Godsend Field

Chapter 420 Proposal

Chapter 420 Proposal
Qin'er and Li'er stood relatively close, and the magic unfolded instantly without giving the warriors any chance to think.Facing the attack of the two mages, the warriors couldn't hold on any longer, and their bodies were covered with scars!
"In the Sunset Villa, is this the place where you wait for Xiaoxiao to be presumptuous?" Suddenly there was a violent roar from the top of the stone steps, and two figures flashing lavender fighting spirit flew down, stretching out their palms to Qin'er and Li I patted my son on the shoulder.

Tianci stood still, but smiled coldly.

Yu'er, who was originally in Li'er's arms, ran onto Li'er's shoulders as soon as the fight started. Seeing that the two palms were about to attack, but Qin'er and Li'er were not ready to defend, Yu'er's four little paws exerted force , the body soared into the air, and the moment it left the shoulder, a little flame fox separated from the body.

The two little foxes stretched out their long and sharp nails at the same time, and greeted the two palms.

"Touch! Touch!"

The sharp nails pierced through the fighting spirit defense and directly penetrated the fleshy palm.

"Ah! Ah!" Two screams, the figure quickly jumped back and stood firm.The two should be around sixty years old, but they look like ordinary people in their forties, and their hair is only a little gray!Looking down at the injured palm, although it was pierced, there was no bleeding, only a smell of burnt flesh.Although this injury is not very serious, within a short period of time, this hand will be useless.

After the cold air dissipated, Qin'er and Li'er looked at the two great sword masters opposite, feeling annoyed in their hearts, "The mighty great sword master unexpectedly attacked us! Yu'er, come back, let's see how we teach them a lesson this time!"

Qin'er swung her staff horizontally, "Mirror!"

"Bing Bing Pound!" There was a slight sound, and the entire stone steps were covered with a layer of ice in an instant. The ice layer continued to increase, and the stone steps were filled in a few breaths, forming a huge sloping ice layer!The ice was smooth and flat, reflecting the light in the sun.

Only the place where Tianci and Qin'er Lier stood was still stone steps.

"Oops!" More than 20 warriors suddenly couldn't stand on the ice slope, and their bodies swayed and slid down.Yu'er put away the flame avatar, lay on the ice layer, and slid down the slope while spinning.

"Boo! Bass! Bass!..." The warriors reacted quickly, inserting the long swords in their hands into the ice, barely keeping themselves from slipping.

"Get out!" Li'er shouted, and the wind blades that were as long as palms slapped and slashed towards the wrists of the warriors.Level [-] battle qi can't resist the mysterious wind blade at all, if you don't let go, you can only sever your wrists!
Without thinking, all the warriors let go at the same time except for the two great sword masters.There is no long sword, no support point for the body, plus the fatigue of its own injuries.The warriors suddenly fell on the ice and slid down.

The Great Swordsman exploded all over his body, stomping heavily on the ice, causing a big hole to rot in the ice instantly.

There were only five people left facing each other under the stone tablet.

"Li'er, you are the main attacker!" Qin'er said fiercely.Lier nodded, and the wind blades flying all over the sky flew again.While Qin'er kept repairing the ice layer and causing trouble for the other party, a large number of water droplets flew towards the two along the wind blade.

The water droplets were cut into pieces instantly when they hit the wind blade, and the uncontrollable water droplets exploded and spread the cold air, impacting the two great sword masters!
The two great sword masters who were respected and respected in the past are really miserable now!The palm has already been injured and its strength has been greatly reduced, and at the same time it has to overcome the unfavorable terrain.The highly compressed wind blades had already caused them a lot of trouble, and the all-pervasive cold air attack made it even worse!

There is no way but to support it hard!

Qin'er and Li'er stepped up their offensive again, but the opponent still resisted tenaciously.The opponent only defends and does not attack, and Qin'er has no good solution for a while.

"Stinky boy, why do you dare to stand there, why don't you stun them for us!" Qin'er suddenly yelled.

"Qin'er, stop, it won't be easy to explain if you fight again!" Tianci persuaded.This time I came to visit someone, and besides, this is also Qin'er's hometown.The boys in front said they would fight, but these two great sword masters should have a certain status and seniority, and it would be ugly if they froze!
"It doesn't matter so much, let's defeat the two of them first!" Qin'er said angrily.

Tianci hesitated a little.

"Aw~~Aw~~" There was a sudden roar, and a strong coercion was suppressed out of thin air.The two great sword masters stiffened all of a sudden.

"Freezing Technique!"

Qin'er put her hands together, and the two stiff sword masters were instantly frozen in two ice coffins.

Yu'er had already run up, walked around the ice coffin twice, and then ran to Qin'er's legs, rubbing her small head against Qin'er, her big tail wagging.Obviously, this is showing merit!
"Yu'er is still reliable!" Qin'er picked up Yu'er and pouted at Tianci and hummed.

"Crack! Crack!" the voice of Bingsha.

An old man with gray hair stroked his beard and appeared at the top of the ice surface. He stepped onto the ice surface. When the soles of his feet touched the ice surface, the ice surface naturally shattered.

Looking at his leisurely posture, it doesn't look like he is stomping on ice!
God-given consciousness spreads out and naturally understands everything, eighth-level great swordsman!Level eight battle qi is itself aggressive, so as long as the battle qi is released from the soles of the feet, breaking the ice is naturally not a problem.If Qin'er's slope still affects the seventh-level great swordsman, it will have no effect on the eighth-level great swordsman!
"You two girls have the strength of a seventh-level magician at a young age, and there are only a handful of them in the mainland. You do have the capital to look down on the mainland. It's so unwise!" While speaking, the old man had already arrived in front of the ice coffin, clapped his hands on the ice coffin, and countless cracks opened like spider webs.

"Crack!" The two ice coffins shattered at the same time.The two great sword masters were a little weak at this moment, but they still saluted immediately, "Elder Bernard!"

"You have nothing to do here, go back and heal your wounds!" Elder Berner said lightly.

The two great sword masters were ashamed, saluted again, turned and walked towards the villa.

Elder Berner looked at the twenty or so long swords stuck in the ice, "I don't know what kind of conflict you have had with them, and I don't want to know now. Our Sunset Villa has been based on the continent with fighting spirit for thousands of years, and we don't welcome them. The magicians come, I hate them even more to cast magic here, because... this is a provocation to us!"

Faced with the provocation that hit the door, the host will naturally not tolerate it!
"Elder Berner, listen to our explanation first!" Tianci said anxiously.

"No need! I have to deal with the provocation first. As for why we fought, if we are wrong, I will naturally apologize to you!" Elder Berner's face was serious, his eyes fixed on Qin'er and Li'er, and his hands It hangs down, but the sleeves are bulging as if they can emit sword energy at any time.

If it was a level seven great swordsman, Tianci might feel at ease to let Qin'er and Li'er join forces to deal with it, but facing the eighth level great swordsman, they have no chance of winning at all!Tianci jumped and stood in front of Qin'er and Li'er.

"Young man, get out of the way!" Elder Berner waved his hand, "Don't worry, since they didn't hurt those people's lives, naturally I won't do anything!"

"They are my fiancées, do you think I can get out of the way?" Tianci raised the corner of his mouth, stretched out his right hand, a light door opened wide, and eight huge flame dragons flew out from it, floating above Elder Bernard's head, two Surrounded him in the middle with a dazed look, "If it's magic, then it's magic for me. Why don't Elder Bernard punish me too!"

The sky darkened instantly, dark clouds covered the sun, and the thunder and lightning were moving and active. . .

Elder Berner's face sank, his fists clenched tightly in his sleeves.The eight flame dragons on top of the head are very different from the magic that I have encountered in my travels in the mainland. Its appearance seems to be similar to low-level simulation magic, but I can clearly feel that they exude the breath of living monsters. And it is a very powerful eighth-level monster.

At the same time, a sense of awe emerges faintly, this feeling is like seeing a dragon clan!
One eighth-level beast can entangle him, and two can kill him, not to mention there are eight more on top of his head!

Elder Berner's face was livid, should he make a move?If he didn't make a move, it meant that he was subdued and afraid, and the face of Sunset Villa would be lost from then on.If you do it, you will die first in a few rounds!
no!Even if it is death, these three people must be dragged together, and the face of Sunset Villa must not be lost!

Elder Berner made up his mind, his hands in his sleeves were already in the shape of swords, and several sword auras could be emitted when he raised his hands!

Tianci seemed to sense something, and was about to pull the flame dragon down to block himself and Qin'erlier, when suddenly.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!..."

Eight sword qi flashed over.Directly cut the eight flame dragons in the air into two sections.The flame dragon suddenly turned into countless flame fragments and fell down, and the powerful monster breath also disappeared.

The sword energy didn't stop, and continued to fly towards the distance.

"Golden sword energy?"

The three of them were surprised at the same time by God!
Elder Berner also turned around, and an old man with white hair and beard appeared in front of his eyes.

"Great Elder!" Elder Bernard saluted respectfully.

The Great Elder nodded and looked at the three Tianci.

"Ninth-level sword emperor!" There is such a ninth-level sword emperor in Sunset Villa!Tianci and Lier were slightly surprised.Without Brother Ao's Inverse Scale Armor, he is no match for the ninth-level Sword Emperor.Yu'er jumped onto Tianci's shoulder, screaming strangely, clenched her little paw, as long as he dared to make a move, she would kill him herself!

"Hmph, besides my grandfather, there are three Sword Emperors in our Sunset Villa, don't you know!" Qin'er said proudly.

The Great Elder's ear twitched, "Oh? You actually know the details of our Sunset Villa? This is a secret that is hidden even from us and only the elders know. You little girl actually knows?"

"Of course I know, because when I asked Grandpa, he didn't dare not answer!" Qin'er became even more proud, and stepped forward, "Grand Elder, don't you know me?"

"You are?" The Great Elder narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin'er carefully.

"I'm Qin'er! Qin'er! When I was a child, every time my grandfather carried me to the villa, you were the one who came first!" Qin'er said excitedly, and showed her token.

"You are Qin'er! Didn't you study magic in the Welsh Empire and Rafal?" The elder finally remembered.

Eighteen changes in the women's college, not to mention I haven't seen her for more than ten years, I really don't recognize her!

"Hee hee, this time I'm with Smelly...and the Duke of Welsh Empire, Tianci, to visit the Three Great Empires, passing by nearby, so let's take a look!" Qin'er said with a smile, pointing to the Tianci next to him, "This It is the Duke of Tianci, he and my grandfather also know each other, he is here to visit my grandfather specially this time, and...then...some things I want to discuss with my grandfather!"

The more Qin'er spoke, the lower her voice became.

"So that's how it is!" The Great Elder nodded, needless to say, he could guess about seven or eight points of the matter here.Slightly step aside, "Since you are a distinguished guest of the Welsh Empire, please come inside!"

"Great Elder, please!" Tianci said modestly.

The Great Elder turned his head to look at Elder Berner, "It was all a misunderstanding just now, you go tell the people just now that this matter is a misunderstanding, don't reveal a single word to the public, otherwise it will be dealt with according to the clan rules!"

"But Great Elder, the movement of the magic just now..."

"Do you have any questions?" The Great Elder's face darkened, Elder Berner stopped talking, and lowered his head to deal with it.

The Great Elder led the way in front, and when he walked up the stone steps, there was an open flat field. Nearly a hundred teenagers were sweating on the open field with heavy iron swords in their hands.Behind the flat land are neat houses.The flat road in the middle of the house is surrounded by green trees and flowers, and the environment is very elegant.

The Great Elder didn't speak along the way, and led the three of them towards a large courtyard next to them.Everyone along the way saluted respectfully when they saw the Great Elder.

"That's the Elder's House!" Qin'er pointed to the yard ahead and the attic inside.

Go inside the attic and sit down on the right.Two maids served fragrant tea!

"Great Elder, I'm here to visit Sunset Villa and Swordmaster Lei this time, and I have something important to discuss! I wonder if Swordmaster Lei can meet?" Tianci said respectfully.

The elder took a sip of tea, "It's a coincidence that Duke Tianci came here. The patriarch originally practiced in closed-door training in the villa, but Vicoli came to visit a year ago. Soon the patriarch brought the second elder and Vicoli together. We left the villa together and have not returned yet!"

Master is here too?They left together?
They are probably studying together how to break through the holy level!

Hearing that Grandpa was not in the villa, Qin'er immediately became disappointed, and grabbed the corner of her sleeve, "Dead Grandpa, he is not there when he should be, and always pesters him when he shouldn't be there!"

"Hehe, how about this, since Senior Lei is not here, then I will tell the Great Elder and other elders the same!" Tianci said with a smile, looking at Qin'er.

"Oh? What's the matter?" The Great Elder asked curiously, and casually called the people at the door to come over, "Go and call the other elders over!"

"Yes!" The martial artist at the door ran out.

"Cough! Cough!" Qin'er suddenly coughed, and beat her chest pretending to be uncomfortable. "Just now I had a competition with two great sword masters, and I seem to be a little bit out of breath! Great elders, you talk first, I will go to the grandfather's room to rest Already!"

As she said that, Qin'er blushed and pulled Li'er to run outside the living room.

The Great Elder didn't stop her either. Qin'er was not familiar with the village, but she was very familiar with the Elder's House!This attic is the residence of the patriarch, the lower part is the hall to discuss business, and the top floor above is the place where the patriarch rests.A few years ago, Sword Saint Lei brought Qin'er with him every time he went in and out. Qin'er was still a child at that time.When discussing village affairs, Qin'er went up to rest and play.

"You need to rest when you have a bifurcation, but I don't have a bifurcation. I still have to listen to Brother Tianci to discuss something!" Before taking a few steps out of the living room, Li'er struggled to get rid of Qin'er's pull.

"What's so nice!" Qin'er blushed even more.

"It sounds good, of course it sounds good!" Li'er said intentionally, and whispered in Qin'er's ear, "Don't you want to know? Well, I'll go and listen. How about I pass it on to you after listening?"

"What's so nice, I don't want to know!" Qin'er twisted her body and said unnaturally.

"Don't you really want to know?" Li'er asked with a smile, "Really, don't you really want to know?"

"I..." Qin'er was a little at a loss, and she really wanted to hear it, but this kind of thing. . .Isn't it too embarrassing if you are here?

"Okay, if you don't go, I will go by myself!" Lier said and walked towards the living room.

"Li'er!" Qin'er hurriedly grabbed Li'er's hand and whispered, "The attic can go upstairs through the door at the back. I know there is a hidden compartment where I can eavesdrop on the conversation inside!"

"Okay!" Li'er's eyes lit up, and she immediately regained her spirits, "Let's go!"

"En!" Qin'er nodded, eavesdropping wouldn't be so embarrassing!

There were only two people left in the living room, Tianci and the Great Elder. After a while, another seven elders came in, one of whom was Elder Berner.The seven looked at Tianci and sat down on their seats.One of them was sitting under the Great Elder, full of energy.According to Qin'er, apart from Lei Jiansheng, there are three other sword emperors, namely the Great Elder, the Second Elder and this elder.The Second Elder left with Lei Jiansheng and Master Vicki Li, then he must be at the peak of the ninth level, and the first elder and him must be at the beginning of the ninth level!
"Duke Tianci, these are the elders of our Sunset Villa! Elders, this is the most outstanding young talent on the mainland today, the Duke Tianci of the Welsh Empire!" the elder introduced.

"Duke Godsend! This old man has also heard about it. He led the Northwest Army to resist the orcs at a young age, and his reputation spread far and wide. I saw him today as a young hero. It's a great honor to meet him!" One of the elders said with a smile.

"I heard Bernard say that you were able to defeat Orov with martial arts alone without fighting spirit, which really surprised us old fellows! The martial arts of the Sword King Vikri is already unrivaled in the world, and you can be said to be the best in the world." And better than blue!" Sitting below the great elder, another elder Sword Emperor praised, and the elders beside him also nodded, only Elder Berna was a little upset.No matter what, Tianci was the one who threatened him and cut his face.

"Congratulations to all the elders!" Tianci stood up and gave a slight salute to the elders, especially Elder Berner, "Just now this junior was reckless and offended you below, here is a special compliment to all the elders!"

All the elders on the way here already knew about the matter above the stone steps. Although Tianci's approach was a bit provocative, they had already sincerely apologized, so they didn't care too much.Elder Berner's face also eased a lot!
The elder raised his hand in vain, and they all fell silent, "Duke Tianci originally had a discussion with the patriarch this time, but unfortunately, the patriarch went out a year ago. Duke Tianci wanted to discuss with some of us old guys, so I Call everyone to listen! Duke Tianci, our elders have arrived, you can speak!"

Tianci went to the middle and bowed again to the elders and elders, "In addition to visiting Senior Lei and the elders this time, there is another very important matter to discuss with you. That is the lifelong event of me and Qin'er!"

"Miss Qin'er is beautiful and kind-hearted, I am very fond of it! During the days of contact, we two are in love with each other, so I came here today to propose to Sunset Villa, hoping to betroth Miss Qin'er to me as a wife, I will I will do my best to love and love her for the rest of my life! I also hope that all the elders will give me permission!"

(End of this chapter)

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