Godsend Field

Chapter 410 Heavy Duty

Chapter 410 Heavy Duty
"Reporting to Your Majesty, Deputy Counselor Chen Wu is seeking an audience outside the hall!" A servant hurried forward to report.

"Well, tell her to come in!" Nero put down the watch in his hand.

After a while, Chen Wu followed the servant and walked in. After seeing Nero, Chen Wu quickly knelt down and saluted, "Vice Counselor Chen Wu of the Military Affairs Department, see Your Majesty!"

"Get up!" Ni Luoxu raised his hand, "Chen Wu, how do you feel in the hall today?"

Chen Wu was stunned for a moment, recalling that William and Akas were not in the main hall this morning, and he stood at the head of the military affairs on the right by virtue of his position as Deputy Counselor, second only to Duke Meister.In addition to the court meeting, His Majesty praised him strongly, as if the mission to the Holy Mountain to reach the [-]-year peace agreement in the southeast province was not the pressure exerted by the Pope Guangming, but the force of Chen Wu alone. "The last general... is flattered!"

"That day, when I was newly ascended to the Great Treasure, I designated you as the Deputy Counselor. Firstly, it was because you belonged to my elder brother. For the sake of elder brother, others would not dare to oppose you. Second, it was also because the political situation was unstable at that time, and I could trust you. There are not many people, especially people in the military and political fields. And you went to the Northwest with your brother, and my brother said you are a military talent, so I boldly used you." Nero put his right hand on the table, and tapped the table with four fingers "At that time, although your position as Deputy Counselor was created by the current situation, it was still a castle in the air, but now that you have made such achievements, your position as Deputy Counselor can be regarded as having a foundation!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!" Chen Wu saluted again.

"During this period of time, William was demoted by me, and Akas patrolled the southern military affairs on my behalf. The military and political department has no leader, and there are so many trivial things!" Nero said with a tired face, tapping his fingers on the table Raised the bridge of his nose and rubbed his nose, "Since you, the vice-counselor, have justified your name, from now on, the affairs of the Ministry of Military Affairs will be handled by you for the time being!"

"Your Majesty, I have just entered the court not long ago, and I am not familiar with many things. I am afraid it will be difficult for me to undertake such an important task!"

"What are you afraid of? I have never been in contact with military affairs. Shouldn't I handle it as usual during this time? Besides, if you are unclear about anything, you can ask others for advice. If you are really in doubt, come to me. When Arcas comes back, you Then leave the matter to Arcas!"

Chen Wu thought for a moment, "The last general leads the order!"

"Well, on that table are the things that happened in the Ministry of Military Affairs and my instructions during the period when you went to the holy mountain. You should familiarize yourself with it first!" Nero pointed to the pile of old books piled up like a hill on the table next to him. Love form and the original or back-up files of the decree of amnesty and decree of amnesty, "You can read it here, and then leave after reading it! Come on, and prepare snacks and tea for Chen Wu's Deputy Counselor!"

"Yes!" A servant led the order and walked out of the hall to deliver the order to the dining room.

Chen Mist was a little confused, but he still walked behind the table, sat on a chair and began to read.

Nero ignored the morning mist, but lowered his head to review other petition forms.From time to time, some Shangsi officials came to ask questions.Sephiroth and Duke Meister were also sent once.

As the sun went down, Queen Luna personally delivered dinner to Nero, and at the same time, she also brought over the morning mist.

It was not until the middle of the moon that the morning mist was roughly finished. I only felt backache and back pain, and my eyes were dizzy.After reviewing the petition form, Nero looked at the full moon in the sky in the courtyard at the entrance.It was winter now, and the snow on the ground was as thick as a palm.

"Squeak, squeak!"

Chen Mist stepped on the snowflakes and walked behind Nile, "Report to Your Majesty, the last general has finished watching!"

"How do you feel?"

"I...shocking!" Chen Wu said courageously.

"What you have seen is the top secret of the empire, you should know what I want to do by now!" Nero said lightly.

"The last general...Understood, I will never reveal a word to the outside world!"

"Just understand! You know how to deal with the affairs of the Military and Political Department in the future!"

"The general understands that the general will handle military and political affairs according to His Majesty's wishes!" After Chen Wu finished speaking, her heart almost stopped beating.

"Very good!" Nero spit out hot air, "Why, you seem to be very nervous, aren't you scared?"

"The last general... is indeed a little scared!" Chen Wu didn't hide anymore.

"Since you're afraid, I'll give you three days off to make adjustments, and come back to deal with important military and political affairs in three days!" Nero waved his hand, "Go down!"

Chen Wu knelt down and saluted, "The last general will leave!"

Before Chen Wu could take five steps, Ni Luo seemed to think of something again, "Chen Wu, the day you come back this time is one day later than I calculated!"

Chen Wu hurriedly stopped and turned around, "Reporting to Your Majesty, the general is convicted! The general returned to the capital to visit his wife first! Conveyed greetings and gifts for the lord!"

"I think so. I haven't seen my mother for a long time. Are she and Dad okay?"

"all good!"

"It seems that you have brought a lot of gifts to the holy mountain this time. Some of them are from parents. I wonder if there are any from me?"

Chen Wu's face became embarrassing, and he hesitated, "This time... the two young ladies... bought it for Madam...so..."

"Hahaha, don't be nervous, I was just joking! The two sisters-in-law respect the future mother-in-law, how can they think of me?" Nero's smiling face slowly became serious, "Besides, I am the emperor, do you have the gift I want? People can give it to me, and I have to take it, grab it, and grab it myself!"

Chen Wu understood, she lowered her head and dared not answer.

"Morning Wu, you are from the Northwest. I heard that you and Gelu are a natural couple. I will choose a good day to marry you in person in a few days! As for Gelu, you can appoint him as a general. The tent is waiting for dispatch!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chen Wu hurriedly knelt down to thank him.

Nero took two steps forward, and a golden pardon appeared with a slight movement of his palm, reaching in front of the morning mist, "This is the secret order I gave you. You can open it after Arcas returns. After reading it, you will know how to accept it." What should I do when I get down!"

Chen Wu solemnly accepted the decree of pardon.

"Okay, go back and rest!" Nero said, walking around the morning fog and heading into the hall.

After a long time, Chen Wu stood up, holding the Heaven's Pardon in his hand like a thousand catties.Looking at the moonlight above her head, Chen Wu couldn't help but tremble in her heart, my lord, come back quickly!
"哷~~" Tianci tugged at the horse's reins, and the tall horse whined, raised its front legs and stopped.

Qin'er and Li'er also stopped the steed, "Stinky boy, what are you doing, you said hurry up and don't make them wait anxiously, why did you stop again?"

Tianci sat on the horseback and looked around, "Why do I feel like someone is calling me!"

"Hmph, who would call you? Do you think it's the third lady?" Qin'er said sourly.

"Pfft!" Li'er next to her couldn't help laughing, and stretched out her hand to grab Qin'er's weakness.

"Where are you thinking! I mean..." Tianci rolled his eyes, "Isn't this common saying that mothers are worried when children travel thousands of miles? It must be that mother misses me! Of course, what mother misses is the three of us!"

"Hmph, nonsense! That's your mother and not me... fight!" Qin'er's face turned red suddenly, she turned around quickly, her legs tightened, and the horse galloped out.

Li'er stuck out her little tongue at Tianci, and galloped out on the horse.

Tianci looked back at the direction of the Welsh Empire worriedly, wishing the empire all the best!
The Spanish Empire and the French Empire are located in the middle of the road, and even in winter they are as warm as spring.Such an environment also created the scenery like a painting of green mountains and green waters.

After driving for a day, looking at the beautiful scenery all around, the three of them were talking and laughing, so they were very happy.Detour around a mountain road to the official road.Occasionally, you can meet merchants and mercenary groups responsible for guarding.In her spare time, Qin'er also talked to Li'er about how she worked hard as a bodyguard for others after killing Claire, in exchange for a few pitiful gold coins to support Tianci.

When mentioning that past, Tianci and Qin'er couldn't help but think of Alice!

Driving on the official road is much more comfortable. Although there are farmlands and scattered villages nearby, and there is not a decent restaurant, the young masters and ladies who seldom eat farm food, still eat with relish.

After eating, I inquired with the farmer. It is not far from Seville, and it is about ten days away.After they were full, the three of them did not ride their horses to gallop, but walked slowly on the horses.

"Qin'er, after we go to the Spanish Empire, we can go to your Sunset Villa for a walk. I don't know where Senior Lei is practicing!" Tianci said casually.

"Okay, I haven't been back to Sunset Villa for a long time!" Qin'er was a little excited, "But Sunset Villa is far away, and the road is difficult to walk. You can't ride a horse. Unless you take a flying monster, you have to walk! Once you go there, At our speed, I'm afraid it won't be half a year!"

"It's so difficult to walk, so if you go back and come out again, won't you be one year old?" Tianci laughed.

"Hmph, my grandfather carries me every time, and it only takes more than 20 days!" Qin'er was proud that she could make Lei Jiansheng carry people on his back, and Qin'er was probably the only one in the whole continent.

After walking for two days, there were more pedestrians on the road, and I saw towns and cities along the way. After passing several small inns in a row, I finally found a slightly larger inn beside the pipeline.Yu'er was the happiest. Eating those things a few days ago was simply forcing the fox to lose weight!

The business in the inn was booming, and the private rooms were already full, so Tianci and Qin'erlier had no choice but to find a side seat in the lobby and sit down, ordering a full table of dishes.Yu'er was not polite either, and jumped onto the dining table under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Look, the two chicks over there are really pretty!" On the opposite table, a mercenary-like man with a scruffy beard looked at Tianci.Li'er turned her back to them, but Qin'er was completely under their gaze.

The mercenaries at the side also looked in this direction, discussing one after another.

Qin'er's face darkened, and her eyebrows were frowned. It was really annoying to be watched and gesticulated like this.He slapped the chopsticks on the table with his right hand, and raised his mouth.

"Look, that chick seems to have lost her temper!" The mercenary laughed again.

"Isn't it that you have been stared at by your donkey's eyes! I said, old six, have you not seen a woman in 800 years, is it so embarrassing!" The mercenary next to him burst into laughter.

"Tch, I've seen a lot of women, but such a beautiful one is rare! You said that the glamorous beauty on the side of the bridge when she came with us was more beautiful?" Said.

"Is this...they are all the same!"

"If you just look at the small face, this chick is more beautiful. If you talk about this figure, the convex and concave curves, the glamorous beauty by the bridge is a feast for the eyes. And this chick is wearing a robe, no good or bad It's gone!" The old six stared at Qin'er's figure.

"Hahaha, maybe I'm afraid of being seen, so I wear a robe!" The mercenary next to him laughed, which immediately caused the whole inn to burst into laughter.

At this time, Qin'er's face was already flushed, and her cheeks were bulging with anger, "A dog can't spit out ivory, my figure is not good...my..."

Tianci and Li'er held their mouths with both hands, forcibly resisting the urge to laugh.

"You two too..." Qin'er looked at the expressions of Tianci and Li'er, she was even more ashamed and angry, she slapped the table and stood up "Look if I don't teach them a lesson!"

"Qin'er!" Tianci quickly grabbed Qin'er's hand, and the muscles on his face still couldn't help laughing, "Qin'er, it's better to do less when we are out. They say theirs, let's eat ours!"

"Yo, yo, look, it turns out that there is a flower girl who has an owner! I... ouch!" The sixth child screamed, a plate was smashed into the mouth, and several teeth were immediately smashed out. Mouth full of bloody teeth and plate shards.

The mercenaries at the same table were taken aback, and they all jumped up and looked at Tianci's side vigilantly.

"Well done, Yu'er!" Qin'er sat down and stroked Yu'er in relief.

Yu'er stretched out her small tongue to lick off the grease on the plate, clasped Pan Yan with her two hind paws and kicked hard, the plate seemed to have eyes, and flew towards another mercenary who had laughed at Qin'er.

"Oh!" Another tragic voice sounded.

"You guys!" The mercenaries were shocked, and at this moment, they didn't care about the reason, they pulled out their weapons in a hurry, and they were about to rush over.

Tianci sneered and frowned.

"Om!" The four mercenaries who rushed up first suddenly buzzed in their ears, their eyes were full of golden light, their minds went blank, and their bodies fell down uncontrollably.

The three or four mercenaries behind were stunned, holding their long swords and not knowing what to do.The diners around also stopped, but instead of leaving, they watched the excitement leisurely.

"Masters, masters, let's talk if we have something to say!" At this time, the shop owner hurriedly ran over, "Master, misunderstandings are misunderstandings! The small shop was passed down from the ancestors, and the shop is small and profitable, but it can't stand it." Toss, otherwise, this meal is considered to be invited by me, and I hope the masters can show their noble hands!"

Tianci sneered, and Yu'er continued to eat Hesai nonsense.

The mercenaries had no idea at this time, years of mercenary experience told them that they couldn't afford to provoke this person, "For the sake of the boss, this time it's cheaper for you!" They said, dragging the fallen mercenaries to escape He seemed to run out of the shop.

"Huh!" The boss breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss, come here!" Qin'er triumphantly took out two purple gold coins from the interspatial ring and threw it away, "Give me five more dishes of your best meat, remember the best!"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er trembled all over, and hastily spit out the preserved meat that had just been stuffed into her mouth.

The boss sent off the three distinguished guests with great difficulty, and he felt completely relieved.This kind of distinguished guest is absolutely bold, but it is absolutely unambiguous to cause trouble.

Qin'er rode a horse and walked in front with Yu'er in her arms, "Hmph, Yu'er is still good to me, you two are really heartless, I was bullied, and you all look at jokes instead!"

Lier rolled her eyes, and Tianci also shrugged her shoulders.

The official road leads straight to the distance. After walking for a meal, you can see a river in the distance. The width of the river is about 30 meters, and the current is fast.There is a stone bridge over the river, the bridge deck is about three meters wide.

There are people coming and going on the bridge, but there are many people standing on the side of the bridge, and even those who are walking look back from time to time.

The three of Tianci sat on the tall horse and walked over. When they reached the bridge, Tianci was suddenly stunned.

Just beside the stone bridge, there stood a woman with a handsome face and long fluttering hair. She was wearing a tight-fitting dress that completely outlined the bumps of her figure, and she was looking back and forth with a thin sword in her hand.The official road is connected to the stone bridge, and the men and women who go up and down the bridge can't help but look twice, but this woman doesn't seem to care, she is still looking back and forth, looking for something.

The three horses came slowly, and the woman's looking eyes suddenly saw the gift of heaven on the horses, her delicate body trembled violently, and she couldn't help running two steps forward.Yu Chi bit her lip and mustered up her courage, "Heavenly gifted, you are finally here!"

Qin'er and Li'er were startled at the same time, looking at the beautiful woman in front of them. In the inn just now, those obscene mercenaries said she was referring to the glamorous beauty by the bridge, "Boy, do you know her? Who is she?" "

"She is..."

"Oh, I'm a friend Tianci met in the Spanish Empire!" The woman answered first, her voice seemed a little hoarse, or maybe it was. . .

"A friend from the Spanish Empire?" Qin'er was a little skeptical, "Didn't we stay together all the time in the Spanish Empire? When did you meet friends?"

Tianci looked at the woman. Since she said that, she didn't want others to know her identity. "I met when I was chased and killed by the George family. We just met each other once!"

"Another meeting!" Qin'er pouted and turned her head.

"Tianci, I want to talk to you alone, is it convenient?" The woman lowered her head and whispered, "I won't bother you for a long time, just for a short while! It's very important...very important... .”

Tianci nodded, "Qin'er, Li'er, let me talk to her, can you go ahead and wait for me for a while?"

"En!" Li'er nodded obediently, and crossed the bridge with Qin'er on horseback.

"I really don't know who she is! But from a distance, she looks like someone!" Qin'er turned her head and looked at the woman walking along the river beside the bridge.

"I think so too, but it's impossible!" Lier said.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er's little nose twitched and grinned strangely, her little paws gesticulating back and forth.The human species will rely on eyes to distinguish whether things are really unsafe, or we rely on noses for safety.Ben Dahu knows who she is by smelling it, but he won't tell you two!
Tianci jumped off the horse, led the rein and walked the woman along the embankment. After walking about 100 meters away, there was no one around. "Miss San, you are finally willing to take off this mask on your face. But I don't know Has the other one been taken down as well?"

(End of this chapter)

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