Godsend Field

Chapter 419 Conflict

Chapter 419 Conflict
"Sara, are you going to take your son to practice again?" Under a tall stone tablet, a warrior shouted loudly.

"Haha, aren't you envious?" The middle-aged warrior named Sarah had a proud face, and there were three teenagers beside him. Although his face was still a little childish, his expression was firm.One of them got impatient, took Sarah's hand and walked forward.

Looking at Sara's back, the two warriors under the stone tablet looked at each other and smiled, "Sara is really lucky. His son actually won the first place in the junior group. He is no match for the first place last year!"

"That's right, Sara has just passed level six after practicing for so long. I think his son is less than 35, so he must be able to reach level six!" Another warrior said enviously.

"It's useless to be envious, you can give birth to this son if you have the ability!"

"Hahaha, how can I have such a life! Let's just talk about the competition under the age of 30. My son has already been eliminated without even passing a round. I don't know who will win the final tomorrow!"

"Do you still have a guess? I say Orov is none other than him. He was number one last year. I heard that his strength has improved a lot this year. The elders have made him the best candidate for the alternate elder!"

A white light flashed across the forest!

"Who!" Sarah stopped vigilantly, and the young man beside her also stopped.

"Dad, what's the matter?" one of the teenagers asked.

Feeling the surroundings quietly, there was no movement. "It's nothing, maybe it's a beast! Well, let's move forward quickly. You must raise your fighting spirit this time before returning to the village. Do you hear me?"

"Yes! Master!" The three teenagers responded neatly.

After several days of hard work, we finally arrived at Sunset Villa!
"Look, that's your Sunset Villa!" Tianci pointed to the neat house and the large field below.It is hard to imagine that there is such a flat and fertile field within the Sunset Mountain Range.

"Well, yes, this is our Sunset Villa!" Qin'er clapped her hands excitedly and jumped up. "My grandpa and I often look at the village below! I don't know if grandpa is in the village!"

"It would be great if Sword Master Lei is here, I can finally hand in the mission with him!" Tianci breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Qin'er, "I just don't know the reward..."

"Task? Reward?" Qin'er and Li'er were taken aback for a moment, and then they came to their senses.Lier pursed her lips and snickered.

"Okay, don't look, let's go down!" Tianci watched the two of them suddenly stop. "Qin'er Lier, according to the mercenaries, Sunset Villa doesn't seem to like magicians. Let's do as the Romans do. You guys take off the mage's robes." Bar!"

Li'er took out the tent and set it up casually, Qin'er also found two gorgeous casual clothes from the space ring, went into the tent with Li'er and changed them.

The white light flashed, and came to a row of stone steps, which was not far from the stone sign at the gate of Sunset Villa. In order not to cause a sensation, Tianci still brought Baiying into a different space.

The three of them walked up the stone steps.

It didn't take long to come to the stone tablet, and two warriors stood in front of the stone tablet, "Who are you?"

"You two, we are visiting Senior Lei, can we inform you?" Tianci said politely.

"Senior Lei? Are you talking about our patriarch? Who are you? Is our patriarch the one you can see?" one of the warriors shouted sharply.

Another warrior stopped me, "No matter who you are, it is not impossible to see our patriarch. As long as you are better than our elders, you will naturally be qualified to meet our patriarch. Of course, if you want to see our elders You must enter the village, and if you want to enter the village, you must beat us!"

Tianci turned her head and glanced at Qin'er, Qin'er nodded, as if there was such a rule.

"Hehe, you two, we know Senior Lei, and I hope you can tell me that the Godsend Duke of the Welsh Empire has come to ask to see him!" said Godsend with a slight salute.

"What duke and duchess? Over the years, many noble princes have gone here. How can we know them all? Now there are only two ways in front of you. One is to beat us and go in to challenge the elders, and the other is to lose Wherever you turn your head, go back and forth!" The warrior said unceremoniously.

It's okay not to report the title, but this time the other party regards himself as the person who came to win over Sunset Villa.

"Stinky boy, I've already said that I'll take you in directly, why bother?" Qin'er walked up and said impatiently.

Tianci shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "I think it would be better for me to come forward this time! I will come to the door with formal etiquette, which looks more solemn, and I can take the opportunity to propose marriage! How did you know that you still have this rule here? It's your hometown, I don't want to show off my power here!"

"Showing off your power here?" The two warriors couldn't help laughing. Seeing Tianci's appearance, there are 25 and [-] at most, and they uttered such wild words.

Hearing the word proposal, Qin'er blushed slightly but was happy in her heart, "Why is it so troublesome, I'll take you in, as long as you see grandpa...after seeing grandpa...you can figure it out yourself!"

Speaking of which, Qin'er turned sideways to let Guo Tianci come forward, and said loudly to the two warriors, "I am the second princess of Sunset Villa, step aside, my friend and I want to go in to see grandpa!"

"Second Princess of Sunset Villa?" The two warriors were stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "Second Princess of Sunset Villa? We grew up here, Second Miss, Second Miss, we have heard it a lot, but this is the first time for Second Princess. Here, hahaha!"

"Yes, Erniang, Second Aunt, Second Mistress, I often hear about it too! Second Princess? Hahahaha!"

Qin'er was ashamed, and her face darkened, "Presumptuous!" After saying that, she moved her hand slightly, and a token of Hongxia appeared in her hand, and she lit up at the two warriors, "Open your dog eyes and let me see clearly!"

As soon as the token came out, the two were shocked!

"This... such a big token... even the tokens of the elders are not as big! Could it be... Could it be the token of the patriarch?" The two were dumbfounded in surprise.

"See it clearly, let the princess get out of the way if you see it clearly!" Qin'er put the token behind her back and was about to step forward.

"How did you have the patriarch's token?" The two warriors suddenly realized that the current patriarch is Lei, and the person in front of him is obviously a little girl.

"This is mine, it was given to me by my grandpa! You guys are so bold, you still didn't give way when you saw my token. When I see grandpa, let him break your dog legs!" Qin'er said a little annoyed.

The two warriors looked at each other, nodded at the same time, even more in front of Qin'er, and stretched out their hands, "Where did you steal the token in your hand? Return it to us quickly, and then explain clearly to our elders, otherwise don't Blame us for being rude!"

Qin'er was taken aback, did she steal it?

The warrior didn't allow Qin'er to answer, and even rushed up to snatch the token behind Qin'er.



Tianci frowned, and two soul attacks came out instantly.

The brains of the two warriors went numb, and there was constant ringing in their ears. Their eyes suddenly went dark and they could only see countless golden stars twinkling.The body immediately froze in place and could not move.

While the two were in a daze, Tianci quickly pulled Qin'er back and hid behind him.

After a few breaths, the two still didn't come back, Qin'er was annoyed, how dare she snatch her own token?Xiao Suibu stepped forward and slapped each of them.Seeing that the two of them hadn't woken up yet, Qin'er slapped each of them again.

"Okay, Qin'er!" Tianci stepped forward to hold Qin'er, and took two steps back.

After twenty or so breaths, the two will calm down. Tianci weighed it in his heart, and they probably have the strength of a fifth-level warrior!After the two woke up, there were bursts of pain on their faces.The two immediately understood what had happened, looked at the three teenagers in horror, took out a bamboo tube from their backs, and pulled it out forcefully.


A loud bang pierced the silence in the mountains.

Call reinforcements?Tianci smiled wryly, and wanted to step forward to explain, but now it seems that there is no need, they have already positioned themselves as the enemy to attack.

Without taking a few breaths, more than 30 young men ran down the stone steps, each holding a weapon.

"What's the situation, what's the situation?" A young man in the lead yelled and rushed down, coming in front of the two warriors.

"Oluofu, the three of them have come to invade our Sunset Villa!" one of the warriors shouted in panic.

"Yes, and that woman, she actually has our patriarch's token in her hand!" Another warrior pointed at Qin'er.

Everyone didn't take it seriously when they heard that the three of them were coming, but they were all shocked when they heard that Qin'er was holding the patriarch's token in her hand.In particular, the warrior Orov, who was the leader, was even more surprised, and grabbed the warrior, "The patriarch's token? Do you really see it?"

"It's absolutely true, that token is so big, it's three fingers longer than the elder's, and no one else has it except the patriarch!" The warrior said while gesturing.

It appears to be true!
Orov let go of the warrior, took two steps forward and stood in front of Tianci, looking at Qin'er behind him, "Girl, is what he said true? Can you show me your token!"

"Hmph!" Qin'er lost her temper and turned her head away.

"Qin'er, show him, they must have made a mistake!" Li'er stepped up to persuade him.God gave a wry smile, how could it be wrong?This is clearly Senior Lei's token!

"Look carefully, look carefully, whose token is this!" Qin'er stretched out the token in her hand, and turned the token engraved with the words 'Second Princess Qin'er' towards Orov.

Seeing it clearly, everyone's faces were distorted with anger!
"Bastard! How dare you destroy the patriarch's token privately!" Orov was fine if he didn't look at it, but he was furious when he saw it.Lightning shot towards the token.

"Touch! Touch!" There was a slight sound.Orlov took two steps back sharply, looking down at his aching chest.

Tianci had already made preparations. As soon as Orlov stretched out his hand, Tianci moved at the same time. With a shrug of his shoulders, Orlov's outstretched arm bounced away, and he clenched his fists with both hands and hit Orlov's chest.Two punches hit the unsuspecting Orov's chest heavily.

"Z! Z!"

Orov's grudge spread instantly, and the long sword appeared in his hand with a slight movement of his palm.The surrounding youths spread out to make room.

"Qin'er, Li'er, stand back!" Tianci waved his hand, and the Misty Stone sword appeared in his hand.It is impossible for the other party to listen to my explanation quietly, and the only way to solve it is by force!
"Get out of the way!" Orlov roared and rushed up.

Tianci sneered, and the long sword struck a sword flower in his hand.

"Bump!" The two swords collided, and lightning splashed everywhere.Tianci turned his wrist, and the long sword retreated along the impact, but the blade was always attached to the opponent's long sword.

The impact made Orlov's arm slightly numb, but Tianci took off [-]% of the force, and his arm didn't respond except for the impact!
The sword turned over, and the long sword that was pressing on Orov slid away to the side!

Not to be surprised, Orov's long sword was immediately withdrawn, and at the same time, at some point in his left hand, he stabbed Tianci's shoulder again with a fighting spirit sword.This is just to force Tianci back or seriously injure Tianci, and has no intention of taking Tianci's life.

Just as Ningjian pierced Tianci's clothes and was about to pierce into the skin, Tianci's body leaned back violently, and the violent speed made his body almost at a right angle.

The long sword pierced through the clothes and pierced through the air.

Tianci, who was standing on the stone steps, was about to fall backwards. Suddenly, Tianci stretched out his hand, grasped Orov's fluttering sleeve with incomparable precision, and pulled hard to regain his footing.

Orlov was shocked and couldn't help but took a few steps back.

The two sides confront each other again!

Orov was a little annoyed, he was the most outstanding of the younger generation, and he won the first place in this year's youth competition yesterday, but today he suffered a small loss in front of so many people in the competition with a person who has no fighting spirit!
"Kill!" Orov rushed down again.

Tianci faced the battle carefully this time, especially wary of his two long swords.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!..."

The long swords clashed, and the two sides fought for more than 30 rounds in an instant.The two sides have advanced and retreated several times!This is not like a competition on flat ground, this is a competition on stone steps, if the foot staggers slightly, it may lead to failure.

Tianci has practiced on wooden stakes since he was a child, especially for stone steps.And Orov practiced in Sunset Villa since he was a child, and the rough road along the way was their practice ground. To them, there was no difference between stone steps and flat ground.This time, the two of them are lucky, they really meet each other!

The long sword is flying, and the fighting spirit is overwhelming!
The light is shining, and the gold is ringing!

After more than a hundred rounds, the two still couldn't decide the winner.People around are dazzled!

Orlov trembled in his heart!I was attacking down the stone steps, and I took advantage of Tianci's location, and I didn't take advantage of it after so long.If it's flat ground, wouldn't he lose a bit?What's more, the opponent didn't use grudge at all, if he used it, wouldn't he be defeated for sure?Are you still the most outstanding person of the younger generation?

"Snap finger!"

While Orov was in a daze, Tianci suddenly clasped his left hands together and stabbed at Orov's chest with his index finger tense.With the powerful momentum and speed, the fingers directly broke through the defense of Orov's chest, and the fingertips pointed towards his chest.

The fingers suddenly exerted force, and a strong force pierced directly into Orov's chest.Shaking its internal organs.At this moment, Orov's chest was in severe pain, and he felt sick and wanted to vomit but couldn't, his eyes were staring like a purple gold coin. . .The body retreated involuntarily.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably!


The young people next to him panicked and rushed up together to support the crumbling Orlov.

"Listen to me, we didn't come to fight, we really came to find Senior Lei, and this is indeed Senior Lei's grandson..."

"They damaged the patriarch's token, and marked Orov as an unforgivable crime! Let's go together, capture them and hand them over to the elders!" One of the warriors suddenly roared to interrupt Tianci's explanation.

"Okay! Go!" All warriors responded at the same time.

More than 30 warriors unfolded their fighting spirit at the same time and drew out their long swords to surround Tianci.Fortunately, the stone steps are wide enough not to stand on the slope grass.Looking at the level of grudge, they are all around level five.


Twenty long swords stabbed at Tianci, and the other ten stabbed at Qin'er and Li'er.

The long sword in the palm of Tianci flew in the air, blocking the long sword in front of him.At the same time, he frowned and his eyes widened.


"Dang bang! Dang bang! Dang bang..." More than a dozen long swords fell to the ground, and the fighters who stabbed at Qin'er and Li'er fainted at the same time, as if they had been knocked half by a heavy object, and passed out immediately.The body slowly fell on the stone steps and rolled down.

If it was like an explosion, it would probably stun Qin'er and Li'er at the same time as the warrior was stunned.At that time, although these fighters will be in a daze for a short time, they still don't know if they will hurt Qin'er Lier after inertia, so Tianci simply concentrates on shaking the fighter who attacked Qin'er Lier to death.

But at the same time, the other [-] long swords came pointing at Tianci.

The long sword cut horizontally to block the long sword coming from the front, and at the same time, the body leaped to the left to make the long sword attacking from the right miss.The long sword turned around hard but it was too late to block the long swords on the left and behind.Concentrating again, he counted again until the soul attack flashed out quickly, knocking the three warriors who were aiming at his vitals into unconsciousness.

The long sword fell to the ground, and the three bodies rolled down the stone steps like wooden stakes.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!..."

The seven long swords pierced Tianci's body in the end, but fortunately none of them were critical, and the opponent had no intention of taking Tianci's life, so the stabs were not very deep.

The seven warriors were shocked at the same time, they did not expect such a result!I couldn't help admiring Tianci from the bottom of my heart, and I couldn't help pulling out the long sword in my hand.

"Puff puff!..."

Blood spurts!

"God-sent brother!"

"Stinky boy!"

Qin'er and Li'er panicked and ran up to hug Tianci at the same time.

Tianci didn't speak, but closed his eyes, and the blue light from his whole body radiated out, healing the wounds one after another.The wound wounded by fighting qi was extremely large, but there was no obstacle in the face of the most mysterious source of life.The wound is healing quickly.

"You guys, damn it!" Although Qin'er and Li'er knew that Tianci had life magic and these wounds were not serious at all, seeing the wounds all over their bodies still made their hearts ache.Looking at these warriors, Qin'er and Li'er could see fire in their eyes!

"Boom!" There was a slight sound.

A strong cold air burst out from Qin'er's side in an instant, expanding involuntarily.The surrounding grass was immediately frozen to death.

The warriors were shocked, and the fighting spirit in their bodies exploded again.

The cold air enveloped the warriors, and began to penetrate into the battle qi. How could the poor fifth-level battle qi be able to block Qin'er's cold air with the profound meaning of softness?Not long after, the twenty or so warriors standing there began to tremble, and their lips began to turn purple.The palm trembled and the long sword could no longer be held. . .

"You hurt brother Tianci in seven places, and I will return it to you!" Lier was also angry this time, and the wind blade above her head had already started to tremble.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!..." Seven wounds appeared on all warriors at the same time.

The sound of screams resounded!
"In the Sunset Villa, is it a place where you wait for Xiaoxiao to be presumptuous?" Suddenly there was a violent roar from the top of the stone steps, and the roar reverberated and trembled everyone's hearts.

Two figures suddenly appeared in the white cold air, and they patted Qin'er and Lier's shoulders with their palms.





Two screams!

(End of this chapter)

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