Godsend Field

Chapter 432 Bamboo Forest

Chapter 432 Bamboo Forest
The heavy dark clouds were finally overwhelmed, and the light rain fell down gradually, becoming heavier and heavier, and it turned into a downpour in a short while.Pedestrians on the road quickly hid in the nearby shops.The most uncomfortable one is probably the stall owner, who picked up the cloth on the ground, tied it at the four corners, carried it on his shoulders, and ran home.

There are many people standing on the wall under the gate of the city wall.

"You heard, the Eagle Chamber of Commerce seems to have disintegrated!" In a corner, a middle-aged man said to his companion.

"Disintegrated? How is it possible!" The companion's eyes widened, and the people around him also looked over curiously.

The Eagle Chamber of Commerce spanned the four empires and spread across the corners of the mainland for more than a hundred years. Its strength and influence are not comparable to that of the Chamber of Commerce. How can it be said that it disintegrated?
"What did I lie to you about? My sister works as a waiter at the general meeting of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce in our Empire. I went to visit my sister last month, and she secretly told me! And this is a secret of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, and it has not been announced yet. Yes!" the man said braggingly.

"Come on, your sister is just serving tea and water. If it's a secret, I won't let her know!" The companion sneered.

"My sister also overheard it when she was pouring water for them. Believe it or not! It will be announced in a few days, so don't be surprised!" The man became a little angry, turned around and ignored it.

In a corner not far away, Tianci and Qin'er Li'er heard it clearly, and they looked at each other and couldn't help feeling emotional.

To be able to disintegrate the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, only Hua Lao can do it on the mainland.Now Mr. Hua let go of everything and Xuetong to enjoy the world of two people.

"It's such a pity to disintegrate like this!" Qin'er said in a low voice.

"I can understand Hua Lao's mood! With such a huge monster, who else can control it without deviation? I think the reason why the four great empires allowed the existence of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce is to see For the sake of Mr. Hua. Now that Mr. Hua has let go of his hands, any monarch will no longer rest assured of the financial power and influence of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce. Rather than letting others worry about it all day long, it is better to divide it. The empire will not suffer!" Tianci said in a low voice.

"After the division, is the Eagle Chamber of Commerce still the Eagle Chamber of Commerce?" Qin'er regretted.

"No, the current Eagle Chamber of Commerce is just four larger chambers of commerce that are not related to each other. It is just a name but not real!" Tianci also felt sorry, but he was helpless. What comes down is just a legend, a legend that can never be surpassed!"

The rain is getting less and less, and people who don't want to wait have already put their clothes on their heads and ran to their respective places.

Taking advantage of the light rain, Tianci and Qin'er Lier also braved the rain and ran towards the inn not far ahead.If it was normal, I would probably choose the best inn to live in, but now it is no longer possible, and a heavy dark cloud floats over from behind.

The inn is relatively small and relatively cheap. Tianci only spent one purple gold coin to cover the top floor of the small attic.In addition to the five guest rooms on the top floor, there is also a living room in the middle. The windows of the living room are wide open, and you can just see the view of the city.

"Guest officer, you really know the goods. Although our inn is small, but my location is good, especially on the top floor..." the shop waiter introduced eloquently.

"Okay, we got it! Go and help us get something to eat!" Tianci said.

"Okay!" The waiter went down.

"Stop!" Qin'er suddenly stopped the shop waiter, and threw a purple gold coin, "Go to the best inn to buy for us, and then buy some special snacks from your place, and the rest is your traveling expenses!"

The waiter's eyes widened, he even forgot to answer and ran out.

The raindrops fell like beans and made a ticking sound. Tianci and Qin'erlier tasted the unique snacks in the city and looked at the hazy rain curtain outside.

"Brother Tianci, why don't we just leave without saying hello to Nolan Shangji?" Lier asked.

Tianci smiled slightly, "I told Nolan last night that I would come back as soon as I went, but he insisted on following me. I can't lock him in a different space. It's okay, after we went to the Infinite Forest Hurry to Marcel immediately, and I will definitely meet Nolan!"

"You can't blame Nolan for this. Who asked your brother to give him such an order? If it were me, I would follow you every step of the way to keep my head!" Qin'er said with a smile.

After eating, Tianci cleared the table and took out the map to make gestures, and Qin'er and Lier came over curiously.

"The Infinite Forest is the border between the Gran Empire and the Farland Empire. It stretches for a long time, but there is only one entrance, which is the glorious town on the side of the Gran Empire. Basically, the Knights Templar of the Illuminati Cult are stationed here. We Now this city can be reached in less than two days by walking to the northeast!" Tianci said, rubbing his wrists easily, "Didn't I promise you to take you around the Infinite Forest when you are free? Now it’s finally coming to fruition!”

Qin'er pouted, "It's nice to say, in my opinion, you clearly want to go!"

Tianci chuckled, "Whoever wants to go is fine! But let me explain one thing in advance. The Infinite Forest is a place for elves. I don't know if they will allow us to enter. If they don't let you two Come in, don't blame me!"

"Hmph, do you have the confidence that they will let you in?" Qin'er said dissatisfied.Lier next to her tugged at Qiner's sleeve, "Brother Tianci is the possessor of life magic. Based on this alone, I think the elves will invite him to enter the infinite forest!"

Qin'er walked to Tianci's side, stared at Tianci's ears carefully, and stretched out her hand to rub. . .

"What are you doing!" Tianci avoided.

"I'm checking to see if your ears are sharp, and now I'm beginning to suspect that you're an elf!" Qin'er said solemnly.

"Pfft!" Li'er couldn't help laughing, she had done this before.

Tianci looked at the two of them angrily, and pointed to his ears, "Look, look, are my ears pointed or round? If I were an elf, my parents wouldn't raise me like this when they picked me up. It’s big! It’s already been sent to the Church of Light and returned to the Infinite Forest!”

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" There was a knock on the door.

"Your Excellency, we can set off to the Infinite Forest!" Nolan Shangsi said respectfully.

There was no reflection in the half-day gate.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Still no response!

"My lord, may the Duke be too tired from sleeping..." said an aide beside him.

"Probably not! Have you called the two ladies?" Nolan asked.

"The doors of the two ladies are also closed, and they won't open no matter how hard you knock!" the staff replied.

The two ladies don't open the door either?Nolan's heart sank, could it be. . .He paced back and forth anxiously, knocking on the door from time to time, but there was no response from the door.

Is it. . .

Nolan couldn't bear it anymore, and slammed into the door forcefully. The door was half-buttoned and opened when he slammed it.Nolan staggered a few steps and stood still. There was no one in the house, only a letter was left on the table.

Click!Nolan's heart sank, he opened the letter and read it. . .

"My lord, should we go after him now?" asked the aide.

"What are you chasing after? By the time we reach the Infinite Forest, the Duke has already gone to Marseille!" Nolan lowered his hands weakly, "Let's go, we'll go directly to Marseille!"

"Yes!" The staff members walked out.

Looking at the empty house, Nolan sat weakly on the seat, my lord duke, my lord duke. . .

Guanghui Town is probably the most famous town on the mainland!

In addition to the fact that there are the Templars, the only military headquarters of the Illuminati Cult, it is also because this is the only window for communication between humans and elves.

The population of the town is small, with a fixed population of less than 5000 people, but there are nearly [-] people in the town every day.In addition to some people who came here for fame or people who wanted to see the elves, there were also many businessmen who rushed over from all parts of the mainland to trade with the elves.

The elves use the potpourri wine, green mellow wine and some special products they brew to exchange some daily necessities with humans, such as exquisite wine glasses, high-quality cloth, and even dwarves. bow and arrow.

It is well known that dwarves are good at wine, but the wine brewed by elves is not what dwarves like.The dwarves are rough and bold, and like to drink and eat meat on weekdays.After a long time, wine worms grew in their stomachs. Ordinary sake is as bland and tasteless as well water. Only those strong and fragrant spirits can satisfy the wine worms in their stomachs and make them feel that what they are drinking is wine.The daughter red wine produced by the Nalta Inn in Valencia, Spain, is the best among spirits!

The elves have a gentle temperament, love cleanliness and yearn for peace.The wine they brew is all brewed with natural flowers and plants in the infinite forest. The wine is light and clear, with a mellow aroma in the mouth, even after drinking it, there is still a lingering fragrance between the lips and teeth.Because the wine-making materials are all in the infinite forest, they are nourished by the mother earth tree and have strong vitality. Therefore, the wine brewed by the elves is said to have the effect of strengthening the body and prolonging life.In particular, Baihuaxiang has the special effect of maintaining beauty and beauty. If a woman drinks it from an early age, she will age at least 20 years later.Therefore, the wine of the elves is very popular with humans, especially the noble ladies can't put it down.If there can be wine from the elves in every banquet, then this banquet must be a very important banquet or have very important people to attend.

The wine production of the elves has always been low, far from meeting the needs of all the nobles in the mainland, so the price remains high!
Five miles away from Guanghui Town, a military camp is conducting drills.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, more than 40 people are gathering to discuss something.

"From tomorrow onwards, the elves will come out to trade. Many big chambers of commerce and nobles from various empires will send people here, so you should bring your own team. As long as they are law-abiding, you should not provoke them, but once you find them There is no mercy when there are abnormal movements or plots against the elves, and when they touch the female elves! Also, you have to be careful when patrolling, and you must not use any forks, understand?" One of the generals roared loudly.

"Understood!" More than 40 big men shouted in unison.

"Very good, the squad leaders should go back to training, and the squadron leaders stay here for a while, let's discuss the areas each squadron is responsible for!"

The squad leaders all left in a hurry, leaving only three squadron leaders.

"Tick! Tick!"

The raindrops fell from the eaves.

Pushing open the window of the living room, a gust of fresh air came oncoming.

"The rain has stopped, we can go!" Tianci shouted to the house next to him.

"Well, it's been raining for two days, and I'm almost suffocating!" Qin'er was lying on the bed in her pajamas, stretching her limbs.Lier had already gotten up on the bed next to her. After tidying up, she opened the door and went out.

"Li'er, you're going to die!" Qin'er hurriedly pulled up the quilt to cover her body.While raising his hand, an ice wall appeared at the door of the room, blocking Tianci's gaze from looking in.

Out of the city gate, the three of them walked along the official road, because they didn't want to be too ostentatious, so they didn't call Bai Ying immediately.

The weather after the rain is not so fresh. The smell of earth and grass that cannot be smelled in ordinary times fills the space between the sky and the earth. There is even a colorful rainbow hanging in the sky not far away.

This is already a relatively remote city, and there are not many people coming and going.

Two or three miles away from Tianci three people, there is a bamboo forest, and the bamboo forest is green and green all over the mountains and plains.

"Let's go, go pick mushrooms!"

"I want to pick bamboo shoots. Last time I picked them, my mother said they were delicious!"

A group of twelve or thirteen-year-old children, led by an older boy, happily ran out from behind the three of Tianci and ran towards the bamboo forest.

"They are?" Lier asked, blinking.

"You don't know that!" Qin'er was proud, "Whenever it rains, a lot of mushrooms and bamboo shoots will grow in the woods, especially in the bamboo forests. The local people will come to collect them and eat them back. Sell ​​it! I used to pick bamboo shoots to eat with... when I was young!"

"So that's the case! Let's go too!" Li'er opened her eyes wide. She grew up either in the Northeast or Northwest, or in the capital, and rarely saw bamboo, let alone bamboo shoots.

"Okay!" Qin'er took Li'er's hand and ran behind the children, and Tianci followed anyway when she was free.Yu'er was lying on Tianci's shoulder listlessly, this kind of vegetarian food grown in the field is only eaten by inferior animals. . .

Sure enough, there are all kinds of mushrooms and countless bamboo shoots growing between the bamboo forests.A lot of bamboo shoots are very big!
"Li'er, pick the small ones, the smaller ones are tender and delicious! The big ones are basically not edible!" Qin'er said.

"Oh!" Lier threw the big one in her hand on the ground, "This one has grown so big, why didn't anyone pick it up when I was young? What a waste!"

"No one would brave the rain to pick it yesterday!" Qin'er laughed.

"Yesterday? You mean they grew so big in just one day?" Lier was surprised.

"Yeah, what's so strange about it! Haven't you heard of the bamboo shoots growing taller after the rain? Of all the plants, only bamboo grows the fastest among all the trees! It takes about a year to grow to this height. Well, it's about to catch up with the brat's life magic!" Qin'er said.

Tianci picked up the bamboo shoots that Lier had dropped on the ground, and put them in his hand to watch.The bamboo shoots are as long as an arm, and the layers are like a tower. The outermost layer is the hardest but seems to be aging and falling off, and the front is the tenderest and softest.

Tianci weighed it twice, and instantly spread a clear light, the faint blue light nourished the bamboo shoots, and the bamboo shoots grew slowly again.Tianci observed carefully, layers of bamboo shoots grew at the same time, each layer grew rapidly, and gradually grew into knotted bamboo poles.Tianci has controlled many trees, but none of them are as fast as bamboo shoots.

The rest of the trees only grow from one end, but the bamboo shoots are different, they are divided into several sections and grow at the same time, and the growth speed is also several times that of other trees.

"Stinky boy, what are you playing, why don't you come and help us pick it together!" Qin'er yelled as she watched the bamboo shoots in Tianci's hands turn into bamboo poles.

"Oh!" Tianci plunged the bamboo pole into the ground, and ran over to pick bamboo shoots with Qin'er.

After working for a long time, Qin'er and Li'er picked a lot of bamboo shoots.

"Brother Tianci, you open the different space, let's plant bamboo shoots in your different space!" Lier suggested.

"Okay! When the time comes, the bamboo forest will grow. I will water it with magic, and I will eat fresh bamboo shoots every day!" Qin'er immediately agreed.

Tianci opened the different space, and the three happily ran to the different space with bamboo shoots in their arms.The grass is fragrant in the different space, but there is no tree.Qin'er and Li'er neatly planted the bamboo shoots on the grass by the river.It seems that only a small piece of bamboo shoots were planted. Qin'er and Li'er continued their efforts and picked a large pile and planted them. Seeing the two of them sweating profusely and refusing to rest, it was like tidying up. Your own home is average.Because of the large space, Qin'er and Li'er deliberately left a large gap between each row of bamboo shoots.

After a busy day, a large piece of bamboo shoots was planted in the different space.Each bamboo shoot stands on the grass with its white and tender head.Looking at the fruits of their labor, Qin'er and Li'er jumped up happily.

"Shower Rain Technique!" With Qin'er's tender cry, light rain suddenly began to fall on the bamboo shoots, and the rain gradually became heavier, watering the newly planted bamboo shoots.

Qin'er is next to the small river, and the water element is very dense, but the bamboo shoots don't grow anymore under the heavy rain.

"Bamboo shoots grow quickly, but it takes a long time to reach the stage of bamboo, at least a year!" Qin'er said regretfully, and let go of her hand.The heavy rain stopped instantly.

"What's so difficult about wanting a bamboo forest?" Tianci came over and spread his hands, a blue light flashed instantly.The bamboo shoots in the front row trembled slightly, their roots went deep into the soil, and began to grow one by one.

A large amount of blue light nourished the growth of the bamboo shoots very fast, and the few breaths in the front row grew into a wall.The second row of bamboo walls stands upright, the third row, and the fourth row. . .

Godsend was stunned!
In the past, the control of trees was still grass, the growth rate was not as fast as that of bamboo, and I didn't feel any difference, but today I saw that the rows of bamboo walls were smooth, as if they were catching something layer by layer. . .

Life is short and endless.Go on and on, Yu Gong moves mountains!

(End of this chapter)

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