Godsend Field

Chapter 297 Frontline

Chapter 297 Frontline
Cheers erupted in the school grounds, and all the soldiers raised their arms and shouted the name given by God loudly.

Tianci stood in the middle and faced the wind. This is the Northwest Army!

"Let's eat! Bring the big banquet in the regiment to Lord Tianci!" Samohan yelled, "Leader, you all go to eat separately, and you can't miss the training at night!"

The head of the regiment hurriedly took orders, and the surrounding soldiers also slowly began to disperse, looking back from time to time.

At this time, someone ran in from the side, and set up ten tables in the school grounds. Each table was filled with seven or eight large pots, which were filled with steaming pieces of meat.The aroma soon spread to every corner of the school grounds.

Every time the winning team can enjoy the victory on the school field!
"General Samohan, how can I finish eating by myself? Why don't you let the team eat together? I was more aggressive just now, and they all suffered a lot. How about this meal as my apology?"

"Well, that's fine!" Samo Khan waved at the resting team next to him, "Aren't you still up and thanking Lord Godsend?"

The members of the team have all calmed down at this time. Although there is still some pain, there is no problem with their actions.Hundreds of people were defeated by one person. Instead of holding grudges against Tianci, everyone admired Youjia. They quickly ran over and bowed with fists in hand, kneeling in front of Tianci, "Thank you, Lord, for your reward! Thank you, Lord, for your reward!"

Tianci nodded, "Everyone, sit down quickly, it will be bad if it gets cold!"

Everyone sat around the nine tables, and they were not polite, and they reached out to take out the meat from the basin and started to chew.

"General Samohan, why don't you come and eat with all the generals!" Tianci invited.

The other five generals also came over at the same time.

"Samohan, what did you do to lose to a kid?" General Palmer patted Samohan on the shoulder.

Sam Khan blushed, "How about losing? Shouldn't I be allowed to lose?"

"Lord Tianci, I want to experience the divine power of Lord Tianci in Lower Samoning, I wonder if it is possible?" Samoning walked forward, with a trace of respect and request in his words.

"Samoning, what do you mean? Are you more powerful than me?" Samohan said angrily.

"Hehe, if General Samonen wants to compete, I will naturally welcome it. Why don't we wait another day? Now that the meat has arrived, I'm afraid it will freeze if we don't eat any more. By then..." Tianci suddenly widened his eyes. He opened his eyes and saw that the basin was already half empty on the table behind him. Yu'er ran down at some point, wagging his big tail, and his entire front body fell into the basin.

God-given embarrassment: "This... this... my Yu'er is good at everything, but this gluttony can't be changed, it is still a young fox, everyone, don't be surprised, don't be surprised..."

"Master Tianci is serious. Although your pet is young, but its ability is powerful, I admire it. Even if the whole table is eaten by it, we dare not have the slightest complaint!" Samohan said.

Yu'er's coercion has caused a lot of trouble for the generals. The strength of the Northwest Army is the highest, and the generals have nothing to say!

"Hehe, the six generals are laughing at you. Let's hurry up and eat. If you don't eat, I'm afraid you will really die!" Tianci said with a smile, and waved at Alkin, signaling Alkin to come and eat together.

Alkin came over, stood by the side, not daring to sit down, and looked at General Jeske.When General Jeske nodded his approval, Arkin boldly sat down.

Except for a few large pots of stewed meat on the table, there are wine jars. Alcohol is never banned in the Northwest Army, but not everyone can drink it, unless they win a battle or challenge rewards.On the banquet table, Yu'er was very proud, the table was full of its defeated opponents, who would dare to compete with it for the meat it fancy?
"Master Godsend, there is a tent next to General Seiya's tent in the middle army, which is specially for you! Ask Alkin to take you there later!" Samohan said after belching.

"Don't Alkin need to go back to the barracks today?" Tianci asked.

"No need, Master Tianci just came here not long ago, and there are still many things that are not very clear. Why don't you let Alkin follow you for a few days, so that you can introduce him to you!" General Jeske said.

Alkin is a small captain under General Jeske, and only General Jeske can order him.

"Yes! General!" Alkin stood up and took orders.

Satiated with food and drink, Samo Khan and Samonin brothers began to talk nonsense, and they hooked up with Tianci, as if they were all born from the same mother's womb. There are like two people in the tent.

Returning to the big tent of the Chinese army, Tianci, led by Alkin, went to a nearby tent.This tent is only half the size of the large tent of the Chinese army, but it is also very warm inside. The large animal skin tent and red carpet are divided into two halves in the middle. The inside half is a large bed with thick mattresses, soft sheepskin blanket spread over the surface.There is a vermilion table and chair outside, and several books on the art of war are placed on the table.There are also a few scattered seats beside them.

"This tent is pretty good!" Tianci praised the surrounding layout.

"Young Master, this is the tent where the Generalissimo lived when His Majesty and the Generalissimo visited the Northwest Army in person. It is said that Your Majesty lived in the same tent as the Generalissimo, and they talked at night while holding candles!" Arkin introduced.

"Hehe, it turns out that this is where the old marshal lived! No wonder it is more neat, and there are several military books!" Tianci casually picked up the military books on the table, and flipped through "Want Zhou Wubing? It turns out that the old marshal likes to read the books of the Great Zhou Empire." The art of war of the era!"

"Young master, not only the old marshal, but also the generals like to read this art of war! And I also ask every general to read it once."

Tianci was a little puzzled, "The mainland has been fighting for more than 3 years, and there are countless famous generals and commanders. Why do the generals prefer the art of war of the Zhou Dynasty?"

"That's because the Zhou Dynasty is more similar to our Northwest!"

Sitting in front of the table, Tianci slowly flipped through the military book.

The empire wars thousands of years ago were mostly fierce primitive duels.Everyone finds an open place, and the two sides set up a posture, and the fight between you and me is all hard-on-hard fighting.It's just that what pays attention to is the formation of soldiers and morale.Most of the weapons in their hands are halberds and shields.Now, with the deepening of the war and the repeated summarization of the war by countless capable officials, the current tactics have undergone great changes, not only to use the terrain, but also to pay attention to the weather.What's more, spy wars will often be added, and people trained in the country will be sent to the barracks of the party with deep identities. When the two sides confront each other, these people will leak the military information.

Now the war has become extremely complicated!Often a small, inconspicuous factor can affect the outcome of the entire battle.

Some time ago, the French Empire grasped the fact that the Marquis of Saint La and General Planck were eager to make contributions, so they set up a ecstasy formation to lure the imperial army out of the city, and then used an ambush to annihilate them!
For 3 years, it can be said that wars have become more and more sophisticated, smaller and more complicated!
Think of a battle between humans and orcs.

Over the past 3 years, almost nine out of ten battles have occurred between Jianfeng Gorge. The previous guards have already been familiar with the geographical form and weather changes here.However, the characteristics of orcs and humans are obviously different, and there is no such thing as sending people to explore the secrets.

Godsend looks at the art of war. The battle between humans and orcs is almost the same as the primitive battle 3 years ago. No wonder the old marshal and General Seiya attach so much importance to the art of war of the Great Zhou Empire, rather than the more exquisite and brilliant ones of today. art of war.

Among the imperial colleges, the comprehensive college has a department specializing in military affairs.After Tianci quit the fire department at that time, he had learned how to be a good lord in a comprehensive college. It can be said that he did not have any involvement in military affairs. Back then, Tianci would not have known that he was actually sitting in the barracks today, replacing the empire's most important leader. An important Northwest Saiyan general, temporarily controlling and monitoring the Northwest Army.

"When the book is in use, you will hate less!" Tianci closed the military book, rubbed his slightly sore eyes, and felt emotional in his heart.Wouldn't it be better to listen to the military for a few days if I knew there would be today?

As a lord, even if he doesn't know anything, wouldn't there be Clark in management, Xiaobenben in finance, and Chen Wu and Grew in the head of the bodyguard?

morning fog. . .By the way, there is morning fog! !

The tent was opened, and Alkin rushed in, "Young Master, what are your orders?"

Tianci was startled, it was already dark outside?

"You go and ask someone to help me go to Yanhua City to pass a message, saying that if Chen Wu and Gelu arrive in Yanhua City, tell them to come to the Northwest Military Camp to meet me immediately!"

"Yes! Young Master!" Alkin took the order and quickly walked out of the tent.

The corner of Tianci's mouth slightly raised, no matter how great a person is, it is impossible to be proficient in everything!But fortunately, I still have some capable people under my command. Even if I am not proficient, as long as I can use proficient people, wouldn't everyone be happy?

After a while, Alkin came back, "Young Master, I have already notified General Haman, he knew it was your business, and sent someone to Yanhua City immediately!"

Tianci nodded and looked at Alkin's hands and ears flushed from the cold, "Is it cold outside?"

"The temperature difference between day and night in the northwest is relatively large, next time I'll wear more clothes and I'll be fine!"

"There is a bed inside, you have been running with me for a day, go and have a rest!"

"No, that's where the young master slept. How can I sleep? Besides, how can there be no one standing guard here?" Alkin was flattered, and quickly declined.

"There are so many patrolling people outside, and you are not missing one? You go to sleep, and take it all as my thanks to you!"

"Thank you?" Alkin wondered.

"Hehe, if you hadn't introduced the situation of the Northwest Army to me today, I wouldn't have thought of using force to gain prestige, and I wouldn't be able to integrate into the Northwest Army so quickly. The attitude of these generals towards me before and after dinner can be said to be heavenly." It's all your fault!" Tianci said with a smile.

"The young master has said that, all of these are due to the young master's supernatural power and incomparable bravery! There is no one in the entire Northwest Army who can defeat a fighting spirit team without fighting spirit! What's more, the young master can defeat General Samohan, even more so!" It's a strange story in the army. In our Northwest Army, General Samohan and General Samoning only served General Seiya alone, and it was because the General He could fight them to the end instead of defeating them! I can't think much more God, the entire Northwest Army will know the name of the young master!"

Tianci chuckled, in order to integrate into the Northwest Army, the only way to subdue them is by force. This group of rebellious guys will only recognize people when they are hurt.

"Young master, although you have defeated General Samohan and General Samonin, I am afraid that other generals will still not accept you. At least you have not defeated their strengths! General Parma has an eighth level of grudge, General Ashina and General Jeske are leading the army If you want to convince the three of them, you will have to work hard!"

Tianci's face calmed down. At the dinner table, Sam Khan and Samoning could call him brothers and sisters, but the other three generals still had no enthusiasm for him. There is no need to evade, let's go to sleep, otherwise how can you take me to see the barracks tomorrow? I want to go to the barracks ahead tomorrow!"

Alkin nodded, he was indeed a little tired.

"Thank you, young master, what about you, young master?"

"I'm not sleepy, I still want to read more military books, if you don't grind your guns before the battle, you will be exhausted!"

In the early morning, when the sky was slightly bright, horns sounded outside the tent. Tianci walked out of the tent and walked casually.The various school grounds in the barracks were already full of soldiers, all of them energetic and lined up neatly with long guns in hand.Following the orders of the captains, the weapons in their hands were waved vigorously, and there was a majestic roar in their mouths


The roar is like thousands of troops and horses, like the rolling waves of water.

Tianci showed a smile on his face, this is the true face of the Northwest Army, this is an army like a lion.

After breakfast, Tianci walked towards the barracks ahead with Alkin.

The barracks on the front line are not very far from the base camp at the rear. A long and simple embankment was built in front of the barracks, five meters high and three meters wide. The wasteland, and two majestic sword-shaped mountains, this is Jianfeng Gorge!
On the other side of Jianfeng Gorge, looking at it from a distance, there are countless tents lined up densely, and there are countless small black spots shaking among them. Even if you can't see them clearly, you know that they are orcs!
"Young master, the dam in front can only be used for short-term defense. There are two main battle legions, and the strength of ten legions is drawn from the five generals. They are deployed once a month and take turns to go to the front line! Among them, six legions are on the front, and four legions are deployed on both sides!" Alkin introduced.

Tianci nodded, "Then no general personally went to the front line to command?"

"The young master doesn't know that the orcs came here not long ago. A while ago, some subordinate races were attacking, but the main force did not come. Even if the attack was small, it would not cause any big waves, so the generals would not Come, only when their main force gathers after a period of time will they be serious, at that time, all the generals will go to the front line!"

"That's it!" Tianci understood, and when he looked up, he had already arrived at the gate of the barracks.

After Alkin reported his identity as a godsend, the guard hurriedly went to notify the legion commander inside.Each regiment commander controls 5000 people in five regiments, and is the mainstay of the army, second only to the general.

After a while, six legion commanders ran out from the middle gate to welcome Tianci into the camp.Last night they had already received the notification from the generals, knowing that the Counselor ordered by His Majesty had entered the barracks, and with fierce tactics, they defeated a small team empty-handed in full view, overwhelmed the entire regiment, and defeated Samohan at the same time. General, Megatron the whole army!
When we met for the first time, all the regiment leaders were surprised. Although they knew that the counselor was young, they never expected him to be so young, and he was so gentle. He was clearly a young master. people!
"Gamiya, the head of the Tiger Camp, I have met the Counselor, sir, please come inside!"

Tianci looked at the six legion commanders and smiled slightly, "Legion commanders are stationed at the border for the empire, to protect the safety of the country and the safety of the people. I thank you all here! Everyone is older than me and has more experience than me, so you don't want to Call me an adult, just call me Tianci or little brother, but I am ashamed, I don’t know if it’s okay to call everyone big brother?"

"Hahaha, if your lord said that, then we won't be impolite!" The regiment commanders are all bold people, and they are not used to such polite words like your lord, and they are not as easy to pronounce as the little brother.This sentence from God immediately brought the distance between them very close!
"Little brother, please come inside!" The legion leaders welcomed Tianci into the tent.After sitting down, they introduced to Tianci one by one.

"Big Brothers, I am here mainly to see the situation on the front line, and learn about the battle situation by the way!" Tianci said.

"Brother Tianci, in fact, there is nothing right now. The orcs attack every now and then, but they are all weak subordinate races, and they are all sent to our subordinates to sharpen their knives. The real battle may take half a month to a month. Only then will it be possible to really start!" said the head of the Gamiya army.

"As far as I know, it's been a while since the Northwest first reported. Why hasn't the Orc Empire launched a real attack yet?" Tianci asked suspiciously.

"This orc empire is very large, it is said to be even larger than our Welsh empire, and they have no carriage roads, material delivery, and troop mobilization are relatively slow. According to our past experience, they have invaded from the nearest race to gather all the main force I'm afraid it will take two or three months. Our urgent report that day is to enable the empire to prepare in advance!"

Tianci hummed, and then inspected the barracks with all the army commanders.

Different from the rear, this place belongs to the front line of battles, and wars happen every now and then, so the overall appearance of the army is more orderly, and every soldier is tense, and all of them are full of fighting spirit.The practice of shouting and killing is also more diligent than that of the rear.

Tianci boarded the embankment and looked at the opposite Jianfeng Gorge.

This is the first time Tianci has actually seen, the majestic and straight mountains on both sides, the mountains that can't be seen to the top stretch down here, and the mountains suddenly become narrower, as if they were cut by a giant holding a giant sword.The rocks on the mountain are steep, the sand and stones are fragmented, and there is almost no vegetation.A little higher is piled up with white snow, dotted with the mountain body, and then there are faint clouds, which block the mountain peak.

"A miracle, other than this, I don't know how else to describe it!"

Tianci couldn't help sighing.If it weren't for this Jianfeng Gorge, humans and orcs might be separated by a mountain, and they would never see each other!There would be no more wars and bloodshed!
"Brother Tianci, you don't know yet, the name is Jianfeng Gorge, and the local people call it Joke Gorge!" the head of the Gamiya army smiled wryly.

"A joke?"

"Is this clearly a joke between God and us humans!"

(End of this chapter)

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