Godsend Field

Chapter 411 Forgive

Chapter 411 Forgive
The third daughter of the George family, was favored by George Sword Emperor to stay by her side to teach martial arts personally since she was a child.After that, as the senior sister entered the miasma forest to practice alone, everyone thought that the scars on her face were caused by accidental poisoning while practicing in the miasma forest.However, all of this is just an illusion. The only people who have really seen her true face are probably only herself and George Sword Emperor.

But one day, when the third lady was ready to take a bath with a relaxed face after finishing her training, a strange man saw her true appearance, and this man was a gift from heaven.On the mainland today, apart from Miss San, only Tianci knows her true appearance.

The two walked slowly on the bank of the river without saying a word.Before I knew it, I had walked more than [-] meters, and there was no one around.

"I've been waiting for you!" Miss Angie whispered.The news that the fourth prince did not receive the envoy had spread, and he could not find Tianci, so he had to accompany Nolan Shangsi back to the capital.If you go to the capital, this river and bridge are the only way to go, so I will wait by the bridge.He regained his true appearance, but no one knew him anymore.

The voice is too low, Tianci seems to have not heard "You are also beautiful, why bother to cover up the world? Isn't this appearance very good?"

"Do you think it's good? That's because you are a man and have a high position, so you will naturally think so. But we, as daughters, don't agree. If I show my true face, I'm afraid I won't know where I'm married to." If the husband-in-law is good, that’s all. If the husband-in-law is not good, then it will be a life of misery. Instead of relying on the fate, it’s better for me to control my own destiny!”

"Yes, in order to control your own destiny, you use a mask to cover up your demeanor!" Tianci sneered, "Miss San, in order to make it easier for you to find me, today you are finally willing to take off this mask and use your real face I have shown it to others. But I wonder if your other mask has also been taken off at the same time?"

"I...God-given, what do you mean?"

"Do you want me to remind you?" Tianci stopped in his tracks, "On the holy mountain, in another courtyard!"

The third lady's delicate body trembled, she lowered her head like a child who made a mistake, "You...you know!"

"Know? I'm such a stupid person, I'm afraid I wouldn't know until I was pushed under the cliff by you!" Tianci was a little resentful. If it wasn't for the morning mist to see some clues that day, I'm afraid I'm still in the dark now. "I'm lucky to be able to stand here and talk instead of lying in the mud!"

"Heavenly gift!" An Qi was startled, raised her head and argued, "You mean I wanted to hurt you? I never wanted to hurt you... No, since you saved me last time, I haven't thought about hurting you." You. Last time, I..."

"Miss San, do you want me to continue clarifying?" Tianci interrupted Miss San's sophistry, "Last time I rescued you by the Siluo River and released you because you were innocent. Who knew you would collude with Cole, When you got to the holy mountain, you and Chester worked together again. You came to my other courtyard that day to thank me, and then complained falsely and pretended to be pitiful, which made me feel a little guilty And responsibility, let me take protecting your family as my duty!"

"No, I didn't, I didn't..." Miss San was a little anxious.

"I don't know what Chester and Krell said and did. In short, they found an opportunity to mention the execution of your George family in front of me, and I will naturally intervene in order to protect your family. Chester took the opportunity to challenge , and arranged a seamless final game to force me to play, and then used the sunset to kill me without anyone noticing it!"

"No, I didn't want to hurt you, really, I didn't..."

"As long as I die, my king will be furious, and at the same time, he will guess the truth. He will definitely launch a crusade to avenge me. At that time, the Holy See of Light will use the Templars to fight against my king. Both sides will suffer. This move of yours The design is really ingenious and seamless. I almost followed your plan step by step. If Dean Rafael hadn’t broken through the holy level and caught you off guard, he hurriedly stopped the plot to save me. I’m afraid it’s already The world is in chaos! Poor me and Claire are at the mercy of you!" Tianci let out a long sigh, staring at the panicked Angie, "Miss San, you are so poisonous, I just realized today that you have You have the face of an angel, but you have the heart of a snake! How dare you stand in front of me today? Even if your George family is all dead, you deserve it!"

"You...you..." The third lady listened in shame, but after hearing the last sentence, she suddenly became furious, and suddenly raised her hand to slap Tianci's face.

Tianci did not hide or dodge, his eyes fixed on the third lady like lightning.

"Crack!" A crisp slap sounded.

Tianci was slightly surprised, seeing a palm mark deeply imprinted on Miss San's pink cheek.

Hearing cursing her family, the third lady couldn't control her impulse, but just when the slap was about to fall on Tianci's cheek, she suddenly felt that she was making trouble for no reason, it was clearly her fault, and she went to plot against someone who sincerely wanted to save her family. People, themselves foolishly hurt a good man, themselves. . .Xiu Zhang abruptly changed course and hit An Qi hard on the face.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!..."

The third lady, An Qi, suddenly slapped herself fiercely with left and right bows.Every stroke was so hard, every stroke was so sad, both cheeks suddenly became red and swollen, the severe pain stimulated the nerves, and the unprecedented grievance made tears flow down.

Looking at the shocking redness and swelling on the originally pink and delicate cheeks, Tianci suddenly felt a sense of guilt.Clutching An Qi's wrist with both hands, "Enough, what are you doing!"

"I...I..." Angie couldn't speak, struggled to get away, and hit herself again.

Tianci grabbed it again like lightning, but An Qi was still struggling violently.

"Enough, did you hear me, enough is enough!" Tianci suddenly roared, and threw An Qi out with a flick of his hands.An Qi was taken aback by the sudden yelling, she couldn't stand still and fell to the ground in shock.

"I...I... woo... woo..." Suddenly feeling extremely wronged, coupled with bursts of pain, An Qi finally couldn't help crying.

Tianci took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "Do you feel wronged? Do you know that when I know the truth, I will be more wronged and sad than you!"

"Godsent, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" An Qi whimpered, wiping her tears with her sleeves, "But please believe me, I really didn't mean to hurt you, I really didn't. I didn't know they were going to kill you, I can swear to God , I can swear on my soul, I really don't know..."

"You don't know?" Tianci looked at Miss San and swore that it didn't seem like she was lying.

Sobbing, An Qi tried hard to control herself to stop crying, "Since you let me go, I met the Ninth Prince, who said he wanted to protect our family. The Ninth Prince has nothing to do with the Seventh Family and our family has a good relationship, With the backing of General Baquero, I think I can only rely on him. When I arrived at the Holy Mountain, the Ninth Prince told me that if he wanted to protect our family, he had to be the Crown Prince, and he had to let the Second Prince... that day he came Find me, let me thank you for saving your life, and then complain as much as possible. But I did not deceive you in the other courtyard, I am true, true, I am not hypocritical..."

Tianci was a little confused. If he hadn't revealed his true feelings that day, he wouldn't have been moved by her. "What about after that?"

"No, the Ninth Prince said that he will make arrangements for the future, so I don't need to worry about it!" An Qi twitched, "I thought they were just dealing with the Second Prince, but I didn't know until two days later that you are fighting for the fate of our family. As for the competition, I was really grateful to you at the time. But then I heard that the second prince poisoned you during the competition, and I was also very worried about you."

"Hmph, hum!" Tianci sneered twice, "It seems that it's not just Krell, you and I are also pawns in Cole's hands!"

"Ninth Prince?"

"Did you know that Cole was the first to run in to stop the competition when he heard that Dean Rafael had been promoted to the holy rank that day. He clearly knew that I would be poisoned that day. If I die, the old Pope will definitely investigate thoroughly, Clay If you die, he can justifiably take away the artifact Sword Soul Wuying and become the Crown Prince!"

An Qi was stunned when she heard that, she could hardly believe it, "Ninth Prince, how could it be?"

Tianci shook his head, recalling the first time he met Cole at the Seville Mercenary Union. At that time, he just graduated from the Potala Academy, the fiefdom of the Jordal family, and came to the capital to pass the entrance examination to the Holy Academy. How innocent he was at that time , showing sunshine and vigor everywhere, even if he betrayed himself in Valencia, he was forced by General Baroque.It's been a long time since we saw each other. I didn't expect this person to become so scheming, which made Tianci feel terrible.

"Hey!" Tianci sighed for a long time, "Maybe I blamed you wrongly, and you were also used by Cole. I don't blame you anymore, let's go!"

Turning around, Tianci was about to pick up the reins of the steed that was grazing with its head down.

"Tianci, Tianci!" The third lady hurriedly stood up, rushed forward and grabbed Tianci's sleeves and knelt on the ground with her legs. "Tianci, I came to you this time to ask you for one thing!"

Tianci's body was shaken, "Please, it's your family's business! Didn't Cole promise to protect your family? Could it be that you begged me to hand over Sword Soul Wuying to Cole to fulfill his crown prince? You Cole didn’t send you to find me this time, did he?”

"No! The Ninth Prince has been taciturn since he was rejected by the Holy See, and he didn't know where he went the next day! I came here to wait for you because I was worried about the family. Now the only person who can protect our family is you, I Please!" Miss San tightly grasped Tianci's arm, looking at Tianci eagerly.

"Me? Maybe, I'll do my best!" Tianci pulled Angel up with force.

An Qi didn't dare to resist, so she could only obey and stood up, "Thank you, God-send! I will definitely repay you!"

Tianci didn't answer, pulled the reins of the horse, got on the horse and galloped towards the stone bridge.An Qi stood quietly on the spot, looking at the figure of Tianci with her eyes gratefully.

Qin'er and Li'er crossed the stone bridge and stopped after walking 300 meters. After tying the horse to a willow tree, they ran back secretly, carefully hiding behind the big tree on the side of the river and watching.The river is relatively wide and the sound of the water flow, they did not hear their conversation.

Just as Qin'er and Li'er were watching vigorously, they suddenly felt a pain in the back of their buttocks.Qin'er turned around in a panic, but there was no one else around.

"Qin'er, let's go, brother Tianci found us!" Li'er blushed and covered her back with one hand, and pointed to the long grass on the ground with the other.

"Hmph! You brat dared to hit me. My grandfather never dared to hit me!" Qin'er pouted unwillingly, stretched out her hands to rub the pain, and looked back at each step.

Tianci crossed the stone bridge and saw Qin'er and Li'er pouting and getting angry under the willow tree next to them.Slightly smiled, jumped off the horse, and walked over, "Miss, what's the matter?"

Qin'er gave Tianci an angry look, "Why don't you kneel down?"

"Kneel down?" Tianci asked in confusion.

"Such a beautiful girl knelt down, so why don't you kneel down so that you can pray to heaven and earth?" Qin'er said sourly.

"Yeah, why did I forget! Next time, definitely next time!" Tianci laughed.

"What, you still have a next time!" Qin'er and Li'er became coquettish at the same time.

Tianci stepped forward and held Li'er's hand, while pulling the other hand towards Qin'er.

"Dang!" There was a slight metal collision sound, and the two hands touched together.Qin'er immediately blushed and smiled, and she was no longer angry.

"Okay, let's go! Where's your horse?" Tianci asked.

"We are tied to the willow tree in front!" Li'er pointed to the front.

Expanding his consciousness, there is no horse tied to the willow tree within 2000 meters ahead.Tianci gave a dry laugh, these two little girls, in order to peek at themselves, tied the horse to the side of the road without even thinking about whether it was safe or not, and now they were stolen!
Looks like I'm going for a walk today!Tianci ignored her steed, took Qin'er Lier's hand, and walked towards the front.

Without a horse, it was all a walk. The three of them walked slowly for less than an hour, and Qin'er and Li'er felt too tired to walk.

"It's only an hour? When you went shopping, you didn't rest for several hours in a row," Tianci said strangely.

"What's the same? Anyway, we can't walk anymore!" Qin'er said angrily, and sat down to rest in the green shade next to her with Li'er's support. She seemed really tired.

Godsend had no choice but to stop and guard the side of the official road.After waiting for a short time, I saw a pair of caravans walking slowly under the protection of more than ten people.

Tianci hurriedly stopped the caravan, and finally bought three horses at an outrageous price after exhausting his words.

With the horse, Qin'er and Li'er suddenly regained their energy!

The Spanish Empire is completely different from the Welsh Empire in terms of customs, customs and architectural history.Tianci combined the actual situation around and explained with Qin'er Lier while walking.The continental geography course that she had taken in the academy had played a role here. Lier was fascinated by listening to it, and she was even more envious of Tianci.

It was getting dark, and the three of them came to an inn.

"The three of you are the young master Kate who is going to the capital?" Before Tianci and the others could speak, the shopkeeper greeted them with a smile.

"Master Kate?" Tianci was taken aback for a moment, "That's right, we are!"

"Hehe, the three of you have had a tough journey! Please come inside, I have prepared the most sumptuous delicacies for the three of you! And I have prepared two of the best guest rooms for you!" the shopkeeper said attentively, bowing his head. The body invites the three of them to go upstairs.

The three of them were slightly surprised by Tianci.Yu'er was not polite, and rushed up to the second floor with a whoosh.

"All ready? Do you know us?" Qin'er asked in surprise.

The owner shook his head, "I don't know the three distinguished guests, but someone told us earlier that there will be three young people, two women and one man with a pet in their arms. Let me prepare the best rooms and delicacies for you, and Even the bills have been settled for you, you just enjoy it!"

"Oh? There is such a good thing?" Tianci suddenly understood in his heart, "Then we will not be polite!"

"Brother Tianci, don't you find it strange?" Lier was a little worried.

"It's nothing strange! Let's not let others down with their kindness!" Tianci smiled, and dragged the two of them up to the private room upstairs with the shopkeeper.

Early the next morning, the shopkeeper prepared breakfast again, and the three of them set out on the road again after eating breakfast.

The scenery along the way is still beautiful, but every time the three of Tianci enter the inn to prepare for dinner, they will always be recognized by the owner. The meals are also very rich and delicious, and the rest room is clean and comfortable.

It's been like this for three days, Tianci doesn't care at all, but Qin'er and Li'er are full of doubts.

"Stinky boy, what's going on?" Qin'er finally couldn't help it. "Look, we've been going fast and sometimes slow in the past two days, but we only prepare meals during the day and prepare the guest room in the evening. Both Li'er and I It feels like we are being followed and watched!"

"En!" Lier also nodded.

Tianci looked at Qin'er and shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know! It's just that I don't think the other party seems to be malicious! Don't worry about it so much!"

"No, we must figure it out!"

"Whatever!" Tianci indifferently pointed to the inn not far ahead, "It's late today, our guest room must be in that inn!"

Sure enough, when the three of them arrived at the inn, the best rooms and delicacies were all ready.Count the days, and you can go to Seville in a few days!
The next day, the three of Tianci accelerated their walking speed, hurriedly finished their meal at noon and continued on the road, within an hour.

"Oops!" Lier suddenly screamed and stopped the steed.

"What's wrong, Li'er?" Tianci also stopped.

"I... I left the interspatial ring that my master gave me in yesterday's inn!" Lier said in panic, holding her hands, there was only a mark of wearing the ring for a long time on Qianqian's thin finger, and there was no ring!

"Ah. Why are you so careless!" Tianci was also taken aback.

"I... When I was taking a shower yesterday... I took it off and put it on the table. I didn't stabilize it and fell under the bed. Later, after taking a shower, Qin'er talked to me, and then I forgot... so what What to do?" Lier was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"Li'er, did you fall under the bed yesterday?" Qin'er asked.

"En!" Lier nodded heavily.

"That's easy! There must be no one under the bed. You can definitely find it when you go back now!" Qin'er said.

"Well, I'll go back right away!" Lier turned the horse's head and prepared to drive back.

Tianci also adjusted the horse's head, "Qin'er, let's go together!"

Qin'er shook her head in embarrassment, "I won't go. My legs are so sore! You can go with Lier, I don't worry if Lier is alone. I'll wait for you here, I have Yuer to accompany me, so don't worry !"

Before Tianci could reply, the anxious Li'er had already let off her horse and rushed out.Tianci no longer thinks about "Yu'er, take good care of Qin'er, I will go back as soon as I go!"

"Oh~~" Yu'er screamed and shook her little paw, needless to say, Ben Dahu will also protect his 'meal ticket'.

Seeing Tianci and Lier's steeds disappear before her eyes, Qin'er raised her mouth slightly, and caressed Yu'er's little head, "Let's go, let's go eat some good food! Drive!"

(End of this chapter)

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