Godsend Field

Chapter 401 Execution

Chapter 401 Execution
In a towering attic on the left side of the majestic holy court, bursts of soft light shone out.A lot of people stood on the grass outside the attic, all of them looked anxious, discussing in twos and threes in low voices.

"Norlan Shangsi, the Deputy Counselor of Chenwu, the duke gifted by God, the auspicious man has his own heaven, and His Majesty the Pope personally rescued him, and he will surely survive this calamity safely!" Borgi said sincerely.

"I hope so!" Nolan Shangsi forced a smile while weeping. "Hey! Your Excellency is my elder brother. If there is something wrong with him, I don't have to go back. I can just jump off this holy mountain!"

Qin'er next to her frowned, "What are you talking about!"

On the other side, Krell has come to life, hurried to the Holy Court, pulled Chester's sleeve and walked to the side, "Chester, what do you think we should do now?"

Chester shook his head with absent-minded eyes, "Ask me what to do, just resign yourself to fate!"

As time passed, the sky gradually dimmed, and the members of the Guangming Cult lit dozens of magic lamps nearby, illuminating the entire attic area as if it were daytime.

A moment later, the attic door opened, and Tianci came out side by side with the old Pope in good spirits.

"God-sent brother!"

"Stinky boy!"

"Lord Duke!"

The people from the Welsh Empire Mission surrounded them in surprise.Balji also breathed a sigh of relief.

Archbishop Rorona stepped forward, "Duke Godsend, are you alright?"

Tianci raised his arm with a smile, the wound had fully healed, "I'm fine, and I would like to thank His Majesty the Pope for saving my life!" Then he gave a deep salute to the old pope next to him, and everyone around him saluted the old pope as well. .

"Get up!" The old pope raised his hands falsely. "Although this poison is powerful, fortunately, it doesn't attack immediately and it's not troublesome to get rid of! I'm just curious how the God-given Duke can be poisoned by this poison?"

Everyone looked at Prince Claire at the same time, and Chester who was next to him also quietly took a few steps away from Claire.Being watched by so many people together, Krell couldn't help but panic.

"Report to His Majesty the Pope!" At this moment, the priest in charge of the embassy stood up, "At noon today, the Duke of Tianci and Prince Claire met for three rounds for a certain matter. In the third round, the Duke of Tianci played in person. The wound from the long sword must have been poisoned because of it!"

The old Pope nodded, "Who was the Duke of Tianci fighting against at that time, and where is he now, I have something to ask him!"

"Reporting to His Majesty the Pope, it was the great swordsman Prila who was fighting at that time. Just when we learned that the Duke Tianci was poisoned, Prila wanted to escape, but was given by the Duke's pet... to kill him!" The priest said squinting at This lively little fox has jumped onto Tianci's shoulder.

Yu'er sat upright under the gazes of all eyes, her big fiery red tail swung behind her, she stretched out a small paw to gesture, and grinned disdainfully.

Tianci caressed Yu'er's little head with ease, this Prila was an important witness, but Yu'er didn't seem to care, and just vented his anger under his claws.

It doesn't matter, just kill it.

"Dead?" The old Pope frowned slightly, as if he was dissatisfied, "Then tell me the situation at that time in detail!"

"Yes!" The priest started talking from the first competition, until Cole broke in, said that Krell shouted poison, and told the old Pope in detail.

"I understand!" The old pope sighed for a long time, "Krell, come here!"

The crowd made way out of the middle, and Krell walked up with a guilty conscience, lowered his head and secretly looked at the old pope, and then quickly looked away, panicking in his heart.

"Krell, do you know the purpose of my calling your four great empires to come here?" the old pope said sternly.

"I...I know... His Majesty the Pope wants...to help us mediate the conflict!" Claire's voice trembled.

"Yes, you also know that I am mediating conflicts for you. It is only on my side that I smoothed out the conflicts caused by George and recovered the artifact Sword Soul Wuying for you. I didn't expect you to stir up new conflicts. You What I have done really annoys me!" The old Pope's face darkened, "Do you remember what I said that day, during this period of time, anyone who entered the battlefield is the enemy of our Illuminati, including those who provoke The scourge of war!"

"Your Majesty, I..."

"Krell, let me ask you, did you let Prila take the poison that Duke Tianci was poisoned with!"

Facing the majestic questioning of the old Pope, Krell dared not lie, "Yes...it's me...but..."

"Okay, you just admit it!" The old pope stopped Krell, and suddenly raised his hand, a beam of light flashed out from his hand, the light gathered but did not disperse, and suddenly turned around Krell, like a beam of light The rope tied Krell up.

"His Majesty the Pope, please forgive me! I don't dare anymore!" Krell seemed to realize something, and suddenly knelt down and kowtowed desperately to beg for mercy.

"Your Majesty the Pope, although Prince Krell has been there before, he is the prince of our Spanish Empire and the official envoy who came to the mission. I hope His Majesty the Pope can forgive him a lot!" said a member of the Spanish Empire. The deputy envoy hurriedly ran forward and knelt beside Krell, weeping and begging for mercy.

"Your Majesty the Pope, although we, Prince Krell, made some mistakes, fortunately, the Duke Tianci was not injured, so please forgive and spare Prince Krell!" Another deputy envoy also knelt up.

"His Majesty the Pope is merciful!" The missions of the Spanish Empire knelt down in unison.

Tianci looked at the kneeling in front of him, "Your Majesty, since I'm fine, forget it, and I don't want any more conflicts between our two countries!"

"The Duke of Tianci and everyone needn't say much. I called everyone here this time to prevent unnecessary fights on the mainland. If what Krell did this time succeeds, it will definitely cause a catastrophe. His actions It’s extremely disgusting, if I let it go, others will set an example, so how can I restrain it?” The old pope looked serious, “Illuminati has been tolerant for thousands of years, I want to make an example to everyone this time. As a warning!"

After the old Pope finished speaking, he shook his fingers, and countless soft beams of light appeared out of thin air, weaving alternately, forming a ball in an instant and trapping Krell in it.As the right hand was slowly raised, the ball of light gradually rose up.

Claire was trapped in the light ball and slowly ascended. Knowing that death was imminent, he howled remorsefully and begged for mercy. He clenched his fists and smashed the light wall like crazy, but there was no effect, and the outside voices were gradually isolated. .Krell stared at Chester, who shrank to the side and lowered his head, with wide eyes, feeling great hatred in his heart.

. . . . . .

"Chester, are you serious?"

"Krell, we have made a very clear investigation. In the Welsh Empire, there are only three seventh-level powerhouses, Gruqin'er and Ellie. As for Qin'er, she can't play. But they still Not the strongest, but the strongest is Godsend itself, which is comparable to the eighth level. If he wears a mysterious golden armor, even the ninth-level sword emperor can't hurt him!"

"According to what you said, even the ninth-level sword emperor can't hurt him, how can we hurt him? How can we poison him?"

"Hehe, I said Krell, don't worry, I've already figured it out very clearly! What we have to do in the first two games is to win one and lose one, which is not difficult for us to do. The third game is the win-loss game In order to be on the safe side, Tianci will definitely appear on the field himself, and we only need to send a seventh-level great swordsman to appear on the field. He will definitely not wear armor, and we will have a chance to hurt him. It doesn’t need much, just a small wound is enough for him I can't fall asleep!"

"Chester, if Tianci is really dead, I'm afraid our Spanish Empire and Welsh Empire will have more conflicts, and it doesn't seem to be of any benefit to us!"

"Krell, needless to say, you and I know what kind of person the new king of the Welsh Empire is. This time, the elder brother who was so kind to him died in the holy mountain of the Guangming religion for no reason. He will still grow old. Do you listen to the Pope honestly? With his personality and intelligence, it is not difficult to guess that we did it. He is very conceited, and he will definitely send troops to attack us to avenge his brother. Once he sends troops, there will naturally be the sect of light Send out the Knights Templar to help us destroy the Welsh Empire, what are we afraid of!"

"Hahaha, Chester, your little plan is really good. In this way, not only will the relationship between the Welsh Empire and the Illuminati be divided, but it will also cause them to kill each other. It kills two birds with one stone, no wonder you brought it up at that time Let's have a competition, I'm afraid you have already designed it!"

Chester smiled mysteriously, "It doesn't matter who designed it, as long as it can eliminate the hidden danger of the Welsh Empire for our two countries, why not do it? Besides, I can also use the power of our French Empire Power will help you ascend the throne, think about it or not!"

"Okay, let's make a deal!"

. . . . . .

"At the end of the light, the source of darkness, use your heart to touch the lonely sadness, the lonely loneliness. Everything will be washed and reborn in the afterglow of disappearance..."

As the old Pope muttered to himself, the ball of light in midair gradually became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the night sky.With the disappearance of the light spot, everyone's heart sank.The two deputy envoys of the Spanish Empire knelt down on the ground weakly.

There was silence around the entire attic!
"Rorona, that's the end of today's matter. You send someone to inform the whole continent, saying that I have executed Krell with my own hands, and hope that other people on the mainland will learn from it!" The old pope said lightly. Said.

"Yes, I'll do it right away!" Archbishop Rorona bowed his head and ordered.

"Okay, it's okay, let's leave everyone! Krell deserves what he deserves, I have already executed it, the envoys of the Spanish Empire and the Welsh Empire please discipline yourself, if there are any more conflicts, I will also punish them severely !” said the old pope, turned and walked towards the attic.

"Your Majesty, please stay. There is one more thing I hope you can deal with!" At this moment, Chester, who had been hiding aside, wiped off the sweat on his brow, and took two quick steps forward.

"What else is there!" The old Pope turned around and stared at Chester.

Chester felt guilty for a while, "Your Majesty, this matter is extremely urgent, and only you, the old man, can solve it yourself. It is about the sage of the Welsh Empire, Rafael!"

Dean Rafael?Everyone present was stunned at the same time and looked at Chester.

"Rafal? What's wrong with Rafal?" The old Pope frowned.

"Oh, it's like this!" At this moment, Cole walked out quickly, holding a scroll in his hand and respectfully handing it forward, "This is the news we just received, and the news said that the saint of the Welsh Empire Master Faer has recently broken through the ninth-level bottleneck and advanced to a holy-level powerhouse!"

"Wow!" Everyone was surprised and their eyes widened.

"Is what you said true?" The old pope was very surprised.

"Every sentence is true, and the Holy See and other empires must have received the same news in the near future!" Cole said.

The old Pope nodded, "That's not surprising. Why did Krell take the initiative to announce his poisoning after seeing your information, and went to save the Duke of Heaven. I understand!"

"Your Majesty the Pope, now that Saint Rafael has been promoted to the holy rank, we are worried whether he will abide by the rules set by you, His Majesty the Pope, and whether he will threaten the saints of our French Empire like George, and even the royal family. , so please His Majesty the Pope to make the decision for us!" Chester finished speaking in one breath, his legs softened and he knelt down.

"Your Majesty the Pope, we also have this concern, and we hope that His Majesty will make the decision for us!" Borgi, the envoy of the Grand Empire, and the two deputy envoys of the Spanish Empire also knelt down.

"Please His Majesty the Pope to decide for us!" The other people of the three empires knelt down at the same time.

Only the people of the Welsh Empire stood, raised their heads slightly, and smiled on their faces.

The old pope closed his eyes slightly, stayed where he was thinking, only the slight sound of breathing sounded.Everyone waited quietly, not daring to disturb the old Pope's thoughts.

"Your Majesty the Pope!" After waiting for a while, Archbishop Rorona whispered cautiously.

The old Pope nodded slightly, "I see. It's late today, everyone, go back and rest. As for what you mentioned, I have already made it clear. Come back to the Holy Court tomorrow afternoon, and I will give you a clear answer." I told you!"

Seeing the backs of the old Pope and Archbishop Rorona disappear into the attic, everyone stood up.Borji and the two deputy envoys of the Spanish Empire smiled awkwardly at Tianci and walked out of the holy court.

Chester patted the dust on his knees, avoiding Tianci and the others, and led the members of the French Empire mission to turn around and walk down the mountain.

After all the people from the three empires had gone down the mountain, Cole came to Tianci and forced a smile, "Duke Tianci, I really congratulate you! Now that your Welsh Empire has more saints, you have enough protection." , now on the mainland, even if someone wants to harm you, I'm afraid they have to be scruples!"

"Prince Cole, it should be our lord who congratulates you!" Chen Wu beside Tianci suddenly said coldly.

"Congratulations?" Cole smiled wryly, "Your empire has a holy rank, and we will only be more worried and miserable, so what is there to be happy about?"

"I mean congratulations! Now that your second prince is under the law, there is no chief envoy in your mission. Now that you, Prince Cole, are in the holy mountain, the two deputy envoys may not dare to make decisions without authorization. I don't think so. When day breaks, you will be invited to the embassy to become an envoy!" The corners of Chen Wu's mouth rose, showing some disdain, "I remember your empire said that whoever can bring the artifact back to your empire will be made the crown prince , your hopes are great!"

Cole smiled awkwardly, "Things are unpredictable, the fate is always erratic and blurred, how can we predict it? Godsend Duke, Deputy Counselor of Morning Mist, I will go down first when it is getting late, and I will come back tomorrow afternoon Holy Court!"

Looking at Cole's back, Tianci turned his head to look at Chen Mist, "He's right, the world is unpredictable! I heard that Krell spent a lot of thought in the empire in order to be an envoy. Little brains. I didn't expect to disappear before the artifact on the holy mountain, and Cole originally thought he had no chance, but he didn't want Krell's death to give him a great opportunity!"

"My lord, why are you so worried about other people's chances!" Chen Wu said angrily, "Everyone is concerned about your lord's injury this afternoon, didn't you find anything else?"

"What else?" Tianci was slightly taken aback, and began to think about it, his face suddenly darkened, his eyes glared angrily, his fists clenched, and a burst of anger suddenly came out.

"Brother Tianci, what's wrong?"


Li'er and Qin'er were startled.

"Your Excellency..." Nolan Shangsi also became frightened.

"Nolan, you take the others first!" Tianci said fiercely with wide-eyed eyes.

Nolan Shangsi didn't understand, so he didn't dare to ask more questions, and hurriedly led the people of the mission to leave quickly and walked towards the embassy.Only five people, Li'er Qin'er, Chen Wu and Gelu, were left in place.

"My lord, let's go down the mountain too, it seems a bit inappropriate to say it here!" Chen Wu said.

"No need!" Tianci spat out two mouthfuls of bad breath, stretched out his hand, a bright night pearl floated up, and a door of light appeared out of nowhere, the door opened to endless green.The five Tianci strode in, and the Guangmen disappeared.

Next to the window in the attic, two figures left the window.

"Your Majesty, they seem to have discovered something!" Archbishop Rorona said.

"Well, although we announced our decision that day, we seem to be a little impatient! This incident reminds us that some people will take advantage of our decision to do petty tricks, it is abominable!" The old pope was a little annoyed.

"That's true. This time it's impossible for Krell to do it alone. I suspect that Krell is just a pawn in this matter. I'm afraid there must be someone else playing the chess!"

"Your suspicion is right. It's not just you that Tianci has also begun to doubt, but doubt is always suspicion. I have executed Krell, and they can't find any evidence. I think Tianci can also understand my painstaking efforts. I did this because I want to cut the mess quickly and don’t want to expand the matter!" The old pope walked back to his seat and sat down, "We have already understood this matter, and we should worry about another matter!"

"Your Majesty, are you talking about Rafal?"

The old pope nodded his head, "It's a chaotic world, the more you want him to be quiet, the more trouble he will make. Alas! It's so hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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