Godsend Field

Chapter 299 Orcs

Chapter 299 Orcs
When the generals heard that General Seiya was safe and sound, they were all happy and went back to the camp.Only Tianci and the two heads of the personal guards were left in the big tent of the Chinese army.

"Chen Wu, how are Li'er and Qin'er?"

"Li'er is the wife of our city lord. Who dares to disrespect her in Yanhua City? Miss Qin'er is busy dispensing medicine for General Seiya every day, and then she is practicing. She lost a lot of weight when we first arrived!"

"Is Qin'er busy?"

"Well, just now the generals are hard for me to explain carefully. In fact, the situation of General Seiya is not as simple as I said. The medicines he uses every day have to be discussed, and the doses are also different. Miss Qin'er said that the current The situation is very bad, although the toxin can be eliminated slowly, but if the dosage is wrong or careless that day, it can kill the general at any time!"

Tianci was startled suddenly, "Then Qin'er..."

"My lord, don't worry, Miss Qin'er has a sense of propriety! Now that Miss Li'er is helping to take care of her, don't worry!"

Tianci forced a smile, "I hope the general can survive this test! He has lived and died for the empire, and has stayed here for decades. I really don't want anything to happen to him!"

"My lord, I heard from Clark that you found the source of the poison, so has the murderer been found?"

Tianci shook his head, "I mentioned it once when I came here on the first day, but there was no reaction, so I want to let it go and wait and see what happens! It's not too late to investigate after the battle is over!"

Tianci stood up, "Let's go, let's go see Adela and the others!"

"My lord, we've been here for so long, it seems we haven't seen your Yu'er!" Gelu said suddenly.Chen Wu also looked around, "Yeah, except for eating, Yu'er never stayed three meters away from you before!"

"Hehe!" Tianci looked at the sky outside, "At this time, it probably went to that camp to fight in the arena again!"

"Playing in the ring?" Chen Wu and Gelu exclaimed at the same time.

Godsend shrugged.Although my own food is quite a lot, it's still not enough to fill my teeth.Instead of eating with Tianci, it's better to challenge, just roar twice, and you can win ten good stews on the table.In the past ten days, Yu'er has won one by one, and the entire army knows about Yu'er. Fortunately, the Northwest Army has this custom, those who are capable eat meat, and those who are incapable eat shit!Seeing a young fox occupy ten tables of meat, no one said anything!
For Yu'er, the Northwest Army is more suitable for it!
Walking into the tent, Roland and Adela sat on the far side, one on the left and the other on the right. There was an empty space between them, and neither of them said a word!

"Hehe, Chenwu, don't you think it's a bit like..."

"Like what? My lord!"

"The little couple who just finished arguing!"

"What did you say!" Adela jumped up suddenly, pointing at Tianci.

Tianci ignored it, went straight to his seat and sat down, "Adela, why did you run into the Northwest Army in such a good manner? How could Duke Meister be willing to have you come! Even if you want to experience, isn't there an Eastern Expedition in the Empire?" ? The situation there is much better than ours here!"

"Where do I want you to care? The Eastern Expedition is to invade others, so what's the point of fighting? The Northwest Army is to defend against the orcs and protect the entire human race. This is what our chivalry advocates, and it can reflect our knightly value!"

Tianci smiled. I'm afraid Duke Meister didn't tell Adela what the true face of Dongzheng was.But this is also good, not knowing is much happier than knowing!
Tianci moved his seat away, and hung a map on the middle block. Tianci explained to everyone the terrain characteristics and the current situation of the match.

"The terrain and the situation are clear to everyone now. Next, I will tell you about the situation of the orcs!" Tianci said.

Orcs have a human-like body profile, with distinct beastly features.For example, animal heads, sharp claws, long hair, tails, habits and so on.

In the orc empire to the west of the Kundong Mountains, there are a large number of orcs of different races. They manage their own races and tribes.So even though it is an empire, they are actually doing their own thing, but even so, they all believe in the Beast War God and accept the command of the Beast War God.And every time they invade is because of the will of the Beast War God!

Among the orcs can be divided into five more powerful races.They are the royal family Bimon, the tiger, lion and leopard family, the tauren family, the Naga family and the fox family.

Legend has it that Beamon, who is tall, strong, powerful and fierce, is the descendant of the Beast God of War. He inherited the blood of the Beast War God, so he became a royal family without any dispute, and has been guarding the palace of the Beast War God for generations.In terms of personal combat power, Beamon is undoubtedly the most powerful in the Beastman Empire. One Beamon can easily defeat dozens of tiger people, but fortunately, the Beamon race is not strong in reproduction, and there are only more than 200 people so far!The Beamon race has no vassal races, but they can rule all orcs in name.

Followed by tiger lions and leopards.The orcs of the tiger clan, lion clan, and leopard clan all inherited the ferocity of wild beasts, and they are the real mainstay of the entire beastman empire. Their combat effectiveness is extremely powerful and brutal, and even the Northwest Army dare not be careless!In every orc war, these three tribes were the main force.When the main forces of these three races are wiped out, it means the end of the war!The vassal races of these three races are very weak, such as the cat-human race, the raccoon race and so on.

Then there is the tauren race. There are more types and numbers of tauren race.Their temperaments are relatively peaceful, but because they are very tall and powerful, they are also very troublesome opponents.Fortunately, their minds are very simple, and it is not difficult to eliminate them.There are many kinds of them, such as the Yak tribe, the Toulon cattle tribe, the Haoniu tribe, etc., and most of their vassal races are docile orc races.

As for the Naga people, their bodies are soft and belong to cartilage. They don't have a strong body, nor do they have sharp minions, but they are very insidious, and they are a race that is not easy to mess with.And the vassal races are also snake-human races like cartilage.

The last one is the fox clan. This race is the shortest in stature, but they are a rare intelligent race among the orcs. They cannot stand the battle by themselves, but the races they belong to are all good fighters, such as werewolves, mastiffs, and kobolds. etc.

"The situation of the orcs is probably like this! Among the orcs, there is a person called the Prophet. He has a high-grade artifact, and he also has two holy wolves. Every time the prophet received the will of the Beast War God in the Beast War God Temple, Then the Beamon royal family ordered to gather strong troops from various races to attack us! And the ones coming this time are probably much stronger!" Tianci said.

"My lord, how do you know?"

"The general here told me! In previous battles, one or two months can be gathered in place, but this time the tiger, lion and leopard tribe has not yet appeared, only some tauren and fox tribes and their vassals have arrived. It can be seen that their gathering this time must be a big move!"

The four of Chenwu Adela nodded.

"My lord, I don't know how their fighting power is?"

"Beastman's own fighting power is much higher than that of wild beasts. They are at the first or second level of human warriors. Tiger, lion, leopard and Beamon will be stronger. However, many races can become bloodthirsty under the curse of the shaman. Once After the bloodthirsty madness, the ability will have a very high leap, and it should be able to reach the level of four! As for the royal Beamon, it is said that they usually have the strength of about six levels, and they will also have a unique beast transformation. Their abilities may reach the peak of the eighth level!"

"Level [-]? Level [-]?" Chen Wu and the others were shocked!
You must know that the Lorna team in the Tianci personal guards is at the fourth level. If the orcs also have this level, plus their terrifying number, how terrifying will it be?
"Don't be surprised, maybe you don't know the Northwest Army yet! The last time I fought against any team in this main battle army, they all have the strength of level [-] fighting spirit! According to my estimation, there are at least two levels of fighting spirit in the Northwest Army. To [-]%!"

"So many?" The four were dumbfounded in surprise.

"Hehe, I was also surprised at the beginning, but I understand it when I think about it! The Northwest Army relies on its own strength to speak, and the people who come here need to improve their strength desperately if they want to live better. And these people Some of them survived the previous battles, after the baptism of blood, it has a stimulating effect on growth!"

Tianci couldn't help but think back to himself. Although he was special, he was able to have the strength he has today because he was soaked in blood!
"Adela, you and Chen Wu are living in my tent today, and the three of us are camping outside. You can get used to the environment here for a few days, and then we're going to the front line!"

Adela nodded and stretched her waist, "I'm exhausted from the rush these days, I need to sleep well first!"

Tianci and Gluroland walked out of the tent and pitched two tents beside it.Roland needs to practice, so use one alone, Tianci and Gru make do with one!
Tianci asked Gru to set up the tent first, and pulled Roland quietly aside.After a while, Roland lost a lot of weight.

"Roland, if you practice, I'll arrange for you in Yanhua City. There needs to be wars here, so it's not suitable for you to practice!" Tianci said.

Roland shook his head, "Tianci, didn't you just say that the baptism of blood is the best way to cultivate people?"

"I'm talking about warriors, fighting spirit cultivation, not magicians!"

"I'm not a magician either!"

"But you're not a warrior either? Once a war starts, no one will protect you!"

Roland was silent for a moment, "My progress is very slow now, so I think it should be stimulated by external objects to make better progress! And what I practice is to destroy one. Without real destruction, I will not grow !"

Tianci was dumbfounded, "Okay then! I'll hand over Adela to protect you later! Since she is willing to come with you, it seems that she has forgiven you!"

"Forget it!" Roland smiled wryly, "She may hate me even more now! Although she was angry before, she would always look at me and scold me, but this time she didn't look at me from the beginning to the end, and didn't say a word. I said it. I broke her heart, she must hate me very much now!"

"It's not that serious!" Tianci said worriedly.

Roland shook his head and stopped talking, the bitterness in his heart surfaced on his face.

Tianci patted Roland on the shoulder, bowed his head and walked away!
Arkin still knew Chenwu and Gru, and under God's gift, Arkin took Chenwu and Adela to the barracks to learn about the situation and get used to it.It would be better if Adela and Roland had never seen the real barracks. Chenwu and Gru had led the personal guards and had seen Duke Kate's silver armored guards. When he looked like a soldier, he was stunned in shock and couldn't believe it!
Knowing that this was the personal guard and friend of Lord Counselor, the soldiers in the army didn't say much.

The language of the Northwest Army is useless, see the real chapter under the fist!

As for Gru's level-[-] peak battle qi won the recognition of everyone, Chen Wu and Adela were able to have level [-] or [-] battle qi at a young age, and they were girls, everyone admired them too!
On the contrary, the sergeants were very disdainful of Roland!
Under Alkin's leadership, the four of them headed towards an extremely lively place.I saw that the middle school ground was surrounded by crowds of people, shouting, clamoring and whistling one after another.


"Master Yuer rewards!"

"Thank you~~ reward!"

A roar came from the school grounds.

Alkin and the four of them struggled into the school field with great difficulty, and saw ten tables in front of the school field, each with seven or eight large pots, and the steaming hot stew inside exuded aroma.Yu'er was lying on a table, gnawing on a big bone.

The two soldiers below were naked, fighting inextricably.The soldiers watching around shouted and cheered.

"Ah~~" one of the soldiers yelled, lifted his opponent high, and threw it out of the school field in a demonstration, and the sound of jubilation suddenly sounded.

The soldier walked proudly to the table with a victorious attitude.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er yelled twice.

The soldier laughed, grabbed a piece of meat from the basin, ate it and walked aside.

"Anyone else who wants to eat meat, go up there!" A person who looked like a group leader walked into the middle and shouted.



Immediately, two soldiers rushed in, pulling off their clothes, revealing their strong bodies.

"Alkin, this is..." Gru asked in surprise.

"You don't know, this is the scenery of our Northwest Army in the past few days! We used to compete in small teams, and we won the meat only if we won! But since the young master came, he picked a small team by himself, and even put the Our General Samohan was defeated, now all the brothers in the army don't give the thumbs up to the young master? The young master is busy reading the military book now, and Yu'er challenges everywhere. Now there is no team that is Yu'er's opponent, so this meat is all Yu'er got it. I think Yu'er got tired of eating it, so I gave it to others, but if you want to eat meat, you have to try it before, the winner can eat it!"

What Yu'er ate was all made by Fenghuang Restaurant, the meat here was not bad at all, so it's no wonder that Yu'er didn't get tired of eating too much!
"This is interesting! I'll go too!" Adela said.

"Miss Adela, this... Dou Qi cannot be used in the competition!" Alkin said hastily.

"If you don't need it, you don't need it!" Adela was full of confidence. Although her soft fists were not as good as God's gift, she was still confident in dealing with them!

When the round was over, Adela jumped into the middle.


"It turned out to be a bitch!"

The soldiers around said disdainfully, but none of them came up!The head of the group was taken aback for a moment, and walked in frowning, trying to drive Adela out.

"Your subordinates dare not fight, so I have no choice but to challenge you!" Adela said to the regiment leader.

"Challenge me? Hmph, then you are courting death!" said the team leader disdainfully.

Adelaxiu clenched her fist and attacked the head of the regiment.

The commander's martial arts skills are really good, he fought back after receiving Adela's fist, and the fist wind roared!Adela jumped back and dodged, watching the way of the leader's fist.The leader's fist style is strong, and his fist style belongs to the fierce school.With a general understanding, Adela stood firm and fought back.It was a skill to acquire the Soft Fist. Although Adela's strength was not as strong as the leader's, but every move was used just right. After a few moves, he had already started to suppress the leader.Only then did the leader look at Adela, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Ah!" The group leader tried his best to get rid of Adela's restraint.

"Go!" Adela took advantage of the situation to withdraw her strength, and then pushed again, the head of the group suddenly lost her footsteps, and rushed out of the school field in two staggered steps.

"How? I win?" Adela asked proudly.

The team leader blushed, "I lost!"


The applause was thunderous, and the cheers exceeded any previous competition!
Adela strode up to Yu'er, "Master Yu'er, do you have a reward?"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er swung her big tail and hit the basin next to her!

"Master Yu'er rewards a pot!"

"Hee hee, thank you!" Adela picked up the basin and walked back.

Alkin's eyes widened. This young woman is so powerful in martial arts and fighting spirit! !

"Congratulations, your soft fist has improved a lot!" Chen Wu congratulated immediately.

"That's natural!"

"Adela, but compared with our adults, you are still in heaven and earth! At least your body skills are not as good as adults. If you were an adult, you would be able to push the leader out of the school field when he attacked for the first time! You It will take dozens of rounds before he can use his impatience to do it!" Gelu analyzed carefully.

"Of course I know, but how could I escape from such a small angle? Even if I dodge, I can't turn around! Who knows how your lord grows, your body is even softer than our women! Soft bones One!" Adela said dissatisfied.

"Okay, we adults are soft bones! Let's go back quickly, we still haven't eaten!" Chen Wu pulled Adela towards the tent.

"Not bad, you also won the competition!" Seeing Adela holding a basin, Tianci put down the book of war in his hand and said with a smile.

"We don't have the ability to hit a hundred one by one! This is rewarded by Yu'er!" Adela said sourly.

"Hehe, it's the same, it's all the same! I'm just hungry too, let's eat together! Roland, come here too!" Tianci waved his hand.

"I won this, not his share!" Adela said coldly.

Roland smiled dryly, "I'd better eat dry food!"

Godsend helpless, "Alkin, take Roland to the barracks kitchen to eat!"

"It's the young master!" Alkin said, leading Roland out of the tent!

"Adela, are you too..."

"Tianci, don't worry about my affairs! Now it's time to eat, you can eat as much as you want, and forget it if you don't!" Adela suddenly put the basin on the table, and the splashed soup hit Tianci's clothes.

"Hey!" Tianci shook his head and reached out to grab a piece of meat.

After a while, Alkin came back.

"It's finished so soon?" Tianci asked strangely.

"No, young master!" Arkin said embarrassedly, "We went to the kitchen just now, but...but...they said that these things are for brave soldiers, deserters...deserters are only worthy of forage ..."

"Bastard!" Tianci slapped the table, stood up abruptly, furious.

"Young master!!" Alkin panicked, bowed his head and took two steps back.

"Godsent, forget it!" Roland sighed, with infinite depression in his heart, and smiled dryly, "Didn't we expect it a long time ago?"

Tianci sat down slowly, who can be blamed for this kind of thing?Roland was not wrong, nor was the Northwest Army!In such a bloody team, you are not afraid of being weak, but you are a coward. One can imagine deserters for this army. . .

Adela picked up a relatively large piece of meat from the basin, threw it towards Roland, and hit it on his body, making his whole body greasy. Roland hugged it in his arms in a hurry, and looked movedly, "Adela... "

"Don't call me by my name! I'll feed that piece of meat to the dogs!" After that, Adela ran to the inner room of the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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