Godsend Field

Chapter 402 Waiting

Chapter 402 Waiting

For tens of thousands of years, the most powerful people on the mainland are the ninth-level powerhouses. They not only have powerful abilities, but also have a great influence on the pattern on the mainland.I think it was because the Welsh Empire produced a dragon knight, the Puduslanka Cavalry Emperor. He not only led the war in the southeastern provinces, but also completely defeated the Holy Sacrifice Group, thus expanding the territory of the Welsh Empire. It kicked off the 500-year tug-of-war between the Welsh Empire and the French Empire!
Since then, people have gradually realized how important an ancient powerhouse is to an empire. At this time, the Holy See of Light summoned most of the ninth-level powerhouses to make an agreement that all nine-level powerhouses cannot Participate in the war between the empires, otherwise you will be punished by the Illuminati, or even killed by His Majesty the Pope himself.

Since then, there have been countless wars on the mainland, but there has never been a ninth-level powerhouse.Except for a few peak-level saints, most of the ninth-level powerhouses practiced in seclusion and rarely appeared on the mainland.

However, just when the nine-level powerhouse agreement had been carried out for more than 500 years, a holy level appeared that made people both excited and worried!The holy level broke through the limits of human beings and reproduced the glory of ancient gods and demons.He has no scruples about opening up the world, even a ninth-level peak strong with a divine weapon is powerless to fight back.

Recall that the reason why the agreement between the nine-level powerhouses can restrain all the nine-level powerhouses is because of the existence of the Pope of Light. He holds the middle-grade artifact sacred rod in his hand, coupled with the strength of the false saint level, can Kill all the ninth-level powerhouses.With the emergence of the holy rank now, he has surpassed the ability of the old pope, and is no longer restricted by the old pope. . .On the contrary, he can restrain the old Pope and all the powerful people on the mainland.

And in this special period, owning a holy rank seems to be equivalent to owning a continent.

The setting sun casts a slanted shadow on the buildings on the ground.

Inside the hall of the holy court, the envoys of the four great empires waited anxiously.It has been in the main hall since [-] noon, but the old pope has not been seen until now, only Archbishop Rorona and the crowd are talking nonsensical words at intervals.

The official envoy of the Spanish Empire has been replaced by Cole, and the two deputy envoys are carefully sitting beside them.Cole seemed relaxed, talking in a low voice with Borji from the Gran Empire next to him.

Tianci and Chenwu looked at Cole coldly!

"Archbishop Rorona, when will His Majesty the Pope come?" Chester got a little impatient, stood up and asked loudly.

"That's right, didn't His Majesty the Pope say last night that we should come and give us an explanation this afternoon? We've been waiting for almost two hours!" Borghi and Cole chattered anxiously.

"Everyone, please be calm and calm!" Archbishop Rorona stood up, raised his arms and pressed a few times, "Emissaries, our His Majesty the Pope went to the auditorium last night to address our great I pray to the God of Light, hoping to get the oracle of the God of Light. As for when it will end, I don’t know, everyone should wait patiently!”

"Huh!" Chester sat down helplessly, propping his chin with one hand.

Whispering started again in the hall.

"Kang Dang!" The door opened, and Captain Howe hurried in, holding a secret letter and whispering in Archbishop Rorona's ear, and quickly exited the hall after handing in the secret letter.

All eyes were on Archbishop Rorona.

The archbishop lowered his head and tore open the secret letter, took out a piece of paper from it, and quickly browsed through it, "Oh! Don't look at me, this secret letter just confirms what Prince Cole said yesterday! Rafal is indeed A generation of wizards, George broke through less than half a year ago, and he continued to break through!"

"That's great, Lord Saint really made a breakthrough!" Nolan Shangsi suddenly became energetic and clenched his fists vigorously.

"Nolan, Dean Rafal's breakthrough is certainly a good thing, but it also pushed our Welsh Empire into the target of public criticism. I'm afraid they will only unite more to deal with us in the future. It's hard to say whether it's good or bad!" Tianci seems to have a little worry.

"What your lord duke said is very true. It's because I didn't think carefully enough. I'm ashamed, ashamed!" Nolan Shangsi immediately put away his complacent expression.

As time went by little by little, the sun in the sky was no longer dazzling, and it looked like a disc from a distance, setting off the surrounding clouds particularly brightly.

Many people couldn't help looking at the beauty of the sunset, but there were also many people who didn't care.Pushing the hat on his head to the back, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the waistcoat on his shoulders, he carried the freshly harvested grain and walked towards the bullock cart next to him.The bullock carts were piled up like a hill, and the strong cattle neighed twice, shaking their heads and silently pulling the grains to the threshing floor.Many women on the threshing floor straightened their backs. After a busy day, their backs were sore and their backs ached, but before they could rest, another cartload of millet came. . .

On the vast continent, I don’t know how many hard-working people like this are busy harvesting their own crops and have no time to appreciate the beautiful sunset.

"Ga~~" A loud scream pierced the silence of the farm, and all the farmers couldn't help but raise their heads.

A black shadow flashed across the sky.

"Roland, look there is a small hill there, let's go there to rest and see the evening view!" Adela patted Roland's shoulder and pointed to a green hill not far ahead.

"Hehe, I think it's more beautiful from above!" Roland smiled. "Besides, we have to hurry. If we don't hurry up before it's dark, I'm afraid we'll sleep in the open tonight!"

"I've been looking at it for so many days!" Adela said dissatisfiedly, grabbed Roland's shoulder with one hand, and exerted a little force, "I'm going to look at it from below, can you get down?"

"Oh! Come on, I'll go..." Roland was in pain, and hurriedly greeted a warrior in front of him, "Andy, can you stop at the top of the mountain in front?"

The warrior named Andy couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, I see, Lord Roland!"

The big bird descended slowly and stopped on a flat ground on the top of the mountain.

"Master Roland, I can't walk at night with this chasing bird, I think I will camp here today!" Andy patted the big bird parked beside him, loosened the fixed seat on the bird's back and put it into the space ring Among them, "Your Excellency, you can go around with Miss Adela first, and I will go to pitch a tent and prepare dinner!"

Roland nodded, "I have troubled you along the way, thank you!"

Andy was immediately flattered, "There, there, it's my honor to do something for Lord Roland!"

Roland smiled, took Adela's hand and walked to the side.The mountains and forests in the evening are a little quiet, only the sound of birdsong can be heard occasionally.

"There is no rock, let's go and have a rest!" Roland pointed to the protruding rock not far ahead.

The two walked quickly to the rock arm in arm.

"Oh, it's so dirty and steep, how can I sit!" Adela said with some disappointment.

Roland didn't care. He stretched out his right hand, went around the pink neck and gently covered Adela's eyes, and at the same time stretched out his left hand, and slowly spread his five fingers. . .

Let go of the hand holding Adela's eyes "Look, isn't there a seat here, let's try it!"

Seeing a hole in the front of the rock in front of him seemed to be a natural seat, Adela smiled all of a sudden, took Roland's hand and walked up to the rock to sit on the hole.Although it is not big, it is just right for two people to sit in!

Gently resting his head on Roland's shoulder.

Although the sunset is the most beautiful in the sky, it is the most warm when two people snuggle together quietly to watch it!This feeling is what I want most.

The sunset glow is really beautiful at this time, very beautiful!
"Members, it's getting late today. I don't think His Majesty the Pope will come. Everyone should go back to the embassy first!" Archbishop Rorona said apologetically.

"What, tell us to wait for a whole day for nothing, and still not give us a result, what's the matter!" Chester got a little angry.

"Archbishop Rorona, has His Majesty encountered any confusion?" Borgi was also a little worried.

"Hmph, His Majesty the Pope is asking for an oracle! Do you think it's as simple as eating and sleeping?" Archbishop Rorona was very dissatisfied with Chester's tone, "If you have a good way, you can tell us, and His Majesty the Pope can do it too." Don't work so hard!"

"Archbishop Rorona, please calm down, Chester didn't mean that!" Cole stood up and persuaded, "His Majesty the Pope has worked hard for our affairs, and we all bear in mind that since His Majesty the Pope has not asked the oracle, then we Just wait a few more days! I don’t know if we will continue to wait tomorrow?”

Archbishop Rorona calmed down a bit, "Is this... I don't know how many days His Majesty will need! How about this, you don't have to come tomorrow, you can walk around our holy mountain, if His Majesty please Oracle, we will naturally call everyone to come. At that time, we will ring the holy bell, and when you hear the sound of the holy bell, it will not be too late to come to our holy court!"

"Well, let's take our leave first!" Cole bowed his hands and walked out of the hall with Borgi next to him.Chester also hastily saluted and bid farewell to Archbishop Rorona, and followed Cole and others down the holy mountain.

Tianci and the others finally stood up, "Bishop Rorona, then we will also take our leave!"

"Duke Godsend, please stay, I have two words to tell you!" Archbishop Rorona walked over quickly, not shying away from Nolan Shangsi and Deputy Counselor Chen Wu next to him, "Duke Godsend, what His Majesty the Pope did I want to make the mainland peaceful, and it is for the sake of hundreds of millions of people. I hope you can understand. This time Rafal broke through the holy level is no small matter. I think your Welsh Empire will report to you in the near future. If the news arrives , can you inform me of the decision of your Majesty and the Holy One?"

Tianci was silent for a moment and nodded, "I will, but Archbishop Rorona, you and His Majesty the Pope don't have to worry too much, I have talked with the dean, and the dean also told me that no matter whether you break through the holy level or not, He has always been the saint of our Welsh Empire, nothing more!"

"If Rafal really thinks this way, it's also a blessing for our Allianz Continent!" Archbishop Rorona said, even slightly bowing to Tianci.

Walking out of the main hall and coming to the square, he stopped after a few steps. Tianci turned his head and looked up at the high training platform. If it wasn't for fear of being perceived by the faintly visible experts in the field, he really wanted to get out of his mind. Let's see how the old pope respectfully requested the oracle.

"Crack!" The door of the main hall closed slowly.

"My lord, what are you looking at!" Chen Wu asked curiously.

"The listening platform, the place where His Majesty the Pope respectfully invites the oracle!" Tianci pointed to the mountainside.

Chen Wu and Nolan Shangsi's eyes widened, but they still didn't see it.

"Duke Tianci, is it true what you said about us saints just now?" Nolan Shangsi asked, with a hint of loss in his tone.

"It's true!" Tianci nodded, and it was because of these words that he had an in-depth discussion with Dean Rafal about the breakthrough of the holy level.Dean Rafal was able to break through so quickly, and he himself played a big role, "What's the matter, Nolan, from your tone, I seem a little disappointed!"

"Hehe, the Duke is laughing at you!" Nolan smiled wryly, "I am a subject of the Welsh Empire, if the Lord Saint can use his abilities on the empire, and rely on the wealth and strength of the country left by the previous king, Your Majesty With great ambitions, the unification of the continent is just around the corner..."

"Nolan Shangsi, don't forget what His Majesty the Pope said, and the saints of other empires!" Chen Wu reminded.

"Don't we still have the Northwest Army?" Nolan looked at Tianci, the combat effectiveness of the Northwest Army was clear to the young Duke, "We still have Roland, His Majesty, and Lord Saint... "

Indeed, the empire still has a Roland who turned out to be born out of nowhere, and His Majesty who is deeply hidden. . .There is also a real holy class, Dean Rafal!

"Deputy Counselor Chen Wu, Your Excellency, tell me something from your heart, don't you want to see our Welsh Empire dominate the mainland? Don't you want to see His Majesty rule the world?" Nolan was a little excited.

Chen Wu couldn't help but nodded, if there really was such a day, not only His Majesty, but even the courtiers above the court would be very satisfied.This feeling is like the village head has suddenly become the mayor and the city lord.

"Hehe, if there is such a day, Nolan, the first thing the empire will lay off is your Foreign Affairs Department!" Tianci said with a smile.

"This...hehe, that's true!" Nolan also said with a relaxed smile, "If there is such a day, I would rather the Empire lay off our Department of Foreign Affairs!"

"Don't think about it, let's go back to sleep!" Tianci patted the two deputy assistants next to him, and walked down the steps first.

The cool breeze in the mountains gently blows over the cheeks of Tianci!If there really was a day when Nero stood on top of the hall and ruled the entire continent, it would be bought with corpses like mountains and blood like rivers.

In an inconspicuous two-story building next to the Holy Court.

"Touch!" The thick iron door was pushed open.

"Grandpa Zeng, you are finally willing to come out! Is your weapon ready?" A boy jumped and ran over.

"En?" An old man with white hair and disheveled clothes came out, his eyebrows raised with anger on his face, "How many times have I said that since you started learning art, I am no longer your great-grandfather, but It's your master, you must call me master at any time, if I hear you calling me Grandpa Zeng again, I will smash your mouth!"

"Yes, Master!" The young man pouted and said perfunctorily. With the help of the firelight inside the iron gate, it could be seen clearly that this young man was the young man who sold carvings that Tianci met when he came to the holy mountain for the first time. "Weapon Are you ready, let me see!"

Old Tross's face was slightly satisfied, and a broad sword appeared in his hand, but it was different from ordinary broad swords. There was a finger-thick slit in the middle of the sword body of this broad sword. "This is Augustus." The broad sword I begged to make! Beautiful!"

"Well, this sword body can be used as a mirror!" Little Tross stroked it, and a cold feeling came from the sword body, "But Master, why did you take out such a slit in the middle?"

"Hahaha!" Old Tross was even more proud, stretching out his hand to stroke his beard, "This is my first creation! By the way, this Augustus embezzled a piece of diamond from their Holy Academy and asked me to make a weapon. The hardness of diamond is higher than that of rare metals. It is one of the best among them. It is really not easy to get such a large piece. However, the material he wants to make is a 1.5-meter wide sword. I am afraid that this material is not enough. He has no choice but to ask me to build a 1.3-meter wide sword. .This Augustus is taller than others, and 1.3 meters is enough for ordinary people, but he is a bit short to use it..."

"Oh, I see, so master, you can simply leave a slit in the middle to save the material to keep the length of the broad sword! What a good way!"

"Hahaha, whether we are blacksmiths, craftsmen or master masters, it is my duty to try every means to create a suitable weapon for customers. No matter how perfect we create, if the customer is not good at it, it is also a failure works, do you remember?"

"I remember Master!" Little Tross replied seriously.

"Well, well, it's time for me to take a rest. I've been really exhausted for the past one and a half months!" Old Trous put away his broad sword and moved his shoulders. "I asked you to practice carving before retreating. What's the matter, show me your work!"

"Oh!" Little Tross promised and ran out of the room.After a while, he ran back again with a small package on his shoulder.

Old Tross frowned when he saw the package, "You took it out to sell again? You have the nerve to take out such a poor thing. I don't know how embarrassing it is!"

"Who said that, I also sold two purple gold coins, if you don't believe me, look!" Little Tross spread out his palms, and two purple gold coins appeared in his palms.

"Hmph, I don't know which blind thing would pay two purple gold coins for your garbage..." Old Tross looked disdainful.

"Huh!" Little Tross put his arms on his chest, "What's wrong with my trash, my trash is a thousand times stronger than what you carved!"

"Before you speak big words, you must have confidence. How come you are such an unmotivated thing in our Tross family!" Old Tross was a little angry.

"Hmph, you know there are people outside the sky and humans, why did our Tross family produce you, an arrogant master!" Little Tross didn't give in at all, "Don't say I didn't warn you, the sculpture I sold is real!" Better than your carving!"

"Really? Let me see if you have the ability!" Old Tross spread his hands and sneered.

"How can I show you after I sell it!" Little Tross stuck out his tongue and made a grimace, "But you are lucky, when I went to see the saint sister for dinner yesterday, I saw her holding my statue and looking at it. , and I can't put it down!"

"His Royal Highness?"

"Yeah, I remember that it was sold to a big brother at the time, and then the saint sister came, and they seem to know each other. I think it must be the big brother who saw the beauty of the saint sister and carved me a statue of the saint I gave it to Sister Saintess!" Little Trois pouted, "If I had known that my sister liked it so much, I wouldn't have sold it. I gave it to Sister Saintess. She will take me with her on her next cruise, so she doesn't have to face it every day. You! Hmph!"

"Statue of the saint? Hahaha, don't make a draft if you talk big. Haven't I seen the statue of the saint you carved? I didn't say that you overestimated you by blaspheming the first saint!"

"You..." Little Tross blushed, "If you don't believe me, let's go to the saintess sister, I must let you see what is the real statue of the saintess!"

"Let's go!" The old Tross flicked his dirty sleeves, and followed the little Tross out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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