam Khan roared, and his strength suddenly increased again. Godsend was surprised. The short confrontation just now was evenly matched. Unexpectedly, Sam Khan suddenly increased his strength. It seems that he must have retained some strength just now!
Although Tianci was struggling to persevere, his feet began to slip and retreat.

If this continues, he will undoubtedly lose!
"Wait!" Tianci shouted suddenly, his body jumped up and left the confrontation!
"Why, admit defeat? I told you to compare yourself to others! Hahaha!" Samohan laughed triumphantly.



The cheers on the school grounds rang out!The five generals also roared. Everyone has seen Samohan and Samohan's power. Except for General Seiya, no one can fight against them.

Tianci rubbed his wrist.

He has always been very confident about the gift of power, it seems that he has met his opponent today!This Samohan is indeed born with divine power! "General Samohan, I just stopped to make an adjustment, and I don't mean to admit defeat!"

Tianci unbuttoned his sleeves, revealing the dark black iron wrist guards on his wrists.

"Huh?" Samohan frowned.

Unlocking the live buckle, Tianci untied the two black iron wristbands, and threw them on the ground beside them instead of putting them into the space ring.

"Boom!" The dust flew up!
The whole school was quiet. . .The faces of the six generals changed at the same time!
Tianci moved a little bit, the black iron wristband has been in place for more than ten years, and he took it off suddenly, it is really uncomfortable!Walking back in front of the black iron wristband again, "General, I'm ready! Please!"

Samohan was still staring at the two heavy black iron wristbands on the ground, "Did you wear them just now?"

"That's right! I've been wearing this since I was seven or eight years old! If it wasn't for my incompetence in competing with the general, I would have almost forgotten about it!" Tianci said flatly, "Since the general is modest, I will punch first!"

Tianci shouted loudly, and the fist wind sounded immediately, and it hit Samohan.



The two are standing together, and a new round of competition has begun!

Without the black iron wristband, the power bestowed by God has increased in vain!When Samohan tried his best again, Tianci was still able to stand firmly.The two of them exerted force on each other, the muscles on their arms protruded, sweat beaded on their foreheads, and they gritted their teeth!

Evenly matched!

Pure power confrontation, without any tricks, without any falsehood!
The most primitive confrontation, the most beastly contest!
The school field was silent, everyone was watching intently, only the sound of the two people gnashing their teeth and panting!

Tianci unfolded the blue light to relieve the fatigue of the body muscles, and the strength came again!

I don't know how long it took, but Tianci would use blue light to recover every time my arms were sore and numb. At the beginning, I could persist for a long time, but later on, my arms became fatigued faster and faster!After recovering more than ten times in a row, Tianci finally felt that Samohan's strength began to weaken.

Sam Khan's eyes widened, the whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, his mouth was opened wide and he was gasping for breath. It seemed that General Sam Khan's strength had finally begun to fail!Tianci was overjoyed, the blue light recovered again, as long as he persisted for a while, I am afraid that Samohan would admit defeat!
After persisting for a while, Samohan's strength was obviously much weaker.

Tianci held General Samohan's right fist with his left hand, and with a sudden force on his fingers, he pressed the iron fist firmly.

Sam Khan was taken aback, he didn't expect Tianci to still have the same strength as before at this time!His eyes were incredible, his expression was dull, his heart collapsed, and the strength of his arms also disappeared.

Tianci smiled slightly, then suddenly withdrew his strength and jumped back, clasping his fists together, "General Samohan is indeed born with supernatural powers, Tianci admires it! This time it's not as good as we fight!"

draw?Can you make peace with General Samohan?

Everyone watching the battle was shocked. They didn't expect Tianci to be able to fight against General Samohan for such a long time, and even talk about a draw?

Others don't know, but General Samohan himself is very clear.

"No! It's not a draw!" Samo Khan roared.

"That's right, how is it possible to reconcile?"

"The general is the number one divine power in our barracks, so you want to make peace with the general?"

"Do you want to make peace if you lose?"

The soldiers in the tiger camp began to discuss in low voices, and the respect they had just given to Godsend turned into disdain and ridicule!
On the middle school field, General Samohan walked two steps forward and came in front of Tianci

General Samohan knelt down on both legs, folded his fists and lowered his head, "The counselor is so powerful, and the last general Samohan admires him! I admit defeat!"

"Wow!" The school grounds are boiling!

General Samohan actually conceded defeat?General Samohan, the number one supernatural power of the Northwest Army, surrendered?Everyone was stunned and couldn't accept it for a long time. Even the generals were stunned and arrogant. Samo Khan, who had always thought that he was the most powerful in the world, actually gave up?Kneel down?
Is this true?
Is it fake?
General Samohan never tells a lie!

Tianci hurriedly helped Samohan up, "General, get up quickly, we will compete, but it is said that there is no winner between brothers!"

Samohan struggled stubbornly, "Victory is victory, and defeat is defeat! Others don't know, but I, Samohan, know that my lord has endless stamina, and I have already done it. My lord wants to give in, but I can't accept a draw! I lost, Convinced!"

Tianci sighed, just now he wanted to save General Samohan's face, but he didn't expect General Samohan to be so upright, and he immediately had a good impression of Samohan in his heart.If it can be attributed to the use of martial arts skills outside the camp gate, it can be attributed to the use of martial arts skills, but just now it was purely a confrontation without any falsehood, no wonder Samo Khan was so respectful and convinced!
"I see! General, get up quickly!" Tianci helped Samohan up again.

Then Sam Khan stood up, picked up the black iron wristband on the ground, weighed its weight and respectfully returned it to Godsend, "Your Excellency has been practicing so hard since I was a child, but I only rely on my natural strength to show off my strength. I am ashamed to see it today. Finally I will practice hard in the future! One day I will catch up with adults!"

Tianci took the black iron wristband and brought it back to his hand.

"Listen to all the soldiers of the Tiger Camp, this is the counselor of our Northwest Army, Lord Godsend! I don't care about other battalions, and everyone in our Tiger Camp remembers, the words of the Lord Godsend are my words, and the orders of the Lord Godsend It's my order! Whoever dares to disrespect Lord Tianci, don't blame me for being rude!"

"God-sent sir!"

"God-sent sir!"

"God-sent sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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