Godsend Field

Chapter 298 Formation

Chapter 298 Formation
Tianci then smiled wryly, "Brother Jiamiya is right, this Jianfeng Gorge is indeed a joke with us!"

Looking around at the surrounding terrain, the ground is empty Gobi, large and small broken stones are everywhere, and the terrain is also somewhat uneven, which is not suitable for building fortresses and castles at all.

"Brothers, you have been in the Northwest for a long time, haven't you come up with a way to resist the orcs once and for all?" Tianci asked.

The legion commanders shook their heads, "If I could think of it, I would have thought about it a long time ago! You have seen the situation here, it is impossible to build at all. The underground is Gobi, and there is no foundation. Once the wind blows here, I'm afraid it won't be long before it collapses! And their side is uphill, and our side is flat ground. If we camp at the mouth of the gorge, they will be very bad for us when they hit! That's why we are here Camping here for defense is to keep the flat ground for a decisive battle!"

"Is it very windy here?"

"Look at the season! Brother Tianci, you look at the Kundong Mountains soaring into the sky, like a natural wall, and there is something bulging towards us. And this Jianfeng Gorge is like a crack in the door. Wait until every year In winter, the wind will blow down the middle of the mountain along the mountain, and then rush out from the Jianfeng Gorge. At that time, it is really dark and dark, flying sand and rocks. The strong wind blows for ten days and a half months, let alone a castle, even It’s a city that’s going to be flattened!”

"Is it so strong?" Tianci couldn't believe it.

"What I'm talking about is still small. When the wind blows up in the winter months every year, the stones on the ground are more terrifying than knives and guns. At that time, we will even retreat to the main camp. Everything here will be It was razed to the ground!" The head of the legion said, "Look at the dam under our feet, we rebuilt it at the beginning of this year! But here there is more sand and less soil, so it can only be like this, that is, a little Block it!"

Tianci stomped his foot suddenly, and a shallow footprint appeared on the ground.

Accompanied by all the army commanders, Tianci walked along the Dati for a while before returning to the barracks.

"Brother Tianci, we really have nothing to see here, you should go back to the main camp first! It's not that the big brothers won't keep you, the big brothers all know your strength and admire it very much! It's just because there is nothing to fight here now. The fights are all for the newcomers to practice their hands, and after half a month the main force of the orcs will arrive, so you won't be too late!"

Tianci nodded, "Brother Gamiya is right. General Seiya is still healing in Yanhua City. There are indeed many things in the Chinese army that need someone to be responsible. I am the counselor appointed by His Majesty, so I can't just leave it alone at this time! Next, I will accompany the big brothers to have a meal and then go back to the camp, it is all up to the big brothers here!"

"Hahaha, as long as we have breath, we will wait for you to come again! But those caterpillars on the opposite side may not kill us!"

Tianci also laughed along with him.

The food of the Northwest Army can be said to be the best in the imperial army, and the food on the front line is the best in the Northwest Army!

After eating, the regiment leaders sent Tianci out of the barracks.Tianci and Alkin went back to the base camp alone.

"Young master, are you being too kind to them today, too polite? You weren't so kind to those generals yesterday!" Alkin asked casually.

"Hehe, Alkin, you don't understand this! I am a counselor appointed by His Majesty, and my position and function are the same as that of General Seiya, commanding the entire army! But the Northwest Army has 80 million soldiers alone. , there are more than 6000 squadron leaders, 620 squadron leaders, 120 regiment leaders, 25 legion commanders, and [-] generals. Do you want me to command them one by one? Don’t forget that I only have one person and one mouth. ! So I can't command so many people at all!"

Arkin stared at Tianci with shining eyes.

"Hehe, but because of this, I only need to keep an eye on five generals, five generals on 25 legion commanders, 25 legion chiefs on 120 and five regiment leaders... I keep on watching layer by layer, In the end, these 80 million people can be targeted. I only need to focus on five generals, so what I need is not to warm up with them, but to surrender and agree with them. If I want to call them generals, they must call me an adult! As for the people below, I don't need to stare at them, and there is no need to be too serious with them. The distance between us is already long, and it is good for both of us to get closer. So I don't Mind if anyone in the army calls me Little Brother or Tianci, except for the five generals!"

Alkin's face was still a little puzzled, "I seem to understand, young master! You are so famous and wise!"

Tianci was startled, but at the same time couldn't help being surprised, did those words really come from his own mouth?
He sighed helplessly, after discussing politics in the capital for so long, he has changed a lot. Although these words are true, if they were placed in the previous self, they would never say them, and they would never have thought of them!
I don't know if I have become more mature, or if I have been infected by the officialdom. . .

Returning to the barracks again, the soldiers in the army have already spread the news of that day. There is no one in the Northwest Army today who does not know the name given by God, the number one divine power in the Northwest Army!

Tianci sat in the tent every day and studied the art of war. If there was anything he didn't understand, he would ask the generals for advice.

In the past few days, all the generals have selected a regiment from their main battle corps to demonstrate to Tianci the tactics and formations that each main battle corps will use.

The terrain of Jianfeng Gorge is relatively flat and open, and there are no grassy hills for thousands of miles around the Gobi, which is very suitable for large corps operations.At this time, the battle formation becomes relatively important.

After the study and selection of General Seiya, a total of several most realistic tactics and battle formations were selected for the Northwest Army
Front and arrow array!As the name suggests, it is the shape of an arrow in the whole army.The position of the general is to take the lead in fighting at the front. Since the troops at the front are very dense, it is also an assault formation.However, in all battle formations, it is basically possible to issue an assault order, but not every assault can receive the effect of an assault. It is very likely that after penetrating into the enemy formation, it will be dispersed, making it impossible to enter again.Therefore, what is said in the military book can be assaulted means that it can really show the effect of assault on the battlefield, not that it is impossible to receive the effect just by giving an order!
Crane Wing Formation!The Crane Wing is a common formation used in the previous week's war. It is a formation specially used to surround the enemy. In the demonstration of this formation, the army commander is in the center and most of the soldiers wear bows and arrows and long swords.There are two regiment commanders on each side leading the infantry and cavalry respectively.When the enemy is cut off by our army from the rear, the two wings can be stretched immediately, and they can quickly meet with our army to form an encirclement.It is mentioned in some of Zhou's military books that this formation can be actively attacked, but its main function is to besiege and kill the enemy with the bow and arrow in the middle.

Fish scale formation!Fish scales are a formation that divides a main battle corps into five to six sections, layered on top of each other.Among them, the general is in the middle and rear for overall command.Fish scales move relatively slowly, but can be used for assault.Because the troops at the front are very dense, the whole army will not be dispersed.The general of the whole army is responsible for the overall command and does not need to take the lead in the front attack, so there will be no chaotic scenes.However, this formation also has a weakness, that is, the rear defense is very weak, and if someone rushes from behind, the entire army will immediately collapse.Fortunately, on this battlefield, there will be no ambushes and sudden assaults from behind, so the fish scale formation has almost no weaknesses.

Car suspension formation!The most famous battle formation in the history of 3 years.Chexuan is a kind of cavalry formation, all of which are composed of iron cavalry, and the troops are arranged in multiple rows without pushing each other, which means that this is a one-wheel warfare method.The effect is that thousands of horses are galloping with majestic momentum, putting infinite pressure on the opponent, using speed and momentum to directly destroy the opponent's confidence and fighting spirit.

Fangyuan formation!The general is located in the center of the formation, and the peripheral troops are deployed layer by layer. The spears, bows and arrows are outside, and the mobile troops are inside. They are used when fighting against powerful enemies. The advantage is intensive defense.However, it is also because of the dense formation and strong defense of the square formation, which limits mobility and lacks change. It is also difficult to chase after the enemy retreats, and their offensiveness is poor.

General Samohan and General Samonin are the most ferocious, and their main battle legions are also relatively strong, so they basically practice the front arrow formation.General Pama has the strongest fighting spirit and has been a knight before, so his main battle regiment has more cavalry, and the main reason is that the car suspension formation has repeatedly made outstanding achievements in overcoming obstacles on the battlefield.Although General Ashina and General Jeske are not very aggressive and their force is not outstanding, they are calm and decisive, commanding the troops in an orderly manner, focusing on the crane wing formation and fish scale formation respectively.

Tianci watched the wonderful exercises of the various regiments on the school field, which was an eye-opener!Although the Northwest Army is usually a little loose, it drills very seriously, as if it is really fighting.Under the influence of this kind of full spirit, the advantages of each battle formation are brought into full play.

"My lord, when we face the elite of the orcs, we first use the square formation to defend against their attacks, and after two or three times, we deploy the arrow formation or the car suspension formation to destroy the main force! This is more It's easy to fight!" General Ashina said while watching the drill on the school field.

"Defend for two or three times before attacking. Is there any saying here?" Tianci asked.

"When the two armies confront each other, it's morale, especially the orcs! They come from afar with murderous intent, and their morale will be relatively strong. We have to defend twice first. Every time they lose an attack, their morale will drop once, and we will They will hold their breath. After two or three times like this, their morale is greatly reduced, but we are struggling. In this case, if we use the assault formation to attack again, we will be able to get twice the result with half the effort! It was also said in Zhou Wubing Yao that soldiers It’s also about courage! With one vigorous effort, it will be weakened and exhausted three times, and the other exhausted and I will be full, so I restrain it!"

Tianci nodded, "What General Ashina said is true, I have been taught!"

After learning about the basic situation of the battle formation, Tianci went back to the big tent to read the military books.

General Harman is in charge of the logistical support of all the main battle armies. Every time, there are many documents that need to be signed by General Seiya. Now that General Seiya is in a coma and is not in the army, Tianci personally signs it.

Tianci is not good at many things, but there is no staff around him who can help him solve them, so he has to bite the bullet and ask one by one, and learn one by one.

It's fine if you don't know anything about it, but this questioning just shocked you!
In addition to excellent weapons, the Northwest Army has even better food. In addition to meat, there is also a lot of wine!

"Master Godsend, apart from drills in the army, it is very boring. That's why the general allowed drinking in the army, but only the victorious squad is eligible. This can not only enrich everyone's boring practice, but also make the squads feel better It is necessary to strengthen cooperation between the soldiers to improve combat effectiveness, and this rule has been implemented for decades, if it is removed, it may cause dissatisfaction in the army!" General Haman said.

Tianci gritted his teeth, waved his fingers, and signed his name on the document.

My Northwest Province has a large amount of purple gold coins to supply the Northwest Army every month, and this is insignificant compared to the purple gold coins in the army account given by God!
The consumption level of the five main battle armies of the Northwest Army is about to catch up with the eight or nine main battle armies of others!

Tianci signed his name on each document, there is no way, who made the Northwest Army the most powerful army in the empire, and who made the Northwest Army face the Orc Empire?
I stayed in the army for about ten days.

"Report to the Counselor! There are four people outside the barracks begging to see you. They say they are your personal guards!" Suddenly a soldier rushed in to report.

Tianci's eyes lit up, Chen Wu and Gru came?But how could it be four people?Could it be that Qin'er and Li'er also came here?

As the soldiers quickly came to the gate of the camp, Tianci was taken aback for a moment. The two people in the sky were Chen Wu and Gru, but the two people behind were unexpectedly Roland and Adela!

"My lord!" Chen Wu stepped forward and said happily, "My lord, you called us here in such a hurry, don't you know if there is something important for us to do?"

Tianci shook his head, "It's not an important matter, but I'm new to the military camp, and I don't know much about military affairs, and you all know that the northwest affairs are related to the overall situation, so I want you to come over and help me with my advice!"

"Hehe, I think so too!"

Tianci glanced at Roland and Adela. Although they were side by side, they were far apart.

"Why are you two here?" Tianci asked curiously.


"Why are you allowed to come to the Northwest Army, and I'm not allowed to defend the country? Although you are a counselor of the Northwest Army, don't forget, you are still my nephew!" Adela said bluntly.

Tianci was speechless, so he had to invite four people into the barracks first.

"This is my military camp tent, Adela, Roland, you go in and have a rest first! Chenwu, you and Gru follow me to the Chinese military camp, and tell them about the situation of General Seaya.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Tianci was still sitting on the general's seat, while Chenwu and Gelu stood on both sides.The six generals below sat quietly without making any noise.

"Generals, this is my personal regiment leader Chen Wu and Gelu. They just came from Yanhua City. Let them tell you about the situation of General Seiya!"

The six generals suddenly tensed up and looked at the morning mist intently.

"Generals, please rest assured that with the cooperation of our alchemists and the High Priest Uman of the Guangming Church in Yanhua City, General Seiya has basically stabilized. However, because General Seiya has been poisoned for a long time, and the toxicity is also high. It is relatively deep, so the detoxification process may be troublesome and take a little time. It was originally estimated to be three months, but now it seems that it may be a little longer!"


"How long will it take? Is it really saved?"

"If you lie to me, General Seiya won't be able to recover by then, see if I don't take you..."

Tianci's face darkened, "Samo Ning, Sam Khan, you all be quiet! Detoxification is not like poisoning, it is a delicate job, and it will take time for sure! If they can't cure the general by the time, you can ask me !"

Samoning, Samo Khan choked, swallowed all the words on his lips, and sat down on the seat obediently.

"Generals, you worry too much! Because detoxification will have an impact, General Seiya can only detoxify a small amount of toxin every day, so it will take time!"

The six generals were relieved now!

"Okay, you all know the situation, you can tell your main battle army the good news when you go back, so as to improve our morale in the decisive battle soon!" Tianci said.

"Yes! Sir Counselor!" The six generals saluted respectfully and exited the tent!
Seeing the respectful expressions of the generals, both Chen Wu and Gelu were taken aback!
"My lord, I have inquired about the situation of the Northwest Army along the way. I heard that all the people here are rebellious. The regiment commanders and generals here are all thorns. Especially these generals. General Seiya, His Majesty, and Lord Saint are not convinced, and no one listens. Even the old Marshal Lankers suffered a lot when he came here, and the other generals will fall even if they don’t die. Grant, I heard that the military sent three generals one after another, and two of them died. We were afraid that you would suffer, my lord, but how could they be so respectful to you!"

Tianci smiled slightly, "Really? Why haven't I heard of it! In fact, they are not as mysterious as the rumors outside. They are all bloody men, but their army-building philosophy and force-oriented character make them more arrogant in the eyes of others. Actually As long as you convince them, they will also respect you!"

Chen Wu was taken aback, "My lord, so you have subdued them all? Then how did you subdue them?"

Tianci shook his head, "I only subdued two, and the remaining four have not completely subdued me, but they are sure of my force. Let's not talk about this, I am very strange, Roland and the two of them How did you come here?"

"My lord, after you left, we escorted Miss Lier to prepare to leave. Roland asked to go with us. He said that he had figured it out. He wanted to make contributions, rebuild his life, and strive for his own happiness. I think everything Once we are all gone, it is not very appropriate to keep him alone. You also know that people in the entire empire are spurning him. Even our personal guards look down on him. Now that there is no adult protection, who knows what will happen thing. So I let him go with us!"

Tianci nodded, "That's right, I didn't think carefully about this matter, you did a good job!"

"Within two days, we were caught up by Adela again. She said that she would also go to the Northwest for training, and she also said that she would be ashamed! I think her attitude is very firm. Even if we don't agree, she will come by herself. So let's go together again! My lord, what shame does Adela want?"

Tianci frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "Probably that day when the monsters besieged the mercenaries at the foot of Xilan Mountain, Adela and Roland Qin'er were so frightened that they couldn't stand still! Actually, I can't blame her, that's It was an extremely bloody massacre, and it was also the first bloody battle that Adela had seen! When I killed someone for the first time, I was more disturbed than she was when I killed someone for the first time!"

Chen Wu understands that "Adela has always stayed in the academy, and suddenly experienced the bloody blood for the first time in her life. It is already very good that she didn't faint. I don't think this is a shame!"

"We said so, but Adela didn't think so. Don't forget, Adela is a proud woman, and she is still a brave female knight!"

(End of this chapter)

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