Godsend Field

Chapter 431 Gas

Chapter 431 Gas
On the country road, the grain on both sides has been completely harvested, and the farmers are busy lighting the straw and spreading the ashes evenly in the farmland.According to some old farmers, if you take the fruits of heaven and earth, you must return something to others, and the ash can keep the land warm in winter, and it can also be integrated into the soil, so that the next year's crops will grow as well. It will be even better!
A glamorous young woman walked along this path with the support of a white-haired old man.

"Are you really willing to leave like this, and leave your little friend alone?" asked the beautiful woman.

"It doesn't matter, I can't control it anymore, the rest depends on his luck!" The old man glanced back at the green hills in the distance, "Do you still remember that you have proposed to go out with me several times over the years, but I didn't Willing to leave the col?"

The beautiful woman nodded, "Didn't you say you have a mission to complete, have you completed it now?"

The old man nodded with a smile. Maybe his mission in this world is to use his own knowledge and insights to help someone solve problems. "It's done, it should be done! The next time is for the two of us. It has nothing to do with us, we don't care about anyone, just the two of us!"

The beautiful woman smiled happily, lowered her head against the old man's thin body, and a teardrop fell out of her eye socket!

Meditation is all about concentrating on perceiving a strange element, an element that attracts you!Magicians have strong magical talents, and they are naturally sensitive to certain elements.When they are five or six years old and able to do some simple things alone, it is not difficult for them to feel the existence of these elements as long as they sit quietly and meditate, and then they can establish a certain spiritual connection with them through practice, thereby Use their power to unleash magic.

Roland practiced the fire element, Li'er practiced the wind element, Qin'er practiced the water element, etc., all started like this!

Tianci sat quietly, and all kinds of movements in his consciousness no longer attracted Tianci's attention!
A grass withers, a grass sprouts!
A monster dies, a beast is born!
An old man dies, and a baby arrives!
What is the balance between these?

The war has never stopped for thousands of years, and even in the bloodiest moment, human beings have not become extinct.The years of peace are always short, but human beings have not expanded rapidly because of this. . .

Plants, animals, warcraft, orcs, elves, humans. . .

All creatures between heaven and earth. . .

What exactly is the vitality in Hua Lao's mouth, and where is it reflected?What form?Is the life element also a small particle like the fire element?Or is it like the wind element is a state of motion?
Can't see it, can't touch it!


What Mr. Hua described to himself was unbelievable, but so reasonable, it seemed to explain everything, but it was so illusory when applied. . .

All things are born because of vitality, and die because of the departure of vitality!
Blue light is only a part of vitality. It can control plants, strengthen the body, and even create life forms, but it cannot endow souls. . .

Many long-lost images flashed in Tianci's mind.

The lush growth of the snow-covered Yilin Mountains in the Northeast Province, the grassy atmosphere of the Imperial College lawn, and the desert wind and sand in the Northwest Province. . .Gobi, fields, green hills, ravines, lava. . .

In the soil next to the rock, a tender grass raised its head with difficulty, pushing away the stone above it with its petite body.Under the sunlight, the tender grass stretched to its fullest. . .The raindrops moisten the land, the tender grass grows slowly in the fertile soil, the sun and the moon change, the morning dew and the sunset glow. . .The emerald green gradually faded. . .The blades of grass are starting to turn yellow. . .

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness!where is thisTianci looked around in surprise, but couldn't see anything.

The ten thousand zhang light suddenly flashed out, piercing Tianci's eyes sorely, and the eyes turned white with Venus shining.Hastily raised his arms to cover his eyes.

Rubbing his eyes, Tianci slowly opened his eyes, and stood on a boundless meadow.As the breeze blows, all the grass lowers their heads neatly, undulating like layers of green waves.

"Skelth?" Rhine, who had blond hair like a lion, roared, his face was full of anger, his eyes were like two sharp swords, and layers of energy emanated from his body.

"Rhein, what are you doing? Don't you see that Lannades has obviously stopped?" Scholes said dissatisfied.

So familiar!Tianci turned around abruptly, father, indeed it was father!Could it be that I have entered the dreamland I dreamed in the cave of Yier Village again?Tianci looked behind his father, and there was indeed an injured old man, holding a huge two-meter-long staff, lying on the ground panting, and raised his head from time to time, it really was Lannades, the one respected by the Guangming Cult as Lanardus, God of Light!

"Sikles, do you really want to meddle in our affairs?" Rhine's long sword pointed at Skels.

"Rhein, we've been together for so long, why don't you let him go? And you also know that you can't completely make him disappear!" Scholes stood in front of Lannades.

"Hmph, it's up to you whether you can disappear or not!" Rhine waved his hand casually, and countless golden sword auras emitted from the long sword, rushing straight towards him whistling.

The golden sword energy still passed through Tianci and continued to fly towards Scholes on the opposite side, as if passing through the air.

Scholes flicked his long sleeves, and the weeds in front of him suddenly stretched out a wall, and for a moment, it seemed that they didn't need to grow at all.

It is the life magic of the father, this simple grass wall can block Rhine's golden sword energy!Tianci turned his head and looked at it confidently.

"Puff puff!..."

Countless golden sword qi directly penetrated the wall, smashing it to pieces.The sword energy continued to fly towards Scholes and Lannades without any momentum left!
"Father!" Tianci yelled.However, at this moment, Scholes and Lannades suddenly disappeared in front of them, and countless golden sword qi also disappeared at the same time.Tianci turned her head in surprise, and Rhine didn't know where she went behind her.

Gone, all gone!
Turning his head, the surroundings were quiet, even the breeze disappeared.

In front of Tianci, there was only the dilapidated wall cut by countless golden sword qi, suspended in mid-air.

Tianci walked forward slowly, reaching out to touch the wall made of green grass.There was nothing at the beginning, and the entangled grass collapsed when it touched Tianci's fingers, turning into a faint green gas floating.

Isn't this grass?
Tianci continued to touch, and opened his palm, hoping to catch it.Same as before, once the palm touches the green wall, the green wall is like a weathered building, and then shatters into strands of faint gas, floating in the air and disappearing. . .

Grass turned into gas!
Is this a dream?Looking at the general remnant wall, Tianci sat weakly on the grass.Father!What exactly is your field of life!

He closed his eyes, opened them again, and returned to Shiyan.

"Brother Tianci, what's wrong with you?" Li'er and Qin'er squatted beside Tianci and looked at Tianci with concern.

"Me?" Tianci asked, using blue light to nourish his already numb legs, "What's wrong with me?"

"You called 'Father' loudly just now, do you want to go home?" Qin'er took Tianci's hand.

Father!Qin'er and Li'er probably don't know that they are calling their biological father, Skelth, not their father, An Rui!
"Hehe, I want to go home a little bit!" Tianci looked at the caring eyes of the two and smiled slightly, "How can I marry my duchess if I don't go home?"

It turned out to be for this!Qin'er and Lier's little faces turned red all of a sudden!

"Since we want to go home, let's leave early!" Lier lowered her head and whispered.

"Okay, I'm going to say goodbye to Hua Lao, and the blood pupil saint!" Tianci stood up and was about to leave, but was suddenly pulled by Qin'er, and turned around, "What's wrong?"

"Brother Tianci, Elder Hua and Senior Xuetong have already left!"

"Gone?" Tianci was surprised.

"Yeah, half a year ago, Hua Lao said that you were meditating and asked us not to disturb you. We still didn't believe it, but you couldn't get up as soon as you sat down. Hua Lao and Senior Xuetong said that they would go out and wander, and they wanted us to chat with you Hello, let you do it yourself!" Lier said.

Tianci nodded, "As expected, Mr. Hua has gone on a tour... three years... five years... ten years?"

"Oh, by the way, brat, Hua Lao asked us to say something to you before he leaves!" Qin'er raised her head and thought, "Life is short and endless. Go on and on, Yugong Yishan!"

"Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains!" Tianci said silently.

"What does this mean?" Lier asked curiously.

"This is a story that Mr. Hua once told the children, and I was there at the time. He said that there is a village in a valley, and they don't know how to fight magic. Every time they go to the city, they have to go around a village. The high mountain is very inconvenient. Later, the village head led the villagers to move the mountain. A passerby saw it and laughed and said that you don’t know how to fight or magic. How is it possible to move the mountain? The village head answered him, I’m dead My grandson continued to move, and my grandson died, my grandson’s grandson moved, and one day, year after year, the mountain will be moved away! This story is called Yugong Yishan!" Tianci explained.

"Hee hee, this story is so interesting!" Qin'er and Li'er said with a smile, "If it were me, I might as well cultivate to the great magister quietly, and then destroy the mountain with a magic spell!"

Tianci Pangpeng each gave Qin'er and Lier a shudder, "I know you are amazing, so let's go!"

Qin'er and Li'er walked towards the house with Tianci arm in arm.Nothing has changed in the house. Qin'er and Li'er care about Tianci and live near Shiyan these days, so a lot of dust has settled in the house, and there are even spider webs in the corners.

"Although Mr. Hua won't come back again, let's clean it up!" Tianci pushed the house away and walked in.

The three of them worked together, and quickly cleaned the room as a new one.

"Brother Tianci, look what this is!" Li'er in the inner room suddenly called out.Hearing the sound, Tianci and Qin'er walked in quickly, only to see that Li'er was holding a delicate box in her hand. The box was made of pure metal, and a figure was recessed on the top of the box.

"This is an inner lock! I'm afraid you need a special key to open it!" Tianci took the metal box in his hand and broke it hard, but nothing happened.

"Why does this figure look so familiar?" Qin'er frowned and looked at the sunken pattern on the top of the box, flipped her hands and took out a piece of green jade, the size and shape were just right.

"Isn't this a gift from Senior Xuetong? Is this a key?" Tianci said in surprise.

Qin'er carefully put the emerald jade on the top of the box, it fit perfectly!Press hard.

"Crack!" There was a slight sound, and the lid of the box was lifted.

Great!Tianci opened the box. The wall of the box was very thick, and there was only a small amount of capacity inside. A ring lay quietly inside. It seemed to be a space ring.Taking out the ring belt in his hand, Tianci frowned slightly, turned his palm, and a large handful of space rings appeared in his hand.

"So many rings!"

Tianci and Qin'er Lier put the rings on their hands one by one, their faces were stunned!


Purple gold coins, full of purple gold coins!Each ring is a space of nearly one hundred square meters, all of which are filled. . .So much wealth. . .I am afraid that even the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Welsh Empire will be dwarfed by it!

Put all the space rings back into the rings.

"Stinky boy, I think it was given to you by Mr. Hua! Otherwise, he wouldn't have given me this key!" Qin'er took out the emerald jade and carefully put it away.

Tianci picked up the space ring, it was heavy!
After instructing the villagers to come and clean Hualao's room every day, Tianci and Qin'erlier reluctantly walked out of the col.Yu'er was playing around, and now she came back from sitting lazily on top of Bai Ying's head, sniffing with her little nose, she suddenly became energetic, her little paw pointed forward, and her big tail patted the back of Bai Ying's head.

In the forest, Bai Ying wanted to avoid the trees, and his speed was greatly affected. Yu'er suddenly became dissatisfied, and four small claws kicked on Bai Ying's forehead, and his body flew forward like a ray of fire.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

All the trees blocking the front were suddenly broken, and the huge canopy fell to the ground.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er appeared on Tianci's shoulder, rubbing against Tianci affectionately.

Walking slowly, Bai Ying followed after a while. With Shiro Ying, he has speed!It didn't take long to come to the official road, and in a while you could see the city walls of Edinburgh!

Taking Bai Ying into a different space, Tianci and Qin'er Li'er walked into the city gate arm in arm.In the embassy of the Grand Empire, Nolan Shangsi was bored reading a book and drinking tea.The staff next to him were also chatting without saying a word.

"Master Nolan, you are so free now!"

Nolan Shangsi was startled, the book in his hand fell to the ground, he didn't bother to pick it up and ran to the door in a hurry, suddenly became excited, "My God-given Duke, you are back!"

Nolan welcomed Tianci into the living room.Knowing that they were going to talk about something serious, Qin'er and Li'er went to sit in the garden next to them.The staff also quickly arranged good housing for the two.

"I read books and drink tea every day. I haven't seen you for half a year, and I seem to have gained a little weight!" Tianci bent down to pick up the book, jokingly said.

Nolan Shangsi had a bitter face, "You're still fat! It was so hard for me to find you, and Jason didn't take me to find Mr. Hua. Later, their Saint Xuetong told me that you had a private matter and asked me to wait at the embassy." I sent a letter to His Majesty, and His Majesty said that if you don’t show up, my lord, I can’t move anywhere. If something happens to you, my lord, I will kill myself and apologize...”

"Hehe, how can it be so serious!" Tianci smiled and patted Nolan on the shoulder, "Has anything happened in the empire recently?"

Nolan nodded, took out a stack of papers from the interspatial ring and handed it to Tianci, "Not only does it belong to our empire, but news about other empires is also here!"

Tianci took it one by one and looked at it, frowning from time to time. The imperial army as a whole has undergone major adjustments. Some generals who used to belong to the eldest prince have been dismissed, demoted and punished, and many of them are the mainstay of the military.At the same time, Chen Wu was appointed as the Northwest Army Counselor and went to the Northwest. The Northwest was stable and the orcs would not come again. The Northwest Army was in a state of rest, so why send a Counselor at this time? . . .After reading it, he returned the paper to Nolan, "I see, you all should get ready, we will set off for the Spanish Empire tomorrow!"

Nolan nodded, and immediately went down to prepare to go.

Tianci sat on the chair and leaned against his back, stretched out his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and rubbed it gently.

"Are you tired? Do you want to rest?" Qin'er and Li'er walked in.

"It's not that I'm tired, I got some recent news about the empire, do you want to hear it?" Tianci put down his hand.

"What news? We're not interested in the empire!" Qin'er pouted.

"Chen Wu and Gru got married, and Nero personally bestowed the marriage, and it was held at the Duke's Mansion!" Tianci said.

"Ah!" Qin'er and Li'er were a little surprised, "Then let's make up the gifts quickly!"

Li'er also nodded, Chen Wu had to prepare a gift!

"Oh, you guys prepare an extra one by the way, Ayaka and Lan Xi'er are also married!" Tianci continued.

"Hmph, I have to prepare for you, so I won't prepare for her!" Qin'er waved her hands. Back in Imperial College, Qin'er and Lan Xi'er could be said to be enemies, and they would quarrel whenever they met. To fight.

"Oh, I thought she would marry Roland, but I can tell that Lan Xier really likes Roland!" Li'er said quietly, feeling a little regretful.

"What's wrong with Ayaka, at least he won't bully Lan Xi'er! As for Roland, he only has Adela in his heart, without Adela speaking, I don't think he even dares to look at Lan Xier!" Tianci sneered.

"Sneeze!" A sneeze came out.

"What's the matter? Did you catch a cold?" Adela asked with concern, "I told you not to practice at night. It's still so cold in this icy and snowy weather. It's no wonder you don't catch a cold in such thin clothes!"

"Hehe, it's okay! I just wanted to sneeze suddenly, not a cold!" Roland exhaled, "Only in this harsh environment full of hostility can I get the greatest improvement! Godsend is right, I was It's just borrowing the power of heaven, not my own ability, and using the power of heaven is too harsh and uncontrollable, except for the special situation in Saluo City last time, other situations are simply useless!"

"Then how is your cultivation going!" Adela asked.

"Hehe, great progress!" Roland smiled mysteriously, "By the way, you're going back to the Duke's mansion this time. Are the Duke and Dad okay?"

"Father is okay, feeding the horses every day, weeding and weeding, big brother will be in trouble, this time when I go back, big brother has lost a lot of weight!" Adela said helplessly.

"Did brother encounter any difficulties? Do you want us to go back?"

"No need, we won't be able to help you when we go back! My eldest brother was forced by His Majesty to raise purple gold coins every day, and he was not allowed to increase taxes. You also know that the treasury revenue is so much every year, and it is used for all kinds of things. It’s fixed, where are the extra purple gold coins! Big brother is crying for purple gold coins every day when he sleeps!"

"What does Your Majesty want so many purple gold coins for?" Roland asked strangely.

"How do I know? Eldest brother won't tell!" Adela stomped the snow under her feet fiercely. "When Tianci comes back, if I don't give him a good lesson, I won't be Adela!"

"What's the matter with Godsend!"

"That's his brother, who told him not to discipline his brother well!" Adela said far-fetched.

(End of this chapter)

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