Godsend Field

Chapter 497 Siege

Chapter 497 Siege
"My lord, the Knights Templar have stopped!" Adela opened the big tent and hurried in.

As expected!Tianci and Chen Wu looked at each other, they already knew about Tianci's promotion to level nine.Originally, they wanted to hide it for a while longer so that Seiya and the others could capture Valencia as soon as possible, but now it seems that it is no longer feasible.

"My lord, since they stopped, they must be ready to fight us. If your lord and Mrs. Qin'er can't go to the battlefield, we will be at a disadvantage. The situation is not very good for us!" Chen Fog sighed.

"Your Excellency, Commander Morning Mist, you don't have to be so discouraged. Even if they come to take the initiative to attack, let my regiment go. I can't guarantee anything else, at least the loss will not be big!" General Palmer said confidently , Parma was good at defense when he was in the Northwest Army, and it was defense in tough battles.

Tianci nodded, "That's what I mean too. Our mission was to hold back the Knights Templar, but we changed it because of special circumstances. Now that I can no longer go to the battlefield, the strategy should change accordingly!"

Chen Mist shook his head, "My lord, General Parma, don't forget that we have been chasing the fifteen thousand Templar knights in front of us from the beginning to the end, and they still have two hidden regiments that never came. They haven’t even appeared before! When we were chasing in full swing, their hidden regiment might have to take care of Valencia’s siege, but now they stopped to show that they are ready, and they will be invisibly The two hidden regiments have been released, and I'm afraid that before the fight starts on our side, Grand Marshal Seiya will be hit hard!"

this. . .The faces of all the godsends turned gloomy at the same time.

"Heavenly gift, let me lead a group to protect and support Marshal Seiya!" Adela stood up and asked for orders.The first regiment led by Adela had only 6000 people, while the second and third regiments led by Gelu and Palma each had [-] people.

"I think it's okay. The Knights Templar in front of us only has 5000 people. The second and third regiments should be able to hold them back and guard against their sneak attacks. Adela's regiment is going to support the Pingxi army! But Adela, although you have nothing to say about your martial arts skills, you don't know much about military strategy!" Chen Wu was a little worried, although for an army composed of strong men like the Guards and Knights Templar, There is no way to talk about the use of military tactics in a fight with an ordinary army, but in case of a fight with the Knights Templar, evenly matched tactics can still affect the outcome.

"I think so! Chenwu, you lead two regiments to hold down the Knights Templar! Adela and I lead a regiment to support Marshal Seiya!" Tianci said, "You must not let the fifteen thousand The Templars are approaching Valencia!"

If it is about mastering the art of war, it is a godsend when the morning mist falls in the bodyguard regiment!Chen Wu led the order, "Please rest assured, my lord, I will never let the Knights Templar come within two hundred miles of Valencia!"

The fierce competition is still going on in Valencia.The tall city wall has been damaged, and even the surface of the city wall has traces left by the impact of the boulder.The land below has turned dark red.

The horn of the retreat sounded, and the smoke of the day spread with the sunset.The loud shouts of killing were gradually replaced by the darkness.

"Generalissimo, it's still invincible!" General Planck walked in with a dusty face.

"Well, this Valencia is worthy of being a military important place. They built it really solidly, and they can't take down such an attack!" General Ashina said with emotion.

"It's so fucking suffocating, how long have we been here!" Samohan yelled.

"That's right, if we listened to our two brothers and came up and led troops to fight Seville, I don't believe they are still shrunk into this shell like they are now!" Samonen immediately patted his horse and followed.

"You two know what a fart!" Generalissimo Saiyan's face darkened, and the Samohan brothers immediately became honest.

General Jeske stood up, "Generalissimo, the siege battle is no more difficult than the charge of the two armies. It is the most difficult of all battles. The enemy's defense of the city wall can be said to have taken advantage of the situation, especially this Valencia! We fought Although the loss is not small now, it can also make the enemy pay a heavy price, which can be said to be good. The only thing we lack now is a final hammer that can break through!"

All the generals sighed secretly, if it was Godsend, then the situation would be different!

"Report!" A soldier rushed into the big tent, "Report to the Generalissimo, the sentry from the front is here to report that the Duke of Tianci is leading the personal guards, and I am afraid that he has already arrived outside the camp!"

Godsent Duke?Everyone in the big tent was stunned at the same time, and then they were pleasantly surprised.

"Quick, quick!" Marshal Seiya quickly stood up and ran out of the tent.

"Brother Tianci, I want to die! You are so famous now, even the Knights Templar are like a mouse seeing a cat when they see you, hahaha!" After walking a few steps, I saw Tianci striding over .

"Hehe, I'm also thinking about big brother and all the brothers!" Tianci smiled and nodded slightly to Seiya and the generals behind him.

"Didn't you say that you came with the bodyguards, why did you see you alone?" Marshal Seiya looked up at Tianci's back hard, and there was no bodyguards "Did Qin'er and sister not follow? "

"I did bring my personal guards here, and I only brought Adela a group. I asked them to stop three miles away. Both Qin'er and Lier accompanied Adela in charge of camping!" Tianci replied.

"Sanli? Brother Tianci, what do you mean? Could it be that my military camp here can't accommodate one of your regiment's personal guards? Or are you deliberately being polite to me, brother, or are you afraid that I will recruit this regiment of yours?" Seiya smiled and said angrily.

"What am I afraid of? These personal guards are originally your Northwest Army, Brother Seiya. I will return them to you after the fight!" Tianci said with a smile, "I brought them here this time because I was afraid that the Knights Templar would attack you. That's why it's better to be vigilant if you put some outside!"

Seiya patted Tianci on the shoulder, "Let's talk in the big tent!"

The crowd surrounded Tianci and walked into the big tent together, and the Samohan brothers raised the wine jar from nowhere and stuffed it into Tianci's arms.

"Brother Seiya, haven't you captured Valencia for so long?" Tianci put the wine jar on the table next to him and asked, "A few days ago we were able to chase the Templars, but not now. , I have already advanced and cannot go to the battlefield, and the Knights Templar have also stopped to compete with us head-on!"

"Have you advanced?" All the generals stared at each other in surprise.Originally, I heard that Tianci was the peak strength of the eighth level. If he advanced again, wouldn't it be the ninth level?
"Hey, our empire is really destined to unify the continent!" Samonen opened his mouth wide. "First, there was a magister Roland who killed us under the city of Salo. Your Majesty has surpassed the ninth level. Now, brother, you I have also reached the ninth level... how old are you, and I feel like I have lived on dogs for decades of cultivation when I am with you!"

"Hahaha!" After a while, everyone burst into laughter, "I feel the same, I feel the same!"

"Okay, big brothers, stop laughing and think about how to capture Valencia. I don't think the Templars will stand by and watch you waste like this!" Tianci said.

"It's not that we don't want to attack, it's really too difficult!" Saiya sighed, "Jesc, tell Brother Tianci!"

Jeske was ordered to explain the siege of Valencia these days, "Valencia is no bigger than the Sabir Fortress, it is so large that we can't divide our troops to surround it, and we don't have to worry about it because there is enough water and food in the city." We surrounded it. It's okay to say, the most terrible thing is this city gate, they sent a royal magician to guard it!"

"Royal magician?" Tianci was slightly startled, "Didn't His Majesty also send a court magician to join you?"

"Yes, His Majesty sent some court magicians with us, but there were no eighth-level magicians, and we shot and killed many of them. There is also a seventh-level magician, so the siege is closed. The obstacles they arrived at were not big. But the terrible thing was that they had four wizards guarding the city gate a few days ago, two of them were eighth-level, and they belonged to different departments. The magic shield is as fragile as thin paper, no one can approach the city gate at all, not even Grand Marshal Seiya!" General Jeske sighed.

Magic is different from magic shield. Magic can be superimposed on each other, but magic shield cannot.At the beginning, Tianci's first battle in the Northwest Province was to attack the scorching sun mercenary group.But the superposition of three sixth-level magics creates the effect of seventh-level magic.Four eighth-level spells fell at the same time. Although the range cannot reach the effect of the forbidden spell, it may be close to it in terms of power!
"Brother Seiya, is there nothing you can do?" Tianci asked.

If they charged and fought each other, perhaps the four mages would not be able to play such a big role, but in the battle of defending the city, their role will be highlighted.

"How can there be no way for such a long city wall, but now they are all well-equipped with soldiers and food, and we are now in a stalemate and consumption stage!" Saiya said.

Tianci frowned, the longer the delay here, the greater the pressure on the guards.

"Brother Tianci, since you brought the bodyguards here, I think it's better for you to participate in the siege!" General Jeske said, "Our two sides have suffered a lot from the long-term confrontation. If your bodyguards Being able to appear suddenly is better than being able to give them a blow, maybe they can take Valencia in one go!"

"This..." Tianci hesitated a little. Originally, his mission was to hold back the Knights Templar. If he did this, wouldn't he be involved in the war.If I don't intervene and continue to consume like this, I don't know how long the war will last, and I don't know how many soldiers will die during it!Stand up, "Okay, then I will go back and prepare now, and I will attack the city with everyone tomorrow!"


"Come on!"

The shouts of killing sounded again in Valencia, and soldiers rushed up like a tide.

"Fire arrows!"

On the top of the city, General Bakro is still personally directing the defense of the city.

Sharp arrows like locusts flew down the top of the city, and at the same time, sharp arrows and boulders below flew towards the top of the city.

"General, I think they seem to be different today. They seem to have allocated a lot of troops, so it's not like they are going to attack!" A guard next to him looked at the enemy below.

"The general attack is good! Since His Majesty sent us these four mages, the situation has been favorable to us. Let them charge, and we will kill as many as they come!" General Baquero waved his hand again, "Let the arrows go!" !"

Just like in the past, corpses fell to the ground or fell from the city wall, blood flowing into rivers.

"Look, general!" The guard suddenly pointed to the army below, and saw that the troops lined up in a row were suddenly cut off from the middle, making way for a passage, and a group of troops came out slowly, while hitting the fox claw gold flag.

"It's him!" General Baquero's eyes widened, and the muscles on his face stiffened. "Go and invite the four wizards, go!"

Adela rode high on the horse and watched the extremely tragic siege battle in front of him. He waved his spear in his hand and said, "Come on!"

"Come on!" The personal guards at the rear unleashed their fighting spirit at the same time, and rushed towards the city gate in the middle.All the members showed fighting spirit, which was especially obvious in the tide-like siege army.

"Shoot the arrow! Head over there!" The generals defending the city were all anxious, and hurriedly commanded.But the guards below were not afraid at all. How could such a sharp arrow hurt the high-level swordsmen who were full of fighting spirit?

Four figures of eighth-level mages have appeared on the tower of the city gate, holding staffs and mage robes fluttering in the wind.

Below Tianci and Qin'er stood side by side, while Li'er stepped onto the battlefield, holding the dying "Brilliant Cross Slash!"

"呵啦啦~~" With a trembling sound, dozens of wind blades flew towards the mages on the tower.

"Wall of Sighs!"

"Pfft!" Li'er's Brilliant Cross Slash pierced through the earth wall with difficulty, but there was very little remaining power.Although the earth wall was penetrated, it continued to block the mages.

Reddish in the air, gradually forming huge fireballs one by one.At the same time, a large number of wind elements gathered crazily!

"They are going to release magic! This is... the magic of ice explosion!" Qin'er exclaimed.

Tianci nodded, and the scattered consciousness had already locked on the opponent's fire magic and wind magic.When I was in Genoa, I was able to eliminate the fire magic of the Pavel wizard, and today I can eliminate the magic of these two wizards without any effort.

His eyes froze slightly, the azure blue returned to the midair, and the surging wind elements also disappeared.

"Ah! My magic!" The two mages on the city wall suddenly widened their eyes and panicked.The magic that he had prepared for a long time disappeared without reason, especially for the wind magician, there was no wind element around him.How is it possible, how is it possible!

"Frozen Rain and Stars!"

There was a sudden flash in the air, and countless ice dust reflected the light of the sun, like little stars, drawing a trace in the air and falling towards the guard group under the city.

"Wall of Sighs!"

"Shield of Burning Flames!"

"Mysterious ice mirror!"

Not far behind the bodyguard group, several court mages set up magic shields to block the bodyguard group.The ice magic fell on the magic shield, bursting and trembling, but did not fall.

"Meteorite Falls!"

Dozens of meteorites with a diameter of one meter suddenly fell in midair, falling together with the magic of ice, rain and stars.

"Boom!" The meteorite magic with the mysterious earth element collided with the magic shield and burst, and the power of the ice magic that also contained the mysterious magic doubled immediately.


The ice magic shield that came into contact with it first showed countless cracks and shattered at the same time.The remaining power of the magic continued to impact the fire magic shield and the earth magic shield below.

"Scatter quickly, the magic shield can't hold it anymore!"

The guards below suddenly became angry and scattered quickly.

"Boom!" Breaking through the magic shield continuously, the mixed earth and water magics finally fell to the ground and exploded, sending dust flying and the ground trembling violently.The turbulent air wave hit, and not all soldiers were knocked down.

Tianci took a deep breath. Fortunately, he restricted the magic of the two mages, otherwise the four magics fell at the same time, and the magic shield released by him might not even have time to resist.But even so, more than 300 personal guards did not have time to avoid being injured by the magic, and more than 100 died directly.

"No, I'm going to release magic again!"

"Hurry up!"

The light of ice dust lit up again in midair.

"Boy, hurry up, Li'er is still within the range of the magic!" Qin'er exclaimed, this time they released the magic obviously ahead.

Tianci's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared next to Li'er, he stretched out his hand to hold Li'er's waist and quickly returned to a safe place behind.

The court magicians also panicked at the same time, and it was too late to release the magic shield again!But there are a large number of personal guards below, although they are all scattered, but there are too many people. . .If the magic falls, at least a thousand guards will be killed or injured!

"God-given brother!" Lier turned her head and couldn't bear to look.

As soon as Tianci raised his hand, a magic barrier several meters thick was instantly constructed.Although he knew that the magic barrier couldn't stop the eighth-level magic, let alone the mixed eighth-level magic in the coming year, dozens of guards could escape if they could delay for one more second.

Two streams of magic roared down, and the magic barrier began to shatter. . .

Tianci tried his best to make up for the enchantment, but the power of magic is too great!The powerful impact force shattered the magic barrier.

"Boom!" The powerful magic suddenly stopped in mid-air and exploded.

Tianci was stunned for a moment, the magic barrier under the impact of magic under the divine consciousness did not shatter, and the triangles composed of four fire elements trembled, as if they would shatter if they added more force.

What's going on here, the magic enchantment actually blocked the eighth-level magic, and there were still two eighth-level magic?

The water-type earth-type magic exploded in mid-air, and the guards below took the time to disperse quickly.

"Wall of Sighs!"

"Shield of Burning Flames!"

"Mysterious ice mirror!"

Only then did the court magicians release the magic shield.

"Boom!" The magic enchantment suddenly couldn't support it and shattered. The powerful magic and the magic shield below hit the ground together, and the aroused air wave hit again. Weidu has dispersed.

"Huh! I'm exhausted!" Qin'er next to her suddenly bowed her body and gasped for breath. "I didn't expect my magic barrier to be able to block their magic!"

"Your magic barrier?" Tianci suddenly widened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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