Godsend Field

Chapter 421

Chapter 421
Facing all the elders in the Sunset Villa, Tianci Dao explained his reason for coming.This time I'm here to propose!
In the dark space, Qin'er could hear clearly, she was both excited and shy, her heart was beating thumpingly.

"Elders, because I have to go on an envoy to the Gran Empire and the Farland Empire under the order of my king, and I came in a hurry this time, so I didn't come in time to prepare the dowry. Please don't be offended! When I return to Will After the Si Empire, I will definitely prepare a generous dowry gift. Originally, I wanted to invite Senior Lei to be the master, but he happened to be out, and I don’t know how many years it will take to meet him this time, so I hope that the Great Elder and everyone The elders can decide to fulfill us! I hope you can send people to the Welsh Empire to support our wedding!" Tianci sincerely invited.

The great elder looked indifferent, and the rest of the elders were puzzled!
"Qin'er? That's called Qin'er?" One of the elders asked suspiciously, then turned to look at the elders next to him, "Do you know?"

"I don't know!" The other elders were also puzzled, looking at Tianci strangely.

Another ninth-level sword emperor elder stood up, "Duke Tianci, you have said so much in one breath, but the few of us are confused. Although there are many married women in our Sunset Villa, even the granddaughters of us old guys There are several great-granddaughters, but none named Qin'er? Did you make a mistake?"

Tianci is also confused now, if the guards at the foot of the mountain don't know Qin'er, it's fine, but how could these elders not know?Qin'er is Senior Lei's most beloved granddaughter. Senior Lei's doting on Qin'er is obvious to all. Others know best if they don't know about her.As the elder of Sunset Villa, how could he not know the granddaughter whom his patriarch loves the most?

Could it be that this senior Lei is a fake?Will not!That vindictiveness, that friendship with Dean Rafal and Master Vicari cannot be faked.

"Elders, don't you know Qin'er? She is Senior Lei's favorite granddaughter!" Tianci said hastily.

"The patriarch's favorite granddaughter?" All the elders were surprised. "I remember that the patriarch's favorite is only his great-granddaughter. It seems to be the girl whose nickname is Yingzi. Hasn't she been dead for 30 or [-] years?"

"Duke Tianci, you have to think about it before you speak!"

Tianci became even more puzzled, and the elders kept talking.

"Elders, please be quiet!" At this time, Elder Berner who was sitting at the back stood up, "Elders, please listen to me! Just now, Duke Tianci and our people had some conflicts under the stone plaque, and I I also asked Orov carefully about the reason. It was all because a girl of them claimed to be the second princess of our Sunset Villa, and she still had the patriarch's token in her hand. What's even more abominable is that she randomly carved words on the back of the patriarch's token , so Orlov got angry and started fighting!"

"Boom!" The elders immediately became agitated, all very annoyed.

"Is this okay? Damage the patriarch's token! Who did it, I will definitely not spare him!"

"That's right, destroying the token of Sunset Villa is tantamount to making us enemies, we must not be lightly forgiven!"

"Duke Tianci, please hand over that girl and the token of our patriarch!"

Godsend was shocked, secretly screaming that it was not good!

"That's enough, shut up!" At this moment, the Great Elder suddenly roared and jumped up.All the elders suddenly fell silent!

"Duke Tianci, I didn't know you would tell me about this matter! Otherwise, I wouldn't have called other elders to listen to your wasted words!" The elder's face was blue, "We don't have the one you mentioned called Qin'er in Sunset Villa." Girl, and the patriarch is not here, so your trip is in vain, you better go! If the patriarch comes back, I will naturally tell him that you came to find him!"

The Great Elder flicked his long sleeves and saw off the guests!

"Wait!" At this time, the elders were unwilling, and one of them stood up, "Great elder, we can ignore their troubles, but we can't ignore the patriarch's token!"

"Yes, they must hand over the tokens and severely punish those who damage the tokens!"

Except for the great elder, all the elders were filled with righteous indignation.If it's something else, the Great Elder can do whatever he says, but this matter must not be left alone!
Looking at this atmosphere, Tianci regretted in his heart, if he knew it would be like this, he would not come!

"That's enough, give me peace!" The elder became annoyed, and slapped the table heavily. "This matter is settled like this. Let them go. I will be responsible for anything or the patriarch's blame!"

"Great Elder, that's not what we mean! The tokens of ordinary people in Sunset Villa cannot be leaked out, let alone the tokens of the patriarchs, which is even more important. It must not fall into the hands of outsiders!" The elders did not agree , stood up and protested.

Now even the Great Elder is out of control, the clan rules are like this, no matter how old I am as a Great Elder, I can't beat the clan rules!
"Hey! Everyone sit down! The patriarch's token did not fall into the hands of others, the words on the back of the token were engraved by the patriarch himself!" The elder sat down slowly.

"What?" All the elders stared wide-eyed, "So... so that girl is from our Sunset Villa? Why haven't we heard of it?"

The great elder nodded, then shook his head again.

"Great Elder, what is going on, you should tell us!" The elders were all anxious.

Tianci also looked at the elder curiously.

The Great Elder stood up and paced back and forth in the living room, frowning tightly, "Speaking out this matter may affect the reputation of our patriarch, I hope everyone here will not leak it after listening, otherwise don't blame me The men are ruthless!"

The crowd nodded.

The Great Elder walked around two more times, and finally made up his mind, "Everyone, do you still remember the extermination of Earl Delvaux in Losey Town more than 20 years ago?"

The elders nodded, "Earl Delvaux's great-grandfather and our patriarch have known each other since childhood, and it is said that he has kindness to our patriarch. And the murderer who exterminated the family really dared to commit crimes under the patriarch's nose! But then again, he is too cunning, and we haven't found any clues yet!"

"Oh, that was made by the patriarch himself!"

"Ah! The patriarch killed the Delvo family himself?" All the elders were amazed. "How could the patriarch kill the Delvo family next time? Didn't he still plan to marry Yingzi to their young master Delvo?"

"It's absolutely true!" The Great Elder hissed for a long time, "The story started when she was in her 20s! At that time, Yingzi was traveling when she reached the sixth level of strength under the personal training of the patriarch. During her travels, she met They met a young mercenary, and they fell in love quickly. The mercenary also came to Sunset Villa with Yingzi, but his fighting spirit was too low, and Yingzi had just passed level six, so there was no way to bring him in. So I arranged him in the inn, and returned to Sunset Villa first."

"You also know that the Delvaux family has some connections with our patriarch. Although their great-grandfather is dead, the patriarch still wants to marry them. Who knew that an unknown mercenary appeared out of thin air. Although the mercenary did not see Yes, but I heard from Yingzi that his talent for fighting spirit is not very good. And Master Delvaux has a good talent for fighting spirit, and he is also a top-ranking person. He respects the patriarch very much, and he admires Yingzi very much. So one can imagine the anger of the patriarch at that time!"

"And Yingzi was also stubborn. The patriarch disagreed with her, so she said a few words that hurt the patriarch's heart, and then ran away privately. The patriarch lost his anger and sent someone to look for it immediately, but they couldn't find it. It took about two years. In time, Yingzi came back again, and she said that she had been married to that mercenary for a hundred years, and the mercenary was captured by Master Delvo, who was furious. Yingzi begged the patriarch to save him, but the patriarch didn't believe it at the time Master Delvaux would do such a thing, but Yingzi begged hard, and the patriarch finally agreed to leave after two days. Who knew that nothing could be found after arriving, and Yingzi passed out immediately!"

"Ah! At that time, the doctor found out that Yingzi was five months pregnant. In order to let Yingzi rest at ease, the patriarch built a house at the entrance of the Sunset Mountains and asked me to search for it with all my strength. After some investigations, I learned that It turned out that the mercenary was really captured by Master Delvaux, and he was tortured to death the day before the patriarch went. After hearing this, the patriarch regretted it very much. Later, the news was known to Yingzi somehow, and he vomited blood and passed out. Died, then gave birth prematurely, and had dystocia... In the end, only one baby girl was saved! And Yingzi thought it was the patriarch's delay that killed the mercenary, and he refused to forgive the patriarch even before he died!"

"Yingzi is the patriarch's most beloved great-granddaughter. Yingzi's death has hit the patriarch hard. The patriarch has been self-enclosed in the house for more than half a year. I asked a farmer who had just given birth to adopt the baby girl temporarily. When the patriarch walked out of the house The first thing he did was to exterminate the Delvaux family, leaving no one left. When the baby girl was weaned, the patriarch took her by his side to take care of her carefully. It can be said that Yingzi and the mercenary married each other privately. After being certified by the family, this baby girl could not enter the family tree. Later, I thought of many ways to arrange for her to enter the family, but when she was about four years old, we discovered that she did not have the talent of fighting spirit, but the talent of water element is very strong! "

"Elders, you all know that the babies born in our Sunset Villa, regardless of whether they are good or bad, are all talent for fighting spirit, and have never had talent for magic. Based on this alone, she cannot enter the family tree. That is, from that time From now on, the patriarch traveled around the world with this baby girl in order not to make everyone suspicious, and rarely came back. Even if he came back, he would talk to me about the clan affairs in private, without disturbing anyone. So you elders, you never know!"

"Hey! I have never seen the patriarch treat anyone so well. Even Yingzi back then is not as good as this baby. I think it may be because the patriarch himself is somewhat apologetic. The patriarch's token you just mentioned, later The patriarch carved the words with his own hands, and with this token, no one can hurt this girl named Qin'er, otherwise I will be the first to spare him!"

Only then did the elders understand the reason!

"Duke Tianci, I have also heard about the good relationship between you and Miss Qin'er, but we at Sunset Villa can't come forward because we don't have this name in our family tree. Even if there is, it can only be Yingzi's illegitimate daughter. We can't tolerate this Facts, so please forgive us for not being able to acknowledge her existence. As for your wedding, we can only attend in the name of your friends at most, and cannot attend as relatives of Sunset Villa!" The Great Elder looked at Tianci and said helplessly.

Tianci nodded, that's all there is to it!

"Tianci, although the patriarch didn't let me keep this matter a secret, it is a disgraceful thing in our clan after all, so I hope you can keep it a secret. As for Qin'er, don't tell her. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can contact us directly. Said, if we can help you, we will definitely do it!" Daxing said with his fists clasped.

"Thank you!" Tianci returned the gift. "If there is nothing else, I think we should leave!"

"Brother Tianci, brother Tianci!" At this moment, Lier ran in in panic.

Tianci was taken aback, "Li'er, why are you here?"

"Qin'er, she...she..."

"What happened to her?" Tianci was surprised.

"We all... heard everything you said!"

"What?" Tianci's heart trembled, and he grabbed Lier's shoulder, "Where is Qin'er, where is she?"

"Qin'er ran out, and she was crying so much, go and have a look!" Li'er pointed outside.

Tianci rushed out of the elders' house without saying a word.The consciousness dissipated in an instant, and Qin'er ran crazily more than 500 meters away, her face was already full of tears.Yu'er followed behind without thinking.

"Qin'er, Qin'er!" Tianci shouted loudly.

Qin'er has already run before the stone steps, but her mind is blank, apart from being sad, she is still sad.His feet were empty, his body lost his balance, and he fell heavily on the stone steps and rolled down.

Yu'er screamed strangely, rushed up and bit Qin'er's clothes.

"Shh!" The sound of cloth cracking sounded, Qin'er continued to roll down, Yu'er spat out the rags in her mouth, rushed up again, and rushed in front of Qin'er to block with her body.Qin'er was going down very fast, and Yu'er was too small, so she didn't dare to use the mutated fire element and flame fox.Qin'er rolled over while holding Yu'er's small body, and continued to roll down. . .

The stone steps are very long. . .

Not caring so much, Tianci ran, and suddenly stretched out his palm.

At the stone tablet, weeds are growing wildly all around, and densely woven into a green net between the two pillars of the stone tablet.Qin'er's body hit the green net before stopping.

"Qin'er, Qin'er!" Tianci rushed up sadly, jumped down the stone steps three times in two steps, came to Qin'er and hugged Qin'er tightly.

Qin'er was in a trance, her hair was disheveled, and her face and body were bruised and purple from the fall.

"Qin'er, Qin'er!" Tianci pressed Qin'er's cheek and called eagerly.

"Woo~~woo~~wow~~" Qin'er burst into tears, holding Tianci tightly with both hands, crying sadly, "I...I...they lied to me...fake...wow ~~"

"What they said is false, not true!" Tianci patted Qin'er's back distressedly, comforting softly.

"It's fake...it's all fake...you lied to me..." Qin'er choked up sadly, unable to speak a complete sentence.

"Well, what they said is false, they are lying to my Qin'er, let's not believe them!"

"Fake...fake... woo~~"

At the top of the stone steps, eight elders lined up, looking down quietly.Li'er hurried down and squatted beside Tianci, looking sadly at Qin'er who was crying so hard, she couldn't help but shed tears.

After an unknown amount of time, all the elders above the stone steps had left, leaving only the Great Elder standing on it alone.Looking at this grown-up girl, the girl who is as beautiful as a flower and gifted with talent is the baby that he took away with his own hands that day!This kind of heartbreaking cry shook the great elder's benevolent heart, just like the baby who was born crying next to his deceased mother more than 20 years ago, it is heartbreaking!

In a flash, the figure of the Great Elder disappeared, and appeared behind Qin'er in an instant.The sword palm fell, and the crying stopped abruptly.

"The Great Elder?" Tianci looked at the unconscious Qin'er and the Great Elder.

"If you keep crying, I'm afraid she'll hurt herself!" The Great Elder sighed leisurely, "Heavenly, you should rest for two days and wait for her to calm down before leaving. I'll prepare a secluded room for you!"

Tianci hugged Qin'er and stood up, "Grand Elder, thank you for your kindness, I don't think so. Staying here will only make Qin'er more sad!"

After finishing speaking, Tianci moved his palm slightly, and a door of light appeared beside the great elder's astonished eyes, and the door of light slowly opened to a field of emerald green.

"Li'er, you and Yu'er go in and take care of Qin'er!" Tianci strode into the light gate.

Li'er nodded, wiped away her tears, stood up silently and walked into the door of light.

After setting up the tent and getting ready, Tianci came out with Bai Ying.The door of light is closed and submerged into the body given by God.

"Great Elder, I'll leave if I have nothing else to do!" Tianci turned over and sat on Bai Ying, with a slight effort on his legs, Bai Ying jumped down the stone steps like a white lightning bolt.

There has been such a road to and from Sunset Villa since ancient times!
Shiro Shadow galloped along the route he had come from.

Here is among the mountains, grass and trees are everywhere.Even without the help of Li'erqin'er's magic, just relying on life magic is enough to gently deal with all natural obstacles.

Along the way, Tianci met many people who came out to practice, and Bai Ying would always consciously walk around and not disturb anyone.

After running out for a long time, Tianci suddenly stopped Bai Ying, quickly opened the light door, walked into the light door with Bai Ying, and didn't even bother to close the door.Qin'er has come to her senses, lying in the tent and weeping silently.

"Qin'er, Qin'er!" Tianci rushed into the tent.

"Wow~~" Seeing Tianci, Qin'er burst into tears again, struggled to rush forward, and hugged Tianci tightly.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Tianci hugged Qin'er and patted his back gently.

"I... nothing... the second princess... I... am... a private... daughter! My mother... grandpa...he...he..." Qin'er Choking.

"No, no!" Tianci comforted.

"Yes...I...yes..." Qin'er wept sadly.

Tianci gently pushed Qin'er away, holding Qin'er's face with both hands, "Listen to me, you are nothing, you are my Qin'er, you are my favorite Qin'er! Did you hear that, you are My favorite Qin'er!"

"I... brat!" Qin'er rushed forward, hugged Tianci tightly, and hugged her tightly.

"It's okay, it's okay! Calling me brat means you're okay!" Tianci stroked Qin'er's hair, and pressed his cheek tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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