Godsend Field

Chapter 403 Grandmaster

Chapter 403 Grandmaster
An elegant courtyard on the left of the center of the Holy Court of the Illumination Sect emits soft light from the windows of the attic, and a graceful figure is reflected on the window.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

"come in!"

"Crack!" The door opened, and a maid came in with a washbasin made of gold. Steam was still rising from the washbasin, and she put the washbasin on the stand. "Your Highness, are you still watching?" What about this statue? Time to wash your face!"

"En!" Mia caressed the statue of the saint affectionately, placed it gently on the table, walked to the washbasin, put her jade-like fine fingers into the hot water, picked up the hot water and moistened it. cheek.

The maid walked to the edge of the table and stared at the statue, "Where did you buy this? It's much better than that naughty ghost's sculpture. In my opinion, this is even better than his great-grandfather! Look at this eye, And this expression, it looks like a living person, and this movement, it's really beautiful! If she is a god, she must be a god of beauty!"

Mia smiled slightly, "This one was carved by that naughty ghost, but someone helped him to process it!"

"Oh, who is it!" the maid asked curiously.

"People of the Welsh Empire, the Duke of God!" Mia said, taking a deep breath and holding it in her mouth, lowering her head and immersing her entire face in the hot water.

"Duke Godsend? I have heard private discussions with the Templars about this man. I heard that he is a very powerful person. This time the orcs invaded, the army of your empire was led to repel it, and I also I heard that the new king of your empire is his younger brother!" The maid looked at the ceiling and tried hard to think back, "Such a big man must be very respected in your empire. If His Highness didn't run for the saint, he would definitely be able to marry into their duke's mansion! "

"Gudong, Gudong! Cough! Cough! Cough!  …"

Mia straightened up quickly, coughing, even if she didn't choke to death by the water, she almost choked to death by her words.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you?" The maid hurried over, took the towel from the shelf and handed it to Mia.

"What are you talking about, marrying into the duke's mansion..."

"Hee hee, isn't it right? A big man like this must have many wives and concubines, as well as many sons. There must be someone who can inherit him. With His Highness's beauty and character, being his daughter-in-law would be considered cheap for them!" The maid said with a laugh.

"You...hahaha!" Mia suddenly laughed and leaned forward.

"What's wrong with you, Your Highness, did I say something wrong? Why are you laughing!" the maid said shyly.

"Hahaha, let me marry him as his daughter-in-law... Hahaha, do you know how old Tianci is this year?" Mia forced a smile, "Our Duke Tianci is only one year older than me! He is now Only the fiancée, where is the son! Hahaha"

"Ah, you are only one year older than His Highness, so young!" The maid exclaimed in disbelief, "He has already inherited the duke at such a young age..."

"You, what nonsense, who told you that his duke was inherited?" Mia dried her face and hung up the towel. "The title of duke bestowed by God is won by myself."

"You fought for it yourself? The duke..." The maid was even more astonished, "His Royal Highness, can you tell me about it, I really want to know about this god-given duke!"

Seeing the golden light in the maid's eyes, Mia helplessly stretched out her jade finger and pointed at the maid's head, "You, you're becoming a nympho again!"

"Tell me, please, Your Highness!"

Mia sat on the soft chair and thought back, "Actually, I can become a saint. He helped me a lot, but I don't know him very well, and I didn't even talk about it properly!"

"Ah, how did this happen! Your Highness, let's talk about it from the first time you met!"

"Hee hee, when I first saw him, what do you think he was doing?"

"Xi Wu!"

Mia shook her head with a smile.

"Read the military book!"

Still shaking his head, "If you kill him, you wouldn't even guess it. The first time I saw him, he was selling kitchen knives at a street stall in the square. And those kitchen knives are so ugly, no one buys them at all."


"I didn't notice him at the time. Until about three years later, I came out of the academy and presided over the worship of our Guangming Church with my grandfather, learning light magic. Soon I heard from my grandfather that Duke Kate of our empire had another A grandson came back, and he escaped from death and wandered back, and then entered the fire department of our Imperial Academy because of Duke Kate’s relationship, and that person was a gift from God, he was only seventeen or eighteen years old at the time.”

"I know Duke Kate, the most powerful person in your empire. I didn't expect him to be the grandson of Duke Kate. No wonder his title is so high!" The maid nodded.

"You are wrong. I have said that the title of title bestowed by God was won by himself. At first, because he sacrificed himself to save others and protect his younger brother, our former king promoted him to the title of Earl in order to encourage his spirit. .Later, he went to the northwest province of our empire, organized the messy mess there, and found several large iron mines for the empire, so the former king promoted him to be a marquis according to his merits. Later, he led our northwest The army resisted the invasion of the orcs, and stabilized the political situation when the Dongling Palace was in a state of shock. The late king made him a duke when he was dying! And you must know that our late king is the most wise monarch in the past ten thousand years. , Even His Majesty the Pope recognized this. The late king only conferred four dukes in his life, and the first three were the heroes who supported the late king and suppressed the rebellion. After more than 50 years, the late king no longer made anyone a duke , and in the end, only being promoted to Tianci, you can imagine how much our former king valued Tianci. He, the duke, probably has a higher status than other princes and crown princes of the empire!"

"He is so strong, it would be great if you could marry him!" The maid clasped her hands tightly on her chest.

"What are you nympho, I already have two fiancees, and each of them is beautiful, one is a wind mage, the other is a water mage, and they are about the same age as me!" Mia said sourly.

"It's so strong!" The maid's eyes sparkled even more, "Hee hee, but Your Highness, why do I smell a strange smell!"

"It's a weird smell?" Mia watched the maid sniffing at her vigorously, and quickly raised her sleeve to sniff twice, "No, it's normal!"

"Ah, I thought of it, it smells like vinegar, sour vinegar!" The maid jumped up and laughed.

"Smell of vinegar?" Mia was taken aback for a moment, and then she reacted, "Okay, you begged me to say it, but now you are laughing at me instead, don't you want to live, see how I deal with you!"

"Hee hee...hahaha!"

. . . . . .

"Deng! Deng! Deng!..." There was a sound of rushing up the stairs.

"Huh? Who else will come this late?" Mia said strangely, letting go of the maid.The maid tidied her hair, "Your Highness, sit down, I'll go out and have a look!"

As soon as the maid walked to the door and opened the door, she saw two figures rushing over, "Is the saint sister there?"

"Naughty ghost? Master Grandmaster? Why are you here so late?" The maid was a little surprised. On weekdays, Little Tross often came to play, but it was the first time for the old master to come. , if you have anything to do, come back tomorrow!"

"Rest? What are you afraid of? I can be her grandfather's grandfather now. I hugged Makayla back when she was in the Holy Mountain!" Old Tross pushed away the maid and strode in regardless of the date and time." Okay, what about the stuff?"

Little Tross stared wide-eyed and looked around the room. His eyes lit up, "There, there, I found it!"

Seeing little Tross running over and grabbing the statue of the saint, Mia was shocked, "Naughty ghost, what are you doing? Be careful, be careful!"

"Master, take a look, how does this one compare to what you carved?" Little Tross stretched out his hand and handed the statue to Old Tross.

Old Trous took the statue and looked at it carefully in front of his eyes. His half-fascinated eyes could not help but gradually enlarge and looked at it carefully.The statue was slowly turning in his hand, carefully looking at every place and every knife, "Not bad... not bad..."

"Old Grandmaster..." Mia walked up, her face full of concern.

"Hush!" Little Tross tugged on Mia's sleeve, gesturing to keep quiet.

"That's not right!" Old Tross looked around and looked around, up, down, left, right, and right three times repeatedly, "Who could this be? Dwarves are not good at carving, so it's impossible to carve such a fine work." Son! Could it be Finchland, this is not his style of using a knife! Is it Siberhill, and it shouldn’t be! Masander’s carving is the worst and even more impossible! Except for these three casting masters Is there anyone else?"

Seeing Old Tross shaking his head while looking at the statue, Mia was puzzled, "Old Grandmaster, is there something wrong with this statue?"

"Problem? Yes, and there are still big problems!" Old Tross sighed and looked away from the statue. "This statue is not inferior to me, and it can be said to be far better than me! I can carve as finely as him, But I can't sculpt this feeling, what I sculpt is a dead thing, but this one seems to be alive!"

"Hahaha, what's up, master, you're convinced now!" Little Tross was triumphant.

"Admit it? Admit it! Do you think I can't see it, this is not carved by you!" Old Tross became annoyed, stretched out his hand and slapped the back of Tross's head.

"Oh! I... I clearly carved it, you can ask Sister Saintess!" Little Tross almost cried.

"Girl, who do you think carved this?" Old Tross looked at Mia.

"This one was indeed carved by little Tross!" Mia said, seeing the surprised expression of old Tross, and then said, "It's just that, a friend of mine processed it again!"

"Your friend? Who, who is it?" Old Tross asked eagerly with wide-eyed eyes.

"I know this. He is the envoy of the Welsh Empire mission this time, the Duke of Heaven!" The maid hurriedly replied, with an excited expression on her face, as if she was talking about herself.

"The Empire of Wales? The Duke of Heaven?" Old Tross murmured and repeated, as if thinking of something "Duke of God... Godsend... Godsend... Oops! I thought of it, Finchland seven or eight years ago That old thing, the Four Great Empires, came to see me when he was on tour to teach art, and he seemed to have mentioned that there will be two good seedlings in the Welsh Empire in the future, one of them is A Yin, the little craftsman who touched the craftsman's threshold some time ago. In addition One seems to be a gift from God!"

"The old master is right. The Duke of Tianci and Ayin studied casting under the mentor of Craftsman Mike in the city of Yaster in our empire. Later, they all went to the capital Ancona!" Mia added.

"He carved it!" Old Trous stroked his beard and looked at the statue again. "Is he still in the holy mountain? Come on, let's go and meet!"

"Old Grandmaster, it's getting late now. They probably have already rested. If they want to visit, we have to wait until tomorrow!" Mia hurriedly stopped Old Tross.

"Oh, the girl is right, it's too late!" Old Tross looked at the darkness outside the window and realized, "Forget it, the girl will take me there tomorrow, and introduce me to you!"

"Yes!" Mia responded, "Then old master, should you return this statue to me first?"

"This one, let me study it again, and I will pay you back tomorrow!" Old Tross walked out regardless of Mia's reluctance.Little Tross shrugged his shoulders with an innocent expression.

The sky was only slightly bright, and Mia came to the residence of the old Grandmaster Tros on the edge of the Holy Court. She took the statue back firmly and put it in the space ring carefully. Mountain.

When we reached the foot of the holy mountain, more than half an hour had passed, and the foot of the holy mountain was already bustling with people coming and going.

Walking to the gate of the embassy, ​​the waiters of the embassy greeted the saint and the old master in surprise.Even the priests of the embassy ran out to greet the two of them, "Hehe, Her Royal Highness and the old master are here, what's the matter?"

"Tianci, we are looking for Tianci!" Old Tross shouted impatiently.

"Duke Tianci? They went out for breakfast in the morning, and they haven't come back yet. They probably went shopping!" the priest said truthfully.

"Eat breakfast? Doesn't your embassy have breakfast?" Old Tross was very upset. "Find it for me and tell me that I'm waiting for him inside the embassy!"

"Yes, yes! We will send someone to look for it right away!" The priest said with a bow, and hurriedly ordered.Most of the waiters in the embassy ran out immediately.

Many windows of the three surrounding attics were open, and people from the three empires poked their heads out to watch, discussing in surprise.

"What to look at, what's there to see!" Old Tross was a little unhappy, "Which is the other courtyard of the Welsh Empire? Let's go in and wait!"

After waiting for less than half an hour, there was movement at the door, Tianci, Lier Qiner and others hurried back, pushed open the door of the other courtyard, and saw Mia sitting at the door of the attic with an old man, Holding a teacup in his hand, the boy who sold the statues at the market that day was spinning the teacup boredly.

You can guess without an introduction that this old man is the only human casting master on the mainland, Telos!
Tianci quickly stepped forward to salute, "The envoy of the Welsh Empire, Tianci, has met the old man Telos!"

Old Tross stood up and looked at Tianci, "Well, you are the young Duke Tianci who has been in the limelight recently, and you can be regarded as a good-looking talent! Cough cough, the statue in Mia's hand is your work! It is rare. What a sight to see!"

"That statue is the masterpiece of this young man, I just modified it a little bit!" Tianci said modestly, "Your master's carving skills..."

"Hmph, don't I know how much he weighs? This statue is your work and has nothing to do with him!" Old Tross didn't give Little Tross any face. "I heard that you studied under Craftsman Mike, and now Are you still a blacksmith?"

"Blacksmith? Hehe, ashamed!" Tianci bowed his head.If he hadn't possessed the divine consciousness left by his father, he might still be a little blacksmith now.

"Hey, you and Ah Yin are learning art at the same time. He has already touched the threshold, but you are still stagnant, lazy, lazy! If you are willing to devote all your energy to casting, you may be a craftsman now! On the mainland The youngest craftsman!" Old Tross said regretfully.

"Hmph, I'm the youngest duke on the continent now, what's wrong with that!" Little Tross interjected, before he could finish speaking, he quickly fled to the side to avoid unintended disaster.

Qin'er and Li'er next to him couldn't help laughing when they saw the funny way that little Trous contradicted the old master and ran away.

"You..." Old Tross glared at Little Tross angrily, "Forget it, play while you're at it! Godsend, I heard Finchland talk about you, and he said that you're very talented in casting one. But I Today I saw your carving works, although I am not satisfied with the knife skills, but the charm of the knife skills makes me admire, I came here to ask you for advice, how did you carve with such charm?"

"This... To tell the truth, Grandmaster, my carving skills are actually very average, and I can't compare with you at all. Among my works, only this statue of the saint is the most special, and it can reach this level! "

"Only the statue of the saint? That is to say, you put all your effort into practicing one carving? This is also a way. How many statues of the saint have you carved in total?"

"Two, one was given to Mia, and the other is my sword handle!" Tianci took out his long sword of mist stone and respectfully handed it to Old Tross.

He took the long sword and looked at it carefully, "The Misty Stone, Finchland's work, has no edge, and there are some problems with this magic circle. How could it be level four, or both sides? What a waste, it's so good It’s a waste of materials. What’s wrong with this Finchland, next time I see him, I’ll give him a good training!”

"Hehe, Grandmaster, I can use this sword very easily!" Tianci said with a smile.

"That's right, as long as others use it smoothly, it's the best work!" Little Telos yelled from the side.

"Go away!" Old Tross yelled, and then carefully looked at the hilt of the sword. "The statue of the saint on the hilt is exactly the same as that one. It has a charm! I can't believe that you can reach this level with only two carvings." ! is it true?"

"To be honest, when I saw the statue of the first saint for the first time, I had a very special feeling. I felt that she was like my relatives. When I saw her, I would feel very comfortable and at ease, just like It’s like staying with my mother! So when I decided to carve the statue of the saint, her expressions, movements, and even the mood in her eyes were already in my heart. When I cut the knife, I was very emotional and excited, but But the hand was exceptionally steady. It was carved out in one go!" Tianci reminisced, with a smile on his lips, "Even if I think about it later, I don't know how to carve it myself!"

The people next to him were a little confused, but Old Tross kept nodding his head, "I understand! I can understand your experience. Alas... It was the same when I sculpted the portrait of my dead wife. Her Every frown, every smile, every move, the expression in her eyes is in me, I...I..."

"Grandmaster!" Tianci whispered, and two lines of tears appeared in the corners of Old Telos' eyes.

Waving his hand, "I... I didn't use the knife in the end. I'm afraid, I'm afraid that I will be even more sad when I carve it out, and I'm afraid that I will stay in front of the statue and be decadent from now on... Alas! If I had taken the knife back then, maybe A peerless work will be left behind, but a foundry master is missing. Alan...Alan!"

Although quite a few women next to him couldn't understand it, they were all infected by the true feelings of Old Trous, and the corners of their eyes became moist.

"Oh, stop talking, stop talking! I didn't expect you to have such an insight at such a young age!" Old Trous patted Tianci on the shoulder, "Young man, your casting talent is good, don't waste it. I hope you can Spend all your energy on casting, and we humans will not lose our masters after a hundred years!"

Tianci nodded sincerely, "Thank you, Grandmaster, for your guidance!"

"No thanks, no thanks! When you go back, find Finchlan and tell him what I said, let him guide you every day. After you reach the master, if I am not dead, you can come to the Holy Mountain and I will guide you personally. !"

"Thank you, Grandmaster, for your love!" Tianci saluted deeply again.

(End of this chapter)

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